I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 265: [Live! 】

Meeting place.

It's in the side hall on the first floor.

Wang Xiong, Zhang Ye and others evaded the reporters' chase and interception. They showed their work permits to the people from the Broadcasting and Television Bureau, and they were let in. There were already several TV station staff and hosts who had been suspended. On the rostrum, Zhang Ye saw at a glance the big beer belly Li Tao and several other Shanghai Radio and Television who came to their company to announce the processing of documents. Of civil servants.

Li Tao is directing.

"Check the microphone."

"Director Li, there is no problem."

"The press conference is only half an hour, and it will be broadcast live on the Shanghai local station. This is also the last closing link of our grasp of the typical this time. The most important thing is to make no mistakes. Otherwise, even if the previous one is good, the last There is a problem with this answer sheet, and it doesn’t work either."

"We understand."

"Don't worry, Director Li."

After Li Tao said, he looked at Zhang Ye and others in the distance, but didn't respond. Then he found a radio and television staff member who was presiding over the meeting, "Xiaozheng, when you are hosting the meeting later, it will be the turn of Weiwo Video and Dong Chu. During the video, reporters can be allowed to ask questions. It is not necessary for others to review. It is also to save time. Half an hour must be completed within the time limit."

That called Xiaozheng's startled, "Yes, the leader."

Li Tao nodded and left with satisfaction.

Xiaozheng didn't ask any extra words, because he already knew it, Dongchu Video? This is a new network TV company that was just established this year. At the time, it was reported that this company was a bit'not on the road, and did not follow the relationship, and did not give gifts to open up all aspects of their radio and television. In the end, they were caught by their Shanghai Radio and Television card. For several months, they deliberately failed to approve them. In the end, Dongchu Company may have competed with them, and directly passed the application materials to the General Administration. It was passed. Xiaozheng thought that Director Li meant to beat them. As for Viva video? Xiaozheng is not clear about the situation, but he must have offended Li Tao Li, or benefit, or other things, then it will not be understood by Xiaozheng at this level.In short, the execution of the leader's order is Up.

Zhang Ye didn't know the conversation over there. He met several hosts. Everyone knew each other, and they might have watched each other's programs, but they didn't know each other. They didn't meet each other. They can be regarded as sympathetic to each other, and the relationship naturally gets closer.

"Ms. Zhang Ye?"

"Ms. Zhou Hao."

"Ms. Chen, are you here too?"

Several people stood together and talked, but they all sighed in their voices.

The host Zhou Hao whispered: "What do you think this is, do the show well, or do it according to the regulations, just stop it."

Teacher Chen looked at him, "Did you offend someone?"

Zhou Hao was silent, "Oh, don't mention it."

Teacher Chen angrily said: "I'm the most wronged. I am a **** host of an online children's program, but they have also stopped broadcasting. Isn't this driving people on the road?"

Another host said: "When you Dongchu Video applied for online TV qualifications, didn't you have a little friction with Shanghai Broadcasting and Television, this is to take advantage of the opportunity of the crackdown to settle accounts after autumn."

They dare not say these things to others, but their fellow compatriots in the trenches, there is nothing they can't say, and even if you don't say it, everyone is in the mirror.

Zhou Hao said angrily: "The programs that should be stopped keep stopping, and there are a bunch of programs that shouldn't be stopped. Teacher Zhang Ye is also aggrieved? I watched your show. It's really good-looking. There are a lot of pirated copies of your show. , But what's the result? Those shows are good, but they are stopped for you."

Zhang Ye asked, "Why don't you stop the airing of those talk shows?"

Teacher Chen sighed, "I also heard, but it is not necessarily true. It is said that the two Internet TV stations that pirated your column have a good relationship with Li Tao, the person in charge of radio and television, who is in charge of this crackdown. It seems that when applying for Internet TV stations. Just leave his relationship. No, the radio and television team in Shanghai is going to be adjusted recently. I heard that Li Tao is almost certain to be promoted, so his right to speak in Shanghai is also growing. What he says is what he says. Our company previously entrusted several other leaders of Shanghai Broadcasting and Television, but it didn’t work. Well, don’t tell outsiders about this. Just let us know it. Well, it’s such a world anyway."

There was another host who was a woman. She said, "Have you prepared the review book?"

"What are you going to prepare?" Teacher Chen said: "Just say a few words casually. They are all engaged in broadcast hosts. Do you have this skill yet?"

Zhou Haowo hotly said: "I really don't want to go up.

"What should I do if I don't go?" Teacher Chen said: "I have spoken to Li Tao, and confronted him. How will we work with Shanghai in the future? As long as we are still in this circle, we have to be led by them."

Zhou Hao said, "But my show is okay at all. It has been broadcast for half a year. Why didn't they say something was wrong when they reviewed it? Why didn't we make corrections?"

Teacher Chen looked at him, "I have blocked all of my children's programs. The reason for stopping the broadcast is to spread bad information to teenagers. Just go for it."

Through the communication with everyone, Zhang Ye can see more and more clearly. This time he said it was a hard strike, and he said it was a typical example. In fact, it was just a time when Li Tao was excluding dissidents and fighting for his own interests. , Li Tao doesn't care, he only pays attention to whether this matter is beneficial to him. Obviously, Zhang Ye and the other hosts present were all abandoned by Li Tao and served as his bargaining chip.

Suddenly, the reporters rushed in and they all came in

People from Radio and Television arranged everyone to take their seats, and Zhang Ye and the others all sat down.

five minutes later.

Radio and TV’s Xiaozheng sat on the rostrum and announced: “Next, the press conference will officially begin. I would like to ask Director Li Tao Li to announce the results of the recent violations of the program.”

Li Tao came to the stage with high spirits, "Hello friends from reporters, everyone."

Then, he announced one by one the programs that had been suspended, "Online Bikini Selection", Zhang Ye Talk Show"

The camera has been turned on, and the live broadcast has begun. Many viewers who are concerned about this large-scale ban on TV programs are also guarded in front of the TV. In some places, people cannot receive the signal from the small local station in Shanghai and watch it through the Internet. , There are also simultaneous live broadcasts on the Internet, but the picture will be delayed for more than ten seconds.


Wang Xiong turned his head and said, "Do you want to say something?"

"Well, I have already thought about it." Zhang Ye nodded.

Wang Xiong patted him, "I have wronged you, but... there is no way."

Broadcasting and Television-In their eyes, it was a machete hanging over everyone's heads. Their opinions had already been dealt with and they did not dare to disobey.

The announcement is over.

Li Tao did not continue to preside, instead he stepped down and sat in the first row, holding his shoulders to watch.

Xiaozheng took the microphone and started the next step, which is to ask questions from reporters and review the relevant negligent personnel.

The first person who came up was Teacher Zhou Hao and a middle-aged person. The middle-aged person was speaking. He was the director system of the suspended program. "As a public television media, we should have the obligation to do one... He said a lot, and finally said: "Here, on behalf of the column team and our network TV station, I apologize to the public."

Li Tao smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

The second person who came up was Teacher Chen and several people from his program group.

But as soon as Teacher Chen was about to speak, Xiaozheng, who was in charge of the press conference, said to the reporter: "Now everyone can ask questions at any time."

The reporter's mouth is so damaged, when he heard this, he began to bombard the past

"Ms. Chen, why are you talking about such illegal children's programs?"

"Children's programs are the top priority of children's education. Some unhealthy information will have a great psychological impact on children, and even shadows. What do you want to say?"

Huff, a dozen questions

Teacher Chen's face became more and more ugly, and everything he was told was going crazy, but at the reminder of a colleague of his program team next to him, he still endured it, "I apologize, I'm sorry." He said, bowing slightly. , But his eyes are full of humiliation and suffocation. He is just an ordinary children's show. Just because the little rabbit's sister was eaten by the bear, he called his column to spread bad information? Teacher Chen has been working for more than ten years, and has never suffered this kind of injustice, and he is still bowing his head in front of everyone and admitting mistakes that were not wrong.


Just because the other party is the broadcasting department

Teacher Chen and other broadcast hosts dare not say anything, nor can they say anything. All they can do is what Li Tao asks them to do, and they will go there. There is no room for negotiation. Otherwise, even if there is a second sentence, it will be fine. It's not that the show has been blocked, but you have been blocked from the Shanghai entertainment circle. Even if you quit Shanghai and avoid Shanghai's radio and television, as long as Li Tao is in one day, you will not be better. Others The local radio and television also have a pair of pants with them. Will Li Tao still have this relationship?

Below, there is a hostess on stage. This person looks about the same age as Zhang Ye. She is estimated to be a college student who has just graduated. After apologizing, she watched the reporters take pictures of her one by one, and looked at Li Tao. A smile hung over her mouth, and the hostess's grievances fell into tears.

she cried

Can't stand it anymore

Wang Xiong don't look too far, the fists in his hands are clenched, and several other hosts who share the same enemy also gritted their teeth one by one. This group of broadcasters is too bully.

When the reporters saw the hostess cry, they looked at each other for a while, and also put away the various expressions on their faces, and sighed in their hearts. To be honest, they also know that a large part of the programs of these hosts are not problematic. In Shanghai, there are many more problematic columns than them, but the final result is that there are no other illegal columns. Things while they were caught typical

What can be done?

This is the entertainment industry

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