I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 275: ["Miscellaneous" one battle again! 】

in the afternoon.

The house is getting hotter and hotter.

It may be that the air conditioner is turned on, or it may be because of the blood.

After Zhang Hao’s neck felt a little sweaty, he took off a thin sweater that was covered on his body, leaving only a shirt, and then continued to put his hand into the opening of the flag of Dong Shanshan’s cheongsam, one by one. Squeeze in and squeeze the goblet on the coffee table with your left hand.


"In the cup."

"In the cup."

Hey, the two of them touched each other and drank red wine.

Dong Shanshan went forward and explored the body. He opened the laptop on the coffee table and turned it on. "Get your computer online?"

"Of course." Zhang Yidao.

"Hey, break the net?" asked Dong Shanshan.

Zhang Yiyi, "You can log in again."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "The mobile phone is not open, the network is not connected, are you isolated from the world?"

Zhang slammed a scorpion and said: "There are too many things, too chaotic, and the eyes are not good, so I can see that someone is jealous of me, and I can't hold back the fire."

Dong Shanshan took a look at the news from the Internet.

Zhang Wei didn't care about her. His heart was naturally on the long legs of the school flower. The hand unknowingly stuffed a little distance into it. Before Dong Shanshan was holding his high heels with his legs crossed. With a glimpse of the legs, the space in the skirt is naturally too small. Now she put her legs down and ran into the computer. The space in the cheongsam skirt was much larger, allowing Zhang Jian to display more space.



Zhang Yan looked relaxed and listened to the sound of Dong Shanshan's click on the mouse, feeling the greasyness of the palm of his hand, and the troubles of these two days seemed to disappear.


Suddenly a splash of motion in the skirt

Zhang snorted and coughed and looked down at her under the flag. The skirt was fine, but the stockings were accidentally scratched by Zhang Wei, which is too busy for him in recent days. I haven't taken care of the nails, so the nails are a little longer, and the stockings are so thin that they break down when they are hard.

Dong Shanshan looked at him silently and looked at him. "You really are not polite with the old classmates. I am very embarrassed, but I just changed the new stockings today."

Zhang Yuhan said: "False, mistakes."

Dong Shanshan received his leg. "Okay, the comfort time is over."

"Don't, I will pay you a new one when I turn back." Zhang Hao did not take back his hand, and he did not retreat. He picked up the hand and stuffed it into the mouth of her broken stockings. Then he slowly drilled inwards. This time, even the meat stockings are not separated. His hand touched directly on the long legs of Dong Shanshan’s slippery. Naturally, the small mouth of the stockings was also supported by Zhang’s hand, 嘶啦,嘶The stockings of the stockings stretched from the position of the open flag to the top of her knees. The mouth is not very neat, and the meat stockings are ruined and hung on the outside of the thighs of Dongshanshan.

I saw that she had a nap, it might be itchy.

Zhang Wei pinched her unconfided thigh and felt that her body temperature was a little higher than her own palm. I don’t know if it was too hard to squeeze. After uncovering the restraint of the stockings, the piece of skin looks a bit red, especially attractive, like a ripe fruit that makes people want to bite a bite, sexy.

"Almost." She glanced at her, pressed her hand on her lap, and held a handful of fleshy stockings to hold Zhang's hand in the inner layer of her stockings.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Idle and idle."

She was mad, "Come with you as an entertainment activity?"

"It feels so good, let me touch it twice." Zhang Wei is not willing to let go.

"Don't get an inch." Dong Shanshan smiled and opened his stinky hand. "The time to move the manual foot is here, don't make trouble, look at the news."

She turned the TV on.

Zhang Wei is not interested, toasted: "Come, drink another."

"In the cup." Dong Shanshan broadcasts the stage and drinks with him.

After Zhang Hao put down the cup, look at the left and look at it. The heart still tickles. Finally, the gaze falls on the thigh of Dong Shanshan. He does not ask the opinions of the old classmates. He takes off his shoes and takes his legs. Lying down on the sofa, I lay down on the thigh of Dong Shanshan, because her legs were very elastic, her head slammed down, and even the little meat on the thighs bounced a little. Fall again and settle down.

"The head is a little dizzy, I lay down and watched it." Zhang Wei first said.

A face on his head bowed his head and screamed at him, but he said, "Lie."

Drunk and beautiful, the knees are very comfortable, I feel like a grandfather is nourishing, just right, the Erlang legs are also up on the sofa. The pressure on the face is the meat on the legs of Dongshanshan. The fabric of the cheongsam is very thin and smooth. I don’t want to enjoy it when I lie there. The perfume on the school flower is also on the top and bottom. If there is a fragrance that is not matched with her classical cheongsam, it is very suitable.

“Hey?” she said.

Zhang Wei asked, "What happened?"

Her chin is in the direction of the TV. "You can't see it? It seems to be yours."

"Look, who said me again?" Zhang Wei twisted his head and stared at the TV.

The sound is very small, Dong Shanshan uses the remote control to turn the TV volume up, and the sound comes out a little.

This is a Shanghai local station. The signal coverage is in the nearby area. I saw that the person who was tagging the "Deputy Director of the TV Station" was interviewed by a middle-aged man. He only listened to him: "The impact of this event is quite Bad, as a part of the industry, I strongly condemn Zhang Wei’s unethical behavior. If everyone is as disobeyed by the higher authorities as he is, the entertainment circle is not in chaos?"

This seems to be a commentary.

Another guest also said: "I agree with the opinion of the money director. Zhang Wei should be the entertainment circle as soon as possible. His Zhang Wei talk show" I have read, nonsense, really bad, Shanghai Radio and Television Li The working group did not have the slightest problem. For this kind of program, it should be cut off as soon as possible so as not to cause more adverse effects in the future. Also, I would like to advise those insiders and netizens who are following up with Zhang Wei. Do you know what you are doing? Do you still know what is right?"

Several guests spearheaded at Zhang Hao, slamming his face and counting him.

Only one guest made a different opinion. It was a middle-aged woman, a public face, and it seemed to be a reporter of the media. The "Zhang Wei talk show" did not violate the rules. I think I can let go of it first. In fact, the reason for this incident is that It’s such a big controversy that several pirated and plagiarized Zhang Wei talk shows have not been stopped, and even the punishments are not. The content that everyone broadcasts is similar to that of the same small, some paragraphs. The talk show is all imitating Zhang Wei, but now Zhang Wei talk show was stopped, Zhang Wei was arrested and forced to apologize for review, and several copy of his cottage program did not pay the copyright fee, but There is nothing wrong with it. I think this is the reason for Zhang Hao’s anger. It is also the reason why some people in the industry helped Zhang Wei to speak. It is even more frustrating for netizens, which led to the website of Shanghai Radio and Television.

Before that, the middle-aged guest looked at her coldly. "Because of anger, you can whisper in the live broadcast to encourage the masses? Because of anger, netizens can destroy the national website?"

The middle-aged woman said: "Are you taking it out of context? The point I am talking about is... Why are the pirated programs not stopping?"

Young guests said: "I heard that the team of Director Li is reviewing those programs and should have a result soon."

Middle-aged women shook their heads: "Since the press conference was held, it is already the result of this batch of investigations. Why did you start to broadcast several pirated programs at the beginning? Instead, investigate afterwards? And the results of the investigation are not I know, no news."

The middle-aged guest coldly said: "The superior department naturally has the consideration of the higher authorities."

The middle-aged woman and his righteousness said: "Then I would like to ask, is the piracy and plagiarism a serious hazard, or is it a serious original program that has taken the host's efforts?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Is this still used? Of course, the original program is seriously harmful, just like Zhang Wei’s talk show." He has the highest number of hits, the biggest spread, and the natural impact is also the biggest. Zhang Wei

The middle-aged woman was silent, then she said: "I have nothing to say, and some people's ideas make me have nothing to say."

The show is over.

When Dong Shanshan saw Zhang Hao’s face was not good, he turned off the TV.

Zhang Wei got up from her lap, took a sip of red wine with a cold eye, then took the mouse and started browsing the web and meager.

Dong Shanshan comforted: "Don't worry about it, some people just like to flatter, it is not necessary to keep them angry."

"That can't be done." Zhang said: "I don't even see it. If I saw it, I can't stand it."

At the moment on the Internet, there are more and more denunciations and snorings about Zhang Wei. There are many people who support him. Similarly, there are many people who marry him.

"Zhang Wei went down, and the entertainment circle was clean."

"Shanghai Radio and TV is doing right, this process is no problem."

"If you don't obey the opinions of your superiors, Zhang Wei should be serious about this kind of person."

The people who said these words on Weibo are mostly peers in the industry, as well as well-known figures and well-known moderators. Even many people inside Zhang Wei don’t know each other, and they have no revenge with them, but those people seem to discuss the general situation. At this time, they all accused Zhang Hao and stressed the decision to firmly support Shanghai Radio and Television.

Every day, my buddy is still not moving.

Are you slamming me first? OK, let's see who is who?

Zhang Wei immediately logged into his own meager, and at that time he typed a poem on his own Weibo, and opened a map to smash a large group of people.

"Small official officer."

"The music is very happy."

"If you can do this,"

"Is not a dutiful son"

"--"Miscellaneous", for those who are filial sons and sages, I would like to express my highest respect to you in this poem. Zhang Yiliu."

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