I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 259: [School flowers in the bathroom! 】

at night.

The celebration feast was gone.

The last time I went to Beijing to kill a lot of wine, it was the celebration inside the crew. This time it was different. It was official. There were reporters and many official people invited. Naturally, I didn’t drink too much.

On the way back to the taxi, Zhang Hao was idle and looked at the game interface. He found that his reputation was growing rapidly. The film premiered for two hours. Aside from the normal growth of Zhangye’s talk show, he The reputation has increased by about 100,000 yuan. It is still very good. It is obviously the credit of the guest character in "Big Martial Arts". This kind of "extra fast", he will never be too much.

The place is here.

"Is it here?"

"Yes, how much is the master?"


"Well, give it to you."

Zhang Hao got off the taxi. The cold wind blew outside. The stomach suddenly hurt a bit. Just now, with the wine and the red wine, the meat also ate a lot. Maybe it was eating some skewers, and he couldn’t digest it. He took a breath. He licked his stomach and tightened his woolen coat. He stepped on the elevator and went upstairs.

At the door of the house.

Zhang Hao quickly pressed the doorbell.

Hey, hey, no one is open.

His stomach was getting more and more painful, and he couldn't help himself. He hurriedly grabbed the key from the bag and opened the door. He slammed the door and went to the toilet.

Oh, there is water.

Some people in the toilet, the frosted glass is also foggy.

Zhang Xiao smiled, quickly took off his coat and threw the bag, and knocked on the toilet door. "Fir Shan, Shanshan, are you inside?"

"Ah?" The inside person probably didn't hear it clearly, and was covered by the sound of the water, so the sound of the nozzle suddenly stopped. Only the voice of Dong Shanshan was squeezed out from the toilet door. "Zhang Wei?"

Zhang Hao hurriedly said: "It is me."

"The premiere is over? I take a shower, say it later." Dong Shanshan said.

Zhang Hao is busy not falling: "Dong classmates, we are going to discuss things, can you come out first, it is better to hurry, hey, my stomach hurts, I can't help it."

"I still have a bath on my body, I just washed it."

"I can't do it, I can't stop it."

"Well, then you wait for me to rush to the net, right away."

"How long is it?"

"Three minutes, three minutes."

"Hey, I can't wait for a minute."

"So it hurts? I can't get a bunch of foam on my body, then you... come in, the door is unlocked, you look at your eyes, I don't wear clothes."

"Is that suitable?"

"Or else you will wait, I am very quick."

Zhang Wei wanted to wait, but he was so anxious to turn around the toilet door for five or six seconds, or not, really can't go, so he bit his teeth: "Then I went in." Then I put a hand Blocked in the eyes, a door that unscrewed the bathroom went inside, and a piece of water vapor hit him. The newly rented house had a large bathroom, a bathtub, a partition of transparent glass, and a bathroom. The toilet is separated, but the curtain is not bought. It may be that the previous household did not prepare for it, and it was clear outside.

Zhang Wei is blocking his eyes, but even if it is blocked, the gap is there, and when others tell you that the more you are not allowed to see, sometimes the more attention will be concentrated there, the result will be stitched from the fingers. I saw a little bit of pictures in the sky. It was a pair of slender and **** legs with a lot of bath foam on it. The water on the sprinkler was rushing on the smooth and tender woman's lap. The foam slipped down the legs a little bit. Flowing into the eyes of the sewer, the nose is also a fragrant bath and shampoo. On the plane coming to Shanghai, Zhang Wei was lying on these beautiful legs. Later, in the company's women's toilet, he also saw the two beautiful legs of the school flower stockings that had faded to the knees, so they are familiar with them. The proportion of her legs is more than half of the whole body, too long.

Zhang Xin’s heart jumped twice, but he couldn’t take care of it in the next moment. He quickly opened the toilet lid and then touched the waistband of his hand. He subconsciously wanted to look at Dong Shanshan’s eyes and look at himself. I remembered that the school flowers were taking a shower, and I was still slicking, and I pulled back my head temporarily. I couldn’t manage it so much. I untied my belt and took off my pants and sat on the toilet.



Zhang Wei took a long breath and continued to squat.

Hey, the sound of the water is still on the side, because Dong Shanshan does not use the bathtub, but the nozzle used, so the position of the station is the outermost part of the glass. Just now, the stunned note, like the thigh on the left side of Dong Shanshan. They are all attached to the glass and are flattened by transparent glass.

After solving the most urgent problem, Zhang Huan’s mind was also alive, and he couldn’t help but think of the picture in his right direction, but he did not dare to look at it.

"Drink a lot?" Mixed with the sound of water, Dong Shanshan sounded.

Zhang Yan said, "Let's make it, don't drink too much today, it's a bit of wine, and the Chinese food is mixed and eaten. This is not, it's a stomachache."

The voice of the woman floated again. "Yes, I just heard a friend who went to the premiere and said that the movie is OK. The tens of millions of box office is definitely no problem. It may even be over 100 million. If it can break a hundred million, you can Entering the box office and over 100 million actor clubs, hehe."

Zhang Wei replied: "Get it, I am a guest, a dragon, and the film scores no better, unless I am starring."

The two of them followed each other and chatted casually.

Dong Shanshan is still washing, just said that it can be washed in three minutes, but it must be because Zhang Wei is here that she can't go out, it is impossible to change clothes in front of him, so she will continue to bathe according to her rhythm. ,Not in a hurry.

In order to avoid the suspicion, Zhang Wei deliberately twisted his head to the opposite direction. He did not look over there. He did not finish it. The stomach still had some faint pain. Who knows this twisted head, Zhang Wei actually saw something that should not be seen, there is a scorpion on the floor of the toilet door, which is obviously taken off before the school flower bath, and the clothes under the bottom are not visible. But the few pieces that floated on it were true. About because the underwear was finally taken off, so they all floated on the outside. It was a bright yellow lace bra. The underwear was not seen in the scorpion because it was more than half. Obviously, I only saw a corner of the underwear on the side of the scorpion, which was hollowed out, and then some places behind it, a white hurdle vest squeezed out a black bodybuilding trousers leg, "the scenery" is very good.

Zhang Wei didn't know that the school flower didn't look at himself, and he didn't want to aim at it. He immediately took back his eyes and looked down at his feet. He returned his hand and took his finger in his hand.

The sound of water stopped.

A flattering voice: "Well?"

"It’s getting faster, this is the end.” Zhang Wei replied.

"Yes." The school flower estimate is washed out.

When Zhang Hao came in, the lights on his head did not open. It was estimated that when the school flowers came in, only the lights on the bathroom side were opened for power saving, but the dark side was bright, and the shadow of Dong Shanshan naturally fell to the bathroom tiles. In the middle, Zhang Hao lowered his head and saw a slender shadow swaying slightly. The shadow of one hand came out, and a black shadow was pulled in his hand—like a towel, slowly blending into the shadow of his body. One by one, one left and one right, each movement and posture is quite enchanting and full of temptation.


- This is Dong Shanshan's personal temperament, she may not be deliberate, but it is these natural and sexy, natural little goblin.

Rub your arms.

Rub the back.

Rub the thighs.

Zhang Wei even saw it. In the shadow, one hand of the school flower pinched the towel and put it under the armpit. The shadow of the leg also caught the **** shadow of the towel. Eighty percent was rubbed underneath.

Zhang Wei’s nosebleeds are coming out, even if the shadows that fall in front of their own eyes are not very good, they are a bit elongated, but the specific traces can still be seen clearly. Looking at this, it directly reflects the Dongshanshan behind the glass. Well, once again imagined, Zhang Wei will be swaying.

"Is it OK?" The school flower spoke.

Zhang Yiyi, "It is."

School Flower Road: "Hurry up, I am waiting to wear clothes, call, a little cold."

"Well." Zhang Hao pulled off the paper, but thought of something, he added, "Don't look at it."

The answer is Dong Shanshan’s laughter. "Oh, rest assured, I didn't look at the hobby of people's ass. I have turned around and you hurry."

Zhang Wei wiped his **** and put on his pants. Just about to flush the water tank, he suddenly thought that Dong Shanshan, since he was facing his body, obviously couldn’t see himself. Then she looked at her and she didn’t know. Zhang Wei is a thief's heart, and blinks his eyes. He is brave and looks at the bathroom glass. The school flower was really facing away from him, holding a wet towel in his hand, and the whole back was exposed to Zhang Wei without any obscurity. The line of bumps and bumps suddenly made Zhang Xin’s heart hot, his first time. I saw with my own eyes that Dong Shanshan’s hips were so warped, as if there was something dragging her beautiful buttocks, hanging in the high position, very attractive and this angle, I can see her long legs and upper body. Proportion, after all, wearing clothes is not obvious, this is too clear

The legs are really long.

How can there be such a long leg?

“Not good yet?” Dong Shanshan, who was behind the bathroom glass, said, and then his head turned back.

Zhang Yan’s eyes were fast, and he was busy hiding his head and pretending to look at other places. After tightening the belt on the trousers, he slammed into the water tank and replied: "Oh, I am going out."

"Give you tea, drink hot water."

"Oh, thank you." Open the door, go out of the bathroom, and close her door.

Zhang Yu sighed. In the past, he picked up the teacup on the coffee table, but did not drink hot water. Instead, he drank a few cold teas, mainly to calmly wake up. It was just that the picture was too hooked. The pair of slightly slender, but just the right hot legs, has been lingering in Zhang’s mind. He estimates that if he dreams tonight, he may come across to eat – Jinhua or Shuanghui.

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