I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 267: [The familiar teacher Zhang is back! 】

Live broadcast is quiet

Zhang Wei answered them

Use a way of arranging yourself

Answered everyone in a jaw-dropping way

After the poem was finished, the reporters in the audience took a sigh of relief. Some people stared at Zhang Wei, who looked at the microphone with disbelief. Someone touched the brain and wiped the sweat in shock. The first row of Shanghai Broadcasting and Television people almost vomited blood one by one, and was almost suffocated by Zhang Wei’s poem. Especially the highest level of Li Wei is also the person in charge of this press conference. Li Yan’s face is red. The blue veins on the neck are exposed, and it seems like I want to rush to the stage to bite Zhang Hao, and hate it to the extreme.

The rest have not responded yet.

After a few seconds, the scene was just a slam

"I rely on"

"This poem..."

"Zhang Yu is crazy."

"How dare he, how dare he"

"So you have a radio and television? Is he not wanting it?"

A lot of reporters got up and stood up. They were summoned by the radio and television. The general direction of the question was almost the same as the core purpose of the radio and television press conference. But at this moment, the attitude of the reporters has changed. Their faces were replaced by excitement and excitement. The reporter’s surname and professionalism, which feared that the world was not chaotic, broke out at this moment.

What is the blood of chicken?

Is what they are now

Hey, the reporters are crazy like taking pictures of Zhang Wei. Some people are rushing to record the shocking poems with memory.

Big news

This time, it’s a big problem.

Comrade Zhang Wei, why are you always... so cute?

When the reporters came, they thought that they had to go through the game and follow the regular pattern. It’s just a good report, but I didn’t expect it to have such an amazing scene.

"Zhang is angry"

"Zhang Hao is angry again."

Some Shanghai reporters are no strangers to Zhang Wei. The incident of aircraft hijacking was the first time that Zhang Wei was in Shanghai, which caused people's attention. So many reporters also investigated Zhang Wei's past. But there are also many reporters and broadcasters who don't know him.

A young reporter is different: "What do you mean?"

Another female reporter stayed. "How come and anger? Did he have done this before?"

"It’s just over." An old reporter smiled and said: "That is more than once. This Zhang Wei is a notorious guy in the capital circle. At an award ceremony, no one thanked him after his award. Instead, he publicly smashed his work unit and later went to the TV station. He also disturbed the live broadcast when a memorial service was broadcast live. In front of the camera, he took the lead of his leader and gave him a **** head. Which of your newspapers did this? Haven't you heard of it? At that time, things were much more raging. The Wang Shuixin finally got caught. Some people lived. He is already dead. Some people are dead. He is still alive. This poem has not been heard? ”

The young reporter said: "I have heard this poem is too famous."

The old reporter said: "This poem is written by Zhang Wei, or is the poem written on the spot during the live broadcast.

A middle-aged woman reporter who also heard about Zhang Wei, while recording the first "answer", spoke to them with one heart and one mind: "When the radio and television convened a press conference, I knew the list of people coming, and the name of Zhang Wei. Later, in the afternoon, someone told me that it was a live broadcast. I was very surprised at that time. I thought about Zhang Wei’s famous thorns and hooligans in the Beijing circle. Radio and TV actually dared to let him live. The comrades of Guangdian had the courage to have How big, I don't particularly understand and doubt. I still think that they may communicate with Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei will definitely follow the rules and honestly review. Who wants this is not the case? Didn't discuss it well?"

The old reporter also cried and said: "Yeah, I heard that when I was on the live broadcast, I also stunned. I have a lot of friends in the TV media circle in Beijing. I listened to them. Zhang Wei’s live TV show in Beijing. The group is registered there, and the anti-thief guards him. Shanghai Radio and Television does not know?"

Several of their reporters speak a little louder.

Some of the Shanghai Radio and Television people in the first row in the front heard it, and then turned back all the way, what? Zhang Wei used to do this kind of thing before? More than once? I don’t know how we don’t know, no one has told us that they are Shanghai Radio and Television. Their powers are all in Shanghai. There is no interest in them in Beijing. They are not the media industry. They don’t care so much every day. Local news, so many people really don’t know Zhang Jian’s notoriety, and there’s no subconsciousness in the mind that there are people in the circle who dare to openly and they’re arrogant.

"Hurry up and stop."

"It's too late"

"Do you stop the live broadcast now?"

"I can't stop, I can't use this to finish, the impact is too big."

The people of radio and television have also panicked. They have never encountered such a thing. The experience of not handling such things at all is also a mess.

"Director Li"

"What should I do, Director Li?"

Several people in the radio and television industry have looked at the main heart and bones.

Li Wei bite the back molars, and the person next to him can hear the movement of the teeth and teeth together. "Continue to stop now can't stop."

Then, the first poem of Shanghai Radio and Television and his Li Wei’s poems? The negative impact will be even greater now, whether they are willing or not, they can only broadcast on the scalp, they must reverse this situation before the live broadcast is interrupted, and restore their reputation as Shanghai Broadcasting and Television.

Wang Xiong looked at the messy meeting, the sweat of the brain had ticking himself down, he felt a little fainting on the chair, he felt a sense now - finished

The other program groups and moderators who were punished were gazing at each other. The female host who had just been grievous for a long time did not cry. She clenched her fists with excitement and yelled at Zhang Hao for other like Chen. And Zhou and other people, I also want to applaud Zhang Hao, saying it is too **** good. Despicable is the pass of the despicable. The noble is the epitaph of the noble. The first sentence of this poem is directly penetrated. The shock of their heart is hard to describe in words.

Zhang Wei is talking for them.

Zhang Wei is shouting out their inner anger for everyone.

The female hostess and the teacher Chen did not have the courage and courage of Zhang Wei, and they could not go up to say anything. All they could do was stand up silently and use this action to support Zhang Wei.

Wei my company.

Feng Guiqin did not know when he went to the office area of ​​Internet TV, and watched the live broadcast of the local TV station in Shanghai.

Feng Guiqin seems to be fixed, not moving

Dong Shanshan squinted and didn’t know what to say.

Wang Hao’s holding mineral water in her hand may have been to drink water before, but now the mineral water in her hand is being swayed on the ground, she has no consciousness and awareness.

A thousand stunned: "It turns out... Teacher Zhang is so fierce."

The entire network TV department actually knows that Zhang Wei is a very fierce person. From the first day of his employment, he left the human resources in the office area. Later, he talked about it, and then he talked about it. It’s in the show that I don’t want to catch anyone, who knows these things, but they didn’t even think that Teacher Zhang Wei would be so fierce.

Confront with radio and television?

Calling with the radio and television?

Still in the live broadcast process?

For example, Mr. Han and Mr. Gong have never liked Zhang Wei’s web host. They watched Zhang Wei’s enthusiasm on TV and read such an earth-shattering poem angering Shanghai Radio and Television. They also have some souls flying away. Feeling - this is a monk. This kind of person is better not to offend in the future. If you can pass it on your face, you can pass it. The soft, hard, and mixed.

Xiao Yu wipes sweat, "I heard that Teacher Zhang was like this when he was in Beijing."

Feng Guiqin said: "I shouldn't let him go to this live broadcast. It's so big now."


The network is also sensational

Zhang Wei’s "Answer" highlights countless pairs of eyes

"Ha ha ha ha, those sticks of brain powder come out"

"Who said that Teacher Zhang will apologize? Who said?"

"Yeah, who just wants to see Zhang Xiaoxiao's words? You are too naive. Who is Zhang Hao? Who is the most talkative child in the entertainment circle? Can he apologize? Pull your sister--a light bar"

"I am stupid, really, I really believe that Zhang Wei will go to a review. I should have thought of the stench of Zhang Wei’s teacher. How could he bow his head?"

"Hey, I am laughing."

"Mr. Zhang is very happy."

"I didn't laugh, I am excited."

"Zhang Wei did not let us down, too bully - forced"

"A good demeaning is a pass for the despicable. Teacher Zhang Wei is really the teacher Zhang Yi wants Zhang Jian to recognize? You are looking for the wrong person."

"To the radio and television left, I want to find soft persimmons, haha, I kicked the iron plate."

"I really admire the IQ of Li Wei. Who is Zhang Wei? Didn't you investigate and know how to seal his show? Do you dare to let him live? I can only say that Li Wei, you won, your I am too courageous to remember that on the day when Zhang Yi’s teacher left Shanghai after work, our Dashui Army has already reminded you of your Shanghai counterparts. We have repeatedly reminded you to be careful. Teacher Zhang Wei went to you. - This is the top 100 rankings in our online buzzwords this year. The meaning of this sentence is also translated later. It is a meaning to go to the village with the devil. Why do you not believe us? Basic vigilance does not have this kind of IQ. No one can save you. This time I saw it? Is this a long lesson?"

"Zhang Weiwei"

"Supporting Teacher Zhang Wei must expose the shady scene"

"I haven't seen Zhang Wei's teacher angry for a long time. I have seen it again today. I feel very cordial. The teacher Zhang who is familiar with us is back."

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