I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 296: [North University students' questions! 】

The ladder classroom is boiling

"How could it be Zhang Hao?" a younger brother shouted.

A school sister was stunned. "My Tian school really invited Zhang Wei?"

Li Yingyi grabbed his forehead. "When are we thinking about opening up in Peking University?"

Li Li is also excited and shocked. "Please sing the stars to teach music at the university. Please go to the university to teach performances. It is not uncommon to see them. They are all professional counterparts. Those who are really in the circle are also more experienced than those who are university teachers. It is understandable to teach these courses. But please ask a host of the broadcasting professional to teach famous paintings. This is not a gossip. There is no precedent in the country."

Yao Mi almost jumped up, "I will top you lungs."

Other Peking University students also have eyeballs


I can hear shouts in the corridor outside the classroom.

Chang Kaige, the head of the Chinese department, came over with a few teachers. He didn't really want to come. He didn't have any interest in Zhang Wei, but President Wu personally took Zhang Hao to meet the students. He is a department director. It is impossible to be out of the game, and to be honest, the course of "Classic Classics Appreciation" is indeed a big pit. At this moment, it is urgent to fill in a person. Otherwise, how to test it after a few days is a scorpion is a horse must first find someone to fill the hole. Since President Wu has already set up Zhang Wei, he will let it go.

Just, I didn’t expect this Zhang Hao to be so popular?

When we first took over the class, we didn’t see you so trembled.

Chang Kaige looked at the classroom in the distance, and the other teachers also heard the screams. As soon as they knew from the department head, the new teacher was Zhang Wei. They also laughed and laughed, except in the eyes of a middle-aged man. Showing the color of interest, others are not optimistic, I feel that the school is a bit hustle and bustle, a guy who is engaged in broadcasting, and a person who is doing entertainment, how can he say this class well?

Most of the teachers are very reprimanded by Zhang Wei. This is the arrogance of the literati. They admit that Zhang Yi is part of the literary literacy, but he does not agree that he can join the education circle.

But contrary to them, most North University students are very welcome to Zhang Wei.

This is the difference of angles, but also the generation gap of age. Even if it is a student of Peking University, it is also a young person. They all like to be fond of novelty. Every teacher who teaches them is an old lady. They are also tired of this. I came here with a public star who was a little older than them. Their teachers, many students are warmly welcome. It is too interesting to be instinctively too fun. As for Teacher Zhang Wei, can you really tell this course? Is it really possible to succeed Professor Wang’s class? At least for the moment, they don't care

"President Wu."

"President Wu."

Chang Kaige went in with a few teachers and professors.

Wu Zeqing nodded lightly. "Is it all coming? Uh? Hehe, how did Professor Zeng come over? I heard that you have recently published a paper to publish."

Professor Si Zeng, who is forty or fifty years old, smiled and said: "I heard that Zhang Hao is coming. I am very interested. Come and see, I have exchanged with Xiao Zhang on Weibo. This person is interesting." He is in the Chinese Department. Teaching history subjects is also a more prestigious professor in the Chinese Department, with qualifications second only to Yan Jiantao.

The latter teachers all looked at Professor Zeng. In fact, they also wondered how Professor Zeng had been busy and welcomed a new teacher who was so unreliable. I heard that there is a very important small meeting in the morning to decide the new teacher candidate. Professor Zeng did not participate because he wanted to write a thesis, but after an hour, he appeared here. It seems that Professor Zeng knew Zhang Hao.

In the classroom, the students are still amazed

Chang Kaige helped Zhang Hao to press the end. "Everyone is quiet, listen to Zhang Wei... The teacher speaks." Dissatisfied with Zhang Wei's dissatisfaction, but in front of the students, Chang Kaige still has to give Zhang Hao face, at least Can't let the students see the distrust of Zhang Wei in the department. In that case, Zhang Wei can't carry out teaching work.

The majesty of the department head is still not small, the students have stopped talking and yelling, sitting quietly there.

Zhang Wei looks at President Wu and Chang Kaige, "President Wu, Chang Director?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and waved his hand, and took Chang Kaige and several teachers and professors to sit in the empty first row. "This is your class, and it is your first time to meet with students, regardless of us." They came, one is Welcome new colleagues. Secondly, it is also the practice to help new teachers to press the "field". Nowadays, the students are becoming more and more disobedient. Even Peking University students are not lacking in thorns. It is very smart to be admitted to Peking University. The smarter children are more rebellious, so in order to prevent the new teachers who are new to the town from being unable to live in the scene, they are “bullying” by the students. It’s just that in the past, Chang Kaige or a prestigious professor in the department just came, but Zhang’s situation is quite special, so President Wu personally took the seat, which is a rare treatment.

However, at this time, their fears may be superfluous, and the students are very welcome to Zhang Hao, which is more welcome than when they were welcomed.

Zhang Wei said, "Okay."

The following North University students looked at him intently.

Zhang Wei did not say anything, smiled and said: "Then I will introduce myself first. Maybe some of you know me. Some people don't know. My name is Zhang Wei. Later, I will be the lecturer of your "Classic Masterpiece Appreciation" class. I have seen my show. Everyone knows that my person, my temper is relatively straight, I don't like to turn around, so my class doesn't have so many rules. Everyone can ask questions at any time in class, and you can find me if you don't understand anything under the class. It doesn't matter if you don't come to my class on time... Of course, the consequences are conceited."



Many students are happy.

Your sister, what if you don’t come to class, it’s okay, isn’t this still something?

Chang Kaige, the dean of the department, also looked at Zhang Wei. This Zhang Wei, the active atmosphere is quite a set, but it is not surprising that people are talking about talk shows, and the mouth can be taught by teachers who are educated by these traditions. It is much stronger.

Professor Zeng looked with great interest.

The new teacher and the student meet for the first time. This is a very important part. It is not only to convey their own teaching style and teaching characteristics, but also to have a good relationship with the students. The first impression of the preconceived, and whether the students can Trust and respect the key to your new teacher. This is not something you can do with fame. If you can't suppress the students in terms of knowledge and discourse, then the students will not respect you, and they have doubts in their hearts. Naturally, It will affect the quality of teaching, which is all online.

A good university lecturer is not so good. This is a perfect concept for two people. One is to focus on entertainment and the other is to focus on education. Moreover, this is not a junior high school, and the students are not so fooled. The teacher is blind when he blinks. This is a university, or a university of Peking University. If a teacher can serve the public with a blink of an eye, it is easy to dare. So, the first part of this key, several teachers want to know what Zhang Wei will do. I thought that at the beginning, a new teacher from Peking University was killed by the students on the first side, and almost did not come to Taiwan.

Zhang Wei’s approach is very simple. He said to everyone: “I know that everyone has a class for a while, so this exchange, I want to start with the way you ask questions, so that you can quickly give us an understanding of each other. Opportunity, um, there are five opportunities, everyone can ask any questions, I will all solve



"I asked questions"

Many people raised their hands.

Yao Mi and Li Ying Li Li also raised their hands

Everyone's enthusiasm can be seen. The question of any new teacher in the past has not been so fierce today, because the students are too curious about Zhang Wei, the legendary figure. Zhang Wei is different from those of traditional professors. This novelty I feel that they are still the first experience, and the mood is naturally high.

Yao Mi’s hand was shaking a lot and he stood up.

Zhang Wei also noticed the girl, not very beautiful, the appearance is very general or even a little lower, but the girl looks very characteristic, people can remember at a glance, and the color between the eyes and the eyebrows Let Zhang Yi know a little familiar, always feel like an old friend of his own, and they have seen it in the early morning stalls, Zhang Hao's many messages are from their chat.

"This classmate." Zhang Wei pointed to Yao Mi, "this one of the scorpions."

Yao Mi stood up with a smile and said: "Hello Zhang, teacher, my question is, do you have a girlfriend?"



Several people who have seen Zhang Wei’s talk show have snorted.

Chang Kaige shook his head silently, what is the problem?

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Then I solemnly answered you, not yet."

Yao honey sat down satisfactorily.

"The next question, this classmate." Zhang Wei called Li Ying next to Yao Mi.

Li Yingqi stood up: "Mr. Zhang Wei, why did you come to Peking University to teach?"

Zhang Yizheng is just a face, said: "Beijing University, this is the school I have been yearning for, and the highest hall in the country. It is my long-cherished wish and honour to come here to teach. I am convinced that President Wu can see my Zhang Huan. One of my dreams--When some of the teacher professors were nodding their heads, Zhang Hao suddenly turned his voice. "Of course, these are false." See the students and teachers and professors below, and Zhang Wei said: "The truth is, I was canceled by the radio and television for more than half a month. I really have no job."

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

"Oh, I can't do it."

"Mr. Zhang really dared to speak."

The students laughed and laughed.

After Wu Zeqing heard it, he couldn’t help but hold a grin.

Professor Zeng is also happy, this little teacher Zhang is really interesting.

Chang Kaige and several department teachers patted the brain and slammed their heads. They were speechless and speechless. Whatever it is, they didn’t work until they chose Peking University. If you say something, you can die. Seeing here, many of them have a feeling, Zhang.烨This is the classroom as a talk show. Are you doing this program or teaching? However, they also have to admit that in this atmosphere, the students have all been mobilized, and the distance between the lecturer and the students has been brought closer.

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