I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 266: [张烨's "Answer"! 】

The press conference will be on the scene.

The atmosphere has become a bit low.

The tears of a woman are very distressing, but some people are exceptions. For example, Li Wei, seeing the hostess crying on the stage, he is not finished, he frowns coldly and swayed at Xiaozheng, pointing his finger That female host.

Xiaozheng will know what to say to everyone: "It seems that she has already recognized the seriousness of the problem. Let's change one. Will the video come from me?"

The female host stepped down in the “support” of the radio and television staff.

Wang Xiong is about to get up.

Zhang Wei pressed him. "I will go alone."

"Where can this kind of thing make you alone?" Wang Xiong is not.

"Go to one is also going, go to the two is also the same, you are the same, you should not fight with me." Zhang Hao died and pressed his shoulders did not let Wang Xiong up.

Wang Xiongyi hesitated, "...well."

Zhang Wei stood up, took care of the suit, and strode to the stage.


The people in our company are also watching the live broadcast.

"Hey, Teacher Zhang Wei went up," Xiao Yu called.

Dong Shanshan’s faceless expression, Wang Hao and A Qian and other colleagues who have a good relationship with Zhang Wei are also not very good. They are all angry at Zhang’s murder, but if Zhang’s program is really illegal, Even if you haven't, you blocked his column and asked him to apologize for your request and instructions. This is no longer a bully. This is a dead end.

"If I am, I will not go."

"Don't you? Teacher Zhang doesn't want to be there?"

"At this time, I have to accept a soft mistake. At least I can work in the circle. If I don't even go there at this time, you will not be in the future."

"Broadcasting has always been so strong"

"Hey, Teacher Zhang is eating a big loss."

Only a few other people in the office area smiled and were happy to watch the excitement. For example, a few web hosts who had a relationship with Zhang Wei. They had envied Zhang Hao before, and a newcomer could have such good results. Now his program has been stopped. They naturally gloat.


Zhang Wei fans have broken out

"Son of a bitch"

"The grandson of radio and television"

"Does Teacher Zhang kill your father or kill your mother?"

"You look at the female host who just cried. Is this group of Shanghai Radio and Television people mad?"

There is another person who is jealous.

"Haha, I can finally see Zhang Hao eating it."

"The best thing to apologize is that you deeply insult the things of my family Li Puyu."

"Zhang Wei, you have today, when you were yelling at our Koreans, it wasn’t very cool, now you know it’s wrong? Live it.”

There are also stick students who speak.

"Let you marry us Koreans, stupid."

"The radio and television of your republic is too powerful in our country. If your words and deeds in your republic are on the show, as long as it is not too radical, you will even get the full support of the TV station. You are good here, not only do you not support yourself, Instead, I still kill myself? But I like haha ​​to be beautiful. This person in charge is called Li Wei? I will give you a compliment on behalf of the Korean people."

A few international students have come out, and a new round of confrontation has begun again.

Where did the cynics of the Republic hear this, and went all the way up?

However, the students who stick to the sticks also make these people feel gloomy. You have to admit that they are really telling the truth. The people of Li Wei, who are not only do not support their own country, but help the stick to block their excellent national programs. It’s just a matter of the love of the deceased. What is Shanghai Radio and Television thinking about? What is the deputy director of Li Wei thinking?

on site.

In the first row of the audience, there was a row of radio and television leaders and civil servants.

Li Yan’s mouth looked at Zhang Wei, who was on the stage with a smile, waiting for him to review. Of course, this time he has his own considerations. As for the results, as to whether their columns should really be Stopping the broadcast, Li Weicai can't take care of this. He feels that if he wants to stop broadcasting, then stop, don't need nonsense, do you have any opinions? What can I do if I have opinions? Since the merger of radio and television and press and publication, the permission of that piece is also theirs.

Zhang Wei sat down.

Xiaozheng looked at him and waited for Zhang Wei to talk and rushed to interject the reporters: "You can ask questions now.

Many people have noticed that after several other illegal program groups have come up, they have not been given the opportunity to ask questions. However, when Mr. Chen and Zhang Yiyi came over, the radio and television people immediately couldn’t wait to let the reporters ask questions. Too obvious

Wang Xiong Yin face

Chen and Zhou Hao, several of their hosts, comforted the female host who was still sobbing. She may not have suffered such a big grievance and is still crying.

The reporters started asking questions.

"Zhang Wei, why do you want to use this gimmick to attract the audience?"

"Your show is constantly insulting to Korea. Is this your personal will or company?"

"The program has been suspended. If you restart the first-line talk show in the future, what will you say? Do you still have to continue to make this mistake?"

"There are a lot of people reporting your show now, and the criticism on the Internet is very loud. I don't know what you think about this thing?"

"Zhang Wei..."

"Teacher Zhang……"

"Why do not you speak?"

"Zhang Wei, please answer us"

The reporters asked one by one, but Zhang Wei did not return a word.

Li Yan’s cold eyes looked at Zhang Wei, didn’t he talk? Do you think that you are finished without speaking?

Xiaozheng looked at Zhang Wei and said to him: "Zhang Wei, please answer the questions of the reporters."

Everyone thought that Zhang Hao would apologize and would confess to the mistake and then rushed down because the other party is Shanghai Broadcasting and Television. Because the other party is a person who is in the entertainment circle, anyone who can’t afford it exists in the impression of everyone, in the circle. Even if people are thorny, they can’t be stupid enough to go to the radio and television, but they are wrong. There is an exception to this world’s partiality.

What other people dare not do? Zhang Hao dare to do

What others dare not say? Zhang Wei dare said

Maybe everyone doesn't have this concept at all. Maybe everyone has forgotten it too. Zhang Wei is not only the conscientious moderator, but also the master who dared to lead in the silver microphone when the unit dared to live on TV. His dictionary never No fear of words

"Zhang Wei" radio and television Xiaozheng sipped a sentence, "Do you have anything to answer?" Even though it is a small ordinary civil servant of Shanghai Radio and Television, he dares to talk to Zhang Wei, what is it? Is the majesty of their radio and television

Question me? Hey me? Framed me? Wronged me?

Do you still apologize? Also let me answer you according to your meaning and manuscript?

Zhang Wei smiled a little, and his face looked very calm. It was not like an expression that was preparing to apologize. You want me to answer? Ok, I will give you a radio and television answer today. Is this live broadcast? It’s just what I want, I said it, you don’t want me to be comfortable, I won’t make you comfortable.

More than the trouble of making trouble?

No one in the entertainment industry can compare with me.

It’s a big deal, I’m not resigning, I’m not big, I’m not mixing this entertainment circle, but let me swallow this breath today? You are too naive

I am afraid of you?

Go to your big-yo-

Zhang Wei touched the microphone, and the reporters’ comments were calmed down. Wang Xiong and Chen’s teacher Zhou Hao and others looked at Zhang Wei. There were countless viewers in front of the TV or supporting or jokes staring at him. I want to see how Zhang Hao will apologize.

Li Wei chuckled, why not squat? Don't you not say anything? Still have to apologize to talk

Then, Zhang Wei spoke, but when he first came out, he let everyone in front of the scene and the TV set stunned.

Zhang Wei, who glared at the radio and television, glared at Li Wei. "Despicable is the pass for the despicable, noble is the epitaph of the noble."



Is this poetry? Modern poetry?

No one thought that Zhang Wei’s mouth is what this means? Despicable people can rely on despicable unimpeded, noble people can only enter the tombstone with nobleness? This ironic meaning is too strong, and people who know a little bit of literature know that this poem cannot be simple.

Li Wei’s face changed greatly

The staff of the radio and television company was also told by Zhang Wei that this is a live broadcast.

Zhang Wei didn't care, looked up and looked up. "Look, in the gold-plated sky, the reflection of the deceased's curvature is filled. The glacier is gone, why are ice icing everywhere? The Cape of Good Hope has discovered why the sails in the Dead Sea Competition?" All the questions were thrown into the stage.

The scene is already silent.

The cameraman is also dumbfounded, I don’t know if it should be cut off.

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I came to this world, only with paper, rope and figure. In order to read the voices that were judged before the trial." When it came to this, Zhang Hao’s tone suddenly slammed, and the smile was instantly received. When you get up, the voice is suddenly aggravated. "Tell you, the world, I--no-phase-trust, if you have a thousand challengers at your feet, then count me as the first thousand and one."

"I don't believe that the sky is blue"

"I don't believe in the echo of Ray"

"I don't believe that dreams are fake."

"I don't believe in death without retribution"

When these sentences came out, the echoes resounded in the hall.

Zhang Hao hangs a smile again. "If the ocean is destined to break the dyke, let all the bitter water in my heart. If the land is destined to rise, let humans re-select the peak of survival. The new turn and the glittering star are being adorned. There is no hidden sky, it is a five thousand years of hieroglyphics." Zhang Wei looked up again, facing the camera, pointing at the top of the finger, and firmly said: "That is the future... people staring at the eyes

God knows what you did

History will give me justice

- This is Zhang Wei's "Answer"

Works from Zhangye that world, North Island

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