I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 287: [Participate in the three-year-old New Year's party! 】

The next day.

January 1st, New Year's Day.

In the new morning of the new year, Zhang Wei was spent in his own bed.

The family seems to be coming, there is more than one wave, the doorbell rings again and again, and the voice is also coming in from the outside. Zhang Wei woke up a few times, turned over, and fell into the quilt and fell asleep. I haven't had a good time to record the talk show for four consecutive days. He has to make up his sleep today. Anyway, today is a dinner for the family. Without outsiders, there is not so much a visit.

"Sister, we are here."

"Sit down and sit down."

"Auntie, Happy New Year, I wish you and your uncle good health."

"Oh, we are still cute, there are fruits, go eat."

"My brother?"

"He, sleep in the house."

"Oh my brother, this lazy cat, it’s more than ten o'clock."

The family of Datun, the second and the third have arrived one after another, the big sister Cao Dan, the second sister Cao Yu, the third sister Cao Mengmeng, and the three sisters together.

Several men smoked and ate tea.

Several women are busy with meals in the kitchen.

My aunt asked: "I heard that Xiaoyan has been on the blacklist of radio and television?"

"Yeah." Second Aunt also said: "Is his work unsatisfactory?"

"I heard that his program was stopped before a while? How is it now?" The three aunts asked Zhang Wei's mother while washing vegetables.

My mom brushed the chopping board and laughed and said: "You are all old Huangli, and the Xiaoyan program is replayed, but it will take more than half a month to re-broadcast. His work is still not smooth? Oh, I secretly sneak Tell you, don't tell others, the vice president of Peking University came to my son personally, and invited Xiao Xiao to go to the Chinese Department of Peking University to teach, saying that he is none other than him.

Big aunt is shocked, "Ah? Which Peking University?"

Mom laughed: "Which Peking University is the number one university in China?"

The three aunts donated a donkey. "This is big news. Xiao Yan is too promising. Can you go to Peking University to teach? How can I not see it in the newspaper?"

Mom said: "It was only decided last night. Hey, my family didn't want to go there, but the president Wu repeatedly invited, especially sincere. In the end, we pushed it, but I promised to go. Of course, there is no news in the news, and I can see it tomorrow."

A few adults and children outside also heard it, and the second went out to pick up Zhang’s grandfather, not there. Everyone else was shocked by this news.

Cao Mengmeng screamed: "Ah, my brother is so fierce?"

Cao Dan also grinned with an unbelievable look. "Peking University teaches?"

Sanchao immediately ran to the kitchen. "Sister, then congratulations, you can figure out a school, or a lecturer at a famous school."

Daxie said to Zhang Wei’s father: "Brother, congratulations."

Dad smiled and shook his hand. "I don't know if that kid can do it."

My mother is very proud of it, and I can see my husband with a blank eye. "My son can't do it. Can you do it? Net said that frustrated."

The three aunts laughed and said: "Yes, Xiao Yan’s literary level is definitely not a problem."

At this time, people came in outside, and then the grandfather came over.

When the old lady entered the door, she heard the insiders talking and could not help but ask: "What is Peking University? What do you say?"

The mother smiled and went out of the kitchen. "Dad, Mom, your grandson is going to be a lecturer at the Chinese Department of Peking University. I will report it tomorrow."

Hey surprised: "You guys are married to me?"

Three aunts shouted: "Mom, it is true"

I was so excited when I was stunned. "Is there such a thing for Xiao Xiao?"

"That's Peking University." Grandpa is also stunned.

Three aunts said: "You are always not concerned about news TV. You don't know, Xiao Yan has long been a big man, and he is on TV every day."

The wrinkles were instantly opened, "I still have a small fight."


Zhang Hao woke up and slept, this is called a fragrance.

Suddenly, the door opened and three small figures came in.

"Brother gets up and should eat." Cao Mengmeng screamed in bed.

Zhang Wei was awakened, yawning and seeing his three little sisters, and they don’t care too much. "Go, I will sleep for a while."

Cao Yudao: "Brother, get up quickly"

The big sister Cao Dan said: "Let the brother rest and rest."

"What's the rest?" Cao Mengmeng did not agree, went straight to the bed, and sat down on Zhang's leg. "Brother, you are too powerful now, you have to go to Peking University to teach."

Zhang Wei waved his hand in a listless manner. "Generally average."

Cao Yu also spoke: "Brother, you have to buy us delicious food."

"Buy, buy." Zhang Yi closed his eyes and didn't know if he was talking about his dreams.

Cao Mengmeng screamed with cute little eyes: "Then we want to buy everything for us, I want a big hug, one meter eight"

Zhang Wei is awkward and shouts: "Buy, buy."

Several sisters cheered together and said, "噢"

There were so few little guys in the room, Zhang Hao didn't want to sleep, and finally got awake by several sisters, and had to get out of bed in their pajamas.

As soon as he went out of the house, Zhang Wei began to call people, "Hey, grandfather, big sister, big aunt, two..."

As soon as he saw his grandson, he took his hand with relief. "Are you awakening those few gimmicks?" After all, the old lady yelled at them. "Naughty, your brother is tired and tired these days." It’s easy to sleep late."

Cao Mengmeng spit out a small tongue, "Grandma eccentric eyes"

He was amused, "This little girl, looking for a fight."

Mom also took the son, "Hurry and brush your teeth, ready to eat."

After more than ten minutes, I opened the meal.

During the dinner, Zhang Wei was also rare to reunite with his loved ones. He hadn't been home for too long, so he poured beer and toasted his elders in a cup. He also had a good meal.

Grandpa and relatives are in the east of the sentence, asking about the things in Zhangye’s entertainment circle.

"Xiao Xiao, is the host of the Naxi show really your classmate?"

"Yeah, college classmates, one class."

"What class do you want to go to Peking University?"

"I don't know yet, I should know tomorrow."

"Brother, is Hu Dongjian not the same **** - love?"

"Where I know, he is the host of Hong Kong and Taiwan. I have never seen him."

"Brother, how are you so powerful? You talked about the talk show and just laughed at me."

"That is, your brother is of course powerful, otherwise how to be your brother."

After the meal, everyone sat on the sofa or in the big room and continued to talk. The topic was basically around Zhang Wei. Everyone was very interested in his work.

More than two in the afternoon.

Grandpa went to Zhang Hao’s parents room for a nap.

Zhang Wei gave the second old bed a quilt and talked two more words. This was the door to the door.

As soon as he got out of the house, he ran into the thief's eye-catching Cao Mengmeng. This Xiaonizi didn't know what was going on, and he was stunned with Zhang.

"Why?" Zhang Yule.

Cao Mengmeng whispered: "Brother, I have something to ask you."

Zhang Wei didn't take it seriously. "What is it?"

Cao Mengmeng’s seven or eight elders sitting in the living room, Xiaobununu’s cabin, “going to the house, it’s a very important thing.”

"Let's do it." Zhang Wei and the three sisters entered the house.

In the house, Cao Mengmeng sat down on the bed.

Zhang Hao ordered a cigarette and took a mouth and spit out the window. "What to say."

Cao Mengmeng Jiaojiao said: "Brother, we have a New Year's party in the junior high school hall at night, you can bring parents, you give me a chance." New Year's party is still very common in school, because the Spring Festival party is impossible to hold. At that time, the students had a holiday, and they were over the New Year. They couldn’t hold it. So the most campus is the New Year’s party. Some schools have no schools, and the time is not fixed. Many are also December 31. No. held at night.

Zhang stunned, and laughed: "Where am I going? Your parents are not resting today, what's wrong? They can't go to work at night?"

Cao Mengmeng secretly said: "I didn't tell them."

"Ah?" Zhang Xiao smiled.

Cao Mengmeng whispered: "You don't know, my parents met our teacher every time. They all played with chicken blood. They said that I was bad. When I got home, my parents still yelled at me. I am bothered to die. I would rather go alone without them."

Zhang Yiyi spread his hand and said: "I am not suitable?"

"You are my brother, how is it inappropriate?" Cao Mengmeng said that he still laughed. "And I just showed up with my friends. Last time, I also talked to several parents in the corridor. It’s up to you, hey, but none of them knows that you are my brother."

Zhang Yihan said: "Is it interesting?"

"Specially very interesting," Cao Mengmeng affirmed. "And I have to perform at the party. I decided, I will read your "Flying Birds and Fish""

"That is a love poem." Zhang Yidao.

"What is the love poem? Several of our classmates have to recite poetry this time. Many people read love poems and have textbooks." Cao Mengmeng did not agree.

"What poems do they read?" Zhang asked.

Cao Mengmeng shook his head and shook his head. "I don't know, everyone is kept secret. There are a lot of people singing and dancing. Anyway, I don't care, brother, you have to help my sister. If there are no parents to go with me, you My sister is a shame, and you have to teach me how to read "Flying Birds and Fish", how to break the sentence"

Zhang Weidao: "Let's talk about it, ask your parents first."

"Brother, I can't do it, I can't do it." Cao Mengmeng was so tired of holding Zhang's arm. It was very pitiful.

Zhang Wei was finally made up, and he said: "I have done it. Can I still not? Is it 7:30? I know, I will go to school to find you."

Cao Mengmeng was excited, "Long live my brother"

Zhang Wei began to teach her the "bird and fish" recitation.

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