I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 293: [The mistakes of the Chinese department leadership team! 】

The next day.

In the morning, my bedroom.

Hey, Mom is shooting the door outside.

"Small, get up"

"Know mom."

"Come on, you still have to report to Peking University today."

"Get up, I am wearing clothes."

"I went to work with your dad, you are doing well."

Hey, the news came from outside, and my parents left.

Zhang Hao stretched out and walked to the bathroom in the outer room to wash it. He immediately changed into a more casual suit. He didn't dress so hard, and he didn't go out.

Today is January 2.

Some people are still on holiday, and some people have already gone to work and started school.

For example, from Jingcheng University, local students who have returned home from relatives who have returned home in Beijing are returning to school. Students and teachers come in and out at the entrance. Everyone can see a lack of other ordinary college students. Temperament - self-confidence, or a little bit of pride. It is not difficult to be admitted to the world-class university, which ranks first in the domestic official rankings. It is a leader among all, and everyone has this proud capital. Zhang Wei said that he is also a graduate of a prestigious school. The Beijing Broadcasting Institute - now called the Communication University, is one of the best schools in China. However, compared with Peking University, it is really nothing. It is not a level.

It is Peking University in front of you.

Next to it is Tsinghua.

When Zhang Wei went to school in Zhongguancun North Street, he had to look up, but now he has not had the awe and envy of the original, because Zhang Wei is not the former.

Did not eat breakfast, a little hungry, Zhang Hao looked around in the car, there is a small restaurant on the opposite side of the street to serve breakfast, he got off the car. The seats in the store are full, and Zhang Wei can only sit down on the open-air table.

The owner of the fried dough stick shouted here: "What to eat?"

Zhang Wei did not hesitate, "fried liver, half drawer buns."

"Okay, come right now," said the boss.

Next to another open-air table, there are seven or eight college students. I don’t know whether it’s Peking University or Tsinghua University, or which university is nearby. Here, there are famous schools.

The fried liver came, Zhang Wei wore sunglasses to eat, and did not use a spoon. The traditional way of eating in Beijing is to hold the bowl and **** the liver. As for why, Zhang Hao does not know, he is like this. Eat, get used to it, um, although the sound of eating is a bit too big and not very elegant.

Several students are chatting there.

Yao honey bites the fritters and squints her legs: "This elective course is really wrong. You said that we are stupid and not stupid. What is the "classical masterpiece appreciation"?

Li Ying also depressed: "Yes, ah, we all have a simple appreciation of the famous works, at least compared to other courses, the four masterpieces and some classical literature have read, have not read and watched TV dramas, at least It is understandable, so it is much simpler to choose this one. Can Nima who wants our professor Wang to be physically weak, this semester is almost over, and many other elective courses have already begun to prepare for the exam. What about our semester? "Classic Masterpieces Appreciation" hasn't been in the class for a few times. I didn't study anything. I didn't know anything about it. How did this happen? We don't want anyone to take this credit. If we can't pass it, the next semester will be I have to change the elective course and waste this semester."

His younger brother Li Li smiled and fell. "You can't blame Professor Wang. Professor Wang is getting worse. Hearing that he is still in the hospital, it is very serious."

Li Ying said: "That must also find a substitute teacher."

Yao Mi’s eyes said: “I heard that the school is looking for it, but there has been no suitable candidate.”

"How many teachers in the country, no one chooses?" Li Ying asked.

Yao Midao: "It is a lot of people who like to come to Peking University to teach. Even if it is a substitute course, it is also an honor. But it seems that the headmaster Wu who is in charge of the Chinese department has not looked at it. I feel that they do not have this ability, so they are dragged to the present. Also, the classical masterpieces have been utterly spoiled, and the TV series has also been stopped. The literary doorway is basically known to everyone, and there is no new trick, that is, what we said by Professor Wang. Yes, so this candidate is of course not easy to find. Where is our Peking University? The first school in China, the general teacher can't make it, the school must be better, otherwise it won't be called Peking University."

Li Ying was not scratching his net mustache. "They are seeking refinement, but they can bite us. At least arrange a substitute teacher to tell us the contents of the exam."

Li Lidao: "Maybe we will pass it all directly."

"The beauty you want, other schools may be, how can it be in Peking University?" Yao Mi sneered, "Don't think about this kind of good thing, even if there are objective reasons, the school will not open this green light, at most relax the exam. Ask, but relax again, I have been in two major classes in one semester. How did this happen? And that was a few months ago, and I have forgotten what Professor Wang said."

"me too."

"Hey, come on a lecturer."

Several people finished this and talked about other topics.

Zhang Hao, who was eating early, moved his ears. Is this a student at Peking University? Classical Masterpiece Appreciation Course? Is the lecturer hospitalized with diabetes complications? Didn’t have a class for a semester? Zhang Yi seems to understand a lot of moments. No wonder Wu Zeqing saw himself on the plane. After talking for more than an hour, the two talents went to the plane and Wu invited the principal to teach at Peking University. It turned out to be an eyebrow. Elective exams, but the students did not even have to go through the class, so please ask Zhang Hao to save the field.

I value my buddy very much.

Yes, you are looking for someone.

Zhang Wei, who talks about other things, still dare not say it, but he speaks classical classics. This is his masterpiece. Isn’t the "Three Kingdoms" that Zhang Huan brought from his world is not well received in this world? Thinking of this, Zhang Wei, who had some confidence in his teaching strength, immediately took a reassurance. If President Wu throws Zhang Wei to talk about contemporary literature and so on, he is really not sure because of today’s literary novels or poetry. Wait, he hasn't seen most of them. He hasn't even heard it. It's naturally difficult. He can't talk about it, but classical literature is different. The four famous books of the earth are still alive. "Shan Hai Jing" "The Analects of Confucius" and even the foreign "Bible" are still there. This is a book that has a great influence on the world. There is no way to modify these backgrounds in game rings. Otherwise, cultural development and even the world pattern may be subject to extremes. The big impact, the world will not be what it is now.

Unexpectedly, I learned about the inside story from several students in Peking University. Zhang Wei was also very happy and relaxed. When he was full and full, he got up and drove to the campus. He didn't choose to walk because the school has a wide area, even if the bus has to go around four or five stations to get on the lap.


Zhang Wei called Wu Zeqing. Dudu, three, pass.

"Hey, President Wu, I am here."

"So early?"

"Well, I said that I will come back for a while, then I will turn around with the school?"

"We are going to have a meeting here, but... this way, it is just right for you to participate. You come directly to the Chinese campus, the small flower bed on the east side of the artificial lake. You should find it when you find it. I will pick you up. "Wu Zeqing's voice is still so dignified.

Zhang Wei loves to listen to her. "Okay, I will be there soon."

He first arrived near the flower bed, the car did not let this side, can only stop not far away.

Peking University.

Chinese Department, 6th floor, West Second Floor.

This is a small conference room. There are more than a dozen Chinese department leaders and professors in the long table. The general lecturers are not qualified to participate in the current conference.

Wu Zeqing, wearing a pair of white casual trousers and a light yellow ladies' suit, sat in the first position, smiled and hung up the phone, and took the phone aside, laying it flat on the conference table, and the pen she placed on it. Keeping a parallel line, there is almost no error. "People are here."

A middle-aged person said with emotion: "It’s still the head of Wu’s network, and finally it’s the wall.”

Another little old man who thanked the top: "It’s a come, the students have had trouble for the past two months."

There is a middle-aged man in a suit saying: "Yes, there is no lecturer to fill the hole. Our "classical classics appreciation" elective course, it is estimated that it will not be able to continue next year."

The three people who speak are, in order:

Chang Kaige - Head of the Chinese Department.

Yan Jiantao, the oldest professor in the Chinese Department, is also the signature of the Chinese Department. Many people are applying to the Chinese Department for the name of Professor Yan.

The book is full - the Chinese department secretary, the nominal leader, but the real power is not large, the party and government work, qualifications and prestige are not comparable to Professor Yan Jiantao.

This monk is probably the main leadership team of the Chinese Department of Peking University.

Wu Zeqing asked: "What is the body of Professor Wang?"

Yan Jiantao sighed: "The hospital I just went to yesterday, the body gradually showed signs of recovery, but certainly can not teach, I talk to the old king, he meant to retreat."

Wu Zeqing nodded. "It is very important to raise a disease. Professor Wang has been sticking to the front line of education for so many years. It has been very difficult. This year, we are the professor of the department. I will give it to Professor Wang. I will report it to you. Try to get it down within a month. Do you have any comments?"

"No comment."

"It should be."

"There is no opinion."

More than a dozen Chinese-speaking people nod.

From the perspective of the qualifications of Associate Professor Wang or the special care, no one can refute this decision, and they can't refute the things that President Wu has fixed. Wu Zeqing is the vice president of Peking University, in charge of the Chinese Department and other three or four. The key departments are the leaders of all of them here.

The secretary of the department suddenly said: "President Wu, which professor is the lecturer invited this time?"

Chang Kaige said: "I heard that Professor Sun from the National People's Congress retired? He has a good domestic level in the field of classical literature research. Was President Wu invited the old grandson?"

Yan Jiantao stunned and shook his head: "The old grandson can't come. He is the child of the National People's Congress. His lifelong teaching career has contributed to it."

The book is also full of embarrassing words: "Professor Sun? Will not be him?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and sipped his tea. "I didn't look for Professor Sun. I recognized his teaching qualifications, but it is not suitable for the course of "Classic Masterpiece Appreciation". It is too neutral, and the teaching features are not so attractive to students. Dr. Chen, who was always recommended last time, I also learned about it and did not look for him. I have read Dr. Chen’s literary research papers, which is excellent, but in terms of eloquence and teaching ability, Dr. Chen I feel inappropriate. Can write, but can't say that he can't do the role of Professor Wang."


Professor Sun can't?

Dr. Chen does not work either?

This requirement is too high, right?

Yan Jiantao said: "What are you looking for?"

Wu Zeqing took a look at the watch. "When people come, you will know. This person, I think it is the most suitable for this elective course, and I personally think that from the fun of teaching, from the characteristics of the lecture, from In terms of literary level and literacy, there is no more suitable for him in the discipline of "classical masterpiece appreciation".

Chang Kaige and Yan Shuquan looked at each other.

Other Chinese professors who are present at the lectures have also been entangled in curiosity.

No one is more suitable than him? President Wu’s evaluation is too high, right? Who is it? Which professor? Turtle? Which school did you dig from?

Suddenly, the door knocked.

Hey, a school executive is outside the office: "President Wu, people are here."

"Come in." Wu Zeqing showed a graceful smile.

The door opened, and the staff asked to look outside. "You please."

The next moment, Zhang Wei stepped into the conference room, "Mr. Wu."

When I saw Zhang Wei’s moment, there was a man besides Wu Zeqing, who was all dumbfounded. Who is this? How is it so young? Is this only in his early twenties?

Among them, someone recognized him.

"Zhang Wei?"

"Is this not a lecturer in the "Lecture Forum"?"

Some people don’t know much, but they are all academic. Zhang Wei’s reputation in the capital is relatively high, so everyone knows the name.

"It's him?"

"Is he not talking about talk shows in Shanghai?"

The appearance of Zhang Wei, so that Chang Kaige’s book and other people have a little dizzy, all did not respond.

Wu Zeqing ignored everyone's sorrow, but peacefully said to Zhang Wei: "Mr. Xiao Zhang, you introduce yourself, let me know."

Zhang Wei introduced himself to himself. In fact, he does not need to introduce everyone and he is no stranger to him. After all, unlike the professors who are purely academic, Zhang Wei is still a celebrity with high exposure, even if he does not even have a computer. The old professor Yan Jiantao, who knows Zhang Hao, even knows that he is a literary stream in the literary circle, Zhang Wei is notoriously very

Later, Wu Zeqing let Zhang Wei sit down and took the initiative to introduce him to the people present.

The people present were blind to each other for a long time, some people wiped the sweat, some people patted the brain, and some people looked at the ceiling silently, with different expressions.

Actually he

How did President Wu bring this stinky stream?

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