I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 274: [The focus of radio and television is to target! 】


The warm sun shone into the house.

There are too many mobile phones - Zhang Wei gave it a shutdown.

The online information was too messy - Zhang Wei broke the net.

He went to the living room to take the pot of water, teacup and Pu'er tea, went back to his house, sat on the bay window and sunbathed, and made himself a cup of Pu'er tea, shaking the cup and sniffing the tea, Zhang Wei shimmered. Drink tea in one bite, and look at the scenery in the garden downstairs.

At this moment, Zhang Huan’s heart is really quiet. Thinking about his actions yesterday, he is really impulsive, but he does not regret it.

Since then, have you left the entertainment circle?

Since then, have you given up your dream of becoming the world's top star?

Zhang Wei gently put the teacup on the bay window and felt that he couldn't do it, but what to do in the future, how should he go in the future, he should consider it and sing? Can't escape the radio and television to play? I can't escape the radio and television or even write novels. Now I can't escape the full name of the press, publication, radio, and television. Zhang Wei seems to have entered a desperate situation, and now the opportunity to turn around is not big.

What is it?

What do you think of in the entertainment industry seems to be inseparable from the radio and television?

And to be honest, Zhang Huan is reluctant to give up his own Zhang Huao talk show. It is too reluctant. This column has cost him too much effort, not to mention anything else, just to spend the reputation value to buy memory search capsule integration. How much is the price of finishing the show? For this column, Zhang Hao had barely slept for a day in those days. Sometimes, when he worked overtime, he went to the night, sometimes he slept in the recording hall, and hungry for a meal, such a big effort to make a show. Was it only broadcasted in just a few short periods? Zhang Wei is not reconciled. If possible, he certainly wants to continue to be his talk show. At least he will give him more than a month to let him finish the first season of Zhang Wei’s talk show. Otherwise, How do you introduce your representative work with others? What is the masterpiece? Oh, I have done four or five sessions of Zhang Wei’s talk show? This is called a masterpiece. Just like a two-hour movie, you took it for ten minutes. Who would admit that this is a classic?

The stoppage of Zhang Wei’s talk show made Zhang Wei feel bad and pity, so he made such a big fire at the radio and television press conference.

How can I replay the show?

Is there any way?

Zhang Hao shook his head and had no hope. Now take a step and see if the situation will develop. If it doesn't work, then he will pay for the recording slogan and continue to record the talk show, and then send it in his own name. Online, although it may involve the copyright of my own, it may also have limited funds, the effect is not good, and the publicity is not enough, so there is not so much attention, but Zhang Wei is definitely going to talk about it. Finished, must have the beginning and the end, this is his qualifications, unless he really does not want to develop in the entertainment circle in the future, otherwise, these qualifications and achievements Zhang Hao will not give up, after all, he has paid too much for this .



Zhang Wei wandered to the front of the refrigerator and pulled the door. I saw that there were some dishes left yesterday. I took the microwave and got hot, and I ate it all.

After the meal, Zhang Wei brushed the bowl and wiped the table. Suddenly, I felt that it was quite comfortable to leave everything for all the rest of the day.

I feel better.

When Zhang Wei’s mobile phone is turned on, he will send a text message to Dong Shanshan: Will you come back to eat at night?

Drops, the other party quickly returned: Go back to eat, what do you want to eat?

Zhang Wei typed: You don't have to cook for food today, let me get it. In the afternoon, I will call a few dishes, and drink some wine?

The other party replies: Anyway.

Zhang Wei: Drinking red and drinking white?

The other party sends: All right, let go with the gentleman.

Zhang Xiao smiled: Well, it’s fixed, waiting for you at night.

Put down the phone, and shut down by the way, Zhang Wei is not ready to think about other things, just relax today, he does not go online, broke all external contacts, and then went to the balcony, where there is a run by the landlord Machine, Zhang Yi, wearing a pajamas, stepped on and ran up. I have been busy with work for so many days, no day in the dark, my physical exercise has fallen, and I have a chance to take a break. He is also getting better, good for the body, and second, the skills of Taekwondo and Tai Chi. It depends on Zhang Jian’s physical fitness. His strength and physical strength are stronger, and the effect of using his skills is naturally greater.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Hao sweated and ran away.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Yu, who had been bathed, went out to the supermarket and bought two bottles of red wine. The family didn't seem to have a goblet. He bought a few.

Go home.

Take the key and open the door.

But when Zhang Hao pushed the door open, it was a glimpse. "Hey, how come you are back? It’s only three o'clock."

In the living room, it was Dong Shanshan. She apparently just entered the door for a while. After hanging the bag, she was putting long curly hair on the plate. She smiled back: "I didn't work in the afternoon, I got off work in advance." ""

Zhang Wei came in with the red wine and came in. "So, don't you tell me?"

Dong Shanshan yelled at him. "I just want to say that your mobile phone has to be turned on."

"Hey, forgot to forget." Zhang Yu smiled. "Hungry? Don't you hone? Do I order food?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "I just finished eating lunch, don't worry about eating it, hey, buy wine? Or else, let's drink some first? Come, give me the cup." She sneaked into the kitchen to brush the cup.

Zhang Wei also opened the red wine without saying anything, filling the two people.

"Go one." Dong Shanshan raised his face with him and took a drink.

Zhang Wei also followed her to drink half, and then he sighed and took her to sit down.

"Call, or the home is warm." Dong Shanshan reached out and untied the button of the woolen coat. When the chest was open, the coat was taken off and hung on the side.

The coat was taken off, and the clothes inside the school flower were also revealed. Today, she went to work wearing a cheongsam. It was a long cheongsam with red flowers embroidered on white. Zhang Wei was the first to see Dong Shanshan’s dress. Can't help but stay. The cheongsam was too **** on her body. The cheongsam was thin. This is very attractive. The curve of Dong Shanshan’s body is concave and concave. The thigh’s flag is coming to the thigh root, from the opening of the flag. From the place to the foot, you can see the traces of a layer of trousers stockings floating on the legs, extending down, and the feet of Dong Shanshan wrapped in meat stockings are also drilled in a pair of beige white ten-inch stiletto heels. It is no wonder that she will make a haircut when she enters the house. The original hair is not for the convenience of living, but for the cheongsam inside, it seems classical and beautiful.

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "You are not afraid of cold."

When I came back, Dong Shanshan sat down on the sofa again and cocked his legs and smiled. "There is a coat outside, the company and the home have air conditioning, what is cold?"

Zhang Wei looked at her chest that was bulging, "I don't want to warm up."

Dong Shanshan didn't take it for granted: "We are public figures. If you dress in a rustic place, it's too casual. If you are recognized on the street, if you are photographed, how cold it is." She said: "So my principle is to dress up wherever you go."

Zhang Yan said: "You are really dedicated." He said, he quietly reached out and touched her hand.

Dong Shanshan smiled and smothered and sneaked away. "Why did you move your hands?"

Zhang Wei cried: "Your old classmates have been banned. I can't eat any food in the future. You said that as an old classmate, would you please comfort me?"

"Hey, how are you comforting?" Dong Shanshan was beautiful.

Zhang Huan took the handle again, but this time she did not find her little hand, but on the upper side of the thigh wrapped in Dong Shanshan cheongsam, "This way."

Dong Shanshan did not hide and looked at him. "Is this comforting?"

"Yeah, I am easy to meet." Zhang Wei casually yelled at her.

Dong Shanshan took up the goblet and took a drink with him. Then he said, "Let's go, look at the miserable content of the old classmates, then comfort and comfort you, but you don't move, you can only This area is up."

"Yes." The two continued to drink.

Zhang Wei talked to her while gently pinching her thighs. The cheongsam was very slippery. It was a kind of satin-faced face. It was touched by her material on her slender and long thighs, and there was a layer of meat stockings inside. It’s another flavor, and Zhang Wei just touched her thighs a few times before, so I haven’t touched it so carefully. It’s so good that he’s unsatisfied and moved his hand to the bottom.

One centimeter...

Three centimeters...

The hand came to the outside of her thigh.

It was also the place where Dong Shanshan’s cheongsam opened its flag, and there was no cover of cheongsam cloth. The thighs and stockings were naked in front of Zhang Wei’s eyes, which was facing him.

"How is the company over there?" Zhang Wei asked, his hand also reached into the place where the flag was opened, and the fingers were inserted - to - inside - face, touching her leg through the pantyhose stockings.

Dong Shanshan swayed the red wine glass. "What else? It’s all about talking about you. You are famous in the industry this time. Now the SARFT estimates that you know your name."

Zhang Hao’s fingers were deeper into the chest, because the cheongsam skirt was tighter and the space was smaller, so his fingers were very crowded as soon as he entered, and his hand was caught between the cheongsam and her thigh, and the pressure was full. However, Zhang Wei is still grinding the beautiful legs, and will not tear her cheongsam.

"It’s almost done. It’s not that area.” Dong Shanshan stopped.

Zhang Wei didn't listen. "Isn't this part of the area you said? I didn't touch other places." Then I opened the topic. "Right, can't you know me?"

Dong Shanshan laughed and said: "You make such a big noise, can you still know you? I picked up a phone call from a colleague from Xishan TV Station in the morning. She also talked to me about you. She may be a little inside. The news, I heard that last night, your name has been registered with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and became a member of their key list." She was touched by Zhang Wei and put her legs down.

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