I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 288: [Zhang Wei writes a bad love poem? 】


The relatives left early.

In the evening meal, there is a family of three Zhang Jian, and it is also relatively simple to eat. It is also specially requested by Zhang Wei. In the south, there is no such authentic old Beijing noodle sauce, especially the mother made this. Halogen, it’s absolutely perfect, Zhang Wei has never been tired of eating from small to large.

"How?" Mom asked.

Zhang Yan sucked the noodles. "It's still that smell, delicious."

Mommy Zizi said: "That is, my craft can't be wrong. When you go back to Shanghai, Mom will give you more fried sauce, and you will take it."

Zhang Wei ate and asked, "What time is it?"

"6:40, what happened?" Dad looked at the watch.

Zhang Hao quickly finished eating the last two. "I got to go, there is something."

"Come back soon." Mom reminded: "You have to go to Peking University tomorrow to report, don't delay the business."

"Oh, I know, come back before ten o'clock." Zhang Hao was full, and drove down the stairs.

Xb bulletproof car is thrown in the parents' home community, because it was thrown for too long, the car is full of soil, Zhang Hao has no time to wash the car, it does not matter, open to the school of Cao Mengmeng.

At seven o'clock.

Outside the capital of the 15th Central Government.

It was a bit cloudy, and it seemed to be black all at once, not even a buffer.

The fifteenth in the west of Taoranting, from the new road, quite close to the market, in fact, do not have to drive from Zhang Yu's parents' home, a quarter of an hour must be. As soon as the car arrived, Zhang Wei saw the car at the entrance of the school and got into a group. He also regretted driving. I know that all the parents of the students took the children to the New Year’s party, and they watched the ages of the children. There are middle school students and even high school students. This evening party is 80% of the junior high school. The 15th is the city's key point. This kind of party will naturally be more popular than ordinary middle schools.

Stop in front of the queue.

Zhang Wei estimates that this speed is not going to school for a while. He can live here for too long. He has a hard drive and hits the steering wheel. He killed 200 meters to the west and parked his car in a hot pot restaurant. At the door, this shop is generally business. Usually there are not many cars to stop. The boss is also a nearby resident. It is very good to talk. Generally, when there is no parking space, the boss will not throw anything.

When I got off the bus, Zhang Wei walked into the fifteenth.

The party started at about 7:30, and the people who arrived now are almost all tails.

Bell bell.

The phone rang.

"How come you don't come," Cao Meng's voice screamed out of the phone.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "I am here, just entering the door, the main entrance to the west, I am waiting for you under the school motto of your school?"

"Come on? Good, wait for me" hang up.

Not long after, a delicate figure ran over, "Brother" then looked at him silently, "How do you still wear sunglasses?"

Zhang Weidao: "Get used to it, wear it."

Cao Mengmeng said: "I still want to show off. Who knows you when you wear sunglasses?"

Zhang Wei turned his eyes and said: "You got it, your brother is not as good as the reputation you want. My face is useless. Hurry up, I promise you that it will be good."

Cao Mengmeng took him to the direction of the auditorium. "No matter whether you go, fast, there is no place in it. There are too many people today. The junior high school and the high school have a New Year’s party, although they are free to participate, more than half of them. People are not coming, but the people who come can still bring a parent. The hall is not enough."

As soon as I entered the auditorium, it was a sea of ​​people.

The sulking sullenness is not very good.

"Oh, don't squeeze."

"Daughter, I am coming"

"Mr. Sun, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Parents from the first three classes of the first three classes come here."

“The second and fifth classes of the high school have gathered the parents who haven’t arrived yet.”

"Three classmates, everyone listens to me and talks about it. When you have a party, try not to make a noise and keep quiet because it will be videotaped."

Parents are in a hurry.

The class teachers are also busy.

Inside, no one noticed Zhang Wei. Occasionally, even a few people stared at him and looked at them. They turned their eyes off. It seemed that they were familiar with Zhang, but they didn’t care. Zhang Wei is now a celebrity, especially with the reputation of the capital. Not enough, he is not the star of Zhang Yuanqi, and the exposure is limited, so many people have not yet worn Zhang Hao. Can also recognize the point where he came. The key point is the environment. If it is with the TV station, if it is with a star party, everyone sees Zhang Wei wearing sunglasses, maybe it can be guessed because he has already implanted a signal in his mind. But here is a New Year's party in a normal middle school. Even if someone feels that Zhang Wei is familiar, he will not think about it in other ways.

On the "Meng Meng" side, a young woman is calling her.

Cao Meng is busy waving, "Hey, cold teacher, I am coming"

The young woman who usually wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses is obviously the class teacher of Cao Mengmeng. She complains: "Every time you are slow, what about your parents?"

Cao Mengmeng’s voice on the mouth refers to Zhang Wei, “Dangdang Dangdang”

The cold teacher smiled and nodded. "Are you?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Hello, cold teacher, I am Meng Meng, this is a headache."

The cold teacher and he simply shook hands. "It's okay, Meng Meng is still very good. It's a pistachio in our class. It's just not learning. If you look back, you will talk alone. I used to talk to him. My parents have said several times that they are not effective. You are his brother. You should be more close to your child. You may use it more than his parents. She is very poor in language. I am a Chinese teacher and class teacher. I am going to have a final exam right away. I am an anxious teacher, and I don’t know the basics of basic knowledge. I can’t write essays, right, and math scores. That’s also...” The class teacher seems to be a very responsible teacher. On the day of the New Year's party, I still don't forget to care about my children.

Cao Mengmeng looked helpless and looked at Zhang Wei: Look, what do I say, is our teacher playing chicken blood at the sight of my parents?

Zhang Qilian claimed that "Yes, I won't, I will criticize him when I look back."

Cold teacher said: "You have to talk about her." This time, I noticed the time, busy: "Hey, let's not say it, let's get a seat."

Cao Mengmeng screamed, "How come there is no place?"

When the cold teacher turned around, he found that the seats left for their class were gone. There were still several parents of their class standing in the aisle. "Parents, I am really embarrassed. Today, the school may not be arranged, logistics. Prepare the chair over there, let's make it all together, sit in the aisle? I can't help it, we will all be there."

The cold teacher did not make a soft seat himself. When she saw a parent who seemed to be older, she gave her position to her. Then she went to coordinate the chair and found someone to move over. She also followed the parents. Sitting in the aisle. Other classes are similar. Some classes are not full, and they are even more at the class. Some are full, they can only be in the aisle chair, but their class teacher can not do it on their own.

So the teacher of the cold teacher is still good.

Zhang Wei did not have a word, sitting on a small stool indifferently.

Cao Mengmeng is not willing, "Brother, or else you can sit with me, you are a big man..."

"Okay, how big is it." Zhang Wei interrupted her. "Hurry up and consolidate your reading program. Isn't it the time to do it in the second half?"

"That's okay." Cao Mengmeng returned to her seat, surrounded by classmates in their class.

Next to it, a little girl smiled and said: "Meng Meng, who is that?"

"My brother." Cao Mengmeng proudly leaned his neck, "Shuany?"

Another boy blinked. "Hey, is your brother wearing sunglasses? The auditorium is black."

Cao Mengmeng giggled. "My brother is a big star, of course I have to wear sunglasses."

"Big star? Can't you?" A juvenile who grows a little old.

A girl who seems to have a bad relationship with Cao Mengmeng said: "What star, Meng Meng, you are blowing big, I see your brother is wearing sunglasses - forcing it."

Cao Mengmeng cut out, "Lily, how can I not see you, if you tell me who my brother is, be sure to scare you"

Lily grinned. "You blow."

Cao Mengmeng’s lips, “I’m too lazy to care about you.”

A little boy hurried and muddy, "Meng Meng, Lily, you don't bother, you have to fight every time you meet up, I am low, you are tired, we are tired."


Other students are not taking it seriously.

The cold teacher actually heard the dialogue over there. He looked at Zhang Wei at the back and looked at it. It was really familiar, but it seemed to be the kind of public face, and then did not care.

"Little brother, are you?" A parental road next to the side.

Zhang Wei looked at this middle-aged man, "Oh, I am Meng Meng."

The parent smiled and nodded. "Hello, I am Peng Peng's father."

"I am the mother of Xiaomeng, how are you." Another middle-aged woman interjected.

Zhang Wei and a few parents chatted casually, but they really did not adapt to this "parental meeting" atmosphere. After all, people are thirty or forty years old, and they are only twenty.

“What is the work of the little brother?” middle-aged people are interested.

"I am?" Zhang Yi can't really answer the question. You said that he is engaged in literature. It is not counted. It is said that it is hosted. Now it has been suspended, saying that it is teaching. I will report it tomorrow, so this hesitation, the middle-aged woman next to it has opened the subject.

Women’s Road: “What is Big Brother?”

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "The editor of the newspaper is the publication of the piece of literature. The article of the teacher, we have also been in the newspapers. It was the layout of my row. I also knew the name in the past few months. It’s a coincidence that the cold moon is our cold teacher."

Another man next to him said: "Ah? Is the cold teacher still in the newspaper?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "That's right, the cold teacher is very talented. The last prose, our editor-in-chief is full of praise, and writes very well."

The cold teacher smiled and didn't fall down: "Yang Ge, don't blow me up, I just caught up with luck, what is the ink in my stomach?"

Yang Ge smiled and said: "You are modest, who is your talent?"

The cold teacher smiled a little. "Of course, Teacher Zhang Wei, I am a fan of him. He writes poetry or does a program. He never uses a manuscript or a concept. He can write anything and open his mouth. The first shocked literary work, Teacher Zhang is talented."

Yang Ge Yim, "That is, I heard that Zhang Wei’s collection of essays has sold over 200,000 copies now. It’s not a novel, it’s a collection of essays, and this sales is simply against the sky.”

Teacher Cold said: "I have contributed three copies of this sales. The poems of Teacher Zhang Wei are really good. The articles and speeches are also world-class, and there is no pick."

The woman said: "I have never seen Zhang Wei's work, but my sister especially likes him. His Zhang Wei talk show has to watch two or three times in each issue."

Yang Ge said with emotion: "In the literary world, the most powerful newcomer is Zhang Wei, but I think it is really better than that. The masters of the predecessors in the literary world should still be taller, in literary terms, Zhang. Your work should not be as good as the masters."

The cold teacher shook his head. "I don't think so. I think Zhang Shuguang's works can already be compared with the masters."

Yang Ge looked at her and said: "Cold teacher, I have different opinions. If you talk about satirical poems, Zhang Wei can be said to be the only one in China. You can really stand shoulder to shoulder with those literary masters. "Dead Water", "Answer "Ah, or the "Prisoner Song" and "My Confessions" of the screaming class, "Haiyan" is also counted. In this field, Zhang Wei is the culmination of the peak. I also admit, but in the love poem, Zhang Wei’s works. Basically it is blank. The "Seeing or Not Seeing" is not a love poem. It really needs to be a "Flying Bird and Fish", so in terms of the diversity and comprehensiveness of literature, Zhang Wei and the masters There is still a certain gap."

The woman said: "I have heard of "Flying Birds and Fish", very good."

The cold teacher smiled and said: "A bird and a fish is enough."

Yang Gedao: "But if it is really true, "Birds and Fish" is the "the farthest distance in the world". At most, it is a yearning for love. It is not a purely love poem. At least I understand it. Ah, so in the love of the poetry system, Zhang Wei still lacks proof of his work. If he really has a modern poem that can appreciate love, I admit that he is a master."

The cold teacher did not argue with him. "There will be."

Chatting and chatting, their topic actually moved to Zhang Wei.

Just sitting in the middle of Zhang Hao could not help but blush, listening to others boasting themselves, Meng Meng's class teacher also claimed to be his fans, Zhang Yi also smiled.



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