I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 279: [Support genuine! 】

Early morning.

The community is quiet.

Only Zhang’s bedroom was lit with lights, so there was no rest at all. I also fought on the first line of anti-corruption and tried to invade the website of Shanghai Radio and Television. However, as time went by, Zhang Wei’s expression became more and more boring and irritating. The cyber security of this website was doing very well. The known vulnerabilities have been perfected, and Zhang Hao could not attack any method.

For example, he wants to use the way of hanging horses as a way to spread the radio and television website, and then control and find Li Wei’s computer. However, after trying again twice, Zhang Wei gave up because he even connected the server. The firewall can not pass, it is directly stuck outside, it is difficult to walk, this layer can not get in, let alone hang a Trojan to the top, it is a fantasy, do not think about it.

Below, Zhang Wei used a hacking software downloaded from the Internet to get rid of the customs, cut into the website, do not expect to be able to hang horses, at least get a webmaster account password, but this step is also not good, the hacking software too Outdated, even the firewall has a "record" of the software, Zhang Yigang tried to invade, the firewall did not block him this time, but directly called the police to "kill" him, the killing here is actually automatic tracking and The meaning of information recording, this is to reverse the computer Ip of Zhang Wei, do not know whether it is the subjective operation of the other network security staff or the high-end settings of the firewall. Anyway, it is scared that Zhang Wei is a fart, so I ate eleven. This network technology skill book, his technique is still skilled, the first time to quickly stop the attack and clean up the traces, and then quickly unplug the computer network cable, which is relieved.

your sister

Is this world so safe?

The buddy is now a good hacker with a technical level, but your mom can't even get a local radio and television website where the protection is not high?

Why is the level of protection there not high?

Nonsense, Zhang Wei’s fans only went to the screen for half an hour to smash the website of Shanghai Radio and Television. It was not until the afternoon of ten hours later that the operation resumed. The level of the website was obviously not high, it should be that kind of The most basic network security configuration, and the level of network administrators and teams must be average. But even if Zhang Hao can't get in, it can be seen that the world's network security has already been at the forefront of the times. Of course, it may also be related to the configuration of Zhang Wei's computer. He has a laptop configuration in general and usually plays. The game is OK, but you can really make a picture to play a software attack, then it is stretched, configuration and network speed is not enough, it seems that it is a computer, but now it is useless, or you must first consider other methods Invasion.

Next, Zhang Wei reconnected to the Internet and thought of a few ways. When he was in his world, Zhang Wei was very interested in hackers. He also read some related books and swept a lot of network materials, although he never learned Got it, cough, but I know a lot about it.

The third measure, Zhang Wei used the camouflage mail, sent a Trojan that came down from the Internet to the mailbox provided by the official website of Shanghai Radio and Television. If the administrator opened the email and the protection measures were relatively low, the Trojan would have A certain chance has taken effect, and then the goal is achieved, but unfortunately, Zhang Wei’s disguised mail has not been sent to your mother’s hair, and has been directly blocked by the other’s mailbox.



Still fail

Numerous attempts have made him feel disheartened, and he has become more and more aware of the cyber security of the world. No wonder there are so few hackers on the earth. It’s a lot of numbness. This kind of network security technology. It’s your mother who doesn’t want to eat food for hackers, let’s not leave a meal, this is the **** leaves of his mother’s leftovers, you are too inhuman.

Rookie hacker is angry

For the first time, when a hacker is a disadvantage,

Zhang Wei thought that his plan was perfect, but he didn't want to go through it in one step. The matter of invading the radio and television network is not necessary for a moment. I don't have to think about finding a computer and intrusion control. I will leave it for him now. There is only one way to estimate it. It is to track down the computer of Li Wei’s home, invade and control it, and I still have to look forward to Li Wei’s piracy system not updating some bug patches. The new problem is coming again. I don’t know the system. He doesn’t even know the address of Li’s family, the Ip section, or even the account of the network communication tool. I don’t know if I have any questions. How can he invade? Where are the hundreds of millions of computers in the country?


Zhang Wei did not hide and disguise his Ip address this time. He just opened the website of Shanghai Radio and Television in the ordinary way and found the information publicity of Li Wei.




wait wait wait.

Others such as address are not written.

Zhang Wei was not reconciled. He went to see the ID of the ID on the website. He opened one of the work reports uploaded by Li Wei. No useful information, so he continued to open Li Yi one by one. Posting, suddenly, a post in the middle of this year gave Zhang Wei a hint of surprise. This is the first time in the early days of the crackdown, Li Wei as one of the working group leaders in Shanghai, the scope of the crackdown, and then left a report Hotline, there is also a report mailbox on the radio and television website, and the last line of small characters, Li Wei actually left his own private mailbox

Get the mailbox

Zhang Wei’s wilting look suddenly rose, and he immediately re-downloaded a new Trojan. This is a kind of hidden Trojan of the nature of the picture. It is very concealed. Zhang Yi’s words and software disguise the virtual one without itself. The mailbox, to avoid being traced, and then sent to the Li Wei mailbox through this mailbox a yellow-color picture - that is, the Trojan program, Zhang Wei repeatedly thought about it, typing on the title of the picture - 嘘, thousand Don't tell anyone, give you a secret of the days after the chapter - secret - steal - shoot, do not look at you are embarrassed to say that he is a man, thank you, please call me red scarf

You will say that Zhang Yu is a grandson.

When this paragraph comes out, no one can't help but want to open it.

The mail was sent quickly. The personal mailbox is not the same as the public mailbox of the broadcasting and TV. It is definitely not a big protective measure. This time it was successfully sent and it was not directly filtered out.

After waiting for a moment, the other party did not respond. Zhang Hao knew that Li Wei was definitely asleep. He was no longer stupid, and he had a very early alarm. He turned over and fell into the bed.

I hope this time.

I hope that Li Weijia is a pirated system pirated firewall. As long as his computer has not updated the patch and defense antivirus in time, Zhang Wei has great control to take control of his computer.

For the first time in his life, Zhang Wei has such a good impression and expectation on piracy.

Of course, this is only for computer system piracy. After all, it is a foreign gadget, for your own domestic things...

Especially the novel

Especially the novel

Zhang Wei must see genuine

Must support domestic cultural industry

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