I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 283: ["Zhang Wei Talk Show" replay! 】


It is very late.

The quiet bedroom rings the phone.

It was written by Dong Shanshan. "Hey, old classmate, tell you good news."

"Oh, what good news?" Zhang Yiming asked.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "There was a video on the Internet that was evidence of Li Wei’s program. Now that Radio and Television has investigated him, it is very likely that the two programs will be replayed in the near future."

Zhang Weidao: "I already know, the Internet has been spread all over. Didn't you see me still meager?"

Dong Shanshan may be in front of the computer. "You are meager again? You have been meager for a few months. Every time you send something, there is no good word. Let me see..." pause for a moment, and the call came over there. The sound of the mouse click, "Hey, you are really lacking in morality, the big red hi word is on? Also began to believe in the human retribution? If Li Wei saw that he had to be mad at him, your mouth, leave some morality. ""

Zhang Wei didn't care. "He pitted us, I still give him a face?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Well, I think it is thanks to your live broadcast, some vtMtukR scoop hackers can't stand it, black into the computer of Li Wei's home to find evidence, huh, but there are also Maybe that person is a fan of us or other hostes who have been stopped broadcasting, and it does not rule out that KM has a private enmity. No matter what the process is, the result is good for us. The leader has already After speaking, I resumed the program, and when the radio and television resumed the permission of your broadcast host, I will re-do the entry procedure. When you arrive, you will also host the Zhang Wei talk show. The show continues and everything goes as usual."

Zhang Yiyi, "Well, thank you for your leadership."

"I don't say it. I ordered a few of them to sing at night. Maybe they won't go back at night. Can't you come? Just on the KT" downstairs unit, Dong Shanshan

Zhang Weidao: "Don't come, let's play."

Hanging the line, Zhang Yi washed down and fell down on the bed. Last night, I waited for Li Wei to open the Trojan. I got up very early in the morning and didn't rest well. Things are finally finished. Zhang Hao must have a good rest. Something, no one knows that the hacker vtMtu that was arguing from outside is actually played by Zhang Wei. He has been fighting in the front line and he can finally sleep.

Nothing in the night.

The next day, there was still nothing.

The third day, still... well, this time there is something.

This morning, Zhang Wei went to Weiwei, because Wang Xiong gave him a call and said that today Shanghai Radio and Television will release the results, so Zhang Yan passed. Zhang Wei naturally has no words. Although he has resigned, his relationship with the company will not be cut off. The news on the Internet at home is definitely not as good as the source of the news. Zhang Wei is also very concerned about this. The processing result of the second.

Company, everything is still the same.

Familiar buildings, familiar environments, familiar people.

"Hey, isn't this teacher Zhang Wei?" In the elevator, a young man who didn't know greeted Zhang Hao. "Have you come to the company today?"

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Well, come back and see."

Another young woman also waved, "Mr. Xiao Zhang, early."

"Early." Zhang Wei also greeted her.

The young woman rushed to say: "I have watched the live video of you and the radio and television reporters several times in the past two days. It’s really not too much to watch. It’s too enjoyable.

Zhang Haohe smiled and said: "Thank you."

The young woman said: "When is this kind of speech again?"

"The next time I have a chance to come." Zhang Wei also answered very happy.


Next time?

And next time?

The young man in the elevator and the other person in the marketing department heard the words and laughed. You got it. Your speech was in the industry and on the Internet. You still want to have a second time. The chaos is not big enough. From the words of Zhang Wei, they also saw that Mr. Zhang was not afraid of the temper that day, whoever got into this, who is unlucky

Internet TV department.

In the office area, my colleagues greeted them enthusiastically.

"Teacher Zhang"

"Hey, Xiao Zhang is back."

"Haha, Zhang Wei, I read the oil poem that you sent the day before yesterday, cow, the ancients pay attention to what three steps into poetry, I think you can't even use three steps, you can become a poem in one step."

"The picture of the hi word is also good, it is really fast."

"I still want to target my video? The name of Li is owed"

"Look at how to deal with it today. The General Administration has come to investigate. Don't make the thunder and rain a little bit at the end. What punishment does not give Li Wei?"

"Definitely not, it is a matter of punishment."

"And the most important thing is whether our several programs can be re-broadcast, this is terrible."

Zhang Wei greeted everyone and chatted with them. He slowly walked to his previous seat and found it was empty. Obviously, he still kept it for Zhang Wei.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Come?"

"Come on, when will the result?" Zhang Yi cares.

Dong Shanshan opened his sleeves and looked at the watch. "It was announced at 9:30, and I immediately knew it." She breathed a sigh of relief. She closed her eyes and kept her eyebrows. She was waiting. At this time, Dongshanshan Bacheng was nothing. The mood worked, of course, she did not have any work when she was stopped.

Time is getting closer.

The entire office area is also looking forward to.

At the same time, I believe that many other TV stations, such as TV stations and Internet TV stations, will certainly wait for the results. After all, this time is the first in the industry, and there are no precedents. So I want to see what the SARFT will do, especially It is the handling of Zhang Wei, and it is the focus of everyone's attention. Although Zhang Wei is quite embarrassed in this process, the evidence has already indicated that Li Wei is aware that Zhang Wei's talk show has no problem and has also issued an approval notice. And deliberately turned a blind eye to those pirated talk show programs, this is beneficial to Zhang Wei, he took up all the reason, but now the focus is on Zhang Wei to disturb the live broadcast of the radio and television press conference, and also opened the map to the radio and television department. Attacks and irony, and even insulting behaviors are inside, and this process is more complicated.

Suddenly, the office rings.


"Oh, come here."

"The punishment is out, look at it"

At this time, Wang Xiong also walked from the office to the office area, and paid attention to the progress of the situation with everyone.

Zhang Wei also opened the computer and saw the punishment formula of the radio and television. After investigation, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and Shanghai Broadcasting and Television Corporation had already found out the misconduct of Li Wei at work and the amount of bribes received by 250,000 yuan. Unfair relationship between men and women

Li Wei was double opened

And according to the amount of bribes, there will also be criminal penalties.

"I go"

"Is the punishment heavy enough?"

"He is deserving of it"

"Khan, how can there be a problem with life style?"

"I don't know how the General Office found out, it's too powerful."

Li Wei stepped down and faced jail time. This result is very satisfying to Zhang Wei. Colleagues in the office also clap their hands.

Then, the second statement of the radio and television also came out.

For Dong Shanshan’s "Network Talent Show", Zhang Wei’s Zhang Wei talk show, Chen’s children’s program and other six columns that were reported to be suspended at the press conference, radio and television were all broadcasted. Effective immediately, there are of course three or two really problematic columns that continue to implement the original punishment. They have not been re-broadcasted. For example, the "Internet Bikini Appraisal" is not in the re-broadcasting. The scale is indeed a bit large. After investigation, the radio and television added a notice of punishment for several columns, including three plagiarized programs that copied the Zhangye talk show and did not pay royalties. Several TV stations and Internet TV stations have fines ranging from 200,000 to 1 million, and they have been criticized by name.

Punishment is here, it’s all happy.

Li Wei was taken down, the show was replayed, and it was very successful.

Of course, the premise of perfection is that there is no last piece of information on radio and television. I saw the last name of the notice, and mentioned the name of Zhang Wei--the disqualification of the broadcast host for the punishment of Zhang Weiyuan, the host of the TV series Zhangye talk show. , now it is suspended for fifteen days of its broadcast host qualification

End of statement and publicity

Colleagues in the office area looked at each other and couldn’t help but look at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei is also almost swearing, numb, the punishment for canceling my qualification is canceled, but how can your mother suspend qualification for half a month?

What does it mean?

Beat me? It must be

Zhang Wei can see it clearly, and colleagues can see it clearly.

Although Zhang Wei was the follow-up because of Li Wei’s misconduct, the radio and television still did not ignore this point. He still imposed penalties on Zhang Wei. It was not long for half a month, but it was not short. The program was suspended but suspended. The qualification of the host, Zhang Wei talk show can not be broadcast in half a month, which shows that the radio and television is accounting, or can be understood as a kind of beat and warning, gave the public an account, but each played 50 boards However, Li Wei’s board is heavy, and Zhang Wei’s board is lighter.

"Teacher Zhang."

"Hey, Teacher Zhang."

A few people next to them don’t know what to say.

Zhang Wei was depressed for a moment, still want to open, and laughed at everyone: "Nothing, I originally planned to say goodbye to the entertainment circle. It is a good thing to be able to broadcast again. Isn't it half a month? I waited." ""

Wang Xiong also smiled. In the past, Zhang Zhang’s shoulder was pinched. "Yes, it’s only fifteen days. Xiao Zhang, you will re-enter the job today, first hang a planning position, wait for you to preside over the qualifications, and I will give it back here. You apply to restore the host to the above, as for the Zhang Wei talk show, you will not be able to broadcast these days."

Zhang Yan said: "Can you still record now?"

"I don't broadcast it anyway, it's saved first. What can't it be?" Wang Xiong Lehe said.

Zhang Wei immediately said: "That line, I have been trying to finish the talk show in the past few days. When my host qualification is restored, I don't have to be too busy, just broadcast it."

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