I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 599: [An invitation from the crew of "The Grand Master"! 】

at home.

He has been waiting, waiting for the result of the effect of the lucky aura, waiting from morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, he doesn't know how many hours have passed, and nothing has changed.

phone? No sound

news? Without him

doorbell? No sound

What or what

Even if a mobile phone wins a prize of 20 yuan, there is no bill

The 30 million prestige points have been thrown out. Zhang Ye certainly had some expectations of his own. As a result, he couldn't wait for the left and the right. He couldn't sit still anymore. Can't you hear the noise? what happened? Isn't this cheating? Zhang Ye, who was standing in front of the TV, felt that TV news might have a small amount of information, so he went back to the house and turned on the computer and went online to see if there was any news about himself that was not broadcast on the news. He still firmly believed that lucky aura is impossible. No effect, it must have taken effect where, but he doesn't know it yet.

Not meager.

The forum does not.

The latest news about him is still related to ``I Love To Remember Lyrics.'' In the news of the last two days, there is no such thing as Zhang Ye. In the huge entertainment circle, Zhang Ye is not the only one, and there is no media. Around him, there are some who are more famous than him, and there are more people who are newsworthy than him. This is derailed, that gossip, who and who jumps, who and who jumped off the building, the most in the entertainment industry There is no shortage of news. Every day, all kinds of stars make all kinds of things. Zhang Ye is just a very common link and part of the entertainment circle. No, the most news today is a star. Drug-caught

"Shocked "Brother Water"-Drug Abuse Arrested"

"Chang Chishui was arrested at home by Shanghai police"

"The eighth this year, celebrities take drugs-is it fashionable? 》

"The Grand Master is killed, Brother Shui is arrested, and the Grand Master crew faces a fatal blow."

Zhang Ye was not particularly interested in these news. It was just that by chance he saw the news mentioning the name of the movie ``Grand Master'', he was slightly startled, and he clicked in to see it. He remembered that Zhang Yuanqi said when he came to his house that day. However, the new play that Lao Zhang is taking over is "The Grand Master". It seems that the editing has been finished a while ago, and the crew is also contacting and releasing it at the opening feast. It seems that the release date has been set.

The news is very clear. It is not a rumor, but has been confirmed by the police. The results of urine tests have been exposed by the media. Coincidentally, it was previously obtained for playing a "addict" in a drama. Chang Chishui, who was awarded the best supporting actor in China, has been arrested for gathering-crowd-drugs. He is well-known in the film and television industry. He also played a very important supporting role in the new play "Grand Master". It is said that it is irreplaceable. If it is really as reported by the media, then according to the new No. 43 document issued by the Radio and Television, if the "Grand Master" does not delete the scenes about the Shui Ge movie, it is obviously in danger of not being able to be screened.

Netizens are also messed up.

"Impossible, Brother Shui is also taking drugs?"

"Are there any good people in the entertainment industry?"

"Oh, what a pity, another star has fallen"

"I don't care about Brother Shui. I'm worried about "The Grand Master". I've been looking forward to this movie for a year. My sister Zhang, my big dragon, won't it be released?"

"Hang it, unless you delete the drama of Brother Shui."

"He is the male number three? How can I delete it"

"If you delete it, you won't be able to watch this movie, and the plot will be incomplete"

"It's really annoying, this Chang Chishui is too messy for people"

"I heard that the crew of "The Grand Master" is already working on the plan. Sister Zhang went to several southern TV stations to do shows after finishing yesterday. In fact, she was helping the promotion of "Grand Master". As a result, she was also recalled to the crew at noon today. The director is so anxious that he gets angry. When encountering such a bad thing, who can't be crazy? Seeing that it will be on the big screen soon, it is not allowed to be shown."

"This is how to do ah?"

"I am looking forward to "The Grand Master""

"How about an investment of 50 million yuan in this movie? It would be a pity if this is a waste, and the actors can't afford this loss."

After a few glances, Zhang Ye also learned the latest situation. He turned off the webpage and didn't read it. He didn't have time to worry about other people's affairs and other people's movies. What he was worried about now was the effect of the lucky halo. How much prestige is gone, there must be an explanation

Before his parents got off work, Zhang Ye walked around the house with his hands behind his back.

Where is the luck?

Where is my job?

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Zhang Ye was stunned for a while after seeing the caller ID, because it was not someone else who was calling. It was Zhang Yuanqi, who was just seen on the news. Zhang Ye hesitated in his heart and said that your new play would not be released. , You are not busy with other things, what call me still?

Come on, take it.

Zhang Ye thought that Old Zhang was looking for himself to drink, and his heart was irritated because he couldn't find anything to do, so he can drink something, "Hey, sister Zhang, are you going to hide things again? I saw the news, it's okay. Come on, let's have a drink. My house will definitely not work today. Are you looking for a place?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuanqi insisted: "How do you know about drinking?"

"Huh?" Zhang Ye almost fainted, you grabbed me and drank every time.

In the next sentence, she said: "I have a temporary job, can you take it?"

Zhang Ye said, "What kind of work?"

She said briefly: "After discussing the movie "The Grand Master", the crew decided to delete all the scenes of Chang Chishui and re-record the related scenes. Can you save the scene without an actor?

After hearing these words, Zhang Ye almost died of joy, "Okay, of course I do. Who is that number? Doesn't it matter in the play? Don't it be a dragon?"

She faintly said: "If it is an unimportant role, just delete it, and still use it to find someone to save it? This role ranks fourth in importance and playing time in the whole play, male third, villain."

"The third man? The villain?"

"Are you acting?"

"A must act"

"Okay, I recommend you to the director, and you will try it out tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, sister Zhang, it's interesting"

"The crew has made appointments with several actors, and they are all professional actors. You don't necessarily need you. I can only recommend them. I don't care about the others."


"Hang up, let my agent send you the time and place."

After hanging up the line, Zhang Ye burst out laughing, and hurriedly checked the Internet to check the general situation of the movie "The Grand Master". Sure enough, this movie was a big production. It was turned on in the middle of last year. The filming has been intermittent for more than half a year. , Invested 50 million, and later it seemed that it was claimed to have added another 20 million investment, a total of 70 million. It is not clear how much it is. People in the industry know that this kind of investment is relatively large, which is a name, but it is a big production. The title is definitely not going to run, and the director is also a well-known director, not particularly famous, but also has two movies with a box office of more than 100 million yuan, plus the queen Zhang Yuanqi and the well-known movie stars "Da Long" and " The addition of "Brother Shui" and others has made this drama attract much attention before it was released, and it is one of the few major dramas recently.

Big investment.

Great director.

The cast is impeccable.

With your eyes closed, you also know that even if this kind of movie is not as good as the audience expected, even if it is abusive, under the commercial operation and attractiveness, the box office is unlikely to be less than 100 million. There is Zhang Yuanqi, the film and television circle. A sister sitting in town is also a strong guarantee of the box office.

Such a big drama, such a big drama where actors can't wait to squeeze their heads to fight for roles, Zhang Ye, as a layman outside the film and television circle, actually got the opportunity of a male third? Got a chance to officially enter the film and television industry? This is obviously of great significance to Zhang Ye. Although it shows that the genius is a trial show, the crew may not let him go, but this kind of opportunity is definitely going to be won by Zhang Ye.

Chance is too rare

It seems that I didn't rashly agree to those small business performances that are right. Look, look, isn't this waiting for a big surprise?

Eh? Surprise?

Wait a minute, is it?

Zhang Ye was stunned, remembering something, and immediately went online to check the news. This time he clicked on news reports about Brother Shui's arrest and found out the specific time when Brother Shui was arrested at home.

8:25 in the morning?

Isn't this the time to turn on the lucky aura?

Zhang Ye suddenly understood. It turns out that Lucky Aura is your mother's role here. It turns out that this opportunity was won by Lucky Aura. Let me just say, Lucky Aura was so effective when it was in the old version. How can it be after upgrade? does not work?


Sure enough, you get what you pay for

Whether it’s the previous lucky bread, or the old version of the lucky halo, the effect of luck is not small, and it has brought a lot of help to Zhang Ye, such as the wrong name of the silver microphone awards, such as the misplacement of "Woman Flower" in Li Anxu's concert. , For example, if you are lucky to draw a lottery with a halo, you can occasionally draw the items you need when you are lucky, etc., but now, Zhang Ye's reputation is getting higher and higher, and the level in the entertainment circle is no longer the previous environment. What if the little fortune of the previous little slapstick was already not able to meet Zhang Ye's current needs, put the wrong song on the face? It doesn't hurt or itchy, and the chance of lottery increases? Sometimes it didn’t work, and it didn’t work every time, so this time the newly upgraded Lucky Aura (upgraded version), Zhang Ye personally looked forward to it. At the moment, it didn’t disappoint.


But the effect is really different from the old version

Zhang Ye is a host, at best he is a poet or a mathematician. Although he has acted in an act, he played the role of a dragon in the "Great Martial Arts" that time. However, strictly speaking, it is not the first show of his movie. There is no him in the starring list. It stands to reason that it is impossible for a star like him to audition for such a big movie. It is more suitable than him. There are too many candidates, but now, the cast of the crew has an accident, and Zhang Ye takes the audition. This has already explained the effect of the upgraded version of Lucky Halo. The intensity of the upgraded lucky ring is enough to cope with Zhang Ye's current working environment.

It's a pity that it consumes too much prestige value. Otherwise, Zhang Ye will use it a few times, and then take a big show after a while, and after a while he will star in a major actor with a box office of hundreds of millions of dollars. Movies are a big category in the entertainment industry. "At that time, why don't you worry about this guy's popularity not rising? ?

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