I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 805: [waiting to see a joke? 】

at night.

Yan Tian's home.

The "Tip Tip" propaganda film appeared on Yan Tianfei's computer for the first time. It wasn't for him to watch it online. Now there is no such movie on the Internet, but the "Tip Tip" column was sent. Although Lao Yan said that Zhang Hao’s own actions on the column would be fine, but Zhang Wei’s work can’t be so inconspicuous. The leader said that this is a matter of leadership. Zhang Wei’s request still has to be asked.

The film is finished.

Yan Tianfei read it again.

Not long after, he looked at the third time, and his brows sometimes wrinkled, sometimes confused.

In the living room, the voice of a middle-aged woman sounded up, and the tone was urging. "What are you doing? Old Yan? Why don't you come out to eat?"

Yan Tianfei said: "This is coming."

The door opened and his wife entered the house. "What are you looking at?"

Yan Tianfei’s tone is strange: “It’s a propaganda film of our documentary.”

"What is Zhang Wei's knife?" His wife asked: "Is it good?"

Yan Tianfei hesitated, shaking his head and laughing: "I don't know, anyway, this film seems to be different from what we imagined. In the past, no one has ever taken a documentary like this."

His wife said, "How to shoot again, that is also a documentary. Can you still produce the effect of a variety show?"

Listening to his wife, Yan Tianfei couldn’t help but sigh. "The first time you contacted a documentary film, you can make it like this. Hey, with Xiao Zhang’s ability to direct it, it’s a pity that we came here, CCTV Helping silly-forced, it’s really no one!"


CCTV set.

Because of the release of "The Dance", many people are late for work.

In a conference room, after some people discussed the things related to "The Dance", the promo of "The Tip of the Tong" also appeared on the Internet.


"They have a promotional film?"

"Let it out, take a look."

"Let's put it, I am also interested in what they took in the two months of tossing."

The film was opened by them and played on the big screen of the conference room.

Someone frowned. "Hey, this doesn't seem like a traditional documentary?"

Some people are different: "This editing effect, the control of this picture, when did Zhang Wei have such skills? He knows the documentary in addition to the variety show? Look at this posture, where is this person like a broadcast master graduated? Ah, it’s no exaggeration to say that he is a director. He...he was the first time he made a documentary?”


Is this the first time?

Everyone has this question in their hearts.

The presence is a professional, the eyesight is naturally different from others. In just a few pictures, the director’s skill can be seen. Some people even think in their hearts that if they first handed over the dance to Zhang Wei, they might It is more suitable than Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye. Even though they all know that Xu Yipeng has the ability, even if Xu Yipeng tried to prove this at the recent press conference, he could not change the judgment of some people on the ability of Xu Yipeng and Zhang Wei. Xu Yipeng's ability to guide on variety shows is unknown and unstable, but Zhang Wei has not needed to prove it, because everyone knows that the current director of the first-ever program in the domestic variety industry is Zhang Wei!

Jiang Yuan shook his head slightly. "There is nothing more than a high-definition device. It is nothing more than a high-definition device. Pull a zoom lens and make a few long shots."

"Well, what Jiang always said is true."

"The picture is beautiful, it is just a documentary."

"He just took the food out of the flowers and it didn't work."

They are also the first to spy on the true face of Zhang Wei's documentary. They have to admit that it is a little different from what they expected, but even if they are different, after Zhang Wei left CCTV to go to Channel 14, they are no one. Taking Zhang Wei as a competitor, Zhang Wei is now in the CCTV's worst-rated record channel. At that moment, in their view, Zhang Hao has lost the qualification to compete with them. Even if he is the industry's number one variety show director.


The "Dancing Dance" column group.

Everyone was curious to watch the promotional video of Channel 14.

Xu Yipeng smiled and said: "However."

Chen Ye looked after him: "I thought I could shoot something new, even if the lens technique is different, even if I use a high-definition camera, it is nothing more than a documentary."

Before, they still worried that Zhang Wei would spend a lot of money to invite a bunch of stars to help out. He played the effect of the variety show on the side-ball-shooting. Now it seems that they think more, Zhang Wei is indeed a real shot. The documentary, no matter how different the film looks, but the documentary is a documentary, they have nothing to pay attention to.


at the same time.

On the Internet, many people have also seen the promotion of "The Tip of the Tongue".

"Wow, Zhang Wei’s documentary is coming!"

"Mr. Zhang has disappeared for two months! I have forgotten his old man!"

"Zhang Hao is back?"

"I rely on, he really did a documentary? I thought it was a rumor!"

"Isn't it really done? This is not, the new program is coming out soon, "China on the tip of the tongue"? The name is very strange, it seems not very attractive."

"I feel very good, the lens is also beautiful!"

"It's quite clear, is this a high-definition camera?"

“Is anyone really taking a documentary with a high-definition device? This is a violent thing!”

"Generally, I don't have any idea about the documentary. I can't tell what is good or not. Because who is idle, I usually go to the documentary. This is Zhang Wei's work. Even if I am bored, I definitely have to take a look. If I take it by others, I won't see it!"

"Yeah, Zhang Wei’s new work must be seen, but I don’t expect anything."

"I won't watch it. I still like variety shows. I recently looked forward to "Let's Dance". It is hard for Huo to find a mirror as a guest tutor."

As it turns out, Zhang Wei’s fan base is quite large. Even if he disappeared for two months, even if few people usually pay attention to the first block of documentary, but the propaganda of “Tip Tip” comes out, everyone is still hot for the first time. Up, this is the influence of a second-line star, not to mention that Zhang Wei is not an ordinary second-line star. The legendary color of his body, now the second-ranked artist in the second line is far less than him!

Yao Jiancai helped forward it.

Dong Shanshan meagerly praised it.

Some of the star-students of the "Good Voices" that are now being swayed by Zhang Wei are also reprinted. If Zhang Wei and CCTV are not in a hurry, and many public figures have concerns, the number of people who will like to be praised will definitely be more.

Of course, Fan Wenli is not included. She does not seem to be conscious of the cooperation with CCTV. She also commented on the blessing, "I wish to continue the glory."

Netizens have left a message.

"Hey, continue to be brilliant? Teacher Fan is really humorous."

"Yeah, this time it really can't be continued!"

"Mr. Zhang's brilliance, that is 2% of the national ratings. Now, Teacher Zhang is a documentary card, how brilliant?"

"But still Fan is very interesting. I am working with CCTV. I still don't forget to give Zhang a blessing, like it!"

"Mr. Fan's loyalty! Unlike some of the "Good Voices" students, they are clearly the ones who are holding the red. As a result, Zhang Shi and the CCTV are in a mess, and immediately pretend they don't know, what!"

"Do not blame them, who makes CCTV a big move."

"Zhang Dao is now being forced enough!"

Just then, the first poster of "Tip Tip" was released!

When netizens saw the posters, they all praised them and felt that they had artistic feelings. When they noticed the words on the posters, they all stayed!

what is this?

is this real? ?

In addition to the slogan on the poster, it is a line of black characters - 8:00 pm on December 10, to meet you.

"10? Eight?"

"I am dizzy, how come a bit familiar?"

"Is this **** time not the broadcast time of "Let's Dance"?"

"I have a good one! "The tip of the tongue" is going to fight with "Dancing"! Zhang Wei has to work with CCTV. Who can tell me this is not true!"

"Halo, Zhang is crazy!"

"Wang Hao just returned to the capital city? Just coming back will make trouble?"

楸 "It really is Zhang Wei's style! This is the same as before, to face? The face is not white!"

"Khan, a fart face, a time premiere? This is not sent to the door to let others hit his face? Hey!"

"Alright, what is Zhang Dao thinking about?"

"How can a documentary show a variety show?"

"Is it what we want? Actually, it doesn't mean this? Is it happening?"

"Where is it so smart!"

Zhang Wei’s fans are stunned!

Watching the lively netizens are also awkward!

When the news came out, the topic was copied at once!


Zhang Wei’s phone soon rang.

On the other side of the phone is Hu Fei’s voice, "Xiao Zhang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I have nothing to do."

Hu Feidao: "Why don't you have a broadcast time with "The Dance"?"

Zhang Yule said: "What do you think I am doing?"

Hu Feidao: "How do I know what your kid is doing!"

Not long after, Dong Shanshan’s phone call was also called.

Dong Shanshan came up and asked, "Old classmates, what do you mean?"

"There are few meanings." Zhang Yi replied with a smile.

Silence for a moment, it seems to have been considered for a long time, only to listen to Dong Shanshan said: "Don't tell me, you want to fight with "Pull Dance" ratings?"

Zhang Wei did not answer positively. "What do you think?"

Dong Shanshan said: "Where do I know what you think, don't tell me that it is a coincidence?"

Zhang Hao beat haha: "It is a coincidence."

Dong Shanshan said: "The date of the first broadcast, the first broadcast time, all happened to be touched together? Who believes!"

Anyway, anyway, the date is fixed, this is something that no one can change!

The internet is noisy.

The industry is also talking about the sound!

There is a sneer, Zhang Wei is not self-sufficient, and I am fortunate to be tempted to watch the fun. It seems that this day, the whole world is waiting to see the jokes of Zhang Wei and CCTV Record Channel! </?>

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