I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 290: ["To the Oak" to the rescue! 】

The scene of the party.

Teacher Leng's class is whispering.

"There are three more shows to be Mengmeng, right?"

"This show is almost over, too late."

"Mengmeng, forget it, I still have a chance next time."

"Yes, I can't read "The Farthest Distance in the World" again, right?"

"These are all poem recitations. Now the famous love poems have been read by others. I can't find any classic works."

Cao Mengmeng is very popular with the class, especially the little boys, who like her very much, and they all come up with ideas one by one, and they don't recommend her to come on stage.

Lily also smiled: "Don't go, it's so embarrassing."

Teacher Leng looked at Mengmeng and said: "The famous love poems have indeed been read, and other poems, famous classics are nothing."

Cao Mengmeng stomped angrily, "I will recite it and ignore it"

Zhang Ye knows that the little guy is someone who likes to show up. I don't know how long I have been preparing for this day. Mengmeng is as stubborn as myself, and it is impossible not to let her go. Zhang Ye sighed and quickly checked her on the Internet with her mobile phone to see if there were any suitable love poems.

As a result, Cao Mengmeng suddenly looked at Zhang Ye, her eyes lit up, and then she got up and squeezed over, pulling Zhang Ye up alive, "Brother, come with me.

Zhang Ye was stunned: "Why?"

"Are you here" Cao Mengmeng pulled him out of the auditorium.

Outside is the lobby with a rest area, where several parents smoke.

Cao Mengmeng found a place where there was no one, and looked at Zhang Ye with little eyes, "Brother, sister, I'm in trouble, you can't ignore me."

Zhang Ye raised the phone, "Isn't I helping you find a suitable love poem."

Cao Mengmeng stared at her small eyes and said, "You, a lecturer in the Chinese Department of Peking University, still use other people's poems? You can make me a poem."

Zhang Ye fainted: "Do you think Chinese cabbage is, so just write it?"

"Every time you write a poem, don’t you just write it? Isn’t it all created on the spot? I don’t care. Anyway, I want you to have a love poem not worse than "The Bird and the Fish". I have to give that stinky Lily Did you see her attitude just now? Did you see it? That's too exasperating." Cao Mengmeng kicked the sofa in the seating area with his feet, which was so cute.

Zhang Ye was helpless, "Then what poem do you want?"

"Love, from the perspective of a woman" Cao Mengmeng asked.

Zhang Ye touched his nose and said depressed: "It's too late, right?"

"I can read it if you can write if you have time," Cao Mengmeng said aggressively: "Brother, you can't write it, are you? The media trumpet you so much, are they fake?"

Zhang Ye gave her a sideways glance and liked this set. "I can't write it out? Are you kidding me, yeah, isn't it a love poem from a female perspective? You wait." He took out a pen from his arms, which he carried with him to sign, "Do you have paper?"

There is a seller's leaflet on the table, and the back is white.

Cao Mengmeng couldn't manage that much, so he brought the leaflet and "give it"

Zhang Ye sat on the sofa and laid out the paper. After thinking about it for a moment, he already had an idea in his mind. Just this poem, anyway, from the perspective of a woman, it is also a soft and beautiful love poem. This is not suitable for Zhang Ye. There is no use in the mind, it is really a waste, Yu Cui saves the third sister. Thinking of this, Zhang Ye didn't hesitate anymore, and started to write with a brush. The paper is a real estate flyer, not very good, but Zhang Ye has eaten a calligraphy skill experience book, and the handwriting is still pretty good, just two or three minutes, one line Lines of verses leaped on paper.

It's done.

Zhang Ye handed the manuscript to her, "Look at any unrecognized words, I'll tell you how to pronounce it, and the position of the sentence. I'll read it and you will listen."

Cao Mengmeng nodded very seriously, "Okay."

five minutes later.

Zhang Ye returned to the auditorium and sat back in his place.

Cao Mengmeng did not go back, and went directly to the backstage to wait for the show. At this moment, the little girl's face was full of joy and excitement. She actually didn't know how good this poem was. Based on her junior high school student's literary level and There is no such appreciative ability in artistic level, but Cao Mengmeng is confident, why? There is no reason, because this is the poem written by her brother, or how awesome is the poem written by Zhang Ye created today. Cao Mengmeng has already seen it from the Internet. There are countless followers and admirers. Qian Ah, she understands very well. Even the worst modern poem written by her brother has four to five million hits. Zhang Ye's work with the worst grades is better than ordinary poets and writers. The best works are awesome

Can this be worse?

Of course it's impossible

Cao Mengmeng bounced and hummed a little tune, and she was ready in the background. She couldn't understand the meaning of the poem, but just read it.

In the field.

Understage seating area.

Zhang Ye came back without causing any movement.

Only Teacher Leng looked over, "Where is Mengmeng?"

"Go backstage," Zhang Ye said.

The middle-aged editor of the newspaper said, "She is really going to read "Bird and Fish" again? Ha ha, your little sister is really persistent, not bad."

Zhang Ye smiled vaguely, "I don't know either."

Teacher Leng smacked his lips and said: "This cute, really, just doesn't listen to advice."

On the stage, this poem recitation program also ended, and they were all crowded together.

The hostess came up again and said with a smile: "The next show, poem recitation, performer-classmate Cao Mengmeng, welcome everyone."

The applause was sparse, not very enthusiastic, no way, seven or eight poems were recited in a row, and they were all popular classic love poems that everyone had heard countless times. No matter how good the poem is, it will be heard so many times. Tired of it, so the teachers, parents and students on the scene are all less enthusiastic. Listening to the next program is the poem recitation. Everyone is not so interested anymore, and many people yawn.

"Poem again?"

"It's boring."

"There is a problem with the schedule of this show."

Many people murmured a few words.

Only the people in Teacher Leng's class raised their spirits and were very concerned about the recitation.

"Ah, Mengmeng is up"

"She really went?"

"Why didn't you cancel the show?"

"Mengmeng is so hard-hearted."

"I have to listen to "Asuka and Fish" again? I'm dizzy"

Mengmeng’s classmates were all dumbfounded, and some were worried about Mengmeng.

Lily was very happy and smiled and said: "When the time comes, everyone will listen, whoever Mengmeng and I recite the "Birds and Fishes" is nice." She recited first, and has occupied all the advantages, even if Mengmeng recites again. Well, it can't be better than her, and she will be scolded. After all, she followed the trend of Lily's poems, so Lily really hopes that Cao Mengmeng will come on stage to show her ugliness. She can finally watch Cao Mengmeng's joke once.

The hostess stepped back.

Cao Mengmeng stepped onto the stage from the side curtain, and walked to the podium with small steps, because the poem was a taller boy from high school, and the microphone was higher. Cao Mengmeng struggling to tiptoe. Reached the microphone, adjusted the adjustment down.

"Oh," he tripped and almost fell.

When the hostess saw it, she smiled and came over to help.

Mengmeng's actions are very cute, but it makes many parents in the audience laugh.

"The little girl is so cute."

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

The laughter is mostly kind.

Zhang Ye also smiled, looking expectantly at the third sister on the stage.

Lili and other classmates stared at the rostrum. Teacher Leng also looked at Cao Mengmeng worriedly. Both Mengmeng and Lili belonged to her class. If the two of them really said the same poem and collided with each other, she would be the head teacher. It won't look good, the school leaders will blame her for not coordinating well.

The middle-aged parent of the newspaper gave a sigh and said to Zhang Ye: "Your sister was still very anxious just now, why is she so confident now?"

Teacher Leng took a look and noticed, "Did you find a new poem?"

Another student’s parent, a lesbian, said, "But all the famous love poems have been read today. What other works can she recite?"

The microphone was adjusted, Cao Mengmeng stood there quietly, and suddenly closed her eyes-this is the recitation technique Zhang Ye taught her. If you can't express this poem with emotion, then enter the recitation from the action. At least this will make people think that you have feelings, which is a speculation.

one second……

Three seconds...

Five seconds...

Cao Mengmeng did not say a word.

"Eh, what is this for?"

"Why didn't you recite it?"

"Did you forget the words?"

The students and parents below looked at each other and wondered.

The principal of the Fifteenth Middle School also frowned, and the hostess was even more so. Just as she was going up to remind Cao Mengmeng, just as Teacher Leng and the classmates were in fear...

Cao Mengmeng slowly opened his eyes.

"If I love you-I am not like a climbing trumpet creeper, I will show off with your high branches; if I love you-I will never learn from the infatuated bird and repeat monotonous songs for the green shade; it is not just like a fountain, sent all the year round Come cool comfort; not just like dangerous peaks, increase your height, set off your majesty. Even sunlight, even spring rain. No, these are not enough. I must be a kapok near you, standing with you as the image of a tree Together. The roots are held tightly in the ground; the leaves are touching in the clouds. Every gust of wind passes, we greet each other, but no one understands our words. You have your bronze branches as iron as a knife, like a sword , Also like a halberd; I have my red flowers, like a heavy sigh, and like a brave torch."

When I read this

The principal was stunned and almost yelled out

Teacher Leng and the middle-aged editor of the newspaper were also dumbfounded

Then more and more parents and teachers from the 15th Middle School gradually opened their eyes dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost.

Cao Mengmeng recites:

"We share the cold wave, wind and thunder, and thunderbolt."

"We share mist, flow, and rainbow."

"It seems to be separated forever, but dependent on each other for life."

"This is great love, and steadfastness is here"


"Not only love your stalwart body."

"Also love the position you insist on."

"The land under one step."

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