I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 260: [Sneak attack on school flowers! 】


In the living room.

Zhang Wei finally put the fire down, but the stomach was still uncomfortable, and he shouted at the bathroom. "I cook some noodles, can you eat or not?"

"Can't you still have a stomach?" The school flower is inside.

Zhang Yiyi, "Try to eat hot."

School Flower Road: "You eat, I don't eat, I eat late at night."

Zhang Wei went to the kitchen himself. When he opened the fire, he took out a bag of instant noodles and cooked it.

After the bathroom door opened, Dong Shanshan walked out. She wore the set of clothes that had been thrown in the clothes, the black bodybuilding pants and the hurdle vest. As for the underwear, I didn’t know if I changed my underwear. Because, with the surface can not see, can only see a deep bottomless trench.

"I am coming." Dong Shanshan came to the kitchen.

Zhang Yiyi waved his hand and smiled. "No, I won't do other meals. You can cook instant noodles. You can't cook it well. I have a small instant noodle."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said, "Oh, then I don't care."

"Don't worry, busy with you." Zhang Wei let her go.

About five minutes later, Zhang Hao cooked the noodles and got the coffee table on the living room to prepare for eating. As a result, he saw Dong Shanshan coming out of his bedroom, holding a pile of sloppy clothes and pants. There were socks, and even the big pants that he had taken off early without a play. Zhang Hao seemed to be smashed like a slap, and dropped the instant noodle bowl to stop her. "You are why you are here?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Washing clothes."

"No, I will come by myself." Zhang Yidao.

Dong Shanshan took his shoulder and arched him. "Get up, I have to wash my clothes, I will wash your hands, no trouble, there is a washing machine."

Zhang Weidao: "It's too much trouble, don't."

"I can say it well before I live. It is my job to cook clothes and buy food. You are responsible for renting out the rent. We have a clear division of labor." Dong Shanshan unscrupulously squeezed him into the bathroom and opened the washing machine. The clothes are thrown inside. "Okay, you eat your meal."

"Than that thank you." Zhang Hao had no choice but to go back to eat noodles, and then look around the bathroom to open the door.

As long as Zhang Wei’s trousers and clothes did not fade, they were thrown into the washing machine by the school flowers, and then Dong Shanshan went to her room again, took out a few of her clothes through the dirty clothes and put them in. The washing liquid turned the washing machine on, and the rest were faded clothes and some socks and panties. Zhang Yan saw Dong Shanshan throwing his two pants in a basin and then Dong Dongshan My two sets of replaced underwear were also put in, she did not disregard Zhang Wei dirty, actually put a basin.

Zhang Hao almost squirted out, he was afraid of this, how can his underwear be hand-washed, so much that ah, "Firshan"


"Isn't it a washing machine?"

"The **** socks have to be beaten with soap, otherwise they won't wash."

"Hey, don't, don't really care about it, the washing machine will do."

"You eat noodles, I don't care if I live."

"Not that, I am..."

"Okay, I know what you mean, huh, huh, I feel embarrassed when you have all the rent. What is this little housework? It’s just that these two days are busy, I didn’t care, or I’ve already given it. You have washed your clothes. There is nothing wrong with it today. I have to pick up the books at home. You don't love the net. It's your business. I can't look dirty. I have to bring all the clothes you want to wash for a while. ”

"Don't you?"

"Is there a problem?"


"That's it, give it to me."

Playing soap, Dong Shanshan took it and took Zhang Jian’s underwear and picked it up. After she got it, she began to rub her own bra and wash it in one piece. When she was kneeling, the material in the bottom of her bodybuilding pants naturally squatted down, because her legs were too long, and the vest of the top was short. Under this, a bright yellow **** appeared at the back waist. Traces, or the body that Zhang Wei and the bathroom saw, may have been worn by Dong Shanshan today, so she did not change after taking a shower.

After eating, Zhang Hao went to brush the bowl.

Dong Shanshan is busy cleaning things after he is busy.

The toss was at eleven o'clock, and Dong Shanshan threw the last piece of clothes that had been smashed into the machine, washed his hands, and sat on the sofa to wipe the sweat.

Zhang Wei handed a cup of hot tea. "Come, drink, hard old classmates."

Dong Shanshan took the air and took a sip. "Not hard. After the dirty clothes are taken off, they are thrown on the washing machine. I see it and wash it. Don't hide it with your house."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Well, you are too good, and whoever is jealous of you is blessed."

Dong Shanshan smashed the tea and said: "I just want to get married soon. The age is too big to say that it is not too small. But in our industry, too early marriage has too much impact on the cause. If it is much better, It’s okay to marry a giant star and then quit the entertainment circle, but this is not the day that your old classmates want, but I really like this career and don’t want to lose it.”

Her thoughts, Zhang Wei knows very well, "I am the same."

Dong Shanshan took a hand. "In our trip, it’s too early to get married at the age of 30."

Zhang Hao nodded and said: "You are like this, because you are beautiful, huh, I don't care, I grow up, and not getting married has no effect on me."

Dong Shanshan put on a curly hair and smiled and said: "You are too small to look at yourself. You watched the scene of your recording. Many girls don't like you very much. You also have female fans. Well, of course you are still mainly It’s a fact that there are more male fans and middle-aged and older fans."

Zhang Wei: "..."

He really can't refute.

Dong Shanshan yelled at him, "Ming Er is still at work, is it sleepy?"

"Not sleepy, it is okay to rest in these two days." Zhang Wei looked at the time and prepared to sleep more than twelve o'clock.

"I am not too sleepy. I have a bit of a sport and I am in the spirit." Dong Shanshan raised his finger and pointed to the TV. "That is the trick to find something to watch?"

"Yes." Zhang Wei went to the remote control to turn on the TV. "Do you turn off the lights?"

"Turn off, look at what the movie channel puts, just have a good movie." Dong Shanshan said.

After Zhang Wei turned on the TV, he turned off the lights in the room, then sat back on the sofa and broadcasted the movie channel. There was a love movie on it. It should be the old movie of the previous years. It has already been broadcast half. More, half an hour is over, they didn't look at the beginning.

"Look at this?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Well, just look at it, there is no good show at this time." Dong Shanshan took off his slippers and took the legs to the sofa. He reached out and took a cushion on his sofa and hugged it in his arms. The old **** leaned back in the ground and looked at the movie.

Zhang Wei also took off his shoes and sat cross-legged.

The atmosphere is very good, the movie is, the living room is also.

Dong Shanshan looked very seriously, and was occasionally amused by the plot and smiled femininely.

Zhang Wei took Yu Guang and quietly sneaked into the school flower. From the time of going to school, the male animals in Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei’s class liked to sneak up on Dong Shanshan because everyone’s seat angle is different, and some people can see it. She has a side face, and some people can only see her head, but like Zhang Wei’s close look at school flowers today, this is something that other animals have never enjoyed before, and think about it, Zhang Wei can not only see it like this. He even saw the whole body except the "panorama" of the chest. He not only saw it, but also kissed it.

If you meet the old classmates, Zhang Wei really wants to feel a sense of "Thirty years of Hedong thirty years of Hexi", when he was in school, he was not very eye-catching in the class, he had no way to look at it, but he had no ability to do it. With the help of the game ring, Zhang Wei grew step by step, and the more he climbed, the truth was like dreaming. Nowadays, he sometimes can't believe it.

The black wind is high in the night.

It is the push-down time.

The school flowers in dim light are very beautiful.

Zhang Huan’s heart has risen again and again. Is there any chance to kiss Fangze again today? These days, Dong Shanshan walked closer and closer to him. Zhang Yi always felt that she could go further with her, but she was afraid that the school flower did not mean that. She was afraid of her resentment or rejection, so she was hesitant.

In today's environment, Zhang Wei has finally grown up.

"Fir Shan." Zhang Wei called her.

"Well? What?" Dong Shanshan is still watching movies with relish, no sideways.

When Zhang Yiyi coughed, he bite his teeth and moved to the other side. His legs touched her legs. Under such a close distance, Zhang Hao took a hand from the back and gently slammed it. Her waist and her head also bowed close to her.

Dong Shanshan glanced, subconsciously looking over.

Zhang Hao didn’t have to look for it now, and her mouth directly bit her mouth.

"唔" Dong Shanshan again, his eyes flashed a touch or a smile or a smile, and then there is a little unnaturally embarrassing.

Zhang Wei kissed her.

Dong Shanshan pushed slightly, "Oh, hehe."

When Zhang Wei saw that she was not angry, she did not push very hard, and she was very determined.

Dong Shanshan turned his head and hid, and forced him to kiss him halfway and halfway. "Oh... almost... OK... Hey...."

Zhang Wei left the two charming lips.

Dong Shanshan gasped for two breaths and touched the saliva on his mouth without a word. He gave him a sneak attack. "I was sneaked on the last two times. It was a bet that I lost you. It is good, this time?" What are the two bets? How can I not remember?"

Zhang Yuyu smiled and said: "Do you have to bet?"

Dong Shanshan looked at him. "That didn't you attack so suddenly, hey, where did you touch it?" She said, and she reached back and squeezed Zhang's wrist.

Zhang Wei did not listen, and touched her two hips.


Too flexible

"Don't touch it." Dong Shanshan opened him and said: "Look at the movie."

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