I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 289: [The poem of the third sister was preempted! 】

A little bit.

The 15th New Year's Day party officially kicked off.

The opening ceremony was a female host standing on the stage and saw that the students at the bottom were yelling, "Mr. Li is really beautiful," and "Mr. Li is handsome." This host is definitely a guest role of the school teacher. Today There were no outsiders present, and the program was also performed by the students.

The hostess ignored the students' grievances and smiled: "Leaders, distinguished guests, parents, classmates, happy New Year's Day, welcome to participate in the New Year's Day cultural evening in the 15th. Here, the headmaster will give a speech to everyone." This is the customary link.

The host took a step back.

The headmaster smiled and took the stage. He was a little old man. He was about sixty years old. His hair was white. He picked up the microphone and he smiled. "I have let them cancel this part of the game. I didn't expect to add it to me." I am, I am not going to talk about it today. Let’s enjoy the wonderful programs of the students. I can’t wait any longer. In this case, parents are also asked to check the children’s talent show.”

The words were short and won applause from students and parents.

Parents are waiting to see their children's performances, and naturally they don't have the heart to listen to the school leaders' speeches.

The headmaster went on, and the hostess announced: "The New Year's Day literary evening officially began. The first program, the opening dance brought by the students of the second and second class, everyone welcomes."



Especially the parents of the second and second classes are all absorbed.

Hula, fifteen men and women appeared, the background music is actually a beautiful song, the rhythm is very fast, these high school students suddenly jumped up with the music, watching the action, apparently trained for a long time, although not a bit It’s too neat, but it’s not bad as an amateur.

Zhang Wei can't help but swear. Now the junior high school is more and more open, and it is more and more in line with international standards. The management is not so strict. Like Zhang Wei’s junior high school, the New Year’s party is nothing more than singing in the class. Singing, doing a game, where do you get foreign songs, foreign dances, they didn’t have this concept at all, and the teacher would definitely not approve it. The slogan of the school at that time did not change. Over-fire anti-theft anti-early love, where is the current school atmosphere, love poetry can be recited on this occasion? Oh, or they are happy, think about it, it’s too hard for Zhang Wei to go to school.

The opening dance is over.

The applause reappeared and the voice rang.

"it is good"

"Awesome jump"

"That is my daughter, have you seen it?"

"Haha, my son is really good at jumping."

The second program is a female student of the first day. She is a singing song. This song is the famous work of Zhang Yuanqi. It is also the earliest song she entered into the music world, called "I don't believe."

The female student began to sing.

"A lot of efforts have been made, and I can only fail if I fail. I have struggled a lot and I can only look at my dreams and cry again and again. I have thought a lot back, why should I be so humble when I was born? I shouted a lot back, my How can the sound get more and more awkward?"

"I don't believe, I was born worse than others."

"I don't believe, I don't have any talent at all."

"I don't believe, I am destined to be under people."

"I don't believe, my voice will never answer."

Listening to this song, the atmosphere below is warm and uplifting. Compared with the dances of English songs and foreigners, parents still accept this kind of song. Everyone knows that Zhang Tianhou has heard about her songs. Many parents have heard it. And the children are singing along below.

Zhang Wei can hear the goose bumps. Although this is the earliest work of Zhang Yuanqi many years ago, there are many places in the works compared to the immature places now, but the power and shouting in the song is really quite Impressing people. Zhang Wei has been in this world for several months. This song is not the first time he listened. On the TV soundtrack, in the variety show, in the evening songs and dances, he has heard many times, and many people cover it, but every time Listening to Zhang Yi once felt that there was a lot of power in the song. This is a singer's cry.

There is also an allusion inside. It was when Zhang Yuanqi just entered the music scene. He had achieved little success in film and television and other aspects, but singing was very criticized because her voice was not as clear as the traditional mainstream singers of the time. Beautiful, but with some hoarse, so many people do not recognize this voice, they are not singing in the Zhangzhang Yuanqi, not suitable for singing, let her go back to make movies. As a result, there is the advent of this "I don't believe", that is, Zhang Yuanqi first sang on a variety show. When the last sentence "I don't believe, my song will never be answered", the audience will be Boiling, this is also the opening song of Zhang Yuanqi’s dominating songs. Since then, no one has ever questioned that Zhang Yuanqi will not sing.

a good song

a classic work

Zhang Hao did not dare to underestimate the level of literature and art in this world. Such a classic song, even in Zhang Wei’s earth, he can guarantee that it will be red and purple.

The song was given, and the girl also received a warm applause.

"it is good"

"Singing well"

"Haha, no worse than singing in the sky."

For the children, the parents are tolerant. Regardless of whether they sing well or not, everyone will hold it. It is an encouragement that is a lively event.

The third program is also singing, a high school boy singing rock.

The fourth program is a chorus, singing a famous traditional chorus, "The Motherland, the Motherland," but Zhang Wei has never heard of it. He does not have this song in his world.

The show continues one by one.

The New Year's party has already passed halfway.

At this time, Lili, who had been squashed with Cao Mengmeng, was no longer in the student seat. The next one was her, she was waiting in the background.

"The Lily is up."

"She also reads poetry?"

"It seems that I don't know what to read."

"There is finally a program for our classmates."

When a program ends, the hostess reports: "The next show, poetry reading, performer Chen Lili, everyone applauded."

In the applause, Lily stepped on the stage and bowed slightly.

Cao Mengmeng cut a look at the stage. "She can't read the typo and see her nervous."

Lily was a bit nervous, but she took the manuscript out and took a breath and started to recite it, but the first sentence made Cao Mengmeng stunned.

"The farthest distance in the world is not the other side of the sky, but I am standing in front of you, but you don't know that I love you. The farthest distance in the world, I am not standing in front of you, but you don't know that I love you. But love is obsessed, but can't say that I love you." Lily read.

"It’s not bad."

"Flying Birds and Fish? I like this poem."

Several of their classmates have been talking about it.

However, Cao Mengmeng called me to rely on, "What do I read?"

"Ah? Meng Meng? What happened to you?" A male student cared.

Cao Mengmeng shouted: "I am also preparing this poem, Lily gave me a rob"

At a party, it is impossible to get two of the same programs, especially the poetry reading program. Both of them recite a poem? This is like a word.

The cold teacher and the surrounding parents heard it.

The middle-aged man who was the editor of the newspaper shouted: "Children, how about changing one?"

The cold teacher also said: "Meng Meng your show is also this poem? Why didn't you report it before?"

"Everyone didn't even report it. I also decided to recite this poem this afternoon." Cao Mengmeng was very anxious and even a little anxious.

The cold teacher suggested: "Then you change another poem? Isn't Zhang Wei a lot of works?"

Cao Mengmeng said: "Yes, but I am not prepared."

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "Zhang Wei's other poems are not suitable for her, "Dead Water"? "Answer"? This is all ironic, even if "See or See" is not a sight, and that Wei Dad The daughter also recited at the funeral. This evening is not appropriate."

The cold teacher thinks too. "There is really no suitable poem in Zhang Wei. Then... or else, let me go to the background and let me know, and your program will be cancelled first.

Cao Mengmeng is not good, "I can't do it, I have to recite it."

Zhang Wei also interjected, "Meng Meng has long been looking forward to the show, can't cancel it?"

The cold teacher said with a headache: "It’s too late to change it. What other poems are there? Meng Meng misses love poems? Or else, "Spring Flowers"?"

Lily finished her speech and stepped down in the applause.

But the next one of the hostess’s report is a recital program for a high school girl, "Spring Flowers."

Well, they have also been preempted. These good poems are too popular. They are popular. The conflicts are not repeated. It’s like those who recite games. It’s just a few classic poems, but this is not a game. It’s a New Year’s party, and repeating the show is definitely not good.

"Meng Meng, or else read "She is a flower"?"

"That is the love poem of a boy, how can I read it?"

"Do you have to read love poems? I see "The Motherland Jiangshan" is not bad, sing the motherland, there are also textbooks, you can quickly check it out."

"This poem is badly smashed, and there are many earth, I can't read it."

The classmates of their class gave Cao Meng the idea. Not long after, Chen Lili also came back. When she heard that she had collided with Cao Mengmeng, she was happy.

Lily smiled: "This is really good."

Cao Mengmeng hated itchy teeth. "You don't tell me about "Flying Birds and Fish"?"

Lily shouted: "You didn't tell me, why do I tell you? Anyway, I finished it first. I don't have any opinion when you read it again, but when you are embarrassed, you are embarrassed."

Lily’s mother was next to her, and she took a picture of her daughter’s head. “How do I talk to my classmates?” She said, she looked at Zhang Wei, not far away. “Meng Meng parents, I’m sorry.”

Zhang Xiao smiled. "It's okay, it happened, and nobody thought of anything."

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