I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 600: [Trial skills? 】

The next day, morning.

Beijing suburb, the largest film and television base in Beijing.

Last time, Zhang Wei also went to a movie called "Big Martial Arts" through the recommendation of Zhang Yuanqi. At that time, he had not been famous, he came here, and today he is familiar with driving again, Zhang The reputation of the cricket is no longer the same, and the role of the audition is no longer a dragon, but a major supporting role. His task this time is to take this role, paving the way for the film industry in advance, and alleviating the embarrassment of not having a job lately, and also wanting to rush to the second-line star.

The place is here.

"Teacher Zhang."


"Are you coming? You are going with me."

"it is good."

He got off the bus, and the crew of the crew picked him up outside and turned around. The crew of the crew led Zhang Wei to a venue area inside. It was a set of modern dramas, but it was estimated that there was a blasting scene. Ready, so 80% can not be shot elsewhere, this lens can only come to the film and television base, and then the scene is also very chaotic, there are many extras, there are people in the crew who are talking to you, it seems that the crew is very Anxious, today is estimated to be an actor, after the completion of the remake of the lens.

Work shed.

Someone is already auditioning.

When Zhang Yi came in, he saw the director Wang Chengpeng and the deputy director and several staff members in the innermost, a male star was performing, and several actors in Zhang Yuanqi and Dalong were standing outside, a dozen people Watching the actors inside play the show.

The crew of the crew whispered: "Mr. Zhang, you wait a little longer."

"Get it." Zhang Hao nodded.

Zhang Yuanqi looked over and smiled, "Xiao Zhang?"

Zhang Hao quickly went over, "Zhang Jie."

"Long time no see." Zhang Yuanqi reached out with a hearty hand.

Zhang Wei took her fake model and said that she hadn't seen it for a long time. You went to my house two days ago. I haven't lost my money for my gentleman's money.

Zhang Yuanqi smiled and said: "How are you?"

Zhang Wei also laughed. "It's very good, rest at home."

The two of them talked a few words and looked very polite. Others were the kind of friendships that they knew but were not familiar with. Many people knew that Zhang Wei had written songs for Zhang Yuanqi. It is not surprising that the two had already met each other. In fact, the friendship between Zhang Wei and Zhang Yuanqi is definitely unclear. If you look at the old chapter and laugh at the kindness, Zhang Wei feels that he is not suitable. This old chapter is the master of the former set of people. .

Over there, the male number 2 also came over, "Zhang Wei."

Zhang Wei looked at him and shook hands with him. "Hello."

The man smiled on the 2nd: "Long time."

"I am a long-awaited name." Zhang Wei is also polite.

Zhang Wei saw the list of performers and knew that he was called Tian Xuetao. He was very young. He should be a few years older than Zhang Wei, but he would not be too big. He is a film and television student who has just taken the lead in the past two years. Debut should be for many years, but It has always been a dragon set and a supporting role. It has only been up in the past two years. It is a thick and thin hair. People are very handsome. It is a kind of handsome white face, and people are very thin. The standard star looks.

As for the popularity, Tian Xuetao should not be too much with Zhang Wei. On the comprehensive evaluation of the popularity, he is worse than Zhang Wei. After all, Zhang Wei’s path is wide, and he also teaches and teaches in advertising, but it is better than film and television. Popularity, Tian Xuetao is obviously much higher than Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei is not even a newcomer in the film circle, but Tian Xuetao has been mingling for many years. He has a certain box office appeal. Although his acting skills are almost the same, his fans are very cohesive, otherwise they are not. I will work as a male No. 2 in such a big production.

Tian Xuetao is curious, "Do you come to audition?"

"Yeah." Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "I will try to cross the border, just not working for the rest of the day."

Next, a staff member came over and handed Zhang a script. "Mr. Zhang, look at it first."

"Well." Zhang Wei took it over and read it.

Over there, Zhang Yuanqi has already left. Dalong stood in the same place and looked at Zhang Wei, but did not come over, and continued to turn to see the star in the center of the trial. As a male No.1, Dalong is not a king of chess, but he is also not a king. But he is also a real-life first-line star. He has been in the film and television circle for many years. He is an old-fashioned artist and Zhang Yuanqi. Is a brokerage company, the age of the big dragon is similar to Zhang Yuanqi, but because it is much later than the old chapter debut, Dalong is also the younger generation of the old chapter in the company, no matter the reputation or qualifications of the seniority, big The dragon saw Zhang Yuanqi, and he was so polite that he called Zhang Jie.

The director said: "Xiao Yu, can the expression be a little more?"

The actor who tried the show nodded and immediately made an expression, and then repeated the lines just now. "Let's talk nonsense with me. Now, in this age, who dares to call the master? Your master can't, you...not even better."

The director said: "Yes."

The actor regained his expression, "Wang Guide?"

Director Wang Chengpeng shook his head. "Xiao Yu, this character is still not suitable for you, not enough, you can't play the spirit of the villain."

The deputy director interrupted the sentence, "Xiao Yu is suitable for acting as a good decent figure, how to play in place." In fact, it is a round for the other party.

The actor smiled. "It's okay."

Wang Chengpeng said: "Then go back first. I have a play this year. I have already left a role for you. It is a good place to go back."

"Okay, thank you Wang Guan for taking care of it." The actor turned back and said hello to Dalong, then he happily called Zhang Yuanqi a sister, but did not leave, but left to continue watching.

Wang Chengpeng shouted the next one, "Little Song."

A man standing in the corner went up. "Come to me?"

"Come to you." Wang Chengpeng said: "Try the kung fu drama first."

The martial arts coach of the crew took a few steps and made several moves.

Director Wang Chengpeng said: "You imitate, let's see the effect."

The actor immediately did the work, learned the martial arts guidance, punched, kicked, kicked, and moved, but the action was not difficult, but he did more oysters.

I tried some dramas again.

Ten minutes later, the director called to stop, "Xiaoqu, you rest first." Did not say, did not say no, it seems that it is not too satisfied, but also not sure. Wang Chengpeng has a big beard with a mouth, even Mao Hu, not screaming, not too much, I don’t know if it’s because of this release crisis or his character, Wang Chengpeng’s face has always been not very good-looking, and there are also some eyes. Anxious colors.

The director asked, "Is there still?"

The assistant director said: "There is another one, Zhang Wei."

The director looked around, "Is Teacher Zhang coming?"

"In the king guide." Zhang Yan looked at his own, and immediately went up.

Everyone in the work shed saw Zhang Yan at a glance.

Before, Wang Chengpeng called the first experimental actor Xiao Yu, called the second little song, which is a relatively casual name. He is called the male number one, but also the name of the big dragon, not so polite, it is reasonable to say that Zhang Wei The two people who just auditioned are not too famous. It is impossible to compare with the first-line star of Dalong. The director told him that Xiao Zhang has nothing to do with it, but it is also appropriate, but the director called him "Zhang Teacher."

A crew member of the crew was not familiar with Zhang Wei. He heard a word and turned to ask the person next to him. "Who is this person? Is the director so polite?"

The man asked, "You don't know him?"

"Knowing is understanding, the host? How is the director also called his teacher? Is the super-star of Zhang Jie, Wang Dao does not use the teacher's name?" The person wondered: "Do you want such a cow?"

The man smiled: "The situation is different, his identity is special."

"Special? How special?" He did not understand.

"Because people are professors at Peking University."

There is a doorway inside.

Because Zhang Wei is different from other stars, those who make movies and film, with Wang Chengpeng’s identity and qualifications, don’t matter what they call, but Zhang is not the same. He is not only a moderator but also a famous domestic writer. The famous mathematician, and also in the Chinese Department of Peking University, is also an associate professor of the Department of Mathematics at Peking University. Well, now it is suspended, but it is not a dismissal. The associate professors are all associate professors. The professors of the first domestic universities are really worthy of the price. There, the director and the deputy director called him a teacher when they were unfamiliar with each other, and there was nothing wrong with them. People who understand the situation are not surprised at this.

Other stars?

That would have no such treatment.

The assistant director asked: "Is the script seen?"

Zhang Yan snorted, "Look, just flipped over."

The deputy director said: "Let's try the lines first, enter the role, look at the feeling..."

"Try the acting first." Wang Chengpeng interrupted.

The deputy director snorted and nodded to Zhang Weidao: "Try the acting first."

For other actors, they are already very familiar with them. They all played in the film and television circles. Some actors have cooperated with them. If they haven’t cooperated, the crew of the crew have also seen their movies and performances. Who is acting, how many of them have a heart, and the newcomers will come up to try the acting skills first, the stars that are generally famous, all come up directly to test the characters on the lines.

For Zhang Wei, what do they know more about his achievements in other fields, film and television? Acting? No one knows what way Zhang Hao is, naturally, when he is trying to play, he must treat him as a new person. He must first look at the acting and not close. If the door is not over, then you don’t have to try the drama. I can't use him, which is why the cross-border is not very common and it is not easy to cross-border success. Some things are not popular. They are not popular. They are well-known. Every industry has every one. The threshold of the industry, if you want to succeed in this industry, then you must awe the rules of this industry.

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