I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 273: [One day! 】

The next day.

Get up in the morning.

In the winter, the dawn is getting late.

Zhang Hao, who got up, swept his eyes late in the sun, yawned and looked at the date on the phone that was getting closer and closer to the New Year. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom. It was very late when he got home last night. He fell down and slept. He didn’t see Dong Shanshan’s figure in the morning, but the breakfast left on the table still told Zhang Wei that the old classmate did not He forgot, it was more than he got up in the morning.


Eat breakfast.

Zhang Hao touched his belly and was full. Today, he didn't have to go to work, so he went back to his house, opened his laptop, and checked the Internet.

Weibo is still hot

"Brothers are up"

"To the Shanghai Broadcasting and TV website screen"

"Can't let Zhang Yi fight alone"

“Everyone stood up and helped Zhang Yi’s teacher.”

"I came to my big knife and again and again and again and again and again, I am hungry and thirsty."

Zhang Wei’s "Last Speech" has too much influence. Some old faces have appeared. There are also some new faces that I have never seen before. I also joined this controversial army. All of them support Zhang Qilai and apply to join. Zhang Wei’s fans have posted more and more people. Originally, Zhang Wei has almost bid farewell to the entertainment circle. It’s basically impossible to turn over again, but yesterday a radio and television reporter will finish, this should have been blocked and sentenced. The "death penalty" is actually not popular, but it is still the kind of soaring popularity.

Fan group surged by 30%

Zhang Wei’s meager attention has also doubled

A lot of news comments from major forums have also given Zhang Hao a very good position, for the big press book on the press conference last night.

Then, the sunflower in the sun that Zhang Wei told reporters last night also landed on the morning newspaper of several newspapers in Shanghai. The online media news also commented on it.

"It is another classic modern poem"

"Mr. Zhang Wei’s accomplishments in poetry have really gone against the sky."

"This is a casual voice, and did you hear it? On the surface, this poem is about expounding and describing the style of Zhang Wei, but in fact it is still in the Li Guang of the radio and television. There is a swearing word in the text. No, it is also very beautiful to describe Li Wei. They are the sun, but the more your mother is, the more the snoring force touches the hearts of the people, like "Dead Water", "Answer", "Some People" and even "Self-Mocking". In the field of satirical poetry, Teacher Zhang has already put this piece of play into the sun under the sunflower. In fact, it is the entertainment circle under the radio and television. But the live video has not yet been sent out. Hurry and send us a look at the scene. It’s a sunflower in the sun in the text version. It’s not a force to force Zhang’s modern poetry, or to watch the most shocking words, movements, and expressions on the scene. It’s all inseparable, it’s a whole, it’s Zhang. "The way to express literature"


"Seeking video"

"Mr. Zhang's work, a capital cannot be missed"

It may be that everyone’s call was heard. On the official website of the poster agency, Zhang’s recitation video recorded last night in the sunset was released. The reporter’s person was taking the camera and it was just the right time. The record was recorded.

Video exposure

"Did you see that sunflower?"

"You should approach it"

"You will find it when you approach it."

"The piece of dirt under the foot of it, every time you grab it, you will definitely bleed.

Zhang Wei stood in the sunset and stood side by side with the sunflower that was almost dying. It was branded in the hearts of many people.

Zhang Wei’s fans are boiling.



"It’s still a video."

"Mr. Zhang Wei is too handsome for you, handsome."

"Mr. Zhang looks like a general, but the temperament and personal charm, no one can match, Li Puyu, he is a fart, he is a handsome, but we are handsome."

"How does Zhang Hao look ordinary? In my eyes, he is very handsome. I want to marry him."

"What are the brothers waiting for? The battle has already started. Let's take a look at Li Wei's gang.

I would rather die than be a marionette. It’s not just Zhang Yi’s teacher, but also us.”

The sunflower in the sun is added, and an ammunition is added to many people.

Under the leadership of several **** fans of Zhang Wei, everyone rushed to the official website of Shanghai Radio and Television. There were screens, there were horrible people, and there were also reasons to tell them. What makes Zhang Wei very moved is that even Zhang Wei’s fan No. 1 Yang Lian has appeared. Zhang Wei has also contacted Yang Lian’s family these days. He asked about the situation and knew that Yang Lian had just finished the first operation and was very successful. However, it has not recovered yet. Because it has been living in the ward of the ward for a long time, the hospital is not allowed to enter the ward because of the interference of the mobile phone signal. However, Yang Lian still did not know where to find a mobile phone and landed her. Account with weak force to help Zhang Hao


"No. l is coming"

"You are not in good health, take a rest."

"Yes, you can't use your mobile phone over there, wait until you recover."

The people of Zhang Wei’s fan group know the head of the fan of No. 1 and know her story. When she saw her appear, she hurriedly discouraged her from getting sick.

Yang Lian wrote: "When I was most difficult and helpless, Teacher Zhang Yi helped me and saved my life. Now he has difficulties, of course I have to come."

"it is good"

"No. 1 said well"

"Everyone is fighting side by side again."

"Yeah, I really miss the time when the water army gathered."

"Hey, big brother? I saw him just now. How can I disappear without blinking? You can’t get together, you can’t miss the big brother."

"Don't look for him. When you talk, the big knife brother went to the Shanghai Broadcasting and TV website to brush the screen, and he has brushed more than 300 messages."

"I rely on"

"Big brother action is still so fast for your mother."

"The big knife brother is too powerful to always say nothing."

"Kill, let's go, don't let the big brothers fight alone."

"I also came to paralyze me."

"Hey, who is upstairs? Haven't you seen you in the fan group?"

"I am a passerby. I can't stand it anymore. I have come to support Zhang Wei."

"I am also a passer-by, twenty years old anger, this counts me, they do deceive too much, I really don't think we are bullied."

"Add me one"

"I am also together"

"I am a fan of Teacher Chen's children's program."

"Fang Hao’s fans came to help the blessings and enjoy the same difficulties."

Many people come from all over the world. Some are fans of the host who have been banned. Some of them are purely self-seeking, but there are still many water troops who come together to join in the fun. The common people are sympathetic to the weak, Zhang Wei They were banned, and they didn’t care about the three seven twenty-one. Some people didn’t even understand what happened and what happened, but they relied on Zhang Wei’s Answer, Last Speech, and Daylight. The sunflowers, a few shocking works, have come to help.

Zhang Wei’s right

A piece of Zhang fell down

Thousands of Zhangye stand up

Shanghai Radio and TV website usually has low traffic, and the server has been relatively old. The website staff is more technical. After all, it is not a place for professional network. The website has very limited carrying capacity. The result is only half an hour. The official website of Shanghai Radio and Television It’s all over the place. A lot of people who know the inside story are not directed at the radio and television. Instead, they’re rushing to Li’s and his review team’s website. The collective unscheduled incident of the Lord was too controversial. The pirated plagiarism program that was stopped broadcasting did not stop. The children’s program and the genuine talk show that should not be stopped were stopped. Too much, holding the state’s policy of cracking down on TV programs for the film and television program for his own self-interest and reshuffle the interests, so that the current controversy is actually even if he slightly converges a little, and it will stop broadcasting a few people to know at a glance. It’s a violation or a plagiarism program, and it’s not going to happen like this now.

Shanghai Radio and Television was swayed by Li Wei in the snoring, but the SARFT has never spoken or acted.

A lot of netizens have already guessed this, and there have been expectations in this regard. The above may not manage these things. They may pretend not to see them, but guessed that they can’t accept it, so they are louder. The mood of everyone is even more angry

The site was hacked

Many people started to sing Li Wei on Weibo.

Numerous Li Wei’s meager rains have sprung up, and the name Li Wei has become famous.


Shanghai Radio and Television, in an office.

Li Wei was sitting in the house smoking, a young civil servant rushed in and reported

"The official website of Li is smashed by the official website." Young wipes the sweat: "There is no way to run normally now."

Li Yan said: "What?"

Youth Road: "It’s all Zhang Wei’s fans and some troublemakers." He paused. He said cautiously: "And, Zhang Wei seems to be... like a poem last night."

Another poem?

Li Wei was busy opening the webpage and watching the sunflower in the sun. He slammed it on the table with a bang, and made a loud noise. "This stinky-flow-氓" yesterday, Zhang Wei His face said that the future work is to marry them, but also to see them every day. Li Wei thought that Zhang Wei was a quick mouth, and talked about it, but never imagined that your mother had not yet reached one day. This is still the day of yesterday, Zhang Wei will start to smash them with new poems? How can paralysis get rid of such a mixed person?

One stream

a stir bar

a dog skin plaster

- This is the image of Zhang Wei in their hearts.

Li Wei was almost mad, facing such a guy, he now wants to hide and can't hide. The person who is a **** has seen him much more, and he has packed up a lot. Finally, under the authority of their department, it is not Honest and honest? However, the partiality of such a bachelor who is so shameless as Zhang Wei, Li Wei and their Shanghai Radio and Television are really the first time to see the thorns of disobedience. They have experience, but they are not afraid of the dead skin. And like the stone in the pit, the smelly and hard mixed, they have no experience at all.

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