I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 301: [No thanks, please call me a red scarf! 】

The other side.

The office of the Disciplinary Committee of a certain radio and television station.

The double-opened Li Wei was still under investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission and was confined to this small room.

Several people outside the discipline inspection commission passed by.

"Is it heard? Zhang Hao's business."

"He? Isn't he on the blacklist?"

"Not this thing, just the news, Peking University invited him to lecture in the past, and not a lecture, but a long-term teaching of Peking University lecturers."

"What? How is he qualified?"

"Who knows what the people at Peking University think."

"So a mixed person, Peking University dares to do it? Really."

"Oh, recruit this person to go in, get things done sooner or later, wait and see."

"Oh, but this luck is also very good. The meaning of the General Administration may be that I want to beat and beat Zhang Wei. Who wants this person to behave in an inappropriate way, and listen to the nourishment of running Peking University to class? It’s better than the original. What is this called?"

"Don't tell me, this Zhang Wei still has two brushes. Otherwise, the university of Peking University, how could anyone enter?"

Li Wei in the room heard it, and his face turned green. The culprit that made him become such a culprit was Zhang Wei. But now, Zhang Wei went to Peking University to teach? You said that Lao Tzu was killed by you, and the wife was lost. My wife is now divorcing. Now I am checking my economic problems. I don’t know if I want to go to jail. Is your father’s surname Zhang actually not doing anything? After finishing the radio and television, not only did I go to the top schools in China to teach? This is unfair and unfair. Li Wei really wants to give up everything in the house. He has been blown up.


Jishuitan Hospital.

Deputy Director Jia of Beijing Radio Station was lying in the orthopedic ward. He had dinner with his colleagues last time. Because of Zhang’s news, when he left the hotel, he did not go well. Deputy Director Jia broke his bones and had already lie in the hospital. It’s day. At this time, the TV he was driving was just playing the news of Zhang Wei. At this time, the pictures of the Beijing local channel news station, and some other local TV stations, there may be several other broadcasts of the same news.

A 30-year-old female host said: "Peking University invited Zhang Wei to teach. The news has been confirmed. As a 23-year-old lecturer, Zhang Wei broke the youngest record of Peking University lecturers and even removed private colleges. Zhang Wei’s age is considered to be the youngest lecturer in all universities in China. Our reporter did not interview the head of the Chinese Department, but was fortunate enough to interview the history professor of Peking University’s Chinese Department. According to him, this may be An attempt by Peking University was also an innovation. Peking University believes that Teacher Zhang Wei is capable of taking on this responsibility."

There is only one professor of history in the Chinese Department of Peking University. It is Professor Zeng. This history is not the history of the history department. It is actually a discipline called historical linguistics. This subject is academically biased towards the Chinese Department and also belongs to the Chinese Department. Achievements are actually historical. If subdivided, there is also a branch of the archaeological department. Professor Zeng was also a lecturer in the Department of History and Department of Archaeology.

An industry authority

A prestigious professor at Peking University

Professor Zeng’s evaluation of Zhang Wei in front of the media is very high. He said that for a long time, he also said that his appreciation of Zhang Yipin’s Three Kingdoms is also a great resistance to Zhang Hao. After all, Zhang Weitai Young, and the reputation is so stinky with the industry, doubting his affirmation.

Deputy Director Jia was lying in the hospital bed and watching TV. He was stupid for a long time, and his face was full of can’t believe.

"Jia Taichang"

"Jia Taichang, let's see you."

"Is your health better?"

Several radio people came, and there were Zhang Ye and Jia Yan.

However, they greeted each other with greetings. The deputy director Jia did not speak, but stared at the TV face and became more and more black. They noticed that they turned to look at the TV and suddenly they all stunned.

"Zhang Wei?"

"Peking University invited him to teach?"

"He’s the name of Zhang’s He De, it’s impossible.”

Zhang Ye and Jia Yan are not inconceivable, and then they all look at each other. Zhang Wei used to say that after leaving his post on the Beijing Radio Station, one day, they would regret it. Now, whether it is Vice-President Jia or the leader of the Beijing Radio Station, they have already felt this. This Zhang Wei is really too capable. They were so stunned and did not treat Zhang Wei in the eyes. It may be really wrong. If they cherish and care for this talent, Zhang Wei may not go. Now Beijing Radio Station may have created the myth of listening rate countless times, but now it is useless to say anything, Zhang Wei Going away, and whether people go to TV stations, Internet TV stations or universities, they are all very good. If they look at their Beijing radio stations, they will be depressed every day.

Suddenly, a phone call came.

"Jia Taichang, hey, your mobile phone..." his secretary reminded.

Deputy Director Jia returned to God. When he looked at the number, he immediately called: "Director."

Over there, it was the voice of the director of the Beijing Radio Station. "Old Jia, how is the injury?"

"Nothing, I will be discharged from the hospital in a few days." Jia deputy director said.

Director Chang sighed, "Do well, don't rush to leave the hospital. I have already arranged for people to pick up the class of your deputy director. Your position will wait until you are well ill."

"The director of this..." Jia deputy director was shocked.

The director said: "That's it." Then he hung up the phone.

Vice-President Jia has already turned pale. He knows that he is standing by the side, and will he say it after he is sick? When he left the hospital, he could only fall to a marginal position, or even retired early. Deputy Director Jia saw it very clearly. In Taiwan, this is to give up.

Many people in the ward were also shocked. Some of them had already guessed what they had seen from the deputy director Jia. Zhang Wei is now getting higher and higher, and the facts prove that Zhang Wei is indeed a very capable person, and the chief culprit who is forced to leave Zhang Wei is Deputy Director Jia. Previously, everyone could not say anything, it does not matter, after all, Jia The deputy director is a high-level, Zhang Wei is just a small person. However, as Zhang Wei’s reputation grows bigger and bigger, his prestige is getting higher and higher. This time he even entered the door of the first school of education. Zhang Zhang was in silver. The "Dead Water" on the microphone award was also taken out again and again, and the voices were raised one after another. Even many celebrities in the industry have publicly ridiculed Beijing Radio Station for not having the vision, so it is forcing such a talent to be forced away. At this time, Vice Minister Jia was marginalized, which also showed an attitude of Beijing Radio Station - finally someone was responsible for this matter.

"Jia Taichang."

"Oh, this..."

The people around are also very embarrassed, staying is not, and walking is not.

Deputy Director Jia appeared to be a few years old. Once upon a time, Zhang Wei was only a small person in his eyes who couldn’t be small. He thought he could call it and call it. He wanted to use it. He wants him to get out of the way and let him get out of the way. The result is that such a small ordinary person, but he hit his face again and again, and the deputy director Jia has no way to take him, no matter what method or means. Now, this once-small figure has climbed to the position of today and climbed to a position much higher than him. The long-time deputy director Jia did not count the old accounts, but now it is On his head

"Go out," Deputy Director Jia said.

Jia Yan Zhang Ye, they face each other, "Jia Taichang..."

"I have to rest." Jia’s deputy chief of the fire was on fire, and he was ordered to leave the order.

Jia Yan is his relative, of course, the most depressed. Others are only subordinates of Jia’s deputy director. When he saw the deputy director Jia, they are not finished for a long time. Some people are too lazy to say a word. And together, out of the ward. The human condition is warm and cold, and Vice Minister Jia has also tasted this time.

Godson Hutong.

Xuanwu Library.

This is a few minutes drive from the home of Zhangye Market.

In this world, Xuanwu District is still Xuanwu District, but in the Zhangye Earth, Xuanwu District has long been merged into the Xicheng District. There are not many people here, because the library is not large and old, and it is necessary to have a library card to read, so many people do not like to come here, but because the library is relatively old, there are many materials that are not available elsewhere. Zhang Wei is here to find a lot of things about Lou Meng.

Looking through the information, one by one.

Yao Jiancai is the first one, "Xiao Zhang, you have to go against you, hahaha"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Old Yao, I haven't asked you yet, is your daughter also Peking University?"

"Yeah, haven't I told you? Hey, how do you know that?" Yao Jiancai said.

Zhang Weidao: "I met her, it is my student, Yao Mi, is it? It looks like you, it has characteristics. I think it may be a comedy talent in the future. How do you learn Chinese?"

Yao Jiancai said helplessly: "I also want her to report to the performance department, but she is not qualified enough."

Zhang Weidao: "Are you still old Yao's face?"

"Oh, I am a third-and-fourth-line actor. I don't have such a big face in school. Right, I have to take care of my daughter." Yao Jiancai said.

"You can rest assured, this is still used to say." Zhang Yidao.

Then, Hu Fei also called. "Xiao Zhang, you can do it. Peking University lecturer, I admire the envy, and my child will go to college, I can find you."

Zhang Weihan said: "I don't know if I can stay in office. The contract is not long-term. I am even an outside lecturer. If I don't speak well, people will definitely not need me in the next semester."

Hu Fei laughed. "Get it, let's talk about the strength of the Three Kingdoms. Can you still speak badly?"

The phone hangs.

The next call came, and it was the old classmate Dong Shanshan. "Zhang Wei, congratulations, I read the news."

"Thank you, huh, huh, there is nothing to congratulate, my pressure is quite big." Zhang Yi told the truth.

Suddenly, there were a lot of people's voices floating over there.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations"

"You are too arrogant for our web host."

"Yeah, haha, I didn't expect our web host to be able to attend the Peking University lecture. Xiao Zhang teacher is so good, we are also dimmed."

"Yes, I look forward to your continued three countries."

Suddenly, Wang Xiong, the deputy director of the Internet TV department, also came over. He apparently took Dong Shanshan’s mobile phone. “Mr. Zhang, the teaching on your side, does not affect the work here?”

Zhang Weidao: "Leadership, no influence, I will teach for ten days. When the school is on holiday, I will return to Shanghai at that time. If Peking University allows me to teach at the next semester, it will not delay my main business. It’s all that I have time to talk again, time is free, and it’s an elective course anyway.”

Wang Xiong smiled and said: "That's good, good, Feng's company is also supportive here, you are famous, and it is also very good for our programs."

"Thank you for your leadership support." Zhang Yuyuan said, "In fact, I just confirmed that I want to go to Peking University to teach, and I want to say hello to you. The former Professor Wang was hospitalized, and I was able to fill the gap, so it was quite time. If you are in a hurry, you will not be able to report to you in time."

Wang Xiong said with relief: "You don't think too much, it doesn't matter, it's a good thing. The support I said is not a good word. The company really supports you."


Zhang Wei’s colleague from Beijing Radio Station and Wang Xiaomei, who is also the top pillar of the radio station, also called and told him one thing. “The post of Director Jia was replaced by the director.”

Zhang Wei unexpectedly said: "Why?"

Wang Xiaomei said: "It's not because of you, this is to turn back the old account. In fact, the station director is also responsible, but the sinner needs a scapegoat to block the mouth of others. Your main 'power, it's very natural to be withdrawn. Otherwise, your bunch of fans will take "Dead Water" out of the Beijing Radio Station website for three days and two, and no one can stand it."

Zhang Yiyi listened, but also smiled slightly. In fact, if Xiaomei’s teacher did not say it, he would have forgotten the deputy director of Jia, but this person had retribution. He also liked it. “Thank you, Xiaomei teacher. Is everyone else okay? Director Zhao? Xiaofang? Zhou Auntie Sun Auntie?"

Wang Xiaomei smiled and said: "Everyone is fine. You are now back to Beijing. When do you get together? Hey, forget you are busy this time, have a chance, congratulations, you are not an ordinary person now. Let’s take a look at the bunch of titles that Peking University’s official website has introduced. How many of them are there? And each one is famous and what is famous. This famous word is not for everyone.”

Zhang Xiaole was happy, said: "Little teacher, you can't hold me, I don't know how many pounds I have? I will be gathered when I am busy."

Wang Xiaomei said: "Well, when it is time."

Zhang Weidao: "Well, let me and Zhao Director Zhou Dajie ask them a good question."

Wang Xiaomei said: "I know, then I will bring it to you. I look forward to your talk to the North University students. If you have a video online, I will definitely see it."

Here is another call.

They are old friends and old colleagues, and they all expect to look forward to his new three countries.

Three countries?

Everyone thinks it is three countries?

Zhang Wei took the right shoulder and didn't tell them until he hanged up. He didn't intend to touch the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He already had a better subject and he was a literary writer. Qing, Zhang Hao certainly does not want to see the misunderstanding of the world for the dream of the building, but does not want to see their misunderstanding of Cao Xueqin, this must be publicly clarified, as the only person on earth who knows the truth of Lou Meng. Zhang Wei has the responsibility and obligation to tell everyone the truth.

It’s like Zhang Wei’s taking the poems of his earth one by one. It’s not that he copied it. It’s not that he wants to rely on this name. It’s not that he doesn’t want to use his brain to just use the wisdom of his predecessors. In fact, Zhang Wei does not want his world's classic works to be buried. As a bridge between the two worlds, as the messenger of the two earth communication, Zhang Wei is shouldering the mission of spreading literature and art.

heavy responsibility

Tired? really tired

But he is not afraid, he has suffered

Hey, serve the people, thank you, please call me a red scarf.

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