I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 282: [The oil poem is presented! 】

The same moment.

Wei my company.

Some people in the network department have left overtime today, and Dong Shanshan has returned. It is to discuss how to deal with the issue of the link after the network talent show is stopped.

Everyone is talking.

Probably the place behind the work area.

A logistics employee suddenly straightened his eyes, then pointed at the computer and screamed at everyone: "You look at this video online."


"What video do you watch?"

"Just opening a small meeting."

"Yeah, when is this all the time to watch the video?"

Everyone was speechless, Feng Guiqin and Wang Xiong also raised their brows.

However, the man was very anxious and still said: "General Feng, a big event."

Everyone paid attention to it. Feng Guiqin walked over and said, "What happened? What's on the video?"

"You will know when you look at it." The man immediately replayed the video again, and everyone else in the other office areas came together. Li Wei’s words suddenly came into the ears of everyone.

After listening to this, Feng Guiqin bursts.

Wang Xiong also took the table with anger and frustration. "It’s too much to deceive people."

An old man in an office said: "I thought it was the stricter review of this severe crackdown. It turned out that there was really an insider. This is deliberately aimed at us."

A young girl who is an assistant angered: "This all clearly said that our talk show and talent show have no problem. They also told the subordinates not to punish those pirated programs that are too heavy. What does Li Wei want? He still has no Wang Fa. what"

Dong Shanshan said: "Is the video authentic?"

After a while, the four sisters who had been working out of the unit’s camera group were called back. She studied in front of the computer for a moment and nodded slightly to everyone. “Although I am not professionally engaged in this, I have had ten After several years of shooting and production experience, the video is definitely reliable, the mouth shape and sound are right, this fake can't be. From this perspective, it should be a very powerful hacker who invaded Li's computer and opened it. The camera was sneaked by his camera, Deputy Director Li... This is finished."

Feng Guiqin said nothing, immediately took out the phone and called, she did not find a friend, did not trust people, directly called the Shanghai Broadcasting and Television, angry and questioned

the other side.

A hotel in Shanghai.

Li Hao took a shower and sat comfortably on the bed, with a small smoke in his mouth, which may be the drama of his hometown.

There is a woman behind the frosted glass in the toilet.

"Well, no?" Li Wei urged.

"What are you looking for, your wife is going to work?" Woman said.

Li Wei played the ash, "I have to work overtime."

The woman shouted: "I said how you are so free today, will you go back at night?"

Li Xiaoha laughed and said: "I don't go back. I said that I work overtime. I will go to the unit from here tomorrow. Anyway, it is not far away. Baby, I want to die."

"Dead ghost." The woman smiled.

The music of the ringtone suddenly rang.

Li Yan frowned, originally did not want to pick up, but when the number shows the phone number of the unit leader, he was suspicious for a moment, to the humanity in the bathroom: "Don't talk, I take a call"

"Who is so late," the woman complained.

"I lead, don't talk," Li Wei picked up.

There is a middle-aged man's angry voice. "Li Wei, I don't care where you are now giving me the unit within ten minutes."

"Ah? Leadership..."

Dudu, the phone has been broken.

What happened to Li Wei? What happened?

When the bathroom door opened, the woman wrapped up in the bath towel, "What happened?"

After he was hesitating, Li Yi began to wear clothes. "I will go out first, and the unit has something to do." After that, I ignored the woman’s complaints. He drove quickly to the unit, and he was also a guilty conscience. Li Wei was playing drums in his heart. Know why the leader is so angry.


Today is a day off, and it is more than eight o'clock in the evening. There are no people. There are two guards on duty outside, but there are several cars parked in the yard. They are all leaders and working group leaders of Shanghai Radio and Television. Li Wei wonders, so many leaders are coming? What's the big deal?

Upstairs, small meeting room.

Li Wei was the last one to come. When the door was pushed in, seven or eight people came all over. This is almost all of their leadership in Shanghai Radio and Television. I saw everyone coming earlier than myself. Li Wei understood that according to the time he drove over, he was probably five minutes after being notified, and everyone else was faster than him. Obviously, the first-hand notification of their time is much earlier than notifying themselves.

This battle.

Is this a bad thing?

Li Wei is even more restless, "Leader."

For a time, everyone looked at Li Wei in a brush.

Among them, there is a leader of Li Wei and another Yu Department at the same level as Li Wei. Both of them have a good relationship with Li Wei. This makes Li Wei look at both of them and said that you are too uncomfortable. If something goes wrong, why don't you say hello to me? At least let me have a preparation, the phone can't be notified, can I text me? However, when Li Wei looked at the past, the two men were sitting in danger and did not look at Li Wei. Li Wei has been mingling for so many years, naturally knowing that the official situation on the official scene is warm and cold, this is even worse.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man headed, and the first sentence of Shanghai Radio and Television, gave Li Wei a silly question. "Do you know that you were photographed today?

Many people here have watched Li Wei as if they were watching the dead. I know that he is finished.

The second-hand, a middle-aged woman patted the table and said: "If the internal processing is ok, it can’t be suppressed now. People all over the world are known to the world."

After all, this kind of thing is not only visible, but also detrimental to the reputation of their radio and television. If possible, they must want to cover the cover and let others know. However, the person who wants to deal with Li Wei is too wicked, and they have not sent them to them. The official report mailbox was not sent to the petition, but it was sent directly to the Internet. Even before the video was sent, your mother made a big move. What old lady is naked? What sows screams night and night? The ladder is lost. This **** can’t be related to the video content. It’s just that it’s so attractive that the eyes of thousands of curious people are too clever.

I can invade Li Wei’s computer without knowing it.

Can also use such a brilliant propaganda to attract people

Such a master, whoever has a headache, everyone who is here knows that Li Wei has met the character of this time. People are staring at him, and no one can protect them.

When he heard the leadership, Li Wei also stunned. "This... no."

The first hand is cold: "The video is sent to the Internet. What else?"


Really being photographed?

Li Lan understands that this is definitely true, because this group of leaders gathered so many meetings, obviously it will not be a casual egg to lie to him. The leadership of the people has not had this leisure time. Li Wei is pale and pale. Wu Dao: "Leader, I... I am actually with the woman... In fact, it is a friend... I went to the hotel too... In order to arrange accommodation for her, we didn’t have much."

He said that the leader in the room is dumbfounded.



Still your mother has a woman?

Cooperating with you, still raising love with the outside - women

A normal relationship with Li Wei, who was in a bad relationship with the head, bowed his head and concealed his expression. In fact, he almost laughed.

The second-hand is a woman. Li Wei’s words almost mad at her. “What are you doing in Li’s office? You are too courageous.”

Li Wei does not understand, "Ah?" Isn't this the case? I rely on what you said, secretly, he misunderstood.

The first hand waved his hand and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Li Wei. "Okay, you are here to inform you. You don't have to go home in the past two days. What is the explanation on the way that the comrades who have sent the discipline inspection on the way?" You will talk directly to the people in the General Administration tomorrow."

More than nine o'clock.

Stopping the broadcast door, the more fried

Many people have begun to question the radio and television.

At this time, the radio and television immediately released a message. First, they thanked the people for their supervision and reporting. Secondly, they strongly protested the means of stealing news from the public officials of the country. The statement did not rule out the statement that they would pursue their legal responsibility. After grinding a lot of bureaucrats, I finally announced that the General Administration has paid attention to this matter and officially investigated Li Wei. The results of the investigation will be explained to the people. If several air-cuts are identified, Programs are operated by the relevant personnel in violation of regulations, and will also be accounted for by the company, the TV station, and the staff of the relevant program group.

It is so much. The attitude of broadcasting and television has been very clear, the processing is timely, and the answers given can also make the public temporarily satisfied.

"Li Wei wants to step down"

"Haha, it’s not pleasing to see early."

"Stopped so many programs that shouldn’t stop, and indulge in so many programs that have stopped but haven’t stopped, he’s really lawless. Now it’s alright.”

"Evil and bad news."

“Thank you for the greatness of KM God for Zhang Wei and Dong Shanshan and the teachers who have been stopped broadcasting. Thank you for your harm to the people.”

"KM is too fierce."

"It is hereby given KM Powerful 'People's Guardian, title"

"Those who have been smashed in the snow are stunned. I don't know when Zhang Wei talks." When will I resume playing, I want to watch it too?"

"Yeah, it’s hard to make a new column like this in China. I can’t let him finish."

"I don't have to wait to see the "Internet Talent Show". The last person who eats glass is really embarrassed."

"Hey, what happened to Teacher Zhang, why didn't Zhang Yi’s teacher come out? I want to hear what Zhang Wei wants to say."

at home.

Zhang Wei naturally paid attention to the whole process and also saw the statement issued by the broadcasting and television.

He smiled a little and saw someone letting himself say something. Zhang Wei was also welcome. The last time he was in the Beijing City League, the people of the Beijing Writers Association provoked him, saying that the Beijing City Association would not want such a person, Zhang Wei. He took a piece of oily poem "I don't love to come" from his world Guo Degang and threw it away. Guo Degang’s famous oil poems are so two. This time, Zhang Wei is going to take his second head and use it.

I saw Zhang Wei posted a big red hi word on Weibo.

Then the following words are said: "When you go to the winter, you will see the red, three cups of tears and sorrow. What is the chicken intestines? What is the beginning of the world?"

Netizens have seen it, all of them are excited.

"Ha ha Zhang Hao finally came out"

"It’s another poem. Is this a poem?"

"Mr. Zhang is still so coquettish, the style is still the same."

"What is the chicken intestines now? It’s really good to say that it’s true."

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