I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 291: [It is Zhang Hao! 】


Cao Mengmeng stopped and the poem ended.

But the echo, the melody, seems to reverberate in the venue.

"Love - not only love your stalwart body, but also the position you insist on, the land under your feet..."

It's hard to imagine that a young girl who is so young will hear these verses from her mouth. Even the students and teachers and parents who are so mature under the recitation method are silent, even before singing. The children who danced badly are not in place, everyone is encouraged to give applause, but when they came to Cao Mengmeng, there was no applause.

Because everyone has already heard it.

The principal stayed asleep, and the hostess on the stage was also there.

The people under the stage also fry the pot.

"I rely on"

"What kind of poem?"

"This poem is too delicate."

"Yeah, it's not just words, it's the kind of delicate feelings."

"How have I not heard this poem? What is the name of this poem?"

"I don't know, I have never heard of it. Whose work is this?"

Several teachers in the high school called, they couldn't believe their ears, why? Why are they so good and shocking love poems that they don’t even know the name?

Parents also said it.

"Who is this little girl?"

"It seems to be Meng Meng, it’s very good."

"Reading well, the better is this poem."

"Which master is this work? Why are you not impressed?"

Most of the adults present felt the love of poetry in the poetry and deep into the bone marrow. So many people even listened to this poem. They gave them a beautiful picture in their minds. They seem to be like them. I am immersed in it, as if I were the tree.

Even if they are not adults, even those students in junior high and high school, a small group of people are dull, apparently frightened by this love poem that has never been heard before.

“Wow, it’s awesome”

"Meng Meng is too powerful."

"This poem is so beautiful, the love there is too much for people."

"I am topping your lungs. This is called love poetry. It is 18,000 times better than the modern poems in our textbooks."

I don’t know who is up.

Hey, there is a sudden wave of applause

Some students don’t really understand it, they just pick up, but many parents, teachers and even school leaders understand the deepest literature and emotions. Some parents and teachers even stand up and applaud. Applause to Cao Mengmeng

The applause is too big

The entire auditorium is deafening

This is also the first applause from the New Year’s party.


The cold teacher and the parents of many students in their class are also stunned.

The five class teachers who were not far ahead of them stood up in surprise, looked back and found the cold teacher, and immediately asked: "Cold teacher, what kind of poem?" He is also a language teacher and a class teacher, not with the cold teacher. A grade, so for this modern poem that I have never heard of, some awkward, my language teacher is really too incompetent, so a love poem, he did not know?

Hearing the words, the cold teacher wants to stop talking, and the smile does not fall: "I don't know."

“Ah?” The class teacher said: “Isn't Meng Meng a student in your class?”

"Yeah, but I... I don't have any impression of this poem." Cold teacher thought of a student's parents and looked at the newspaper editor. "Yang Ge, you see more than us, and the literary works are much more Where is the source of this poem?"

That Yang Ge also sneered a little, then slightly dignified, said: "I can be sure that I have not heard this poem, and such a powerful love poem, if it appears, it is impossible to have a little reputation, I doubt ... is Not an original modern poem?"

Meng Meng’s classmates were shocked.


"Is it cute?"

"I know that the show is in conflict, she just wrote it now?"

"I can't pass the language in a few times."

The cold teacher is also dizzy, a junior high school girl who is not qualified in a language can write this kind of touching poetry? I don’t believe in killing her.

what's up?

What the **** is this?

Including the 15th Central Principal and several school leaders over there, they were confused and stared at Cao Mengmen on the stage. They were all interested in the extreme.

Don't you really write this kid yourself?

If this is the case, they are dying of the principal’s teacher. This is your godmother.

Lily saw a poem by Cao Mengmeng grabbing all the limelights. The little face was very unsightly, but she opened her mouth a few times and wanted to talk, but she didn’t say it, even if she had to admit it, Cao Mengmeng read this. The poem is too moving, and look at the shocked expression of the principal, look at the horrified look of the cold teacher, and know how good the poem is, even surely it is not the same as the general, but may be With the "Flying Birds and Fishes" a level of love poetry Lily certainly read a "Flying Bird and Fish", from the perspective of poetry and Cao Mengmeng should be no different, but the key is "Flying Birds and Fish" is already very famous. It has been heard badly, there is no sense of freshness, but the love poems that Cao Mengmeng recited in her mouth are the biggest gap that everyone has heard for the first time.

The scene is very good

A lot of parents who have been trapped, this is also the spirit of this poem, no one thought that in such a small city of the city's key high school, I can hear such amazing love poems, now everyone I have an idea, I want to know where this poem comes from.

Only Zhang Xiaoxiao did not speak. Seeing everyone’s reaction, Zhang Wei was not surprised at all. This poem is his earth-famous "To the Oak", one of the masterpieces of the poetry school, Shu Ting's work, this poem has an important historical status in his literary world, do not say anything else, if From the perspective of pure literature, "To the Oak" even surpassed "Flying Birds and Fish", so it is not good to blame, Zhang Yan’s brain is just a handful of poems, not to mention this one. "To the Oak"

However, once again, Zhang Wei is a little bit smirked and very blushing. He is now a good person with status and status. He came to this small middle school and also produced such a love poem Just to make my sister vindictive and help her sister out, Zhang Wei is also very shameful.

Cao Mengmeng is still standing on the stage.

"What is the name of the poem?"

"She hasn't finished yet, look."

"Yes, should there be a poem and an author behind?"

Sure enough, Cao Mengmeng gave a deep thanks and then a positive microphone, tender and tender: "Thank you, my reading is finished, this poem is called "To Oak", the author..." Cao Mengmeng paused For a moment, watching everyone below erect their ears, said: "The author is Zhang Wei."

After that, she put down the microphone and stepped down.

Left behind the stage and exclaimed

"Zhang Wei?"

"Which is it?"

"Can you have a talk show?"

"Who is Zhang Hao? I have never heard of him."

"You haven't seen the "Hundreds of Lectures"? How high is the ratings in Beijing?"

Someone knows Zhang Huan, and some people have never heard of him. If you don’t know, you won’t say it. But whoever knows who Zhang Hao is, he secretly took a sigh of relief.

“The author is actually Zhang Yi teacher?”

"Can't I read his poems, I don't have this one."

"Are you missing it?"

"I can't read this wrong. I have absolutely no such work, "I am willing to take the personality guarantee".

"Then she said that the author is Zhang Wei?"

"Is it that Zhang Wei wrote it to her alone? I can't rely on this. Is it a poem of a calf, a big writer like Zhang Wei, a single poem for a teenage girl? Others who Haven't you heard it? Not so exaggerated? Unless they are relatives."

"Yeah, I am also wondering, how can she have a teacher's original poem for a junior high school student? Or has it not been published? Zhang Wei's poem is a word that will not be written casually."

The cold teacher is also talking to himself. "If this poem is written by teacher Zhang Wei, it is not surprising. This kind of masterpiece is also a kind of literary masterpiece that Zhang Wei can write." Come out, but how can Meng Meng have Zhang’s unpublished work? Did she get it by chance?”

That Yang Ge is also in the mood swing, analyzes: "No, Meng Meng, if this poem is already there, her program will definitely read, but her first program is "Flying Birds and Fish", why is it clear? Is there such a good work to be used? Do you have to take it out with someone to crash it? This is not in line with common sense, I am sweating, how do I always feel that this "To Oak Tree" is a temporary creation?"

The class teacher of the fifth class came over early, "temporary creation? Write such a classic poem in such a few minutes? Who can do it?" He said, "Hey, this short-term temporary creation can still write. Out of the masterpiece, I know, Zhang Yi is a teacher alone. No one can do anything except him."

The teacher hurried down: "Unless it was Zhang Zhang’s own creation on the spot..." When she said this, the teacher suddenly stayed, and she turned her head and stared at her cute brother.

A few people around are not stupid, and they have come back one after another, all or horrified or suspiciously looking at Meng Meng’s brother, who has been wearing sunglasses in such a dark auditorium.

Yang Ge stunned: "You... are you Zhang Huan?"

The cold teacher was also excited: "Is it really Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Wei couldn’t help but couldn’t help it. In desperation, she had to take off her sunglasses because of her respect.

Sunglasses, everyone saw Zhang Hao’s face.


"It’s really Zhang Hao."

"I have a lung, it is Zhang Wei."

The teacher’s parents haven’t spoken yet, and the students in the cute class are screaming.

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