I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 269: [Responsibility in all directions! 】

Live broadcast stopped

TV screen is interrupted

The signal was sluggish for a few seconds, and the advertisement was saved temporarily. It can be seen that the local channel in Shanghai was also caught off guard.

a good speech

A good Zhang Hao.

The live broadcasters and camera crews on the scene were basically sent by the TV station. Zhang Yi’s "Answer" came out. They already knew that there was an accident. The TV station headquarters immediately ordered the person in charge of the scene to discuss with the officials of the radio and television. Finally, the radio and television People insisted on continuing to broadcast live, and the people on their TV stations also knew that the radio and television company wanted to bring back the situation and the bad effects caused by it, and brought it back on the right track. It was probably thinking about canceling the qualification of Zhang Wei and then proceeding to him. Severe criticism, just in line with the main line of the "review meeting", and then cut off the live broadcast, this process takes about a few minutes is enough

However, I never imagined that Zhang Yilian did not give any opportunity to speak to the radio and television. From the beginning to the end, he was in control of the right to speak. No one can insert a few words. People don’t know why this is the case, but The Shanghai TV station that made the live broadcast knows that this is the most basic quality and personal charm of an excellent host. Zhang Hao has this ability. He can stand there and control the words of the audience with just one mouth. Right, in the broadcasting industry, this ability is called the gas field. In KT, this ability is called - Maiba.

No one is plugged in

No one stopped Zhang Wei

Of course, the most crucial thing is this "Last Speech", such an earth-shattering speech, every sentence is like a knife, as if to kill, as long as the person who listened to this speech, almost all Zhang Wei The momentum and speeches shook


Anyone who stayed in front of the TV and watched the live broadcast of the press conference stayed on the Internet and watched the live broadcast of the press conference.

Justice can't be killed, because truth always exists.

The front foot stepped out of the gate, and the hind foot was not ready to step into the door.

One, I have fallen down thousands of me... stand up?

The ear echoed Zhang Yan’s impassioned speech with anger and fearlessness. Some people didn’t know when they had nailed their nails into their hands. Some people didn’t know when they had already turned red.

Blasted online

It seems like a burning bullet has been lost.

"Zhang You are the best"

"Mr. Zhang is good"

"I will support you all my life"

"Mr. Zhang, we are all with you."

"Grass - you - Da-Ye's Shanghai Radio and Television Laozi fights with you"

"After counting me, I go to the website of the radio and television every day. I am too bully. I am too bully. I don't have them."

"I am full of anger now. Why can't a good man have a good report? Why do you want to target Zhang Wei? The radio and television people I want to ask you when the fans are terminally ill, who is going to help the fans to cure the disease? I want to ask When you asked us about the insults and provocations of our country, who is under pressure to fight back on the show, I want to ask you when the plane was hijacked, who is standing up and ignoring the dangers of life, fighting with the gangsters and landing the plane to save Have you got a hundred lives? Who are you? You told me where you were at that time? What are you doing now? Are your consciences let the dog eat?"

“Why stop broadcasting Zhangye talk show?”

"Is the teacher's qualification to be revoked now?"

"You are too embarrassed, you are still a man?"

"How did Teacher Zhang Yi offend you?"

After Zhang Wei’s speech, too many people who were originally neutral could not stand it anymore, and immediately ignited anger. Zhang Wei’s “Last Speech” infected countless people.

"To rehabilitate Teacher Zhang"

"Can everyone see it? I can't stand it anymore"

"This may be the last speech of Teacher Zhang. The last time I stepped on the stage, don't we do something?"

"I didn't like Zhang Wei. I didn't like his temper. I didn't like his character. I didn't even like his work. But today his speech really hit me and hit my heart. My lover just entered the house. After a moment, she asked me how to shed tears. I reached out and touched my eyes. Only then did I find out that I was crying. Zhang Yi said that he said that as long as there is a conscience, the Chinese will say what to do several times. What is wrong with him? What is wrong with him? Is there any law that he has committed? As long as you have spoken on the radio and television, others will be executed unconditionally and without complaints. Who do you think you are the emperor?"

"Broadcast, you are too arrogant"

"Yes, you can withdraw Zhang Wei, you can also cancel the qualification of Zhang Wei's teacher. But I use Zhang's words to tell you that the truth is that Zhang Wei, who can't die, has fallen thousands of Zhang Wei and stood up. Ten thousand... I have one now."

"The grass also has me one"

"The paralyzed counts me too."

Together, countless people responded

Some people liked it, and some people replied "I count one". This meager time is blinking. There are already more than 3,000 responses.

Not long after, the live video of Zhang Wei’s speech has been sorted out, and a jump link was sent on Weibo.

Everyone has moved to the Weibo post to comment and forward. Compared with Zhang Wei’s "Answer" before, the number of people who support Zhang Wei is now three or four times more.

Suddenly, a picture that everyone didn’t think of appeared.

The official Weibo of Shonan TV station actually gave a comment to Zhang Wei’s "Last Speech". The following record is clear.

“Shonan TV station liked it?”

"This is the official Weibo? By"

“Is it a staff error?”

"Isn't the official Weibo publishing official information? Isn't it a platform for information disclosure? Give a video to Mr. Zhang Wei's video of the radio and television?"

"This is supporting Zhang Wei."

"Shonan Taiwan, you are too powerful"

"We thank you for your teacher Zhang Wei"

In a short time, the meager certification was the account of the video network host Dong Shanshan, and also praised Zhang Wei’s video and forwarded it.

Then a female host of Shonan Taiwan

Then there is a deputy general manager of Chen’s network TV station.

At the end of the day, there are probably more than a dozen hosts in the industry who liked the video. Some of them are people who know Zhang Wei. Some of them are friends and old colleagues of Zhang Wei. Of course, more people don’t even know him. The peers who have never seen them did not say anything. They just used this method to force Zhang Wei’s hosts to move. Their fans also paid attention to it.

Finally, an old host who has long since retired from the TV circle, this person is called Meng Yixu. He is still very well-known in the circle. Although he is not a top host, he is also very qualified. There are a lot of programs hosted. "Zhang Wei, I have been paying attention to this young man’s program, but I only pay attention to it, but today I listened to his speech. I think I have to say something, how is Xiao Zhang’s personality? How about temper, I don't comment, but his personality, his character, is a person who can't have a problem. How can he be a wicked person? He would rather sacrifice himself and ask for a statement. I have to say a fair word to myself and everyone. At this point, I am not as good as him. I admire him. I want to know now. Which side of the country has raised Zhang Wei as a person, and I fell down. Thousands of people stand up? I suddenly want to see Zhang Wei, I want to see what kind of person can tell such an inspiring speech."

"Mr. Meng also came out."

"I went to Ms. Meng and also worked hard for Teacher Zhang Wei."

"The eyes of the masses are bright, bright, and electric. This is to die."

"The rights of your radio and television are all the masses who have given you the masses, lost the hearts of the people, what are you still? Or what? You are not **** anything."

Hu Fei of Beijing TV Station also took the risk to stand up. "I thought that Zhang Wei can only speak poetry. He can only write a novel to be a couplet. I didn't expect his speech to be so shocking. There are many famous speeches in the world. Most of them occurred during the war or during the civil-family struggle. In the past few years, there have been many speeches in the world, and many of them have been rated as excellent speeches. But they want to call it 'famous, can be labeled 'famous, label, but in recent years Not yet, today I listened to Zhang Wei’s "Last Speech". I insist that in the world famous speeches... there should be a place for "The Last Speech". It is great and he is also great."

Online has become a pot of porridge

There are 骂 radio and television, there are Ming dynasty support Zhang Wei, there is secret support for Zhang Wei

In short, after Zhang Yi’s speech, he and I both pushed Shanghai and Shanghai Broadcasting and Television to the forefront.

"Last Speech", this is the last work of Zhang Yi’s world, and it is a speech of Mr. Wen’s roaring anti-moving-speaking. The reason why he called "The Last Speech" is actually not smelling. The names of the lectures that were named by themselves were added by the descendants, because in the afternoon of the speech, Mr. Wen Yiduo was assassinated by the secret agents, and sacrificed one of Zhang’s previous awards at the Silver Microphone Awards Ceremony. The first "Dead Water" is also the work of Wen Yiduo.

Such a background

Such a great writer

Such a speech that shocked Zhang Hao’s world

Zhang Wei took the people who picked up the radio and television. It was a little overkill. It was also a bit too bully. But who told the radio and television people to set him to death? Zhang Wei wouldn’t be able to fight mosquitoes with their cannons and fight for mosquitoes. I am playing you.

Not convinced?

You bite me.

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