I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 284: [Zhang Ye, the top of the radio and television blacklist! 】

The next day.

There are four days left before January 1st of the New Year.

Zhang Ye had contacted the original members and team of his original column team early on, and asked them to issue live tickets to call the audience. He had an idea that he had to record all issues of Zhang Ye's Talk Show before the New Year. Initially, it will be the fifty-fifth period, and then return to the capital to spend a new year with parents.

About four days and fifty periods, the daily workload is too much

At the fastest rate, twelve or three issues will be recorded in one day. Each issue is half an hour, or about six hours, which is equivalent to recording from morning to afternoon.

If you change to another host, you will definitely not be able to withstand such a heavy work pressure, let alone recording more than a dozen episodes a day, even if you record two or three episodes for four days, no one can stand it, but Zhang Ye has this. Perseverance, he has done such crazy things before. Whether he recorded "Ghost Blowing Lantern" on the radio at the beginning, or recorded "Hundred Schools Forum" with Beijing TV, the staff of many program groups privately called Zhang Ye "Desperate Saburo". , Because sometimes they can’t bear to be exhausted, Zhang Ye can still stand up day by day, and he has never fallen down once. This is also the point that many staff members are convinced of Zhang Ye. Ye has always been a descendant. He has never rested much more than others. Therefore, he stands upright on stage. Naturally, the people in the column group are not too lazy to pick and choose. People always compare their hearts to their hearts. The reason why the column groups led by Zhang Ye are so efficient.

As for the current affairs of the talk show?

There is no need to worry about Zhang Ye. His talk show is related to current affairs, but it doesn't have to happen to say the story. For example, the story of "The Talk Show After Tonight", many of them are panacea, like cursing. Stick, step on the devil, this is all enduring, to be honest, even if Zhang Ye scolds the stick and the devil on the talk show, it will still not be out of date after a hundred years.

Recording scene.

"Are the departments ready?"

"Mr. Zhang, we are all ready to play."

"When will the audience be ready?"

"Entering the venue in half an hour, all arrangements are made."

"Okay, I'll go backstage and take a break. You are tired and stare."

"Today is really going to record the twelfth issue, Mr. Zhang? Khan, OK, you should take a break, you should be busy for a while, then there will be no time. We are here."

The people on site are busy and all working.

Zhang Ye went to the backstage dressing room, and as soon as the door closed, he began to buy "memory search capsules" in large quantities, and closed his eyes and began to sort out and search all the talk shows in his mind. Zhang Ye had to record more than a dozen episodes a day when he uttered a joker. With the effect of the memory capsule, he could have a steady stream of jokes in his mind for him to use, and all Zhang Ye picked up were good jokes. Best of all, even some of the scripts that are still good are discarded, in order to make "Zhang Ye Talk Show" a signature, as a top high-level and high-quality show. Under this situation, the consumption of memory search capsules is naturally a huge number. Fortunately, Zhang Ye's previous talk shows have added a lot of prestige to the game ring. The speeches and poems during the live broadcast, the daylight behind The exposure rate of "Sunflower" and Liyou poems has also earned a lot of prestige, which is completely enough




Zhang Ye knows that he can't feel sorry for this prestige at this time. If the prestige is gone, you can earn more, but if the show is not done well, there is no way to regret it. Therefore, in the past few days, Zhang Ye is going to use all these prestige, and strive to win Zhang. "Ye Talk Show" is perfect, and there is no need to feel distressed. The prestige is exhausted. When the talk show resumes, the prestige earned every day is "net income". The more he spends now, the show The better you do, the higher your prestige income will naturally be in half a month


The audience entered.

"Great, finally waited"

"We are so lucky, I heard that the show hasn't resumed yet."

"Yes, it will be half a month later, but before and after the Spring Festival, it will be broadcast again, because the radio and television did not restore Teacher Zhang Ye's qualifications to host. They are all recording now.

"The radio and television is also true, what are you doing?"

"No way, who told Teacher Zhang to scold them all during the live broadcast, and he also gave him a notorious reputation for destroying the live broadcast. It seems that it was twice. When he was in Beijing, he had a bad record. This time it was only a half-month suspension. It's not bad. If Li Tao bumped into the gun and met a brave hacker, Teacher Zhang Ye would not be able to do a show in the future. We can still come to watch the talk show on the spot.

"Well, be content."

"Zhang Ye is here, Zhang Ye is here"

"Hahaha I want to laugh when I see him"

"Yes, I haven't seen Teacher Zhang Ye for a long time, so your mother is so kind"

At the beginning of the recording, Zhang Ye appeared on stage, but when he first stood on stage, the audience below all spontaneously stood up and shouted Zhang Ye's name.

"Zhang Ye"

"Zhang Ye"

"Zhang Ye"

The audience is very excited

Zhang Ye was also very moved, and smiled: "Thank you for not forgetting me, thank you, everyone, please sit down, please sit down, a little thing happened these days, which caused the program to stop broadcasting..."


The audience laughed, little things? The few times you tossed it out, which one counts your mother's trivial matter, which one is not the earth-shattering cry of ghosts?

Zhang Ye is already well-known. Before he said a joke, he was already laughing at the scene.

On the first day, Zhang Ye recorded twelve episodes of the program and changed two groups of viewers. Finally, he felt that his condition was okay, so he recorded two additional episodes.

The next day, Wang Xiong had already come to persuade Zhang Ye. He was really frightened to see it. He was afraid that this kind of workload would be too tiring. Don't let anything happen, but Zhang Ye refused the leadership's kindness and continued to record the show. I still recorded twelve and three episodes in one go, from day to night.

The same on the third day.

The fourth day is as usual.

Zhang Ye's amazing act was seen by everyone, and it caused a sensation in the entire company. Even many people in the industry knew about it. Without exception, they were very familiar with Zhang Ye's recording method. There are two evaluations-crazy and perverted-this is simply impossible. Even if you have this energy, even if you have this physical strength, how can your manuscript keep up? The most shocking problem is that Zhang Ye did not have any manuscripts for your mother from start to finish. Four days actually allowed Zhang Ye to complete all the recordings of the talk show. The quality of the first issue is higher than the first issue, and each issue is basically the same. It's just once, there is no precedent for re-recording

What is this concept?

It's a **** fate

Partial life, Zhang Ye actually did it

Several colleagues in the industry heard about this and didn't believe it, so they found Weiwu Company and wanted to observe it. Feng Guiqin approved it and gave them the first row of live tickets. As a result, several people were still full of faces when they entered. Disdainfully prepared to provoke and prepare to expose that Zhang Ye was not out of manuscript but had lines, but when the dozen or so episodes of the day were recorded, the few people never said a word when they went out.

this day.

Zhang Ye finally finished recording the last talk show. When the recording was over, the audience stood up and burst into applause.


All the members of the column group also gathered around.

"Teacher Zhang, thank you very much."

"You have worked hard these days."

"Teacher Zhang Ye, you are amazing"

"Haha, our team has created a miracle in the industry"

"Yes, I have recorded fifty episodes of the show in four days. Who would believe this?"

"I thought it was impossible at the beginning. I didn't think I really did it, Teacher Zhang, how come you have so many pieces in your mind, and you still have such a good connection, you don't even fight? It's me instead. I haven't squandered a word without a draft."

"Hey, can you still compare with Teacher Zhang?"

"Who is Teacher Zhang? That is a great power that cannot be measured by common sense"

The show is over and everyone is very happy.

Zhang Ye also smiled and said, "It's because everyone has worked so hard. I have made you crazy with me these past few days. Yes, I will treat you tonight. Let me go to the best restaurants in Shanghai to eat as much as I want."


"Ms. Zhang Mighty"

Everyone cheered a few times

The best restaurant? I want to eat that meal, at least tens of thousands of them

Of course Zhang Ye doesn't care about the money anymore, he does the same with money. His goal is always fame. How to become a top star in the world is what he values ​​most.

Dong Shanshan also walked to the scene from the inner door, "What to eat?"

Then, Wang Bei and several others also came in, "Hehe, we can hear you, Zhang Ye is going to have a treat? Does that not count us?"

Zhang Han, who has a good relationship with Dong Shanshan, smiled and said, "Take me?"

Zhang Ye waved his hand and said, "Everyone is here, you have a share to see." He also called Feng Guiqin and Wang Xiong and invited them. In this matter, both Feng and Wang gave Zhang Ye a lot of money. With great support, Zhang Ye did not abandon Zhang Ye at the most critical moment. After the catalogue was over, Zhang Ye naturally wanted to express it.

at night.

Everyone was there, everyone went straight to the hotel.

On the road, everyone also saw from the Internet a blacklist issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for next year.

Similar to Zhang Ye’s world, the SARFT publishes a "blacklist" every year. Of course, this is what everyone calls it privately, not an official name. The SARFT’s definition and purpose of this list are to emphasize norms. And professional ethics, that is to say, every time those people on the blacklist are listed, future shows, movies or TV shows, as long as it is a show involving people on the blacklist, it will be censored in the strictest way. This is a limitation and a warning

There are about eight people on the radio and television blacklist

Two are actors who were arrested for drug abuse this year, three are TV drama actors and a screenwriter who were arrested for prostitution, and one is a director suspected of fraud. The other person does not know the reason. It seems that no relevant incidents have been reported online. , But it is also the last one on the blacklist.

As for the first person on the radio and television blacklist, the person at the top of the list surprised and shocked everyone.

The first page……

first row……

first row……

Absolutely the name of Zhang Ye

If Zhang Ye’s initials are sorted according to this order, Zhang Ye should be the last. If they are sorted according to the signs, Zhang Ye will not be the first, but he is now on the blacklist of radio and television. When people are shocked when they see it, they also have the urge to laugh

Let's see

Take a look

How powerful is Zhang Ye's mouth?

He didn't swear, and didn't do anything. He just said a few poems and a speech with one mouth, but what happened? Frozen is ranked higher than drug addicts and prostitutes and scammers. The attention and vigilance of the radio and television company is actually higher than the master of drug addicts. What does this mean? It shows that in the view of SARFT, the lethality of Zhang Ye's mouth is better than everyone else.

So he was ranked first on the blacklist

A lot of people also posted messages saying they were speechless

"Is it wrong?"

"I rely on Zhang Ye to rank first this year?"

"Last year's radio and television blacklist, the first director who gathered a crowd to fight and killed someone was... this year... has become Teacher Zhang Ye?"

"Next year, Teacher Zhang Ye will suffer. This is the key target of the severe crackdown. As long as it is his program or work, it will be strictly censored, which is one level higher than ordinary people."

"No way, who made Teacher Zhang Ye behave badly?"

"That shouldn't be in the first place either. Behind Zhang Ye is a hidden-poison star. How do you think that Teacher Zhang Ye should be in the back."

"Yes, did Teacher Zhang have such a serious sin?"

"On what criteria is this ranking ranked?"

"Do you still need to ask? Haha, this is the radio and television discharge according to the harmful force"

Many netizens and industry insiders finally analyzed it with a stunned mouth. Teacher Zhang Ye's mouth, this is because your mother is afraid of him.

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