I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 295: [Excited Peking University students! 】


On the Chinese campus.

On the way downstairs, Wu Zeqing and Zhang Ye had already negotiated the salary issue and the arrangement of related class hours. There was nothing to ridicule and the process went smoothly.

"Xiao Zhang, have you decided what class to teach?"

"Not yet, but I have a few general ideas."

"Well, I'll leave this course to you anyway. I believe you can arrange it."

"Of course, I want to communicate with the students for a while to see what class they want to listen to. If I teach, I must find everyone interested, otherwise the smallpox I am talking about is particularly enjoyable, and it has no meaning at all. The students must be able to listen and be interested in listening."

"It's good for you to have this idea. Let me take you to the classroom."

Next to the garden, they wandered to the front teaching area. During the period, Wu Zeqing made a phone call to explain some things.

More than eight o'clock.

The broadcast on the Chinese Department campus sounded.

Inside the campus, on the playground, in the corridor, there was a repeated voice.

"Notice, the students of the elective course "Appreciation of Classical Masterpieces" will gather in the small lecture hall of Building 2 at 9 o'clock. Please tell each other."

Because it is January 2nd, in the morning sophomores and juniors did not arrange classes, only some freshman students have classes. At this time, some people on the campus are preparing for class, some are resting in the dormitory, and some are not at home on vacation. Back to school, most of the people didn't care when they heard the broadcast. It didn't matter, and it had nothing to do with them. Only a handful of people in the Chinese Department who signed up for the "Appreciation of Classical Classics" elective course pricked their ears.

Yao Mi had breakfast and was playing badminton with a few people in the corner of the playground.

"Huh? The radio calls us" Li Ying said in surprise.

Li Li also wondered, "What's this? Go to the lecture hall?"

Yao Mi smiled and waved the racquet to hit the badminton, "I have to ask, I must have invited a new teacher, we are finally not a stepmother."

Few people stopped playing and sat down to rest.

Li Lidao: "What kind of teacher do you think you would be?"

Yao Mi guessed: "It must be an old professor with no hair, or an old lady with gray hair, like the teachers in the Chinese department."

Li Yingle said: "Finally, his old man is here."

A girl in Yao Mi's dormitory next to me also said, "Yes, this time we have a much lower risk of failing the subject. At least the teacher will notify the scope of the test."

Many people all over the campus heard it.

"Say about us"

"Here is the new teacher?"

"Lecture as soon as you come?"

"No, it should be a meeting today, let everyone get familiar with it. It is estimated that the class will start tomorrow, let's go, go and have a look."

"It must be an old professor again, it's boring."

"Then you have to go, they are holding our elective course credits."

The second teaching building on the west side of the campus.

In a lecture hall, many students came one after another.

The classroom is not big, and it can accommodate at most one hundred and fifty people. However, there are not many people who apply for the "Appreciation of Classical Classics" elective course. The combined grades of the Chinese Department of Peking University are about 120 people. I have applied for this subject during this semester. Of course, compared with some ordinary universities, there are more than 100 electives, but this is Peking University. This kind of number is relatively low, and it is not popular. Elective courses, the people who sign up for this course are all simple, easy to fool, and easy to mix credits.

Except for some who have not yet returned to school, almost all the students in this course have arrived. The first row of the classroom is a restricted area. Basically no one goes to sit. Everyone is concentrated behind the lecture hall, chatting and talking, but they are not seeing each other. The figure of their mysterious new teacher.

"Not coming yet?"

"It's not nine o'clock."

"Shall we play cards for a while?"

"Come on, let the new teacher catch it."

Over there, Yao Mi also took out her mobile phone, flipped through the web page, and then couldn't help but said depressed: "Why haven't rebroadcasted yet? It's really anxious."

The girl asked, "What's the rebroadcast?"

Yao Mi was a little petty, "Zhang Ye talk show."

Li Yingyou snorted, "Xiao Mi, are you watching Zhang Ye's show too?"

"You are only Xiaomi, and your family are all Xiaomi" Yao Mi scolded with a smile, and then said: "Of course I watched it. I have watched the previous issues three or four times back and forth. Zhang Ye was so funny."

The next senior who didn’t know them heard the words and interrupted and laughed: "Yeah, yeah, Zhang Ye's mouth is absolutely **** good."

Yao Mi looked over, "Right? I have been waiting for updates."

The senior said: "Me too, but it may be a year later, haven't you watched the news? Radio and Television has not regained Zhang Ye's host qualifications, and he can't broadcast it yet."

Li Li said, "Yao Mi, didn't you say that your father knew Zhang Ye during the meal? I also watched the talk show, what on earth was it broadcast?"

The senior's eyes lit up, "Your father even knows Zhang Ye?"

Yao Mi said: "Of course, they have a good relationship."

"Who is your dad?" Li Ying asked, "I never knew it."

Yao Mi smiled and said, "You don't know you either."

Li Ying rolled his eyes, "Don't say forget it, but I like Zhang Ye's Three Kingdoms better than the talk show, have you all seen it?"

Li Lidao: "Professor Wang assigned this homework before. Everyone has read it."

It’s hard to say about other courses, but in the "Classical Masterpiece Appreciation" class, no one does not know Zhang Ye, and no one has even seen his work. Professor Wang took two classes this semester, but in the second class, Professor Wang recommended to everyone at the end of the course, or it is a must-read work. There are a total of seven books and two TV shows, one of which is Zhang Ye's product of the Three Kingdoms.

Classical masterpiece.

There are only a few books, and the Three Kingdoms is of course the top priority.

When Yao Mi heard this topic, she shook her head, "Look at the current "Hundred Schools of Forum", what is this all about? After Zhang Ye planned this show, he did both planning and hosting, and talked a lot. Okay, the ratings are about to explode, but what about the current "Hundred Schools Forum"? Some so-called experts and professors were invited. In the end, what was said, not even one-tenth of Zhang Ye's "

Li Ying agreed: "This is correct. Those professors are speechless. I just stand there with the manuscripts one by one, reading from beginning to end, and the audience below are still applauding? Obviously it's a childcare. Look at Zhang. Ye gave a lecture, when did you use the manuscript? When did you look down at the manuscript? The gap widened, and the point was that they weren’t as good as Zhang Ye. It’s not interesting at all for a long story. What a good show, let those experts The professor was ruined, and now the ratings seem to be less than a quarter of "Zhang Ye Pin Three Kingdoms", right?"

The next student also joined together and said, "Yes, without Zhang Ye, HT Literature and Art is completely broken."

Another third-year senior girl said with a smile: "Zhang Ye's program seems to be very well planned, and the program is particularly innovative, but everyone does not know that the core thing is not creativity and planning, but Zhang Ye. People, Beijing TV station unloaded the grind and killed the donkey and fired Teacher Zhang Ye. What happened now? Without Zhang Ye’s "Hundred Schools Forum", it was just a pile of shit. They thought Zhang Ye had paved the way for them. Taiwan, anyone can do this kind of ratings? Now they should know how ridiculous they are. Zhang Ye is no longer a talk show. There are so many plagiarisms, but Zhang Ye’s style can’t be imitated by anyone. Ah, so ah, the failure of "Hundred Schools of Forum" was the decision-making error of Beijing TV Station. They did not understand at all. The irreplaceable thing is not the creativity and this column. The irreplaceable person is Zhang Ye. In the end, they chose the most important thing. ’S core competitiveness is thrown away"

Yao Mi's eyes lit up, "Senior Sister, I agree too much"

The senior sister said: "Yes, if Zhang Ye is still on the HT Art Channel, it is estimated that "Hundred Schools of Forum" would have crushed the other columns to death."

Another senior said: "I am not so interested in Zhang Ye's show, but I like his temper so much, I dare to scold him."

Li Ying also had lingering fears and said: "Yes, I dared to scold the radio and television last time, I was a good boy, I sweated for him."

Li Li smiled bitterly: "Zhang Ye really dares to speak."

Yao Mi laughed, "Zhang Ye is this character, it's so likable"

I was idle and I was idle. Everyone talked about the entertainment industry. You said something to me.

Gradually, someone looked at the watch.

"What time is this?"

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"Where is the new teacher? I'll have classes later."

"Ah, here comes, eh, look at the outside, that person seems to be President Wu Zeqing? Why is President Wu here? I rely on it, isn't it her substitute?"

After hearing the sound, everyone looked over.

Wu Zeqing and a young man walked over one after another.

"real or fake?"

"Principal Wu can't substitute for lessons, what level does he do?"

"Yes, President Wu is not really a scholar in the true sense. People came to Peking University for gilding. After they have passed the qualifications, they may have to go back to the Ministry of Education or other places to serve as officials. Oh, there is another person behind President Wu, Dai Wearing sunglasses? Why are you familiar?"

"Who is this person?"

"Hey, don't tell me you are really familiar"

"New teacher? Isn't it so young?"

"Yeah, too young, what's the situation?"

Yao Mi and Li Ying and Li Li were also puzzled.

In the next second, Wu Zeqing walked into the classroom and looked at the students. She gently said, "Let the students wait for a long time. Professor Wang can no longer teach the course "Appreciation of Classical Masterpieces" due to physical reasons. The school will invite everyone Here comes a new teacher, a famous new teacher"

Professor Wang no longer teaches, no one is surprised by this.

But, the new teacher? Or a famous new teacher?

Wu Zeqing’s words made all the students in the classroom look forward to it. What is it so famous? Industry authority? Top professors in the field?

The answer is revealed

Wu Zeqing looked sideways at the young man who walked in behind her, and introduced to everyone: "Applause and welcome, this is your new teacher-Teacher Zhang Ye"

Zhang Ye stood in front of the podium and slowly took off his sunglasses, "Hello everyone."

For an instant, there was a sudden silence in the classroom, and then an incredible shout came out of the students' mouths one after another.


"I rely on"

"It's Zhang Ye"

"Fucking Zhang Ye"

"How could I be dazzled?"

"Zhang Ye is our new teacher?"



Can't believe it

The students at Peking University were all excited

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