I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 258: [Which excavator technology is strong? 】

The next day.

Zhang Wei went to work.

In the morning, it was a video. The audience noticed it. The ticket was also sent out. However, many viewers and staff members came to the scene to know that Zhang Wei’s talk show actually changed to a daily broadcast. This workload is much better. The staff were shocked.

"Teacher Zhang"

"This, is this too compact?"

"Yeah, are we busy coming over?"

"One day, we must record a few more in advance to avoid accidents. Will there be any impact on quality? We are nothing, I am afraid that you are too tired."

The humanity of the column group.

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Try it. I have recorded two more cases yesterday. I will record three more days today. I may record four issues in advance and prepare them in advance." Then he said to the audience: "Hello, there is something to do." I am bothering you. Today we estimate that it will be recorded a few more times. It will probably be recorded around noon. If you have something in half of the record, it doesn't matter, you can leave early without any sound."

"Record and record it"

"It is best to record ten issues"

"Yes, I don't even go to the night."

"Haha, we don't have to look at a few issues, who is willing to go."

The feedback from the audience was very enthusiastic, and the people of Zhang Wei and the column group were relieved.

So good, after checking the audience did not hide the recording device, so began recording.

After the title, Zhang Wei routinely appeared, "Hello everyone, welcome to watch today's Zhangye talk show", I am the host Zhang Wei, today has an exciting news to tell everyone, because of everyone's enthusiastic response and support, start later The broadcast time of our program has been adjusted. It was broadcast from 8:00 on Saturday and Sunday, and it was broadcasted from 8:00 every Monday to Sunday. Our column also has sponsors. This episode is sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Broadcast, - we have to go to the distance to see, what is ours?"

Originally, the audience also listened very seriously, and changed the time to introduce sponsored advertisements. But whoever wants Zhang Hao to throw out a piece without warning, even a lot of staff at the scene have been deceived. Because, he just said that it is too serious and serious, they are still wondering, sponsor? I haven’t heard that they have sponsors on the show. No one has expected Zhang Hao to come up with an unexpected turn.


"Ha ha ha ha ha"

"The ambition of the stick is too big."

Everyone and even the field staff laughed.

Teacher Zhang Wei is too dedicated. Didn't the Korean special in the second period have already been finished? Is it coming again today? This is your mother is a professional black Han for a hundred years. Sure enough, as Zhang Wei said last time, who is supporting the Republic’s talk show career? It is not the SARFT, not the TV media, not the industry experts, nor the people of the Republic, but the great Korean people who are quietly paying.


I have a look at this issue today.

In this opening statement, this column is definitely not good.

Until noon.

The recording scene was gone.

In the last statistic, Zhang Wei actually recorded five episodes in one breath, counting the two issues that were more prosperous yesterday. The current "inventory" is enough for them to broadcast for a week. This is also Zhang Yu is more and more familiar with the performance style of the talk show, so the state is getting better and better, the mental consumption is not so big, or it will be like the first phase of the first phase, if you record a five-phase He had to faint on the stage, but today he is not so tired. The people in the column group looked at Zhang’s state as much as they could, and they all put their hearts in their stomachs.

Dressing room.

Zhang Wei exchanged his clothes and unloaded the makeup, then opened the phone that was turned off. Just turned on for a few minutes and a phone call came.

Number display - Director Jiang.

The general director of "Big Martial Arts"?

Zhang Hao connected, "Hey, Jiang, hello."

Director Jiang smiled and said: "Xiao Zhang, how did you shut down?"

"Hey, I recorded a morning show, just finished." Zhang Wei said: "Do you have something?"

Director Jiang said: "The evening is the premiere ceremony of "Big Martial Arts". It is held in Shanghai. You have time to come over. After the end, there is a celebration feast. This is a formal celebration feast."

Zhang Wei has no words. "Yes, I will definitely."

In the past, the crew had to inform them about things and publicity, and the assistant directors were in contact with them. This time, the director personally called Jiang. Zhang Yi also understood that his reputation has been improved. The status in the circle will naturally go up. Now, he is no longer the little person who needs to trust the relationship to enter the crew to play a small dragon role. Now Zhang Hao... Well, now he can do it without trust. Into the crew, a small dragon role role has increased significantly.


When Zhang Hao was cooking, he met Dong Shanshan who also came to eat.

He whispered: "I got a trip at night. I had a guest appearance at the premiere of a movie. It is estimated that I will come back later. Don't wait for me to eat."

Dong Shanshan quietly said: "Know."

Sneaking a few words, then the two talents returned to normal voice, laughing and chatting.


Zhang Wei went to the studio and left the staff area.

A young man stopped him. "Which are you? Free people are free."

Later, a young woman looked back and suddenly came up and took a look at the young man. "Zhang Wei did not know." Then he smiled and said to Zhang Wei: "Mr. Zhang, please."

A young man, he is Zhang Hao? The one who has been on the Internet recently?

Zhang Wei entered the rest area inside and saw several acquaintances at once.

"Hey, Xiao Zhang is coming, hahaha." Yao Jiancai also saw Zhang Wei at a glance, and immediately greeted him with his shoulders. "Recently, you are in the limelight, I see your Zhangye talk show." However, although I don't really like watching other issues, my smile is relatively high, but you are very good at the second Korean special event. I have watched it three times in that period."

"Zhang Zhang is here."

"Xiao Zhang, sit here."

Several actors who had shot together at the same time greeted him.

Sitting on the far side seems to be the male lead and the heroine, but Zhang Wei does not know, and is not familiar with them, because the day he went to Qingshan Temple, there is no male and female protagonist, so no one has seen it. So after a few words with the old friend, he still went to Yaobian with a little, and the old and the young talked up, the relationship between the two is the best, has been chatting more speculatively, it is forgotten.

After Yao Jiancai said a few laughs, it is rare to say: "You are really new in this talk show. I have always felt that there are limitations in cross talk, limitations in communication, and limitations in geography and language. But this talk show is just this. The aspect has been made up, and this is not the same as the stand-alone comic dialogue. The situation and the content are different from the methods of shaking the baggage. Your accomplishment in this respect is really not simple."

Zhang Wei accidentally said: "Old Yao, do you really understand?"

Yao Jiancai said happily: "That is of course, do you know what I was before I made the film? I have said three years of cross talk."

Zhang Weidao: "Professional?"

"Cough, self-study, not professional." Yao Jiancai said a little bit: "At that time, there was no food to eat, nothing to do, just talked with people for three years, then began to run the dragon, whatever is connected It is also said that it is not good which is the main business and which is the sideline business."

Zhang Wei was interested: "Are you funny?"

Yao Jiancai smiled and said: "When you look at me, I can say that I can't say it when I talk about it. I don't have your fascinating mouth. I don't graduate from the class, so of course I am holding it. Don't look at me like this. Holding a hand is a good hand"

"Okay, I believe."

"How can I feel that you are not convinced?"

Less than seven.

The premiere ceremony began.

This ritual is more complicated, but it is simpler for Zhang Wei, because he doesn't have to say anything, just follow the walk with everyone. He is the same supporting role as Yao Jiancai, even he is far worse than Yao Shuer. In the drama, of course, it is not his turn to speak. It is the director of Chiang Kai-shek and the hero and heroine. Even though Zhang Wei is now very popular, it can’t be compared with the two male and female protagonists. The real second-line star is a lame. It is much more than Zhang Wei. Star, this is reflected in the comprehensive strength. Although Zhang’s appeal on the Internet is not small, there are many topics, but when it comes to the qualifications of qualifications, he is far worse.

Something passed.

The movie finally opened.

Zhang Wei and Lao Yao are sitting in the third row and watching the movie quietly. In Zhang Wei’s opinion, this movie is still good, um, but it’s just good, the box office should not be too bad, but it won’t Too good, because the routine is often nothing new, um, of course, this is just Zhang Yi’s personal opinion. He doesn’t know if the audience can’t buy it. After all, in his world, a lot of bad movie box office is quite good.

"Hey, it’s up to you," Lao Yao kicked his shoes next to him.

Zhang Wei stared at the screen, and sure enough, the role played by himself appeared. He has no character image, and belongs to the guest dragon set.

Many people in the movie hall have no reaction.

But obviously some people have recognized that this person is the host of Zhang Wei’s talk show.

On time, it was a very serious piece and it was going to be dead right now. But in the movie hall, there was a laughter of twos and threes. I don’t know why, now many people have had a conditional reflection after watching Zhang Wei’s talk show. I want to see Zhang Wei.


Laughter is sparse, not much, but it can be heard more clearly.

Director Jiang: "..."

Male and female protagonists: "..."

The other actors in the crew also laughed and laughed.

Your sister, we are serious costume martial arts films, where are the comedy elements?

However, this can also be felt from inside. Zhang Hao’s fame and popularity are improving day by day. One day, he will step on the peak of the world on the colorful clouds and stand in the endless clouds to scream at the world. “Which is the excavator technology? Looking for Lanxiang in Shandong, China”

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