I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 601: [Are you a professional actor? 】

In the shed.

The first round of the trial of Zhang Wei began.

The surrounding Zhang Yuanqi Dalongtian Xuetao and others were quietly watching the center of the field. The staff also looked at Zhang Wei curiously. Some people had doubtful eyes in their eyes, especially a trial actor who was only brushed down. Another actor to be determined is to wonder how the crew got a layman and is a pure layman. Every identity and work area of ​​the other party is inseparable from the movie gossip.

Someone whispered.

"Zhang Haoxing?"

"do not know."

"Who asked him to try the show?"

"It seems to be arranged by the assistant director. I don't know who recommended it."

"He is a moderator, and at most, he is engaged in literature and mathematics work. So an urgent job is such an important job. How can I find Teacher Zhang to try the show? If it is an ordinary commercial funny movie, it is necessary for acting. Not much, but "Zhong Shi" is not."

"And the villains are even worse."

"Hey, let's get started, take a look."

Zhang Wei was scattered and heard a few comments from people around him, but this is not at all in the heart, and there is no feeling of nervousness. Other things he dare not say, acting? When he was in the first lottery, he was drawn together with the advanced mathematics skills experience book, but there is still 14l experience books on performance skills. This stuff he learned all in his mind at the time, has never been used, this is also When Zhang Yuanqi called and asked him, he hesitated and did not agree to the reason, because Zhang Hao had a well-thought-out.

What is the concept of 14l?

Even if you can't reach the level of Zhang Yuanqi and others, you can't reach the top level, and Zhang's acting should not be much worse than other professional actors.

The deputy director made a question, "Freedom of nature, tiger."

Zhang Yilian did not have any gods, and the conditional reflexed body was pressed down on the ground, and a tiger whistling suddenly broke out in his mouth.

This sound is too loud

It’s too sudden

The director's deputy director and Tian Xuetao and others were not prepared. They were all shocked. Not only was it scared by Zhang Wei's snoring, but also the fierce expression of Zhang Xia's downhill tiger was scared in the art field of painting. There are two kinds, one is the Shangshan tiger, it is the tiger who has eaten the meal and goes back to the mountain. The expression is more leisurely and calm, and Zhang Wei is the tiger who is hungry and looks down the mountain to find food. The most fierce and most terrible of the downhill tiger

Zhang Yuanqi accidentally looked at Zhang Wei.

Tian Xuetao and the opposite female No. 2 also face each other.

The deputy director clap his hands and the goose bumps are all up. "A good downhill tiger can be a teacher."

Zhang squatted, patted the soil on the hand, nothing happened, that is, the scorpion is a little dumb, because the vocal part of the imitating tiger is quite special, not the regular pronunciation part, it is very sturdy, the average person really can't come.

This performance of his performance really shocked the gang and actors including the director. The general liberation nature is a city to learn performances. Don’t talk about actors, it’s a performance of college students. It can also do a good job, but the performance department is more concerned with "playing". See if your movements and expressions have the charm of a tiger, but the sound is second, can you Zhang? He not only performed the performance of the downhill tiger, but also focused on the hungry tiger scream. He said that these professional actors present did not make such a sound.

Why are they not working?

Is a professional reason

Zhang Wei’s acting skills are eaten by eating skill books, but his broadcasting system is the foundation of his work, but he learned it from a bit of money. The graduates of the Communication University’s broadcasting department are the graduates of professional studies. Other actors can't do it, but he has no problem. This is a professional advantage. When it comes to the basic skills of his profession, Zhang Wei asks himself that he will not be worse than any other professional, let alone the layman who specializes in acting. Compared, the pronunciation is Zhang Yi's major, the foundation of this vocal sputum, that is three years and five years of hard training, the friction and change of the vocal zone, the slight adjustment of the front and rear cavity, the frequency of tremor after the vocalization, are all learning

The deputy director re-issued the question, "Wolf, a wolf calling for a companion."

With the previous performances, everyone also had expectations, and looked at him all at a glance.

Zhang Wei didn't worry about this time. He slowly learned the posture of a wolf and leaned down. He looked at it, looked at it right, silenced for a few seconds, and climbed a few steps forward. He looked left and right, then looked up. Stretched his neck and looked up to the sky, and the scorpion slowly made a continuous special scream, "Hey..."

one second

Ten seconds

Light to high

This tone, this sound continued for a full sixteen seven seconds.

It can be seen that there are several crew members who seem to have their pores open at once. The feeling is simply unspeakable and a bit horrified.

Everyone was shocked again by Zhang Wei’s performance.

It’s like a picture, it’s not only an expression, but the voice is exactly the same as a real wolf.

There was a female staff member in the crew who was born in the Inner Mongolian Prairie. She was a prairie girl. She listened to the wolf that Zhang Wei imitated. She screamed at me in my heart. This is no longer a fake. If the blind man almost Real wolf, it’s estimated that you are not called well.

Other actors just look like a figure and play a god.

And Zhang Wei, with the sound of the animal, is simply a form of God, lifelike

As for the work of Zhang Wei, many professional actors around him have to be convinced, and they can still do other things, but the imitation of the sound, they really do not have the skills of Zhang Wei.

The assistant director has to ask another question, "An eagle is..."

Director Wang Chengpeng interrupted him and shook his hand. "Don't try."

The deputy director nodded his head, and did not have to try it. The most basic acting aspect of liberating nature to imitate animals is that there is no need to try it. No one is more than Zhang Wei. He knows that this is Zhang Wei’s professional broadcasting skills. Give him extra points. "Then is the second round, enter the characters."

Zhang Hao nodded, "Okay."

The deputy director said: "You should first prepare and enter the character feelings. Follow the lines of the script. Just let me know when you are ready."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It's already good, feel free to do."

When each actor enters a role, as long as it is not a true performance, then there must be its own set of methods and means of substituting the character, and the deputy director can see if Zhang Xiaoming has no preparations. I took a look at him. "Well, let's start with the first line of the ninth man's third." The assistant director took the script: "The scene is the top floor of the skyscraper, and the line is that I don't care about you..."

At this moment, Zhang Hao suddenly changed his face, cold and terrible, but with a soft smile in the cold, yes, not sneer, his smile was very soft, but the whole face was awkwardly cold. This contrast is even a kind of suffocating tension. He didn't listen to the assistant director and went straight to the show. "I don't care where you come from, I only know where I am going, your master is blocking." No, what are you? What is the meaning of Xingyiquan? There are only two of your mentoring and apprenticeships. Poor, sighing, and sad. Oh, your master is blessed than me. He has a good time. The apprentice of the grass is no more than me, a lonely man."

The deputy director immediately said: "The fifteenth game, the line is less to me..."

Zhang Wei’s face changed again. There was a villain-style stern color on his face. “Less **** and me nonsense. In this age, who dares to call the guru? Your master can’t, you, not even the original line.” This is not exactly the case. Zhang Wei added a sultry dirty word. You can't do it later. He also broke the sentence and added a virtual word. He did it all by artistic feeling.

The deputy director inhales: "Thirty-third."

Zhang squatted on his chest and groaned: "I am dying... I am martial... Cough... I really lost it, or it’s ok... Cough, raw... Don’t bring..." Speaking here Originally, there was no labeling on the script, but Zhang Wei suddenly increased his voice. The last sentence was almost humming, and he could not hear the voice of the word. "Don't bring it to hahahaha."

Back light laugh

The last madness of life

Male No. 2 Tian Xuetao can't help but look forward

The staff of other crews are also a bit dumbfounded.

The deputy director said in a mistake: "Do you remember all the lines?"

"Yeah." Zhang Wei recovered quickly, and immediately came out of the play. He didn't feel anything about this acting. He only knew that more than one hundred performance skills books were not eaten, and the effect was better than he expected. It’s much better, “I’ve written it down. Didn’t I just watch the script?”

Next to the martial arts guide Khan: "Look at the script to remember?"

Everyone remembers that Zhang Wei had just come in for a long time, ten minutes? It’s enough for him to read the script once and remember it.

Zhang Yili said of course: "That's for sure, it's not a complicated line. What can't you remember?" He was impatient. Zhang Yi felt that the other person looked down on him and was insulting him. Professional level, just **** this point, I can't remember it again. I am also a moderator. Do you really take me as an ordinary actor? The buddy is a professional host. If you leave the manuscript, you dare to play live. If there is no such diamond, I will take any porcelain work. Your question is too low.

Director Wang Chengpeng asked a senior, staring at Zhang Weidao: "How do you think you want to yell at the end? Is there this on the script?"

Zhang Wei said: "A Wushu, a generation of Xiongxiong, although he finally tasted the consequences of dying, but he died silently in sigh. I don't think it is in line with his overall character. I am writing a novel. You are welcome, I am The book is selling well in China, so I am sensitive to these frameworks and characters, and I have some experience. In my opinion, this person can't be so quiet at the end of life, can't be so embarrassed, always leave something to move. , such as laughter, such as the last bit of madness.

Writing a novel?

Oh, this guy is still a famous writer.

There are too many titles in this shipment. He does not mention it himself, and everyone can't think of it.

The screenwriter is also sitting behind. After listening to it, he spoke. "Mr. Zhang said this, indeed, if I follow Zhang’s performance, it’s obviously better. It’s better than the water brother’s previous interpretation. It’s this character. One of the gatherings is also a sublimation in the shaping of characters, and it is also a question. This movie is "Zhong Shi". Not only the actor is the master, but the heroine is the master. This self-satisfaction is actually a master, but they Going a different road."

The deputy director also nodded. "It’s very good, it feels very good."

Zhang Wei’s test role also shocked the audience again.

That expression...

That acting...

The understanding of the characters in the play...

I am grass.

A few actors next to me and the two stars who came to try the show couldn’t help but scream in my heart. Compared with us, how do you feel that you are a professional actor?

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