I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 257: [Innumerable TV stations digging corners! 】

I am off work.

Zhang Wei came out of the leadership office and went back to his desk to take the bag.

The reason why he asked to increase the workload by two or three times, Zhang Wei certainly has his own plans, he may not be the same as other people, his goal is not to mix the days, nor wages and bonuses. To put it bluntly, his goal is fame. In all fairness, if Zhang Wei does two or even a talk show a week, that is, like his world, most talk shows are not all one week? With such a long broadcast time and width, the total popularity gained is certainly the most. With the passage of time and the participation of new audiences, more and more people will know that he likes him. But that’s the total popularity. It’s accumulated in a year and a year. If it’s been broadcast for seven days in a week, it’s tired, but in the short term, the popularity will definitely be much higher than the one-week broadcast. Zhang Hao certainly chose the latter without hesitation, because he was not prepared and did not intend to be on Internet TV for the past two or three years, because the world is different from his world news and current affairs, and also limited Zhang Hao’s many paragraphs. It is destined to say that there are not too many periods. In the simple and direct way, it is the fastest way to use the platform to get the name out first.

And the most important point is that the program broadcasts seven days a week, and the reputation value received will be much more than just the weekend broadcast. Zhang Wei also needs reputation to strengthen himself, such as recalling his world’s talk show, now The progress is still very slow, and it is still very rare. He needs more prestige to buy the memory search capsule, and strengthen the content of the talk show so that it can be a virtuous circle.

Many people in the office area have not gone.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "How have you not got off work yet?"

A recent graduate of his column group saw Zhang Hao coming, and he was busy and worried: "Mr. Zhang, you are watching." He pointed at the computer. "Someone also did a talk show."

Zhang Yiyi, then oh, "I see."

The lesbians in the other column group were angry and said: "It is a network TV program of our competitors, called "Chen Yanxiao Tan". Although there is no talk show on the program, the content of the idiot knows what it is, that is, imitating plagiarism. For our column, I can see that even the scenes of the pictures are almost the same. They are too much. This is our copyright. What are the results of their ready-made products? Do you still give us copyright fees?"

Zhang Weidao: "When is it broadcast?"

"I’m going to broadcast it right away. They have a new column temporarily arranged by Internet TV. This is not, just started to promote it on a large scale.” The female staff said.

Wang Xiong apparently heard the news and walked into the office area. "Xiao Zhang, haven't you gone yet? Just stay and see the "Chen Yanxiao Tan"."

Zhang Wei also understands that the competitors' programs must be concerned, but in fact, he did not put it in his heart. If Zhang Hao has any mood at the moment, it is probably a sentence that Chenchen often said - hehe . Then he sat with a lot of people waiting for the column to air.

Wang Xiong said: "Xiao Zhang’s talk show is on fire. Recently I heard that many Internet TV stations and even TV stations want to launch this talk show. One of the local channels of Shanghai TV Station came to talk about copyright. However, the people of this group of Internet TV stations are not so particular, look at it, do not call, do not ask the copyright, directly according to our program form"

One employee said: "Are we going to fight a lawsuit?"

Another female employee said: "Yes, you must be told"

Wang Xiong waved his hand. "Look at the situation first. The lawsuit is not good, unless it is a last resort."

Zhang Wei still didn't care. He smoked a cigarette on the window. After he came back, the program began to air. Just sitting down, Zhang Wei saw a middle-aged man in his 40s. He is Chen Yan. The host of "Chen Yanxiao Tan", as the colleague said, just as the lens entered the scene, Zhang Wei had an inexplicable familiarity, which was to copy the venue layout of Zhang Wei’s talk show.

"Hello everyone, I am your old friend Chen Yan."

"I tell you a story. There used to be a mountain. There is a temple on the mountain..."

La la la, "Chen Yan Xiao Tan" is a 20-minute column, and it will soon be over.

A Qian also came over and looked at it for a long time: "Sure enough to imitate Teacher Zhang."

Xiaoyuqi said: "I have heard some of the paragraphs. I saw them on the Internet. They are really shameless. Although this speech has been tepid, it is also a very qualified web host. How can it be so? Do you want to be famous?"

A female employee said: "Mr. Zhang Wei, you must sue them."

Zhang Xiao smiled. "No need."

Someone next to me, "Why? They are infringing."

Zhang Wei put down the words: "On their program, it won't last two days."

Wang Xiong is also a view. He was still looking nervous. He thought that his company’s exclusive program form was copied. It may have a certain impact and influence on Zhangye’s talk show. It will split some viewers, but after reading Chen Yan After the laughter, Wang Xiong decided, "Oh, Xiao Zhang said right, this kind of program actually doesn't need to take care of them. It won't be a few days, no, maybe the second period can't be broadcast."

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the program’s more than 20 minutes of clicks came out – a total of 35,000 hits, no less.

A thousand dare not set the channel: "Isn't the talk show now very hot? Why isn't the "Chen Yanxiao Tan" follow the wind?" Just so click? I listened to a few paragraphs that are still okay."

Zhang Xiao smiled and explained: "The talk show is not a pure joke. It is not a joke. The core of the talk show is linked to current events. It is ironic, ridiculous, and a form of reflection. "Chen Yanxiao talks" is to take some of the online jokes and say them unchanged. The changes are not changed. There is no technical content, and the results can be blamed."

This is why Zhang Wei was not too worried from the beginning.

Talk show? The people of this world just heard of this vocabulary for the first time because of Zhang Wei’s sake, but they just heard about it. They don’t even understand what it means to talk about it. They even have the core value of the talk show. And Zhang Wei talk show, why the fire may not completely think about it, this is only a few days, can you come up with an artist who can talk to Zhang Weimei? How can it be a talk show, this is not a speaker who can say that the host and the creative team are very important. This Chen Yan has no eloquence of Zhang Wei, and there is no knowledge of Zhang Wei, so no one has bought it for a long time. Or according to Zhang Wei’s opinion, the "Chen Yan Xiao Tan" is a follow-up show.

Everyone was shocked.

After listening to Zhang Wei’s analysis, everyone also understands the failure of “Chen Yan Xiao Tan”, so I also have a clearer understanding of Zhang’s ability and ability. Perhaps this year, domestic and international, the only interpretation of the talk show. Zhang Wei can't find a second one.

Go home.

Zhang Wei sees that Dong Shanshan is not there. It must be a busy program. He just boiled a bag of instant noodles and ate it himself - the bubble noodle returned to the rivers and lakes.

After the meal, Zhang Wei opened the game ring, because the program was recorded every day for the next week, so he needed ammunition, so he bought all the prestige and bought the memory search bag, began to eat one by one, and continued to blur his world. The show column and some network segments are consolidated into the mind.

After finishing this, the phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, is Teacher Zhang Wei?" It was a man who called, and listened to the voice about 30 years old.

Zhang Weidao: "I am, are you?"

The man immediately said: "I am the entertainment channel of Shanghai TV. I would like to ask, what is the form of your contract with the company? Do you know what it is convenient to disclose? Nothing else, mainly want to know you and me. The contract period and liquidated damages, we have seen your Zhangye talk show in this section, very novel, very good, so, um, so I would like to invite you to Shanghai TV station, do not know if there is this opportunity."

Shanghai Entertainment Taiwan?

This is also a local station, similar to the Beijing Cultural and Art Channel.

Zhang Wei said: "Sorry, I may have a lot of contractual damages, so..."

The man immediately said: "It’s okay for Teacher Zhang. If you are sure that you want to come, we will give you this liquidated damages. As long as it is less than three million, there is no problem."

Zhang Yiyi grinned and said: "I still forget it. I just started here. I am in the development stage. I will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future." I did not say anything, but I refused. Because Zhang Wei understands that he is already famous on the Internet and has developed here. It is too irrational to change jobs at this time, and it is very good for Weiyi to tell the truth to the company, and the leaders are also very good. Trust him, unlike the radio and television units of his previous trips to find him troublesome times, here he is very comfortable, and naturally can not live up to the trust of others.

The man didn't say anything more, and he hanged the phone after two sentences.

Then, someone hit Zhang’s mobile phone. This is a phone call that makes Zhang Wei unexpected, because the other party is the Beijing TV station.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, we have seen it before the meeting, but you may not have any impression, and the two have not said anything. Well, I am looking for you because of the talk show, before the Taiwanese treatment of you, in fact. There is no way, I know that you can certainly understand that you have spent a lot of time with the Beijing TV station. We all have feelings and fight together. Well, I don’t mean to turn around. I mean you want me. Can come back and do a talk show on the Beijing TV station, you see?"

Just a few weeks ago, the Beijing TV station just fired Zhang Wei, it didn’t take long before he came back to him. Zhang Wei actually has nothing to do with the Beijing TV station. He only has opinions on Wang Shuixin. But nowadays, Zhang Wei is definitely not going back. At least not now, is the call to go now? Who are you, buddy?

Zhang Weidao: "I have no plans to change jobs for the time being."

"This way, in fact, you don't have to worry about the breach of contract, we can come out here." The man was not willing, added one more sentence.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "It is not a breach of contract."

That person didn't say it, "That... okay."

I don't know if they all discussed it. Then, another person from Dongshan TV station called Zhang Wei. This is the deputy director of the TV station. I personally invited Zhang Hao to go, but Zhang Wei certainly won't. Promise, still euphemistically refused. In fact, this attitude is still quite good. I thought that two weeks ago, he also called the TV station one by one or applied for a resume. As a result, everyone’s TV system system blocked him. No one wanted him, and fans also yelled. I was asked to help Zhang Hao find a job and send a resume, but no one responded. Hey, now that the buddy’s program is on fire, have you come to me one by one? Is this interesting

Zhang Wei refused all the olive branches

However, many TV stations and Internet TV stations did not give up, because the third episode has already aired, and Zhang Wei’s talk show burst into red all night, and the data did not fall after the red pass, but the popularity of the show was higher every day. Now it’s the stupid people who know the prospects of the talk show in the domestic market. After the talk show, it must be occupied by a site in the entertainment program. Which TV station does not want to fall behind and miss this cake, nowadays it is most familiar with the talk show. The person is Zhang Wei, but after recruiting him, those people have not given up. They want to come. The most important thing about the talk show is the paragraphs of current events. Just find the team of writers behind Zhang Wei, then who will change the host? It’s not too much.



Lai Bao?

This monk appeared in the "After 8 Talk Show Tonight". Zhang Wei also brought the monks out in the third episode. Everyone thought that this monk was Zhang Wei’s behind-the-scenes creative team, so Zhang If this piece is not overcome, they will transfer the target to the three "people".

One by one, I hit the company.

The insiders who can be contacted are all contacted.

It’s a pity that they are wrong. The so-called writer team that appeared in the three shows is just the creator of Zhang Hao’s "After 8 Talk Show Tonight". It doesn't exist in this world. Zhang Wei is just to add some fun. And respecting the original, only added their deaf name and did not change.

Ever since, the people who want to dig the corner of the TV station have got an amazing insider from some of our colleagues and insiders or friends. The creation of all the paragraphs in Zhangye’s talk show is Zhang Yi’s teacher. Completed, no one helped, and there is no so-called writer team

Are they all?

Are they created by him alone?

TV people are dumbfounded

This time, they are really dead.

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