I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 264: [The radio and television held a press conference! 】

The same moment.

The network is also open.

"You see the notice of punishment of Shanghai Radio and Television"

"I rely on Zhang Wei talk show" why stop broadcasting?"

“Promoting unhealthy information? Where is Zhang Wei’s unhealthy? Isn’t it all the current social events? Isn’t it a case that happened? You can say that you can’t say that Zhang Wei’s teacher can’t say it? Can't you mention it?"

"The radio and television is getting too much"

"I still don't make sense. I look at Zhang Wei's talk show every day."

"Isn't it just a few words about the stick? How do you disturb the social order?"

"Inexplicably, the crime is said to be on the safe side? There is absolutely a shady inside."

"You look at the stop list, even your mother's story shows have this age. Is this going to be a literary prison? I am paralyzed, I am already mad at the lungs, how can this happen? Isn't it a heart? Do you know that your radio and television prestige is big, know that your radio and television rights are wide, but you can take Zhang Wei’s teacher to set up a knife to grasp the typical example? You are too mean to have a problem with this program. It all reflects the social reality and Current events, and relatively positive energy, are the expectations and aspirations of the people. Do you want to erase this thing? Are you a Republic or a running dog? Li Puyu publicly questioned our host, with fans We are open to our entertainment programs. You don’t even ask, you don’t even ask what, what program Li Geyu should go on, but Zhang Yi’s counterattack, or take some facts that have already happened to fight back, you Shanghai Radio and Television Urgent? Instead, I also helped the stars of the sticks and sticks to block the host of our country? I want to ask, are you sick, are you still people? Or people of the Republic ? "

"I also fried"

"Mom - the deception is too much"

"This time the broadcast is stopped, Teacher Zhang Wei is too embarrassed."

"These shows on the list are all embarrassing. Didn't you find out? Other copying of the pirated Zhangye talk show", even the copyright has not been bought, even said that almost all of them are exactly the same as Zhang Wei, some paragraphs even I copied Zhang’s paragraph, but they didn’t even be on the list. I’m going to make it clear that you’re blocking the off-air show. What do you mean by not sealing you?”

"The reputation of radio and television has a long history, but this time it is too much, even if you have blocked other pirated talk shows."

"They are for Zhang Wei?"

"Yes, it is to suppress Zhang teacher."

A lot of online angry youth and Zhang Wei’s fans are smashing up.

There are still some people who have fallen into the rocks. The Shanghai Broadcasting and Television Corporation has dealt with it. A lot of rumors have come, including those in the industry who have wanted to see Zhang Wei but have seen him on the show, so they have not shot. When I finished, I couldn’t show it on the talk show. I jumped out one by one and launched a stormy attack and accusation against Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Yu live"

"Ha ha ha likes to hear it"

"Who is good to let him slap us Li Puyu"

"Is this long-term memory? Some people are not what you can marry. What is our fame? What is Li Puyu's reputation? I don't know how to measure myself. Now I know that I am in trouble? Late."

A microblog-certified expert commentator said: "Zhang Wei's program is indeed over-fired, and it is also over the line. He seems to be ridiculing. Actually, it is disturbing social order. What is the use of Korea? It is a quick mouth. The impact is enormous. Even in serious cases, the relationship between the two countries is disturbed. If the program is not seriously dealt with, what kind of program will it handle?"

Some people refute it. It is the actor Yao Jiancai who has forgotten the relationship with Zhang Wei. "The talk show that pirated plagiarism that Zhang Yu said is more than the line did not disturb the social order. Zhang Zhen, this genuine version is not good? What do you reason? ”

The expert commentator said: "To deal with these things, you must first shoot the first bird, cut off the biggest cancer, and there is no problem in the processing of radio and television."

Yao Jiancai said: "You are the original version of the distortion concept. Instead, you have to be careful and daring, and piracy can be arrogant. Can plagiarism be supported by radio and television? What logic do you have?"

On Weibo, Hu Fei also spoke. "I am wondering, Zhang Wei talk show" is such a rare and self-originating excellent column in China. How is there a problem? Zhang Wei’s talk show is not on Internet TV. Yes, it is also possible to get a traditional TV station. Zhang Wei is a professional moderator. He graduated from the class and worked for so long. There are several high-rated audiences, so experienced and capable. The moderator, is there anyone who doubts his professionalism? Every paragraph he said is able to get a large audience and say that he spreads bad information? Which piece of good information is spread? Please ask the so-called expert above to point me out, I I really want to hear it."

Another expert jumped out. He obviously knew Hu Fei. He only said that he said: "Old Hu, Zhang Wei is playing the ball. This kind of thing is going upstream in the policy side. Now it is caught. It’s normal, it’s a curse, Zhang Wei is paying the price now.”

Then, several TV stations also came out to criticize Zhang Wei, including several Internet TV stations, and even companies with pirated and plagiarized Zhang Wei talk show. They took advantage of Zhang Wei’s cheap and stolen Zhang. I didn’t give a penny for the fruits of my labor. Now I see Zhang Wei’s fall. They stand up again and squat Zhang Zhang’s “digging man”, and the ugly face is unobstructed.

"Zhang Wei is self-sufficient"

"His show should have been stopped."

"In the future, everyone will still watch the talk show on our Internet TV station. We promise not to disseminate bad information and will evaluate social events fairly."

There is also an opportunity to advertise.

The so-called wall is pushed by everyone, and Zhang Wei suddenly became the target of public criticism.

There is a slap in the face, and he is strong, and there is a fierce debate on the Internet soon. Everyone has their own views on whether or not to stop broadcasting. However, this is of course only on the Internet, and it is also the words and words on the plain. In fact, for this stop broadcast, many people in the industry and even the people are clear - there must be a bit tricky inside, because Some people in Shanghai Radio and Television are too ugly to eat, do not check piracy, do not pursue plagiarism, but instead seal Zhang Hao, the meaning of the target is no longer obvious

Thought everyone is a fool?

Who is smarter than anyone?

To say that there is no interest involved and personal grievances, silly - forced not to believe

Especially those fans who have always liked Zhang Wei are more aware that Zhang Yi’s temper is not good, because he dares to tell the truth that he has offended many people, not to mention the TV circle, that is, the literary circle, Zhang Wei They have been offended once and over again, hating that he hates to gnash their teeth, and the Republic is a human society. A few phone calls and a relationship, Zhang Yi is likely to be difficult to move, just like today. Things, there are too many people who are looking for Zhang Hao’s troubles, and the enemy is a piece of one. You may not know who is under the guise.


Shanghai Radio and Television.

Press room.

The reporters have come, but all are waiting outside, the staff did not let them in, because there is no time, only the people of Shanghai Radio and Television and those who have been stopped broadcasting. This is a press conference and a "review meeting" open to the public. The radio and television issued a notice. The relevant personnel of the illegal program must be reviewed at the press conference. Usually, such reporters may not be used. The form of the meeting, but who made it is an extraordinary period, and was severely arrested. The purpose of broadcasting and television is to kill chickens and monkeys. It is also another Liwei, telling those who are disobedient in the TV station or related entertainment industry, who is the boss

Zhang Wei is also very profound about the radio and television. In his world, there have been many things like this, such as the movie "No Man's Zone". Is the director Ning Hao not big? Is there a reputation? That is the recognized frontline director on his side, what about the actors in this film? Xu Wei Huang Wei, that is a first-line star, or a movie emperor, such a big-name team or even a film production company is also very large in the industry network, but this film has been dragged on for a few years. The release, the loss is great, what is the reason? It’s because of the words of the radio and television, the audit is not passed, then you will wait, the radio and television said that you can’t show it, you can’t show it.

any idea?

There is no way the other party is radio and television.

In this world, Zhang Wei found that radio and television control of the entertainment industry is even bigger. Zhang Jian and his world know that if there is a problem with a program, it is at most a report, and the radio and television department will recognize the supervision. Dereliction of duty, otherwise it is a radio and television meeting, a closed review, where will it be open to the public? Also got such a big press conference? This is to stop them from dying in the air and stop broadcasting your programs. There is no reason at all. If you just arrange a crime, you have to be blocked. Then you have to let Zhang Wei take the shot and the whole society. Admit mistakes, do not allow them to resist a bit, how strong is this

Outside the venue.

Zhang Wei arrived, and he was accompanied by the supervisor Wang Xiong and a department staff.

The reporters were all waiting outside. When I saw Zhang Wei, I immediately greeted him and sprinted the gun.

"Zhang Wei, what do you have to say?"

"Your show has been stopped, and the Internet has caused a lot of heated discussion. What do you think?"

This event is really not small, Shanghai TV station, several newspapers in Shanghai, large and small, 17 or 8 media, 20 or 30 reporters and video

Zhang Wei looked at them.

What do I have to say?

I just want to say a word to Li Wei - you don't want me to be better than you, don't want to give me a better price than the one that I am smashing with me... It's big

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