I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 286: [Go to the Chinese Department of Peking University to teach! 】

Beijing, at night.

More than eleven o'clock to the market.

The cold wind is raging on the street, and the temperature here is cooler than the south.

Zhang Wei touched the darkness into the community of his parents' house. He looked upstairs and saw the lights on his desk. The parents obviously didn't sleep. It is estimated that he was waiting for him. Zhang Hao was also eager to step into the air. In the unit building, when I trotting, I went up the stairs, and my mouth was still tweeting the tone of "I hope that people will last long."


Knocking on the door, the door opened very quickly.

"Dad, Mom." Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Happy New Year."

The mother took her son into the house. "Into, let's be cold outside?"

Zhang Wei put down the coat and smacked it. "Alright, hey, the house is warm enough, come to the heat?"

"It’s been a day, and it’s heating up on the 12th.” Mom squinted: “Is it still in Beijing? There is no heating in Shanghai.”

Zhang Yishen feels a little, "Yes, I can only open air conditioners there. I am not used to driving overnight. It is not the same as the natural heat of heating. It is not strong enough, and it is still wet and cold outside. It’s so uncomfortable to get rid of the chicken skin, oh, don’t mention it.” When I got home, Zhang Wei looked at everything and looked at everything. “And, unless the sun is shining, otherwise your mom will dry clothes. I can't dry it, I feel the scent of the air on it, the air is too wet, and I have to put it on the machine after washing the clothes, which is troublesome."

Mom estimated that she also wants her son. "Then don't go."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I have to go back later in the new year, and I still have work waiting for me, but this year, 80% have to go home, can stay for many days."

Dad got up from the sofa, "Have you eaten?"

"Let's fill it up on the plane, still hungry." Zhang said.

Dad commanded: "You give the child a cup of hot water and heat the leftovers."

The mother snorted and blinked: "I also told me? Why don't you go."

Dad looked up and said: "You have a hot meal, and we both talk about his work, you don't understand this."

"Just like you know, hey, my son is now a big star, famous host, also used you to make up your mind?" Mom went to the hot meal.

When I was eating, my parents asked him how his work was going.

Zhang Wei didn't want to talk about his work. He was afraid that the old couple would worry. So he shunned it and said it casually. At the end, he shifted the topic: "Where did Minger New Year's Day go?"

My mom gave him a dish, saying: "Where is your grandmother's house, it's over at noon today, and you haven't gone. When you go to see it yourself, tomorrow is your home, but it's fixed. Let's go to the house for a holiday, don't sleep late, help me buy food and cook tomorrow morning, when people at my home have to come over, big and small, a few mouthfuls, this workload is not small."

Zhang Wei is swearing, "I can't get up."

Mom can't help but shoot his head, "I am lazy."

Dad said: "Small cockroaches have been busy with the field for so long, let him rest, and finally take a few days off."

"You said it is light, when you buy food, you cook? You don't help." Mom turned his eyes. "I put on your lazy egg, I am a **** eight-year-old."

The meal is finished.

Zhang Wei took the initiative to smash the plate to brush the bowl.

"Small, I have slept with your dad." Mom yawned: "Call, Minger has to fight for a day, and it is not a light save."

Dad also stretched and went to the bathroom to wash.

Zhang Wei remembered one thing and turned back: "Dad, Mom, you and the two will wait a little longer, and for a few minutes, I will tell you something."

Dad said strangely: "What is it?"

"There is a fart and let go, sleepy." Mom grinned.

Zhang Yan said while washing the spirit, and said: "On the plane today, I met a person named Wu Zeqing, she said she is..."

Before he finished, his mom and dad interrupted him.

"Wu Zeqing? The one at Peking University?" The mother said.

Dad obviously knows her too, "that vice president of Peking University?"

Zhang Yan said: "Do you know?"

Dad said: "If you don't know what it looks like, you know that it is a woman. It seems to be pretty. It is the youngest principal in a famous school. But it is not a teacher system. It is not a professional person, but a civil servant. Airborne from the Ministry of Education to Peking University, did you say that she was not on TV? Have you seen it? Although it is an official of civil servants, her literary attainment seems to be quite high, and she has produced many works, and that TV. Said that she is a famous calligraphy artist? This person is a very prestigious person in the education sector."

Mom nodded and asked her son, "Have you met her?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "It’s just that I met. On the plane, we talked for a long time. After waiting for the plane, she suddenly invited me to teach at Peking University."

Dad is stunned, "Ah?"

Mom also said with amazement: "Go to Peking University? Let you teach what?"

Zhang Wei said: "The Chinese Department, I don't know what to teach, but it must be taught that it is also a literary poem or a novel or history. I won't be the other."

Mom excited: "Is it really going?"

Zhang Wei spread his hand. "Really, I have officially invited me."

Dad is also excited. "How did Peking University find you?"

"I listened to the meaning of President Wu. It seems that the relevant course of this part of Peking University is vacant. Anyway, I feel that it is the meaning, so let me go to the top. If you count as a lecturer, please feel free to choose time. Teaching the course will not delay my main job. President Wu also promised me that if the results are good and the students are satisfied, the title of Associate Professor of Peking University can be considered for me. Of course, another meaning is if I teach It’s not good, then it’s going to roll out.”

Mom is busy: "How do you answer that?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I didn't reply. President Wu asked me to give her a reply before tomorrow, so I want to ask you both." Zhang Yidao.

My mom was anxious at the time, and slammed the table. "Ask a hammer and hurry. I told you that if you don't go, I won't have your son."

Zhang Wei: "..."

I can’t rely on mom.

Who knows that Dad actually stood on the front line with his mother this time. "Son, you have to listen to both of us. Go, you have to go to Peking University. It is a world-class institution. I know that your goal is When you are a star, you can't conflict with each other, and you will have a special help for you. Your star is good and the popularity is high. The popularity is only floating on the surface, but if you hang a professor of Peking University, The meaning is different. This is the most authoritative affirmation of you in academics. With this enthusiasm, your popularity will be more solid, and even it is official recognition. You wrote poetry and wrote articles before, not a lot of associations. People think that you can't do it? You are the host, isn't there a radio and television person who picks your nose and asks you for trouble? If you are an associate professor or an associate professor at Peking University, you have the authority to be backed by authority. Who will look for you in the future when you are in trouble? In your artistic accomplishments, it is estimated that no one will question you again."

This is true.

The literary and artistic things, in many cases, are not about the public, nor about the audience, but more about the industry’s affirmation and qualifications.

Very vulgar and unreasonable.

But no way, this is the status quo in the country.

Zhang Hao listened, but still worried, "I don't teach well?"

Dad said: "If you don't teach well, then you can't let it go. This opportunity can't be let go." The reason why he is so keen to persuade him is that he is more concerned about his son's development in literature, the older generation, the concept More traditional, when they were young, there were some stars, they were called dramas, and they couldn’t get on the table. Although the concept was slowly reversed and changed later, for their generation, the aura of Peking University was even more shining, or professor. The title is more brilliant, the son is quite star, they don't object, but is it better if they can both?

My mom is still hesitating to see her son. She can't help but say: "You don't want to destroy the live broadcast. You don't care if you lead the radio and television. You are a lecturer, you are afraid of a fart."

Zhang Hao hesitated for a moment, finally focused on the key, decided, "Well, I listen to you, I went to love your mother who is who?"

What are you worried about?

Real education is not good, let's talk about it.

And he has so much knowledge of his world in his mind, how can he misunderstand his children?

After making up his mind, Zhang Wei is no longer confused and entangled. Peking University lecturer, this is a too aura of abundance. It is also an attempt and challenge. Zhang Wei feels that he can complete it, and he has returned to Beijing for half a month. There is nothing wrong with it. Since the goal is to be the world's number one in popularity, its various conditions are not very good, so it is even more difficult to fight. Zhang Hao can't be delayed for a moment, so that there is hope to create a miracle and achieve his own ideals.

"That is going to talk to President Wu." The mother was more anxious than him. He urged: "If there are other people in the family, you can hurry."

Zhang Wei looked at the watch. "It’s all twelve o’clock, are people sleeping?”

Dad came up with an idea: "You send a text message, worship for a year, and then by the way, if she sleeps, she can see it tomorrow morning."

Zhang Yan sighed and accepted the advice of his parents. If he didn't accept it, he wouldn't accept it. The parents and the eyes of the parents were so ugly. If he disobeyed, the old couple would be expected to kill him.

So he sent a message to Wu Zeqing.

Written: President Wu, Happy New Year, I am afraid that you will send a text message to you when you sleep. Well, your invitation has accepted me. I am honored to contribute to the education cause.

Soon, the other party replied.

Wu Zeqing: Thank you, you are also happy on New Year's Day. You can think about it. At 9 o'clock on the morning of January 2, you will come to Peking University to find me, the curriculum and the contract of teaching. Let's talk about it later.

Zhang Wei said: Yes, you should rest early.

Wu Zeqing said: Also give your parents a good time.

The SMS exchange is over.

Zhang Wei gave his mobile phone to his parents. "Look at it."

Dad saw it, very happy, "good"

Mom is also happy to keep up with her mouth. "Ha ha ha, or my son has a good time, I have to go to Peking University to teach me too much."

Zhang Wei can be so happy without his parents. He doesn't care to take the phone back, then he pulls up his sleeves and continues to brush the bowl. "You both should sleep first, not too early."

Mom suddenly shouted: "You give me down"

"Ah?" Zhang Hao screamed sideways, and the bowl in his hand almost fell. "Why are you? I scared me, what did I put down?"

Mom immediately squeezed him and grabbed the tableware with a smile. "Mom brush, you go to rest."

"Don't, I'm all half of it." Zhang Wei went up and grabbed it. "You sleep."

Mom is not, "I will come when I come, don't grab it, haha, my son is now a lecturer at Peking University. Where can I let my son brush the bowl?" While brushing the bowl, my mother is screaming at Peking Opera. I said to myself: "Tomorrow can brag with my neighbors. When my son was disqualified from broadcasting and broadcasting by the radio and television, there are still people in the group who are behind me. My son is finished. Can't you? Look at me this time and not kill them. Can my son be a lecturer at Peking University? Will they tell me why they are so red?"

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