I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 270: [A bachelor! 】

Radio and television.

News hall.

Several civil servants from Radio and Television found Li Tao chirping.

"Chief Li is messed up online"

"Yes, yeah, they are all scolding us"

"That Zhang Ye is too bastard, he is cheating us"

"What should I do now? It's such a big noise. If there are opinions on us, it will be broken."

"I can tell. Zhang Ye has already made the plan to quit the entertainment industry this time. He wants to dying and pulls us back, and wants to die with us. If I go to the entertainment industry, there will be This kind of person? This is too rascal. Now everything is broadcast live. He is all there scolding us. How can he have the courage to do things so terribly? We can't handle it anymore."

Live broadcast ruined

The accident happened

All the plans of the Radio and Television were disrupted by Zhang Ye alone

Just like Zhang Ye said in his own heart before, he may not be good at anything else, but the skill of messing up things is superb. No one can compare with him. People in Broadcasting and Television guessed it right, Zhang Ye today It came with the purpose of dying fish and breaking the net, you toss me? Want to kill me? Let me apologize to you for review? Fuck you, it’s not that easy to let me go down. Even if I go down now, I have to take off a piece of your meat. No one of us thinks better than no one makes me comfortable.

Some people have always been very horizontal, because barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, but after becoming famous, there are more temptations and more fame on their bodies, so they are reluctant to bear those who already have them, so they are everywhere. May be as bachelor as before

But Zhang Ye is an exception

Even if this guy now has a reputation, has some fans, and has his passion for career and goals, but he is really anxious, he can still leave everything just to fight for that breath. He has always been like this. He is a bachelor, so others call him liu, so more and more people will scrutinize him, because no one knows when and where Zhang Ye will do what, such as today's radio and television scandal, even if it changes to any entertainment industry It's impossible for people to be wild at this time and occasion?

But Zhang Ye dare

And he did it

Li Tao stared at the Zhang Ye who had just been "invited" by the staff to step down with hatred. The haze in his eyes was very heavy, as if he was about to kill.

However, Zhang Ye looked at him with a smile, no longer the anger he had just given the speech, "Chief Li, I will withdraw first if it's okay."

Li Tao pointed at him, "You are finished."

Zhang Ye said, "What am I going to do? Do you want to hire a murderer? Okay, I'm waiting, what do you want me to do?"

Li Tao said: "Don't even think about being in the entertainment circle..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Ye interrupted: "I just don't want to be in the entertainment industry. Why don't you threaten me with bans, it's out of date, I will be a steadfast citizen in the future, but I don’t think you guys will be able to live well this time, and even if I’m a common people, meagre is alive, right? Forums are alive, right? Posts are open, right? I scold you every day, and there is no pressure. I believe there are many people who like to watch me scold you very much. This can increase popularity." Zhang Ye smiled and said, "So, I plan to use scolding you as my job in the future. I have a poem every day, every day. five minutes."

Several civil servants from Radio and Television are in a hurry

"I rely on"

"Zhang Ye, you..."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Do you still have a moral heart?"

"You curse, at most it can constitute a criminal offence"

Zhang Ye waved at them, "Thank you for reminding me, don't worry, I won't use dirty words when I scold you, just like today."

Several people from SVA almost fainted

If someone else says this, they don’t care. They just scold them. It’s not that no one has scolded them. It doesn’t hurt at all for them, and it won’t cause any big waves. But the person who said this is Zhang. Ye, what Zhang Ye's mouth is? They have just learned about it. If this guy really scolds them like today, he still can't toss them to death. Zhang Ye's poems and speeches are hall-level. It's a poem, maybe Zhang Ye said something like'Despicable is the pass of the despicable. Such classic curses can cause a sensation on the Internet. However, they have no way to do it. The biggest control of the broadcasting and television industry is deterrence. Li, they have a knife that can be held on top of this group of people at any time, so no one dared to make a mistake. However, nowadays, Zhang Ye has appeared in the entertainment circle. When he fell, he didn't blink his eyes, and even stabbed the radio and television a few times, and after seeing this, he would stabb them every day.

Seeing such a bachelor, the people from the Broadcasting and Television Group were almost crying. What should I do with him? They didn’t have any tricks on Zhang Ye. He was withdrawn from the show, the host was disqualified, and he was blocked in the entertainment industry, but... Zhang Ye doesn’t care at all now.



Block it, block it

As long as you don’t kill buddies, as long as buddies are alive for one day, as long as buddies still have a pen and a mouth, I'll consume you

Li Tao was also very angry, "Zhang Ye, don't force me"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Are you forcing me or I forcing you? You cut my way, and you have been charged with unnecessarily charged me and you are forcing me to review, oh, don't you allow others to say anything about you? When I say you, I will force you? You are still fighting back under the banner of truth?" There is no one around, and they have nothing to worry about when they talk. Anyway, they have torn their skins. Who is afraid of whom?

"Well, you are amazing" Li Tao looked at him coldly.

Zhang Ye shrugged his shoulders, "I have passed the award. I am not as good as you. You were born noble than us, and we were born lower."

A young man from Radio and Television said angrily: "How do you talk?"

Another middle-aged man from Radio and Television shouted: "Who said we are noble? Don't put on the hat."

Zhang Ye said helplessly: "Well, you are not noble, you are low-low."

"Why are you swearing?" That person got angry

Zhang Ye stretched out his hands helplessly and said, "I didn't scold anyone. I praised you for being noble and you are not willing. I said it according to your intentions."

There are reporters not far away.

A few people from Radio and Television stopped scolding Zhang Ye. They also knew that the professional host who said that the talk show relied on their mouths to eat, they could not curse even if they had ten mouths.

"Go" Li Tao spoke

Several people from Radio and Television left with the leader and stopped arguing with Zhang Ye. They seemed to disdain Zhang Ye, but actually... your mother can't scold him.

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