I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 292: [Party focus! 】

This small area is boiling nearby.

"Where is Zhang Wei?"

"Just that."

"It's him."

"I just said that he was familiar with him."

"How did Zhang Lan come to our school?"

"Ah, Meng Meng just introduced, is this his brother?"

"Do you want this? Meng Meng, her brother is actually the famous Zhang Hao? Ah right, it’s just like Meng Meng just said that her brother is a big star. She is not kidding. I said, I said her brother. The black place is still wearing a big mirror."

“Hey, I like Zhang’s talk show.”

"I am also my own, that is, my mother will not let me see, saying that it affects my study, hey, I steal and take a mobile phone with my bed every time, it’s funny."

"See the star"

"No, I have to sign it later."

Meng Meng’s classmates all have one brain, and of course many students don’t know Zhang Wei, so they are all asking who Zhang Wei is.

Cold teacher and several class teachers and Yang Ge and their parents almost vomited blood. At that moment, although some people guessed it, they could see the familiar face under the sunglasses. They were still surprised. No one thought of Zhang Wei. Will not come to their school's New Year's party who did not even think that Cao Mengmeng's brother turned out to be Zhang Wei, the idol of the cold teacher worship, the Yang Ge just stepped on the poet who could not write love poems

The cold teacher saw the idol, or the family of her own students. Her mood was very exciting. Other parents saw the stars and they were very happy.

Only one person is more embarrassed

The most sitting wax is actually the student’s parent Yang Ge.

Just now, Yang Ge commented on Zhang Wei’s work. As an old editor of a professional publishing house, he questioned Zhang’s ability to write love poems. Although the voice was not loud, the real party sat in him. Next to the seat, I can't hear the result. Yang Ge also boasted that Haikou said that the utilitarianism of Zhang Wei's love poems could not be done. Within a few minutes, Zhang Wei actually created a "To the Oak Tree" to help his sister save the scene. This is to smash the face of his old comrade, Yang, and he’s green at the moment.

Yang Ge looked at Zhang Wei with a crying and smiling look. "Mr. Zhang, you are not going to write love poems? Can women's perspectives be?"

Zhang Hao waved his hand, "Meng Meng gave me a duck to go up, write, write."

The cold teacher interjected: "How can it be written, "To Oak" and "Flying Birds and Fish" are really comparable, too classic works, the delicate and persistent in the poetry, even if we Women can't write it, you really don't know how to say it."

Yang Ge quickly took the opportunity to say: "I can't help you, Teacher Zhang, I just said a big talk, but I also commented on your writing level. Hey, don't you have a general knowledge of my old Yang."

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "No, I just heard what you said. I didn't say anything wrong. I really don't know how to love poetry. There is nothing."

Yang Ge said: "I can see it. You are not good at love poems. You don't want to write at all. You really want to write. How can love poems be difficult to control? This "To Oak" can't explain the problem? In the poetry, you are definitely a master in the poet."

"Hey, this is not dare, I can't be considered a master." Zhang Yulian shook his head. In public, some titles are given to you even if everyone has confessed to you, even if everyone admits you, but you can not recognize it, this is the tradition of the Chinese people, but also the most basic modesty and courtesy. Of course, after returning home, with your parents and friends, you can just blow it away, let alone the big poet is alive, you say that you are a big aunt and no one cares for you.

The show on the stage continues.

The hostess announced the next show.

However, the cold teacher class has been stunned by the appearance of Zhang Wei.

After a while, Cao Mengmeng came back with the manuscript of "To Oak Tree". Her face was very happy and very happy. She could have a good time.


"You read it well."

"Why don't you say that your brother is Zhang Hao?"

A few female students who have a good relationship with Meng Meng.

Cao Mengmeng smiled and said, "I said you don't believe it."

Lily pretended not to see her like a face, and ignored her.

She didn't talk, Cao Mengmeng got together, "Lily, is this served?"

Lily grinned and stared at her: "I am serving your brother, dissatisfied with you, hey, who doesn't know that your brother is a writer, and everyone who writes poetry and writes to the association has no temper for him. Your brother is professional." This, give you the first poem, you can of course show the limelight, this has been bullying people."

Cao Mengmeng laughed.

"Meng Meng, do you want your brother to sign a name for me?"

"Yeah Meng Meng, we have to get near the water tower first month."

"I want me too, my father can like Zhang Hao, I have to ask your brother's signature to go back and show him, if the final exam is not tested, my dad will not hit me."

The students were very diligent in encircling Cao Mengmeng.

Cao Mengmeng was very angry and had a small hand. "Well, I know, whoever wants to sign will give me a book or paper. I want my brother to."

"Give you"


"And I"

"I didn't bring paper, sign it on my textbook."

In the blink of an eye, Cao Mengmeng received a copy of the book.

From time to time, Mr. Leng looked at the manuscript on Cao Mengmeng's hand and bite his teeth. Finally, he said to Zhang Wei, "Mr. Zhang, is this the manuscript of "To Oak"?"

Zhang Weidao: "Yes."

The cold teacher coughed: "This... can this manuscript be given to me?"

Zhang Yuyu smiled and said: "I just took a seller's leaflet and wrote it later. It's not a formal manuscript. You have to like me and give you a good one.

“No need to use it.” The cold teacher immediately said: “This is fine.” In her opinion, only the first manuscript of “To Oak” is the most valuable. If you write again, even if you write it, you can use paper again. It is also impossible to have a collection of original manuscripts.

Zhang Weidao: "That line, of course, this is no problem." Saying hello to Meng Meng, "Meng Meng, hand in hand to give you a cold teacher."

Cao Mengmeng came over and said nothing, "Why?"

The cold teacher quickly took over his hands and did not dare to fold. Carefully put in a book that he carried with him. Open the page and gently clip the original inside. Then he put it back into his bag and smiled: "Teacher I want to collect it.” Zhang Yidao said: “Thank you, Teacher Zhang.”

Yang Ge, who is next to him, actually wants it, but if he hasn’t had time to open it, he will let the cold teacher give priority. He will smile without saying anything. However, he witnessed the birth of this great love poem at the scene, Yang Ge. It is also very fulfilling. I feel that today is really nothing. In tomorrow's newspaper, he can also provide a big news to their newspapers. After a while, he has to borrow the manuscript from the cold teacher.

Then, Cao Mengmeng threw a smack into Zhang Huan’s arms and laughed and said: "Brother, you have worked hard, and each has helped my classmates sign a name."

The cold teacher was busy: "So much? Sign a few, just don't bother Zhang."

"It's okay." Zhang Yi always thought that everyone liked him to give him a face, and people gave him face, how could he not give people face.

Ever since, he signed one by one and signed more than thirty.

The cold teacher looked at the eyes and looked at it all the time. At the end, when Zhang Hao signed it, he gave it to Cao Mengmeng. The cold teacher coughed up a scorpion and got together. "What, Zhang, can I have a signature?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Of course, you are welcome."

At this time, the cold teacher did not have the majesty of the class teacher in the class. He was so excited that he hurriedly turned over the bag and took out the book to sign Zhang Wei. It seems that she is really a fan of Zhang Wei.

After writing, Zhang Wei said: "Meng Meng this child is naughty, you are taken care of, and then she will make trouble again, you will find me, I criticize her." To put it bluntly, let the cold teacher take care of his sister.

It is less than nine o'clock.

The 15th New Year's Day party was gone, and the show was over.

Zhang Wei and a few parents and cold teacher, they said goodbye, pulling Cao Mengmeng is about to leave, the other end, the principal has found it here, apparently heard.

"Mr. Zhang." The headmaster smiled and reached out.

"Hello, principal." Zhang Wei also shook hands with him.

The principal said with emotion: "I didn't expect you to come to our New Year's party. I knew that I would invite you to come on stage to get a show. The effect is definitely good."

Zhang Weidao: "Today is the performance of the children, I will not join in the fun."

The headmaster said: "The first "To the Oak" really opened our eyes. With your poem, our little New Year's party is estimated to be famous." His mood is excellent, if it is ordinary The third and fourth-line stars, the principal did not care, came here, there is no such thing, Zhang Wei, but also a poem on the scene was first published in their school, the meaning is different. If you come to the school to perform, you are likely to be criticized. After all, they are educational institutions, but Zhang Wei is not a general star, but a literary worker with a high level of literary skills. This poem is for them. The meaning is different. Later, when you mention "To the Oak Tree", you will definitely think of the allusion of the New Year's Day party in the 15th, and also help their school become famous.

The principal was very enthusiastic and said a long time with Zhang Wei.

Several other school leaders also came over with interest and talked with Zhang Wei.

About nine o'clock.

Zhang Yucai took Cao Meng to the school, went to the door of the meat shop, opened his own BMW 2, and sent Cao Mengmeng home.

On the way, Cao Mengmeng danced and said: "You are too long to give me a long face. Hahaha is too addictive today. It’s so cool. Have you seen their expressions? Have you been shocked by your "To Oak Tree"?"

Zhang Yubai gave her a look. "On this time, it is not an example. Your task is to study hard. Don't think about those virtual ones."

Cao Mengmeng couldn’t listen to it. She still said her own. "Brother, I am so too admired to worship you. You are the idol of my life. I have to grow up and you have to be like a big writer." Where are the fans looking for me to sign my ink?"

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