I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 262: [Talk show off broadcast? 】


a new day.

Zhang Huan woke up from the bed. Nothing happened last night. It really made him unable to control it. He wanted to sleep in the school flower room, so he didn’t talk to her in the bed. For a long time, the result was finally bombarded by Dong Shanshan.

Hey, life.

Lonely like snow

Dong Shanshan also got up and had breakfast in the kitchen.


"Woke up?"

"Well, what do you eat?"

"Fried taro and poached eggs."

"Oh, then I will brush my teeth first."

After eating breakfast, Dong Shanshan picked up the bag and was ready to go first. In order to avoid the suspicion, he separated from Zhang Wei every time, not that she was first.

Zhang Wei sent her to the door.

"Go away." Dong Shanshan smiled and said.

Zhang Yiyi, then he blinked and bowed his head and tried to kiss her.

As a result, Dong Shanshan was very flexible and turned away. When she opened the door, she flashed out of the door and smiled and waved. "See you in a while."

Zhang Xiao smiled, got it, didn't kiss.

For a few days, I have to clean up her for two days.

the company.

When Zhang Xiaogang arrived, he was taken to his office by Wang Xiong.

“Director Wang.” Zhang Weidao: “Are you looking for me?”

Wang Xiong asked him to sit down and smiled. "The highest program of your Zhang Huan talk show has already exceeded 10 million clicks. The fame has gradually been played out. No, now there are two or three partners who are contacting us. Give your Zhang Huan talk show exclusive sponsorship, the specific matters of the company's relevant staff are negotiating with those parties, so I want to ask you, how long can you do this program?"

Zhang Wei thought for a moment and said: "If you follow the current schedule and have one issue per day, it may not be completed in two months. If you only broadcast one or two issues per week, you may be able to broadcast for more than half a year."

Wang Xiongyi sank, "Two months? Is that about 60 issues? Yes."

Zhang Wei is curious: "Is the sponsorship fee high?"

“Oh.” Wang Xiongdao: “With the click volume of your program, it will not be low. They have given the quotation. It is already the top price of the sponsorship fee in the online TV circle, but it seems to be discussed again.”

The amount of sponsorship is actually a manifestation of personal value. Zhang Wei is naturally very concerned.

As I said, the phone on the desk of Wang Xiong’s office suddenly rang. He picked it up, “Hey...” and after listening to a few words, Wang Xiong suddenly changed his face. “I’m going to ah right away? Is Zhang Wei also passing? Good Feng, I know." Hanging up the phone, he greeted Zhang Hao, "Go, let's go upstairs."

Zhang Yiyi, "Is this?"

Wang Xiong said: "The people of the Radio and Television Bureau are coming. Feng always let you go. It may be about the things in your column. Go ahead. I don't know what the situation is."

Zhang Wei is inexplicable, radio and television bureau? My show?

This department can be said to be famous, and it is said that the competent department of the entertainment industry can not be overemphasized. In the TV station and the network TV station, the Radio and Television News Bureau is in charge of reviewing, punishing, revoking, etc. of the column. In short, the power of killing is in their hands. in.


Feng Guiqin office.

When Wang Xiong and Zhang Yujin went in, there were already five or six people in the house, one of them was Feng Guiqin, and the other was the leader of their company. Others Zhang Wei had never seen it. There were two in it. The middle-aged man and two young people, three men and one woman, the middle-aged man headed by the big man, do not know whether it is a beer to drink out of the stomach, anyway, it is a leader.

The radio and television official of the beer belly sat on the sofa with a little shelf, and Feng Guiqin and another company executive said: "The handling of opinions has already been made, you can do it."

It can be seen that Feng Guiqin is pressing a strong anger, saying: "But the talk show has just aired a few issues. If it stops broadcasting now, it will have too much impact on our network TV station. This column is already our signature. The country has been supporting Internet TV stations in recent years. Now this process allows us..."

Stop broadcasting?

Zhang Wei talk show" stop broadcasting?

Zhang Yan’s face was black, and I didn’t expect it.

Wang Xiong estimated that he did not expect it, and he also looked cold. He immediately said to the beer belly official: "Leader, why should you stop broadcasting Xiao Zhang's program?"

Another middle-aged man from the Radio and Television Bureau aimed at him and said: "Why do you say this? When you submitted the approval for this column, we approved the review and gave you the program number, but the documents you reported were How do you say this? This is a hilarious entertainment program, but now we have seen these columns, it is not just funny and entertaining, the program is swearing, full of unhealthy paragraphs, especially In the second episode, I even touched on politics. I used the rumored situation to insult the neighboring countries and kept broadcasting what you stopped. Entertainment has a bottom line to do the show. You didn’t do it.

Zhang Wei stepped forward, "Where is there dirty?"

A young man from the radio and television looked at him straight away. "What is Tian?"

"Is it dirty?" Zhang Wei looked back: "Is all the English letters all horrible?

"Xiao Zhang" Feng Guiqin looked at Zhang Hao anxiously and immediately reminded him, "You don't say a few words, wait behind." Then on several radio and television people: "Is the scale of the talk show to be too big?" If the above is not appropriate, we can make adjustments. We can also delete some of the paragraphs of the previous programs that do not meet the requirements of the broadcasting and television, and directly stop broadcasting. We have lost too much."

Wang Xiong added: "And Zhang Wei’s talk show doesn’t involve political things at all. It’s the ridicule of some small people."

The head of the radio and television official was impatient: "But the ridicule and irony in your program has seriously affected the stability of the social-order."

Feng Guiqin blinked: "Is this hat buckled?"

Wang Xiong is also on fire. "An entertainment program, but also anti-social-will?"

The woman of radio and television interrupted them: "Do you know how many people have reported this Zhangye talk show on the official website of Shanghai Radio and Television? There are hundreds of anonymous letters every day. If you let them broadcast again, you still don't know. How big is the mess?"

Feng Guiqin asked: "Which program has no one to report? If it is reported, it will be blocked and broadcasted. There is no entertainment program in the country."

The head of the radio and television officials looked at Feng Guiqin coldly. "We are here, we are declaring the decision of the broadcasting and television industry. Today, the Zhangye talk show is stopped. You only need to implement it. We have answered you, and we have answered you." It is necessary to explain to you, this is the punishment measures of radio and television. Also, it is now a period of severe punishment. There are also regulations on penalties for illegal programs. Before 8:00 this evening, our Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau will hold a small press conference. Zhang Wei’s talk show and the punishment of some illegal programs in the near future are announced. You will join the time to get up and get up and talk to others: “Let’s go.

Several people from Shanghai Radio and Television left the market.

Wang Xiong hurriedly said: "General Feng, this..."

"I called." Feng Guiqin picked up the phone and dialed it.

Zhang Wei stood there without saying a word, his face was black and terrible. I have been tossing for so long, and spent so much thought that the program I just got was stopped by you. And the reason for the off-air broadcast is so inexplicable? Influence the social-will-rank-order? I am going to your big man -

The paragraphs and topics he said are basically in his world, such as the Korean special event. The main source of the content is "Tonight's 8th talk show", and Wang Zijian said it well on TV. Nothing happened, I have never heard of being warned or punished by radio and television. How can I not get here? And "Tonight's 8 Talk Show" is a TV show. It's all right. How can he not be a relatively large-scale Internet TV? Let's talk about the "Big Adventures". This online talk show is full of dirty words, but people can live well, at least not being censored. Why can't I?

Could it be that the radio and television review in this world is bigger than his world? What can you say basically? It’s not right. If Zhang Weizhen is over-expressed, Feng Guiqin and Wang Xiong’s leaders of our company have already told him that they will be edited later, but Feng Guizhen’s work in the Internet TV industry. People who have been familiar with this industry for so many years have not said that there is a problem. How can radio and television not work?

And not a few broadcasts

This is an indefinite broadcast.

Zhang Wei didn't understand, he didn't know where the problem was.

Feng Guizhen’s phone was over there. “Hey, Director Zheng, I am old Feng.”

"Old Feng." There is the voice of a middle-aged man. Because the volume of the mobile phone is very loud, Wang Xiong and Zhang Wei, who are standing next to each other, can hear it clearly.

Listening to the words, the other party should also be the leader of Shanghai Radio and Television.

Feng Guiqin said: "Our one of our programs has been stopped. Do you know?"

"Talk show? I just knew." Without waiting for Feng Guiqin to talk, the middle-aged man said: "Old Feng, I know you have to find me, but this time I can't help you, take the team. You should be Li Wei? This matter is their review. I can only reveal some of your internal news. First, it is really cracked down recently. Secondly, it’s not your problem with our company. The public was angry. Before he was blocked by the TV station, the new program is so hot. Many people on the TV station can’t stand it. There will always be some movements. Thirdly, as far as I know, Li’s daughter’s idol is Li Puyu, and maybe his daughter. The reason there, his group reviewed the Zhang Wei talk show, after the violation, it was directly reported to the bureau, and then to the top of the SARFT, and now the top has also approved the penalty for the suspension, so I It doesn't matter if you talk to you."

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