I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 300: 【exposure! Zhang Wei was a lecturer at Peking University? 】


It’s time to eat.

After eating some leftovers that my parents had thrown in the refrigerator last night, Zhang Wei continued to work, and absorbed the misunderstanding of the world for the dream of the building, and also looked at the history of the world about the dream of the building. The materials and related evidences and ancient books, he noticed that the historical data related to Lou Meng is not completely on this earth's fault, or there are still some words and sporadic materials, but their people here think that it is not authoritative. Or, I have neglected these things at all. With a lack of strength in my later years, Cao Xueqin has despised the most critical things, and it has caused this situation.

Fortunately, there are buddies.

Otherwise, you are still in the dark.

Since Zhang Wei is prepared to know the difficulties, it needs more information to prove it, and it is necessary to use the information known to the world. This workload is relatively large.

Turn it over.

Check and check.

In the afternoon, Zhang Wei felt that the information on the Internet was not enough. He drove out of the car and put on sunglasses to go to several large data libraries in Beijing. Some libraries can go freely, while others need to make a book. Proof, then Zhang Wei flipped through it.

He is busy to die here.

The frying pan was overwhelmed on the Internet.

At the beginning, the video of the New Year's party in the 15th Beijing Capital was passed down. One of the "To the Oak Tree" highlighted the eyes of countless netizens.

"Who is this girl?"

"How did you hear this poem?"

"Isn't it original? Is it so good for junior high school students now?"

When the last girl said the name of the poem and the author, the talents suddenly realized that it was Zhang Xin’s new poem that was actually published on this occasion.

"Zhang Wei has a new poem again."

"It's still a rare classic of love poetry"

"Yes, the poems of Teacher Zhang Wei are generally satirical, and there are too few loves. After listening to "To Oak", I know that Teacher Zhang’s love poems are so profound."

"In the field of writing poetry, Teacher Zhang really has no shortcomings."

"This poem must be backed up. Later, I will use this poem to confess with my male god."


The microblogs of several North University students have been uploaded.

A Peking University girl openly on her microblogging her boyfriend, asked: "If I am difficult to produce, do you still protect the children?"

Her boyfriend smiled witfully and replied: "Of course it is to protect the adults, this is still asking?"

Then the girl immediately said: "What if you want your baby to jump in the water at this time?"

I saw a lot of garbled on her boyfriend's Weibo, "...(mn%¥¥(mn"

A lot of onlookers began to think that they were two people's love, and there were replies from the two people. The result was a question from Peking University girls. The people almost spit out a lot of old blood. Many netizens who drank water in front of the computer sprayed. There are still a lot of people laughing and laughing.


"God has this problem God."

"Hahahaha, the girl of Peking University is awesome. This problem is too embarrassing."

This Weibo has been forwarded by many people.

That boyfriend is crying, "Yan, who is this who teaches you?"

The Peking University girl was proud to say: "This is Zhang Wei’s paragraph."

The boyfriend called out: "Which is Zhang? I have to kill him. This grandson is too bad."

"How do you say it?" The Peking University girl blinked. "Zhang Wei is our new teacher."

In this case, many netizens still don't care. After all, there are many people named Zhang Wei, and there are too many names with the same name.

But not too long, several Peking University students jumped out, posting two poems on Weibo, one is Wang Shui's "Everything", the other is also called "Everything", signed Zhang Hey. After reading two poems, many literary enthusiasts are convinced.

"Zhang Wei changed "everything"?"

"It’s just changed, it’s changed."

"With Zhang Wei's first comparison, Wang Shuixin can't get on the countertop."

"This is the strength. I couldn't see it before. I have finally had a comparison. The same two poems have the same purpose. But the literary nature is completely different. Have you seen it? The teacher's poem can be like this. It’s not accidental, and people really have this strength."

"A "some people", sent Wang Shuixin to the prison, Zhang Yi teacher changed "everything" to face, this is your mother is to whip the body, hahaha"

"If Comrade Lao Wang knows in prison, he must have tears."

"Yes, his famous work "Everything" is now the work of Teacher Zhang Wei. Teacher Zhang Wei is too bad. It is really a small prince."

Several well-known literary workers immediately analyzed Zhang Yi's "Everything" in detail, and made a thorough and detailed comparison with Wang Shuixin's original work. Finally, after numerous discussions and assessments, they unanimously concluded. Zhang Wei’s literary literacy is at least several times higher than Wang Shuixin. In fact, it may be difficult to modify a poem than to create a new poem. It is difficult to do it. From here, everyone has also seen Zhang Wei’s literary level. I have to say that it is really convincing orally.

Just as everyone pursued "Everything", just as they were desperately trying to forward it, several people saw the problem.

"Hey, how come from Peking University?"

"Yes, it’s just that the big man who keeps the children to protect the children."

"Northern college students sent? Teacher Zhang Wei went to Peking University? Where did he go? Study? Postgraduate?"

"Don't say, there is really this possibility. Teacher Zhang is a bachelor's degree. It is not unexpected to take a graduate student. After all, he was suspended."

"Mr. Zhang re-reading?"

"This is a big news."

However, the next message shocked everyone.

A Peking University student cuts: "What is going to school? Teacher Zhang Wei is our new teacher and teaches us "Classic Masterpiece Appreciation""

Then the next moment, Peking University's official Weibo and Peking University official website, also posted a latest news - the original famous radio announcer, the former Beijing City Arts and TV station famous program host, Wei I network TV host, famous poet, famous Writers, famous producers, famous program planners, famous advertising planners, famous songwriters... Zhang Yi teacher joined the Chinese Department of Jingcheng University, and taught the elective subjects of Classical Masterpieces Appreciation

After a long list of names, a shocking word came out.

"Oh my God"

"Oh, sell big"

"Zhang Wei went to Peking University to teach?"

“Peking University? Is it still a famous Chinese department?”

"I have a lung, Zhang Yan is not going to study, is going to teach"

"How come, Peking University invited Zhang Hao as a lecturer?"

"Mr. Zhang, this is to ask your mother to go to Peking University to have the qualification to teach at Peking University. Although it is an elective course, "Classic Masterpiece Appreciation" is also very important in the elective course. Basically, a small part of Peking University Chinese Will the students of the department choose this one?"

"Is it fake news?"

"No, the newspaper is out too."

Even the afternoon Beijing newspapers were filled with news about Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei’s admission to Peking University

Zhang Hao joined Peking University is happy or sad? 》

Zhang Wei has confirmed that he will be the lecturer of the Peking University Classical Classics Appreciation Course.

Zhang Wei’s self-evaluation: a person who is out of the low-level taste, a person who benefits the people.

As soon as the news was revealed, Zhang Wei’s fans had already screamed, and they were too excited to feel that they were too arrogant. Zhang Qian’s teacher had just been suspended by the radio and television, and he was also on the black and white The list, the result was invited by Peking University to be a lecturer, and also took charge of such an important subject, which is to give Zhang Wei a name, but also shows how popular Zhang Hao is.


Do you radio and television exclude Zhang Wei?

You don't need Zhang Hao in your entertainment circle?

It doesn't matter that our education needs us at Peking University.

This recruitment of Peking University has really added a layer of brilliant glory to Zhang Wei. Maybe Zhang’s previous qualifications and achievements will be one level, but with the title of Peking University lecturer, his qualifications and The prestige is obviously rising straight, and it has already been as high as several floors.

What can definitely be more important than the affirmation of the education sector?

Moreover, it is also the world's number one university in Peking University.

Then, Zhang Wei’s first meeting and exchange with the students at Peking University was released by some North University students.

Zhang Wei’s funny, humorous and literary literacy is vividly displayed here.

In particular, after seeing the last sentence of Zhang Wei’s self-evaluation, he was even more shocked by the heavens—“a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has escaped from the low-level taste, one People who are good for the people." Everyone recalls the experiences of Zhang Huan since his debut, and this is not the case. Zhang Wei’s description of himself is not exaggerated.

He is pure - dare to say dare to do

His morality - the road is uneven

He is out of the low-level fun - always able to do something that others can't do

He is good for the people - regardless of Wei's father's affairs, Zhang Wei's fans are terminally ill, or the plane crash, Zhang Yi came forward to solve

This is Zhang Wei in the eyes of many people. These words are just right, not much more.

"Classic classics appreciation?"

"Is it too long to be sure to talk about the Three Kingdoms?"

"Affirmative, Teacher Zhang Wei is best at the Three Kingdoms."

"I didn't listen enough to Zhang Jianpin's Three Kingdoms. I have to find a way to see if I can mix in Peking University tomorrow. I also want to attend classes."

"Ha ha, teacher Zhang Wei really became a teacher Zhang."

For a time, Zhang Wei did not give lectures. However, with this news, his popularity has soared. Many fans of Zhang Wei expressed their great expectations.

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