I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 804: ["Tongue" lifted the veil! 】

That night.

The "Dancing Lightly" column team held a press conference.

At the scene, huge publicity posters were all over the venue, and the slogan and cover of "Dancing Lightly" were everywhere. The organizer and related column team staff all attended, including Huo Dongfang, Fan Wenli, Shen Lili and other three big coffee tutors. They sat behind the long table on the rostrum with chief director Xu Yipeng and deputy director and host Chen Ye, facing more than forty reporters from various newspapers, media and television stations present.

In the release link, the promotional video was played.

Next, Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye told the interesting stories of today's recording with the three instructors.

Finally, the reporter's question session began.

A male reporter raised his hand and asked, "Director Xu, "Dancing Lightly" has entered the recording stage, and everyone has always been concerned about the broadcast date."

Xu Yipeng smiled and said: "The time has been set. It is December 10th, Friday at 8 o'clock. By then, "Dancing Lightly" will meet everyone on time."

A female reporter asked: "Master Huo, you have been filming for the past two years and rarely appeared in the scenes of variety shows. This time you joined "Dancing Lightly". What do you think of this talent show? The first day of recording , How do you feel?"

Huo Dongfang smiled and said: "If you have to describe it, it is the word'surprise'. The specific details of the recording will not be disclosed for the time being. Waiting for December 10th, everyone will wait and see. I believe it will be given to all audience friends. A pleasant surprise. By the way, there is also a scene of me and teacher Wenli fighting and dancing. You must watch it."

Fan Wenli also smiled.

The questions at the beginning were very regular, but suddenly I didn’t know when the tempo of the press conference changed.

A reporter suddenly asked: "According to a source, "Dancing Dancing" was not smooth from the planning stage. During the period, there were a lot of problems. There were venue problems and staffing errors. I want to ask. Yes, since Mr. Zhang Ye stepped down as a CCTV set, has it affected you a lot? If Zhang Ye is the producer and director, it should be better coordinated, right?"

Chen Ye frowned.

Shen Lili was also uncomfortable.

what does it mean? Without Zhang Ye, we can't have the show?

However, what the reporter asked was not unreasonable. There were indeed many omissions and problems during the production of the show, because Xu Yipeng, Chen Ye and the entire team were almost the first time to produce such a large-scale talent show. The difference between the production cost of 10 million and the production cost of 100 million is not only in the money. The program production plan is also completely different. Xu Yipeng, Chen Ye and others have taken a lot of detours because they did not have this experience. error.

Xu Yipeng looked at the reporter and said, "Needless to say, Teacher Zhang Ye's experience and achievements on entertainment shows. We also feel it is a pity that he left. However, Zhang Ye's transfer is an arrangement in the station, and the leader naturally has the leadership. Considering that since I have taken over this task, I will definitely do my best. Also, the preparation of a program from preparation to production will certainly not go smoothly, and it shouldn’t be strange where problems arise. Haha, although I am a party He is a director, but he is not unfamiliar with variety shows. With the help of my team of talented soldiers, the show will be announced after it is broadcast."

Another reporter asked: "What is the audience rating target for "Dancing Lightly"?"

Xu Yipeng replied: "Haha, we must hope that the higher the better."

A middle-aged female reporter said: "I heard that Teacher Zhang Ye also released a documentary on Channel 14. What do you think about this?"

Xu Yipeng glanced at her, "Really? I didn't pay much attention to it."

The female reporter asked: "Don't you know what your competitors are doing?"

Chen Ye heard this and interjected, "Our competitors are all variety shows at the same time, and even variety shows at different time periods can be counted. Documentaries are not in our scope of observation."

Fan Wenli listened, glanced at Chen Ye next to her, and said nothing.

Many media reporters understand!

This is the next battle book!

Not only did he write down on all domestic variety shows, but his contempt for Zhang Ye was also quite obvious. People didn't even consider Zhang Ye and the documentary!

Suddenly, Xu Yipeng dropped another blockbuster, "Here, I want to announce one thing, the exclusive naming right of "Dancing Dancing", we have authorized Chunhe Mineral Springs!"

Xu Yipeng did not disclose the specific amount of naming, but after the press conference ended, some reporters got accurate news!

The naming fee given by Hoonhe Mineral Spring is actually 100 million!

The same as the naming fee for "Good Voice"!



Many netizens are arguing!

"A billion naming?"

"I rely on so much? I thought it would cost 50 million!"

"Didn't you talk about a naming company before? Why did you change it again? Is there really a company that spent 100 million to buy the exclusive naming of "Dancing Dancing"?"

"It's equal to the title fee of "The Voice"!"

"Do you think "Dancing Lightly" can really surpass "Good Voice"?"

"I don't know. Looking at this momentum, "Dancing Lightly" is very fierce!"

"It's too good. The country has paid a naming fee of 100 million yuan. Will the 100 million naming become a watershed between ordinary variety shows and phenomenon-level variety shows?"

"This news is too big!"

""Dancing Flutteringly" is working hard!"

"No one can stop this momentum!"

News, meager, has been dominated by "Dancing Lightly" again!


Channel 14.

Everyone was working overtime and was shocked when they learned the news.

Zhang Zuo couldn't say: "One hundred million naming? How come there are so many?"

Xiao Wang said bitterly: "That broken show is really worth 100 million?"

Tong Fu pouted, "Advertising costs are so high, do they get it back?"

"Other advertisers are willing to spend money." Ha Qi shook his head, "What can we do? Let's all work, anyway, what about CCTV, it has nothing to do with us, "Dancing Lightly" is no more joyous. It has nothing to do with us."

Zhang Zuo smiled bitterly, "Who said it can't be related, you forgot our broadcast time?"

Ha Qiqi snorted.

At this moment, Zhang Ye came back from the recording studio and greeted everyone: "The promo has been cut and the dubbing has been recorded. Find a few people to work overtime and post it on the Internet, as well as on our fourteenth channel. The publicity goes out. By the way, the broadcast time is also added. Now you can start mass publicity!"

Buying advertisements and hiring naval forces are all part of publicity.

Ha Qiqi immediately reported the situation of "Dancing Lightly" to Zhang Ye.

Hearing the sky-high naming fee from the other party, Zhang Ye didn't even frown, and said, "Oh, I know it. Let's do our own business now, and what do they do?"



Everyone immediately began to put out promotional videos.

Of course, everyone sat together and watched it first. These film sources and editing work were done by Zhang Ye alone, and everything was decided by Zhang Ye. So what is the details of the promotional video? They haven’t watched it yet. However, in their imagination, this is a relatively traditional documentary, and there is nothing unusual, but when the edited few minutes of the promotional film was played in front of everyone, everyone was stunned.

Rice in the field.

Matsutake in the mountains.

Steaming food on the plate.

Those pictures made them a little dazed.


"its not right!"

"This is our film?"

"Uh, did we take this? Why do I feel so strange? I know this shot was taken next to the big rock at the foot of the mountain? Is it so beautiful there? How come the camera is so close? It’s all close-ups? Can you edit like this?"

"This is the HD camera?"

"I'm too clear by this? You can even see the ripples in the heat coming out, and even a small bug flying over the matsutake can see the wings clearly?"

"Why is it different from other documentaries?"

"Yeah, this..."

At this moment, the talents of the column group realized for the first time that the documentary they took two months to shoot was very different from other traditional documentaries!

As for better than them or worse than them?

Everyone didn't know. Documentaries didn't have any special rules for success. Now that Director Zhang has edited it like this, they will follow suit.

Upload the website.

Contact video ads.

Communicate with the broadcast room of Channel 14.

All of a sudden, a large number of posters and short promotional videos of "Bite of the Tongue" were put on the market in a head, and "China on the Bite of the Tongue" was unveiled for the first time on this earth!

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