I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 268: [Zhang Wei's "Last Speech"! 】

"Support Zhang Wei"

"Secretary Zhang Teacher"

"Everyone unites and works together to strengthen Zhang Hao."

"Yes, I am very good at Zhang Wei, and I am lifting Zhang Wei’s talk show."

"And my teacher Mei Mei, she cried when she apologized."

"Supporting the children's program for Teacher Chen - I didn't know Zhang Wei before, but now I know him. By the way, I also support Teacher Zhang Wei. You are good."

"It’s true that Teacher Zhang is good."

"Zhang Wei wants to sacrifice himself to go with the radio and television."

"Zhang Wei is the only one who wants to say good things."

In the past, when Zhang Huan made a noise, there were many peers who sent comments. There were praises and blasphemy. But today, there is no one insider who said a word. Everyone seems to have a good discussion, and they all agree. I kept silent, for no reason, because this thing is too sensitive. It involves radio and television. They don’t dare to talk easily. Otherwise, it’s the end of being blocked.

However, there is a meager V who has more than one million fans. He is not a person in the entertainment circle, but a person who specializes in breaking news and anti-counterfeiting on the Internet. Weibo is called "a mouth" and fakes a lot of fake and inferior goods. The famous people in the circle who dared to fight and dare to kill, I saw him: "I used to call me a big mouth, and said that I dare to say anything, but only I know, some words I dare not say, Today, I saw the news conference of Shanghai Radio and Television. I want to say... You Zhang won, you are more than me."

"Who is Zhang Wei?"

"Ah, what happened to Zhang Wei?"

"What happened? Big mouth brother actually admitted that he is not as good as people? I have to look at it."

The world on the Internet is so lively, everyone's temperament is also quite true. Generally speaking, there is nothing to worry about. When you like it, you like it. Disgust is disgust. The reputation of radio and television in the circle is not good. It is not good in the eyes of ordinary people. The stars that everyone has liked by radio and television have not counted, but many people also have a feeling of resistance and resistance.

An "Answer" ignited everyone's emotions

An "Answer", pushing Shanghai Radio and Television to the cusp

However, this "answer" of the North Island is a poem of the sect, and the meaning is not so clear in words. It is different from the clear poetry faction of "My Confessions" and "Prisoner Song". Many people understand. There are also many people who don’t understand the meaning of it, just feel that it’s very cool.

"What does this poem mean?"

"Yes, ask for a big explanation."

Finally, there is a Zhang Wei fan who came out to analyze it. He posted this post in the Zhang Wei fan group post. "Many people say that they don't understand Zhang's new poem. Let me give you a brief explanation. I have limited ability. The level of literature is also too far away from Teacher Zhang Wei. It may not be able to fully analyze what Zhang wants to express. It can only be used as a reference. First of all, let me talk about the first sentence. This is a mean pass for the despicable. It is the epitaph of the nobles. I think it is the core of the whole poem and the most impactful one. Teacher Zhang Wei is satirizing some of the despicable villains of Shanghai Radio and Television, who are more and more smooth and even promoted by the despicable. Teacher Zhang Wei and other righteous gentlemen can only enter the grave with noble brands. Good people are not good enough to report."

"In the gold-plated sky, the reflection of the deceased's curves is filled? Those reflections are the metaphor of the nobles. The glacier is gone. Why are ice icing everywhere? The Cape of Good Hope finds out why the thousands of sails compete in the Dead Sea? Is it a question? No, I think this is the question of Teacher Zhang Wei. He is questioning the radio and television. He is also asking everyone, and then the following sentence will push this poem to the high-ranking one. There are a thousand challengers under your feet. Just count me as the first thousand and one? Zhang Wei is saying no and saying no to the world."

"He doesn't believe that the sky is blue."

"He doesn't believe in the echo of Ray"

"He doesn't believe that dreams are fake."

"He doesn't believe in death without retribution."

"This is the charm of literature. This is the literary foundation of a top poet. Some people may not understand the meaning of this poem, but I believe that when everyone hears these words, "I don't believe it, my heart is full." The blood is full of anger, and it’s finishing here. If it’s me, I will definitely choose to cut it here. I think it’s enough, but Zhang Wei doesn’t, he’s just calm down. It is the gap between a great poet and a common literary fan. In the latter paragraph, I think that the paragraph that I don’t have to appear in the past is repeated after I have listened to it several times. Then I think that this last paragraph ends. In fact, it is the finishing touch. If there is only the front, then this poem can only be regarded as excellent. After the last paragraph, this poem I personally has posted a great label for him, so that all the bitter water is injected into him. In my heart? What kind of love is the starry sky and the unobstructed sky is the eye that people will stare in the future? What kind of Xinnai is this?

"I don't know the poem created by Zhang Wei at the scene. Whether he is in a sorrowful mood or a belief in unyielding, but I know that, at least in my heart, this poem is the most outstanding work of Zhang Wei. Zhang Huan is the greatest poet of the Republic, his ideals, his anger, his beliefs, his persistence, his steadfastness and unyielding, all in his works are reflected in the most vivid, I can not evaluate whether Zhang Wei is doing things, is it lacking, I I am not qualified to evaluate whether Zhang Huan is a good person or a mixed person, but I can evaluate his work in the development of the Republic literature, no one can deny the outstanding contribution Zhang Jian made in it."

This person is finished.

This post also replies to thousands at a time.

"It turned out to be like this"

"I finally understood."

"Mr. Zhang wrote very well."

"Mahjong Radio and TV, this grandson, I am also like Teacher Zhang. I don't believe that dreams are fake. I don't believe in death without retribution."

"The radio and television has been miserable this time."

"However, hey, Teacher Zhang may be miserable."

As soon as this was said, many fans of Zhang Wei were a little silent.

There are also those sticks of brain powder that jump out and continue to squat.

"Apologize is over, admit that you should not say that my family Li Puyu will do it, you have to slap radio and television? You really don't know how to write the dead words. Who are we? Well, I admit that I did not guess this result. I didn't guess that Zhang Wei would use this method, but Zhang Hao is finished, it is really finished, this is the result, this is what we like to see, hey, can only blame Zhang Hao for being too stupid."

"Zhang Yu really silly hat"

"This person is killing himself."

"Ha ha ha, finally avenge us Li Puyu"

"The live broadcast will continue. Let's take a look at how the radio and television will punish Zhang Wei. This is a messy press conference. It must be lighter. He won't want to mix in the entertainment industry."

At the press conference, everyone talked about it.

In front of the TV, many people are also concerned about the development of the situation.

Everyone knows that if the live broadcast is still going on, it will definitely be that the radio and television will not swallow this breath.

Wang Xiong frequently glanced at Zhang Wei on the stage, indicating that he should not sit there, and hurry down.

However, Zhang Wei did not seem to see it. After finishing the poem, he still sat still, as if he was waiting for the radio and television people to speak, as if he had something to say.

Li Wei channel: "microphone"

A civil servant of radio and television quickly took it.

Li Wei Zhang Wei, holding the microphone said: "Zhang Wei, what you just mean, can I understand that you are not obeying the instructions of the superior supervisor, and you are willing to go it alone, and continue to make a mistake? For the review of your program, It has been carried out by many departments. The investigation has been very clear. We have already disclosed the relevant violation results and penalties. Anyone can find out, and you are not obeying the results?"

Another small part of Shanghai Radio and Television looks to Wang Xiong, "Wang Xiong, your own person, you handle it yourself.

Li Wei opened his mouth and talked again. At this time, he had stood up and looked harsh. It seemed that he had to blame Zhang Wei’s sins for a long time. He also wanted to remedy this situation and save face for the radio and television. Otherwise, he would be Zhang Wei. I am still not angry, where is the majesty of their radio and television?

However, Zhang Hao did not give him a chance to speak. He also stood up and looked at the stage with a microphone. "Today, I will treat these words as a speech. This may be my "last speech" - - In the past few days, everyone knows that the most despicable and shameless thing in history has appeared in Shanghai. Many of our programs have been stopped for no reason. What crimes have we committed? I was only written with a pen. Write an article, talk with your mouth, and what I have written and said is nothing more than a Chinese who has not lost his conscience."

What about foreigners?

Will foreigners give us a slap in the face?

Let's just ridicule them, even the dirty words don't dare to say, but they have to be accused of being crushed by their own people? Instead, kill us? What the **** is this?

Everyone knows what Zhang Wei’s words are.

The reporters also nodded slightly, and many people were busy taking pen records and recording Zhang Wei’s "Last Speech".

Zhang Wei stared at them. "Everyone has a pen and a mouth. If there is any reason to come up with it, there is a fact to come up and say why a hat is closed and we will close the column we made with painstaking efforts? Why do you say something? It’s just that I don’t dare to say it right, sneaking behind the tricks and doing some tricks to frame us. I don’t know how you think, what is your state of mind, how long are your minds, you think you have blocked a few programs, and blocked them. How many people can do things, can you scare us? I want to tell you that justice can’t be done because truth is always there.

Wang Xiong lived, and there was a **** heart in his heart.

Several other hosts who were sympathetic to Zhang Wei’s illness, all standing there, everyone was clenching their fists and shaking their hands.

Zhang Wei loudly said: "Maybe today, I fell, but our light is about to appear. We see, the light is in front of our eyes, and now is the darkest time before dawn. We have the power to break this darkness. We are vying for the light of our light, it’s just that your last days open up the history and you can see that the dark clouds will come in the end."

Too bad

These few words have arrived home.

Li Wei and the radio and television people finally panicked

"Quick stop live broadcast"

"I don't let him talk about it."

"Your sister, I saw that this is a jerk."

"Let's we buckle your hat? This is your **** button for us."

"Who said that I want to continue the live broadcast, this also saves the situation of a fart. Isn’t this a Zhang Yi alone?"

"Hurry and interrupt him."

"I can't interrupt him. Who is your talk show who your mother said?"

Li Wei suddenly stood up and said: "Zhang Wei, do you know what you are talking about? You can go down and filthy the superior department to broadcast live in public and mislead the public. I am now announcing that you have been disqualified from broadcasting since today." However: "Your company will do it."

The people on the radio and television on the stage hurried over.

One person wants to grab Zhang Wei’s microphone, and another person wants to take Zhang Hao’s step down.

But on the few meters of the road they ran over, Zhang Wei still said, "I am standing on this stage today, I am not afraid of anything. I have the spirit of sacrifice. In the morning, I stepped out of the door from my forefoot. I am not ready to step into that door again."

My grass

Not at all?

Do you think you are going to the execution ground?

The radio and television ran over to stop him from getting faster.

Li Wei also took the opportunity to stop the order to stop the live broadcast.

But just at the moment when the signal was about to be disconnected, Zhang Wei said that he had shocked and infected everyone in his world. It was also the core message of this "Last Speech". Zhang squatted and stood up. And the neck, cold and cold words to the radio and television humanity: "You look at it, you look at it with a big eye, a Zhang Yi fell down thousands of Zhang Wei stood up"

This statement is full of surprises.

Li Wei’s foot slammed and almost fainted

The crying hostess looks excited and can’t help herself.

A lot of reporters also caught their chests and felt that the heart and blood are intermingling.

Some of the other people in the radio and television market almost sighed out the old blood and couldn’t let him go any further. Then the mother said that they still don’t mess with the people of Shanghai Radio and Television. Today, at this moment, I finally learned the mouth of Zhang Wei. It’s too bad for your mother.

A piece of Zhang fell down

Thousands of Zhangye stand up?

Zhang Wei’s speech was over, and the live broadcast signal was also cut off. This speech even had no applause at the scene. However, Zhang Wei, who was “please” from the radio and television, looked at the reporter’s shocked expression and looked at those who followed. The eyes of the peers who are being suppressed by themselves, Zhang Wei knows, even seems to be able to hear the "sound" in the venue from the people's nature and inner blazing applause

This is a perfect speech

This is the "last speech" from his world, which is famous for his more than one, and it has been added by Zhang Wei. Today, at this time, it is brought out in this world.

As a curtain call to say goodbye to the entertainment industry, Zhang Wei has no regrets.

He has told the world what kind of person Zhang Qi is.

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