I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 280: [Found the handle of Li Wei! 】

Saturday morning.

The ringing tone is a big hit, hehe.

Zhang Wei looked at the sky that was still not bright. He yawned and got up and washed it. His movement was very light, because Dong Shanshan’s house door was not open and still sleeping. After returning, Zhang Xiaoliang washed his face and felt a little spirit. He sat in front of the computer and waited for the information on the other party's mail. If the other party's service endpoint opened the Trojan horse program, his Trojan horse here. The software will be rewarded.



How is this grandson not on the line?

Did you wake up or didn't turn on the computer?

at the same time.

A residential area.

After getting up, Li Wei and his family had breakfast.

His wife asked: "Don't go to work today?"

"Resting." Li Wei didn't talk much, and he returned two words.

His wife said: "The chaos that Zhang Huan made, the pressure on your side is not big? Does it have any effect on you? No problem?"

Li Wei ate a buns and smiled: "It is definitely impossible to say that there is no impact, but rest assured, he can't look down on any storms, and there is no threat to me."

His daughter looked up: "Dad, is Zhang Hao really finished?"

"He is finished." Li Wei touched her daughter's head. "He himself has provoked anger. There are too many people who want to see him jokes. Even if I don't rectify him, he will have to plant his head sooner or later."

His daughter clapped his hands quickly. "Great, let him marry my family Li Puyu, right, Dad, you want me to sign a Li Puyu."

Li Wei loves to say: "Well, when he comes to Shanghai to do the show, I will say hello to the TV station when it is time. This is a small matter."

His daughter was excited: "Dad, you are so good."

Li Weidao: "Oh, let's eat soon."

After the meal, Li Wei’s wife went to work. His daughter went out to find a classmate to play. He went back to the bedroom, opened the computer to read the news, and landed his own meager and mailbox.


You have new mail.

Li Yan blinked and looked at his eyes.

Don't you see a man? Stealing secret photos of stealing chess?

I rely on it, so yellow is so violent... I have to watch it.

Li Wei did not say anything, immediately took the mouse and opened the picture in this email. The world's network security is very good, limiting a large number of hackers or network technology enthusiasts with private purposes. For them, this is a drawback, but everything has two sides. From another perspective, this is actually beneficial. In this safe network environment, the public's awareness of prevention has been greatly reduced, and the people of Zhangye's world are completely vigilant. This is not, Li Wei did not have any precautionary consciousness, and he waited for the refreshment with full expectation, but when the picture was brushed out, Li Wei couldn't help but almost swear, I went to you, who is this foreigner? Where is Zhang Yuanqi? Where is the very yellow and violent thing? This is not a pothole, are you still human?

another side.

Zhang Wei’s family.

Drinking tea and smoking a cigarette, Zhang Wei suddenly noticed that the Trojan client was lit up. On the control panel of the following column, the user name of a computer was added. He only sent a wooden horse to Li Wei, so this I don’t have to ask a computer, it’s definitely Li Wei’s


It finally became

This grandson is really a pirate system.

Zhang Wei suddenly straightened up, and now the Trojan basically uses the 6 structure, which is the name and title of the world of Zhang Wei. In this world, it is called the BIC structure, meaning the same. It is very convenient and convenient. The Trojan has successfully deceived the firewall of Li Wei’s computer through planting. It has been invaded through a system loop that was very old. It can be said that the computer has been controlled by Zhang Wei and has become his A broiler - in simple terms, a avatar that can be called at will.

Typing an instruction, Li Wei's Ip address is displayed very quickly. This is a dynamic Ip segment. Every time the login is different, it will change, but with the wooden horse that was implanted, Zhang Wei does not need it. Worried that it is not good to confirm the IP address every time, because this Trojan will generate the Ip of the port to the client of Zhang Wei for the first time after the other party goes online, unless the other party fills the vulnerability or upgrades the firewall, otherwise Basically, I can't run the control of Zhang Wei.

As for the language and method of inputting instructions, there is not much difference between the two worlds. After all, the first language of computers is English. The English of the world has not changed, and the development of computer languages ​​is of course similar. Zhang Wei typed a few commands, the Internet address of the other computer at the moment, the working group of the computer, the computer reputation, the user name and the management password, all of which were taken by Zhang Wei, but it is not known.

Zhang Wei is afraid that the other party will be disconnected from the network. In this case, even if the hacker with high technology is unable to take him, he can quickly implement his ultimate goal - to view all the files of the other computer, including hidden files.

C drive - no.

B disk - no.

F disk - there is no noteworthy.

Li Wei’s computer is very clean. Apart from a few games and system software, there is basically no other thing. Even the movie is not. Zhang Hao has found a few of them through the traces on the other browser. I logged in to the unhealthy website I visited, but it was useless, and I couldn’t cure Li Wei. Zhang Wei is not satisfied, and looks at it with a grin, or nothing.

Paralysis should not be ah

Who has nothing to see in the computer?

Zhang Hao scratched his head, this method was rejected, but he still has a move. Since the other computer is already in control, there is too much information that can be captured.

Such as turning on the camera

Zhang Wei performed this operation the next time, but before adjusting it, he slightly adjusted the settings and typed a line of instructions. Most of the current computer cameras have lights. Some of the lights on the cameras are used for lighting. This is very common. There are also some small cameras, such as pinholes on laptops. The fools know that Lighting doesn't matter, so the light can't be seen with the needle. The light is a kind of indicator light, which means that the camera is turned on. So this thing naturally has to be closed, otherwise it is easy to expose. Some hacking software comes with this kind of function, but some don't have it. It takes a lot of trouble to set it up, and these are all for concealment. Of course, as for the large amount of memory and CPU resources used after turning on the camera, the system is slow, so there is no way to shield it. This is a hardware aspect, and no one is useless.


The camera is turned on

On time, a big face suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Wei, he fixed his eyes and smiled coldly, it really was Li Wei’s face

Li Wei is staring at the screen, there is no sound there.

Zhang Wei performed another operation - turning on the microphone of the other computer.

Hey, hey, the sound of the mouse click passed to Zhang Hao’s ear, and I could hear the movement in the other room. Everything was controlled by Zhang Wei.

Subsequently, Zhang Wei did not care about the three-seven and twenty-one, directly opened the video recording function - this is opened on his own computer, the whole process recorded Li Yi's every move, the purpose is to find his handle. However, this kind of thing, Zhang Wei, this ordinary configuration of the computer is also a bit of a turtle speed, not to mention other things, that is, the mouse moves on the screen some cards, jump and jump, so Zhang Hao smiled and hurry in the background It's a little better to turn off a few things that aren't used to ease system stress.

It was a long wait.

About ten minutes later, Li Wei suddenly got up and stood up. He left the camera range in a blink of an eye. Because the camera coverage is limited, Zhang Wei can only judge from the opening sound. Li Wei is going to the outer living room, but there is no Turn off the computer, because Zhang Hao can still connect.


I can't do anything except wait for him.

After a few more minutes, Li Wei came back and sat back in front of the computer.

The hacker is at risk, so Zhang Hao does not dare to leave at any moment. If there is any trace left, it is easy for the master to follow the direction of Zhang Wei.

A ring of music rings.

Zhang Wei is subconsciously on the side, not his own cell phone.

Then he saw Li Wei in the video pick up the phone, and ordered a cigarette in his mouth. "Hey, Xiaoyong... um... um... how about a few talk shows... ...I know there is a problem...but you can handle it symbolically, don’t stop broadcasting...right...copy? I know they are copying Zhang Wei’s program, but they have no problem with copyright, this one does not belong to us. If there is a relevant copyright department, then they can’t go to the courts themselves. What is the relationship with them? Just warn them, don’t need too severe punishment, but don’t be too light, at least give the public a symbolic Let me explain this, I still teach you this?"


Speaking of me?

Zhang Hao eyes bright

Then I listened to Li Wei and continued: "We are the video of the woman who is the director of Dong, and her program is closed... well... who? Who called... um... I know, but who is pleading It’s useless. She is a college student of Zhang Wei. If she wants to do it, she will do both of them... Yes, we will fight with our team and give us such a big mess. Oh, they still want to be better? I also stare at the video, if there is any problem with the program, report it directly to me... Yes, kill a hundred, I will dare to rebel afterwards... Oh, I don’t know that "Network Talent Show" is no problem, no problem. Let's do what we can... I understand... OK, you can do it, you must press this negative public opinion and you will not tell me."

The phone hangs.

Li Yan extinguished the cigarette **** and continued to surf the Internet. He did not know that his words and deeds had been recorded by Zhang Wei video on the computer side.

Zhang Wei is very excited, can't help but beat the thigh

What I want is that this thing has this, and Li Wei still wants to marry? He can't get away with one day.

Waited for another ten minutes, seeing no new gains, Zhang Hao did not connect his computer, turned off the camera and audio, quickly cleaned up the log files of the other computer with the network technology skills he ate. The trace of the invasion was eliminated. As for the Trojan horse program left in his computer, it could not be deleted. There is no way. This is an ordinary Trojan software that can be downloaded from the Internet. The level is very low and the technical content is not high. There is no program setting that automatically deletes itself, it is a hacker Trojan. However, this is also innocuous. Every hacker will actually leave some traces of software, mail, trojan, etc. It doesn't matter. Just remember to clean up the log traces when you go, then there is no problem, others will not track. To.

Exit control.

Zhang Wei also disconnected the network from the security point of view, and then re-read the entire process just recorded, and intercepted the most critical video of that period.

Still want to marry me and my old classmates?

Li Wei, you have finished your relatives and you can’t save you.

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