I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 294: [Formally joined Peking University! 】


In addition to being speechless or speechless

The atmosphere in the conference room is very strange. The appearance of Zhang Wei can be said to make them surprised by the unexpected candidate proposed by President Wu. Even if they break their heads, they can’t guess, anyone can substitute for this subject, but how It will be Zhang Wei, this person has a good reputation among fans, and his popularity is also good. He feels that he dares to speak and dare to fire, but it is only part of a specific group of people in the industry, whether it is the broadcast host industry or the literary circle, Zhang Wei The name is so stinky that it can’t be stinky anymore.

Online radio colleague

Awarding unit

Competition in the competition

Chasing leader

Police station in the police station

On the way to live broadcast

This item of deeds is listed, it is simply impossible to look directly at it.

Just such a mixed person, President Wu actually asked him to let him come to Peking University to teach? Teach those excellent and well-behaved North University students who are quiet and quiet.

My grass

Isn't this pushing the students into the fire pit?

President Wu, how much courage do you have?

The old professor Yan Jiantao suddenly sinks his face and shows his attitude. "President Wu, the candidate for this lecturer, I am firmly opposed."

Zhang Wei looked at him and said nothing.

Wu Zeqing is very easy to follow: "Why does Professor Yan object?"

"He is not suitable." Yan Jiantao glared at Zhang Wei and shook his head.

Wu Zeqing calmly said: "Everyone can talk about why it is inappropriate? Xiao Zhang, but I have tried my best to ask for it. I have to give a reason.

Yan Jiantao said that he still used this reason. "I am not carrying personal emotions, nor is there any prejudice. I want to ask, Xiao Zhang, how old are you?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Twenty-three."

Yan Jiantao said good, "What professional are you?"

Zhang Wei laughed again, "Communication University, broadcasting hosted professional."

"What academic qualifications?" Yan Jiantao was unwelcome.

Zhang Wei shrugged indifferently, "an undergraduate degree."

Yan Jiantao looked at Wu Zeqing. "President Wu, isn't it enough for an inappropriate reason? Let a bachelor's degree broadcaster preside over a professional 20-year-old young man to teach "Classic Masterpiece Appreciation", which is a joke, even if it is an elective The class can't be done like this." His voice is a bit heavy, and his qualifications are too old. He has great prestige in the education field. In the people here, Professor Yan dares to talk to President Wu. Others can't.

Wu Zeqing looked at the past and said: "Why not? Broadcasting is a professional, eloquence is a strength. As a university lecturer, the key is not how much you understand, but how to tell this knowledge and let the students listen. I just said that. This is also the reason why I did not find Dr. Chen, and Xiao Zhang has this ability. I have seen Xiao Zhang’s program know that he can even use the manuscript."

Yan Jiantao paused. "I admit that Zhang Yukou is very good. Even in the moderator, he is also outstanding. Not to mention the comparison with our teachings. There is no way in the education system that is better than Zhang Huakou. "With a professional and excellent host than a mouth, just like a writer and a singer than singing, there is no comparability, the professional foundation is there." The problem is that eloquence does not mean anything, especially in In the Chinese department, knowledge needs to be accumulated and precipitated. I am not ignorant of young people, nor are they biased against other professions. But this is the case. Zhang Jian’s accumulation and precipitation are not enough to undertake the work of the lecturer."

Department head Chang Kaige also said: "It is not appropriate."

Another associate professor of the Chinese Department echoed: "Yes, the students certainly do not recognize it."

Wu Zeqing's expression is still very sad. He said: "I am contrary to your thoughts. Why do I think that Xiao Zhang's literary literacy has accumulated to a peak?" Then he looked at other people. "If anyone doubts Zhang's literature." Level, everyone can talk to each other, for example, than a poem? More than an article? More than a novel?" Then asked Zhang Weidao: "How?"

Zhang Weidao: "I have no problem."

Wu Zeqing suggested: "So, do you talk about it?"

Chang Kaige: "..."

Yan Jiantao: "..."

That associate professor: "..."

On the scene, they are all old comrades who engage in academic literature and history. However, in the face of this request from President Wu, there is no one to answer the news.

Communicate with him?

Exchange a fart

They are engaged in the study of literary history, writing a thesis, getting an academic, teaching a student, but when it comes to writing poetry and writing novels, they certainly have self-knowledge, and that is definitely better than Zhang Wei’s, the sales of this novel. Millions of such poems have been published in the north and south of the country, and some famous literati writers in the country have publicly published comments. They appreciate Zhang Wei’s works.

No one dares to compare this with Zhang Wei.

Everyone knows that in this respect, they are definitely better than nothing.

Yan Jiantao shifted the topic: "I said that the precipitation is not the level of poetry, but the absorption and immersion of literature and famous works..."

Wu Zeqing interrupted: "Zhang Yipin Three Kingdoms", Professor Yan has seen it?"

"This..." Yan Jiantao was once again stunned, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

The following people are also facing each other, yeah, forgot this, Zhang Yipin, the Three Kingdoms, is not the representative work of Zhang Wei, and the ratings are recognized by the market.

I have read all the scripts, and I have seen several episodes of "Zhang Yipin Three Kingdoms". Many of the things inside are good, but many of them are controversial. Many scholars have not given conclusions and definitions, and there is no historical inference. Zhang Wei said in the program. From a certain point of view, it is true that this program is very attractive to the people. Because the analysis angle is very novel, it can really be considered from the academic rigor, it will not work, as a variety history. Class programs, this is a good column, can be used as an academic lecture, it is controversial."

Yan Jiantao solemnly nodded. "The school is not the same as TV. TV pays attention to the ratings. It will get some things that attract people's attention and attract attention. But a school, a lecturer, the most important thing is rigorous. The inconclusive things cannot be passed on to students. This is a mistaken child."

Just now, Zhang Wei hasn't talked, but this time, he doesn't like to listen to it. He smiles and said: "I don't agree with you two of these words. First, I don't think it is rigorous in my "Three Kingdoms." If you think there is, which place, you can ask, let's talk about it. Second, I admit that academics should be rigorous, but this rigor is not something that is inconclusive and cannot be said. Why are those mathematical conjectures that have not been solved? Is it proposed? No one has solved it. Is this also academically imprecise? Many of the laws of physics have not been properly explained and certified before, but he is objectively present, and those who propose these laws and conjectures are not. Rigorous? I don't think it is academic. It was originally a process of analysis, inference, and conclusion. I am a moderator. I know what to say and what should I say. I also know what to say on TV. What to say in the book, there is no conclusion and inference, I will tell the students in advance, and will not impose my ideas on everyone."

After a few words, Zhang Wei said that he is not humble and reasonable.

Wu Zeqing looked at it and nodded slightly. "Xiao Zhang has presided over so many excellent programs. This is still a bit of a measure. I am afraid that he will miss the children. This worry is superfluous."

There is a young associate professor underneath who has turned his eyes. Do you know what to say and what should you say? If you really know this, you will not be the first in the "blacklist" of this year's radio and television.

Some people have also made a lot of negative opinions.

"If you hire Zhang Huan, can't he guarantee his class time?"

"In these two weeks, Xiao Zhang can guarantee that you will be a substitute teacher when you are."

"But next semester? He will go to the show to go to other places, school here..."

"Revisit the next semester, first look at the students' response. If the students generally reflect that the teaching is not ideal, I will ask another expert."

"Mr. Wu, it’s still not right. There aren’t a few days in this semester. I’ll take the exam for the elective course right away, unless Zhang Hao arranges the course every day and speaks a big lesson every day, otherwise...”

"The reason why I am looking for Teacher Zhang Wei is to value this. I also hope that he can take a class one day. I heard that Teacher Xiao Zhang can take off a series of ten consecutive programs for one day. I believe that he has been teaching for ten days without a case. Class, isn't it difficult?"

This time, I didn’t use Zhang Wei’s words, and they were all refuted by Wu Zeqing.

The people in the Chinese department are getting more and more speechless.

At the end, Wu Zeqing said: "Well, let's vote for it. If you don't agree with Zhang Wei, please raise your hand."

Old professor Yan Jiantao raised his hand.

Chang Kaige and Shu Shu all looked at each other and did not move.

Others, as well as two or three Chinese-speaking people raised their hands against it.

In fact, the rest of the people do not agree with Zhang Wei, a half-way outsider, and the academic field is also very particular about his origins, not to mention Zhang Wei’s stigma that is stinking throughout the country, and everyone does not like him. However, they did not raise their hands, because there was no way. President Wu was clear that he wanted to use Zhang Wei. Even if they raised their hands against each other, they did not have any effect. President Wu had the right to decide.

Wu Zeqing smiled. "Okay, that's it, Xiao Zhang. I will bring you familiar with the class and students in a while. I will start seeing you tomorrow."

Zhang Wei solemnly said: "I won't let you down."

Yan Jiantao still disagreed, "President Wu, this thing..."

Wu Zeqing glanced at him. "Would you like Professor Yan to give a lecture on "Classic Masterpieces Appreciation"?"

Yan Jiantao was silent. "...I don't have much research on this piece. I don't have this time."

"That should be handed to Xiao Zhang, this is the most suitable person I can think of." Wu Zeqing's grace is not diminished, but the tone is strong. "You can keep your opinions, but I hope that when Teacher Zhang Wei goes to work tomorrow. Everyone can cooperate with him. After all, Xiao Zhang first came to see you. Many people who don’t understand have to take care of them.” As soon as I watched the watch, Wu Zeqing’s expression was softly pulled down and smiled. “Well, let’s go.”

Everyone did not say anything, and got up and left.

Wu Zeqing extended his hand to Zhang Wei, "Welcome to join Peking University."

Zhang Yizheng and Shah Shah shook hands, "I am honored."

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