I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 263: [The tiger doesn't make a difference when I am sick? 】

Feng Guiqin hung up the phone.

Every word in the mobile phone has been heard, and angered? Is this someone who can't understand me? This stop broadcast is for me?

Feng Guiqin waved: "Go back, I will think of another way."

Wang Xiong is not very optimistic. "The review notice has been down, and it is too late."

"I will find someone again." Feng Guiqin also knows that there is no hope, but she still has to work hard. She can't swallow this breath. I can't easily make a good column. The Republic has finally produced an independent program that is independent and original. Form, what have others said yet, but they themselves have rectified them to death? For no reason, they buckled their hats and stopped their programs. No wonder the TV industry in the Republic has been unable to develop. How to develop their own people and make their own people because of their own desires, no matter what other things, this is the entertainment circle of their Republic. Feng Guiqin is also cool. Almost cool to the bottom

"Feng total." Zhang Wei said.

Feng Guiqin pushed his hand, "Go back."

Zhang Yan said with a black face: "This thing blames me, I am tired of our company."

"Have you heard it?" Feng Guiqin stunned, but said: "It is not your business."

Zhang Weidao: "Before, there were a lot of TV stations that contacted me. I wanted to dig me. They used to talk about talk shows. I didn't agree. I refused. In this circle, I have also sinned many people before. I myself. However, they are deliberately targeting me."

Wang Xiong patted him. "It doesn't matter to you."

Zhang Wei is very determined by his own judgment.

Catch up with severe strikes?

Catch up with the typical example?

This is not a cause at all. It is only an opportunity. Just like the director of Shanghai Radio and Television on the phone, Mr. Zheng and Feng Zong said that the big beer belly called Li Wei is the executor of this event. There must be a relationship behind the incident. Net, such as Li Wei’s daughter of Li Puyu, such as Li’s daughter, such as Li’s old classmate, such as Li’s friend on TV, may have contacted Li Wei and asked Li Wei to help Zhang Jie, and again, It may also be that Li Wei personally sees that Zhang Wei is not pleasing to the eye. Grasping the typical nature requires some negative teaching materials, and some tasks are required to explain to the superiors, so Zhang Wei’s talk show has become their goal. In short, no matter what kind of possibility, Li Wei’s person, Zhang Wei, remembers it. His program was blocked and he was on this person.

You guys are going to put me to death.

At the same time as Zhang Xin’s heart is cold, more is anger.

Feng Guiqin said: "Pharaoh, talk show sponsors, you are temporarily slowing down, forget it, or tell them the truth, are well-informed people, Shanghai Radio and Television also held a press conference at night, can't help of."

Wang Xiong sighed: "I understand." Millions of advertising sponsorship fees, it is so yellow, not only Wang Xiong meat pain, the entire company must be painful

In the column, the best programs of their company have not really spread their fame, and they have been slashed by their own people. This is a big blow to their Internet TV.


Zhang Wei is back.

“Sponsored?” Dong Shanshan, who was on the seat, looked up and smiled and said: “I heard that the sponsor’s exclusive title price for the talk show is higher than the price of other first-line Internet TV programs. You will also be a web host with a high title fee in the future."

A Qian smiled: "Congratulations to Teacher Zhang."

"Is it a treat at night?" Xiao Yu also joked.

Zhang Wei did not say anything, sat back in his seat, did not say a word.

A few colleagues around me looked at them and they all snorted. What happened? What happened to Teacher Zhang Wei? Is such a high sponsor still frowning?

Then suddenly a female voice shouted

It was the web host named Wang Wei. She exclaimed: "You are watching the official website of Shanghai Radio and Television. This time, you have severely released seven programs that have been suspended. There are Zhang Wei talk shows."



"Mr. Wang, are you mistaken?"

"Talk show off? Why?"

The pot was blown up in the office area, everyone was surrounded.

When the radio and television review violation notice was confirmed, everyone was stunned.

It’s really a Zhangye talk show that was really stopped and it’s implemented today according to the practice of this stop-and-go file. It’s still indefinitely, even if it’s been rectified, even if the previous programs are deleted, Zhang Wei’s talk show is not likely to be broadcast.

A thousand eyes said: "How can this be?"

“Is it written about Zhang Wei’s unhealthy information? Is there a spread of rumors that disrupts social order?” Xiao Yu is also mad at the swearing: “Shit”

An old comrade also took a table. "This is a **** for Shanghai Radio and Television."

“A lot of people in the industry have commented that this form of talk show is likely to go international and develop to the whole world. As a result, the result is so cut by radio and television.” Zhang Han, who has a good relationship with Dong Shanshan, also replaced Zhang Wei. It’s too disgusting, it’s too disgusting.

Dong Shanshan went up and asked: "What program has been stopped? All the talk shows have stopped?" Now, in addition to the Zhangye talk show on the market, there are already three TV programs that are imitating Zhang Wei’s mouth. After the rain, spring up, two of them were online TV programs, and there was a talk show on a local TV station in Shanghai, and they did not buy copyright with Zhang Wei.

Wang Hao sat in front of the computer and pointed at the screen with a grin. "Other programs, you can see it yourself. No one except Zhang Wei is a talk show."

"Old Chen said."

"Internet Bikini Draft."

"Children's Story - The Life of a Rabbit".

Even a children's story channel was listed on the blacklist, but it was read twice from top to bottom, and no other talk shows were found. That is, only Zhang Wei’s show was stopped, other pirates and Copying Zhang Wei’s talk show, they are all safe and sound, they know that the pirated programs are almost exactly the same as Zhang Wei’s. Because they are vague and unfamiliar with the core values ​​of the talk show, they have not yet created independent creations. Style, they imitate what style, they also smashed the sticks, but also the devils, but also the old and beautiful, all according to the language of Zhang Wei, but now there is nothing


Why is it for Teacher Zhang Wei?

A lot of people who have a good relationship with Zhang Wei are not angry.

When Zhang Hao heard everyone's words, the fire was once again on top of the head. Li Wei, Li Wei, you have to be indifferent to me, then you are upright, you are also handled beautifully, but now? Those pirated plagiarism of my program, you close one eye, but just block my genuine column? What does it mean? For those who are pirated and plagiarized? I sealed my column and wanted to let other talk shows do not have to pay royalties with us in the future? Still want to give those pirated columns a force? "Zhang Wei talk show" went on. After that, everyone wants to watch the talk show, can only go to other TV and Internet TV?

There are huge interests entangled in it.

Zhang Yi saw that this matter is complicated, and it may be more disgusting than he imagined. The stoppage of Zhangye’s talk show has already involved all aspects of interest.

Sure enough, a phone suddenly called Zhang Hao.

"Which?" Zhang Wei picked up.

"Hello teacher Zhang, I am from Shanghai TV. My colleague has contacted you once before. I don't know if you still have an impression." There is the voice of a middle-aged woman. "I just got the news here. I heard that your section has been stopped?"

Zhang Wei is not cold and not hot: "I have something to say."

Women said: "This is the case, we are still that attitude, I want you to come to our TV station, we are dedicated to reopening a talk show."

Zhang Weidao: "I am a person who has been blocked by radio and television. Even if I change my name, I will not approve it.

The woman smiled and said: "You can rest assured that we will communicate with the approval of the program. Since we can let you come over, we are sure to be sure. As long as you come, the new column will be approved as soon as possible next Sunday. You continue to talk about talk shows, how?"

Zhang Wei sneered, "I'm sorry, no interest"

When a woman stays, she just wants to continue talking.

Zhang Wei has suddenly hang up the phone, and a nonsense doesn't want to tell her that she has this call. Zhang Wei knows something. He doesn't know that Shanghai TV plays a role that doesn't play a disgraceful role, but he believes it must be There was a TV station or an Internet TV station. Li Wei blocked Zhang Wei’s program. Apart from Wei’s company and Zhang Wei’s unfortunate experience, it seems that everyone in the local area is profiting.

Another phone call.

This person was the last person who had played a TV station for him.

"Zhang Wei, are you interested in coming to our TV station? The contract treatment is still the same as I said last time. Your program is off-air. It is definitely impossible to broadcast on the Internet TV. It is better to come here and develop, how to decide your own. Consider. "This person, Zhang Wei remembers very clearly. When I called myself last time, I was very polite. I had a "you" and a "teacher". Now I have changed my attitude. I am directly called Zhang Wei. The name is not so friendly in the tone, it feels like Zhang Hao has to ask him.

That time, the other party invited him, the other party was more polite, and Zhang Hao was naturally very polite, although he made up his mind and would not go.

But don't you talk to me?

Then I am still polite with you.

Zhang Wei directly replied, "How far is the thought, how far do you **** me?"

"You..." The man was smashed, and he was furious, just about to scream.

Dududuo, Zhang Wei has already hung up the phone. He now suspects that many people have participated in this incident and are giving him a scorpion. So after a low-key world of about half a month, Zhang Hao has changed back at this moment. When I was in Beijing, I changed back to the "warrior".

The tiger is not angry, you **** when I am a sick cat.

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