I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 276: [Life Miracle Dong Shanshan! 】

a poem

It’s lively on Weibo.

"Look, Zhang Yan is meager."

"I went to teacher Zhang and said something."

"If you can do this, can you not be a dutiful son? Wow hahaha"

"The last sentence is too classic. God, I still have a dirty word. I don’t want to feed it. I’m too happy to give it to those ‘filial sons and grandsons?’

"Zhang Yu fired again."

"Mr. Zhang is too embarrassed."

"That is of course, haha, our teacher Zhang is a professional person, the industry's few flattering clowns also want to take the opportunity to hold Li Wei's stinky feet? Want to step on the teacher Zhang Wei? I have to laugh at their IQ here. Ah, the reputation of Zhang Wei’s teacher has been so stinky. He has already given so many people the desire to die. Do you dare to marry him? Still not long-term memory? Haha, now Zhang is miserable? Live

"Zhang Hao is good, this guy who wants to slap the horse is really **** disgusting. What is going on in the end? Everyone is clear. Anyone with an eye and an IQ knows what’s going on inside, let alone those of you. Can you be a person? You are still picking up Teacher Zhang’s lack of professional ethics. Where is your professional ethics? Knowing that it is wrong, but also helping the wrong party to create public opinion pressure on Zhang Wei than Zhang Wei’s teacher, yours Professional ethics is not worthy of being a public figure misleading people to ignite the hurdles. You are really a fool of the people. Dutiful sons and grandsons describe you as a perfect fit."

"Zhang Hao has really been a big killer in recent days, ah."

"Hey, do you say that Li Wei will regret it?"

"That's still asking, the gang will definitely regret the intestines are green."

"Yes, haha, I wanted to pinch the soft persimmon. I didn't expect to pinch the jealousy of Teacher Zhang Wei.

"Served, or Zhang Yi teacher can toss ah"

"I have found out that there is nothing in the calmness of the things that I have with Teacher Zhang. I don’t have to be awkward."

"No way, I didn't let Zhang Hao dare to speak true temperament, I like him too much."

"Hey, Teacher Zhang is different from others. You look at other stars and public figures. I pretend to fall over for a while, get a photo for a while, come to an anecdote for a while, and every day is hyping, all vying to rush. Squeezing his head to increase his exposure, but Zhang Yi teacher never got these tricks, and the exposure rate has soared once in a while. Since he debuted, I have watched people who care about Zhang’s works far from paying attention to him. There are many people who pick things up. You said that even if Zhang Wei was banned in the entertainment industry, can he also rely on writing poetry and sorrows... Let's take a wonderful road into a second- and second-line star?"

"Haha, it's really possible."

"In the dictionary of Teacher Zhang, nothing is impossible. What is amazing about Teacher Zhang? I am not surprised now."

"Upst brothers and sisters upstairs, are you too happy? Teacher Zhang can still be on the cusp."

"Nothing, Teacher Zhang is such a happy person. His works are not in my taste, but every time he looks at him, my mom is excited and screaming."

Zhang Wei’s fans are all broken.

In contrast, those in the industry who have just embraced Li Wei and the decision of the radio and television, and even the few guests who have just been on the local TV station in Shanghai, are not so pretty at this time, or they can say that they Now I’m just dying, Zhang’s heart is gone.

Dutiful son?

Dutiful son, your sister

Zhang Wei, you are too wicked, you lick that mouth, too, his mother is hurting.

They immediately launched a counterattack on Weibo, and they counterattacked, but Zhang Yilian did not take care of them. Zhang Wei’s fans drowned them.

"Hey, dutiful son is anxious."

"Haha, the dutiful sons are not good."

"Mr. Zhang Wei runs fast, don't let those dutiful sons bite you, we break."

For a long time, those in the industry were not embarrassed, because they found that no matter how many thousand sentences or tens of thousands of sentences, they were pale and powerless, even more than Zhang’s one. Miscellaneous

This is a poem of a flattering man who is flattering. It is a "Miscellaneous" by his world Dong Dongju. It has been famous since ancient times. Today, Zhang Wei took it over and took it to this group. The "filial sons" of the fart are just right.

Those people simply can’t get rid of it, and they are gradually turning off the fire. They can only have a smoldering fire in their stomachs, no place to vent.


How to counterattack, what counterattack?

They don’t have this literary talent.

Zhang Wei’s poems are nuclear-wu-devices, which can be described as inhumane, not to mention them. At that time, the literati’s pens in the Beijing City Association were not so arrogant, Zhang Hao’s fighting power in stirring things and swearing, early Just made a name, it’s famous.

Those in the industry now have a little regrets. They originally saw that Zhang Hao was finished, and he will definitely disappear into the entertainment circle in the future. He thought that he would offend him and he would be harmless. He helped Li Wei and Shanghai Broadcasting and Television to create a strong momentum. They may be better for their work in the future. However, when Zhang Jian jumped out and saw his fierce "Miscellaneous", they suddenly felt that some of them were worth the loss. Zhang Qian’s poems are very classic in capital. This is no one knows no one knows. Well, like Wang Shuixin of the last Beijing TV station, wasn’t it a Zhang Yikeng? A “some people” in the memorial service shocked the whole country, and a poem actually went to the leadership of a TV station. Into the prison, the former Wang Shuixin is also a famous poet in the country, wrote "everything", and also went to textbooks, and Zhang Wei? No name, no gas, no power, no power, just relying on this "some people", the trick is to let the people now mention this poem to Wang Shuixin’s teeth, and he has to slap him a few words before he can get rid of it.

How cruel is this?

This is the power of Zhang Wei's works.

Although Miscellaneous is not comparable to Some People, it is also a very powerful work. These people should not become the allusions of this poem. The original intention of this "Miscellaneous" is to bring their names together? As an allusion to set off this poem? I don’t want to rely on this protagonist and the opportunity to celebrate the ages.

The snoring turned off.

They have not moved on Weibo.

Zhang Wei told many people with his own practical actions. Yes, the buddies are offending people. They may not be able to mix in the entertainment circle, but I have no conscience, I have not done anything wrong, what is the truth and the facts? You all know, I don't provoke you, don't you provoke me, if someone sees me being blocked, watching me bully, I want to step down on the stone to step on a few feet? If you look at me, I will be an ordinary person. Even if I don’t mix the entertainment in the future, I’m as simple as your grandson. If you think you can win me, then let’s open it and practice it. If you don't think you have this ability, don't talk nonsense with me.

Close the computer.

Zhang Hao screamed, "Okay, it’s finished."

Dong Shanshan: "...is this finished?"

"Yeah." Zhang Wei said with a comfortable smile: "What do you think is how to deal with it? It is nothing more than giving them a slap in the face. The soldiers will block the water and cover the land. I don't care who he is, who I love."

Dong Shanshan’s mouth is helpless. “You are not afraid of offending people.”

"In any case, I am not in the entertainment circle anymore. I have no worries. Don't say that they are a few insiders. They are the first-line stars to count and drop me. I am also taking care of it." Zhang Yi is relaxed, bachelor, who is he afraid of?

Dong Shanshan also opened the computer that Zhang Xiaogang closed. "I will look at your poem again." After reading it again, she said: "Before, I am really a bit skeptical, thinking of you. Are those poems written in advance, and I believe it today when I see it. Are you really playing on the spot?"

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Almost."

Toasting, Dong Shanshan looked at him, "Well, for this poem, in a cup."

"Yu." Zhang Hao finished drinking, his head was dizzy and it was just right to drink. With the brave, he sang the school flower again, and the handle was stuffed from the side of her cheongsam into the meat stockings she was torn by herself. Grab the skin of her thighs, then continue to pinch.

Dong Shanshan pretended not to see it, and poured a red wine bottle to pour him wine. "You really don't plan to develop in the entertainment industry in the future?"

"Not at all." Zhang Wei and the old classmates have nothing to hide. "It’s just that the situation is like this. I don’t know how to get it. If I can, I certainly want to go back and continue to host my talk show. That show. There are still dozens of things to say."

Dong Shanshan blinked and said: "There must be a way to think of it. As long as the radio and television don't leave you, let's resume your presidency. You will definitely return to the U.S. program to host the show."

"The key is that there is no good way, I am thinking about it." Zhang Hao shook his head.

The two were silent for a moment.

Look at the hanging watch, she rubs her hair, "What do you eat at night?"

Zhang licked her and looked at the long legs of the white flower and the meat stockings rotten in a group. He swallowed and said, "Have you eaten?"

Dong Shanshan smiled lightly: "How do I eat?"

"Let's eat this." Zhang Yan suddenly slammed, and immediately dumped Dong Shanshan on the sofa.

Dong Shanshan Xu didn't expect it. He snorted and the beige heels stepped on his right foot also flew out. He slammed down under the mezzanine of the coffee table, and the high heels on his left foot were still there, but it was almost gone. Is swaying on the toes of her beautiful feet.

Zhang Wei kissed her mouth.

Dong Shanshan did not move the nest, acquiesced.

After a long time, Zhang Huan once again inserted her into the cheongsam skirt. This time she didn’t go in from the opening of the flag. Instead, she directly pointed at the cheongsam hem, and slammed it up a bit, and opened the cheongsam skirt. The position of the knee, the cheongsam is too tight, and then it can't be opened up, unless the cheongsam is torn off, Zhang Wei is not so good, and then the second hand is taken up and touched on the cheongsam material that her chest is propped up. .


The front end of the palm fell into it, it was too soft.

At the lower end of the palm is the bra inside her clothes. The bra material is a bit hard, not thin, and the touch of the lines is printed in the palm of my hand. I don’t know whether it is the pattern on the cheongsam or the carving on the bra. This is the first time Zhang Huan has held the chest of Dong Shanshan. He felt the huge size there, and his eyes were abnormal. When I was in college, he was not very familiar with Dong Shanshan. He didn’t say a few words. He didn’t know much about his personality. Now he lives together with him, along with him to Dong Shanshan. More and more familiar, Zhang Wei also found that the singularity of Comrade Shanshan’s bones is constantly growing.


Wearing sexy

Speak sexy

The action is also sexy

This is a goblin who is fascinated by death.

Seeing that Dong Shanshan did not have any strong resistance, just symbolically handing his hand on his chest, Zhang Yu was more courageous, to solve the button of her cheongsam.




As soon as the buttons on the side were untied, the scenery on the side of Dong Shanshan was all gone out. The waist was exposed. The upper end of the pantyhose stockings and the silk stockings were exposed to Zhang Wei’s eyes. a dark purple briefs printed on the stockings

Zhang Hao pressed the heart of the madness, and he was going to solve the button of her cheongsam collar.

However, at this time, Dong Shanshan also said a word that made Zhang Wei almost faint.

Dong Shanshan looked at him and whispered softly: "I am in menstruation today."


See also menstrual period

Your sister during the menstrual period

On the plane that came to Shanghai more than half a month ago, you are going to do business in your room two days before the menstrual period. You are on the menstrual period. What day is it today? Are you still menstruating? Zhang Hao burst into tears, and lesbians are three or five days a month? At most, it’s more than seven days, but what about you? Cooperating with you, my mother has 30 days in a month. It is a menstrual period. Why didn’t you bleed to death? You can live to the present and it’s a miracle of life. If you have blood, you should work in the Red Cross **** battle, the whole country. The people are not nervous about using blood.

Zhang Yan said: "Do you have the truth in your mouth?"

The lying Dongshanshan clothes were a little messy and smiled. "You believe that I am also a menstrual period. Next time, I will cook first, get up, and hurt me."

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes, "Is it next time?" He didn't know which sentence Dong Shushan said in his mouth. Which old sentence is true, this old classmate, his mouth is not reliable.

He came down from her with a smile and laughter, and did not come strong. This kind of thing still has to respect each other.

Dong Shanshan took care of the messy cheongsam and got up to look at Zhang Wei. Suddenly, his hands hooked Zhang Jian’s neck and gently licked him. He whispered in his ear: “The physiological period is gone in a few days. Then he coughed, took it down, smiled and went to the kitchen, and hanged the rotten meat stockings for cooking.

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