I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 806: [Who can stop me! 】

the next day.

The list of "China on the tip" has also been released.

Director system: Zhang Wei.

Director: Zhang Wei.

General planning: Zhang Wei.

Dubbing: Zhang Wei.

Deputy Director: Haqi Qi, Zhang Zuo.

Camera: Zhang Wei, Xu Han, Li Guotao, Zheng Xia, Huang Dandan.

Clip: Zhang Wei.

and many more.

In the past, many netizens have already been numb since they saw it. Every time Zhang Wei’s program, from director to director to planning to editing, he is alone. This is nothing new in the industry. Zhang Wei It’s always been the case, but this time even more, even the work of the camera, Zhang Wei, has served concurrently? Also, the core work of a documentary is to take pictures. Such an important position, Zhang Wei will certainly not be sloppy!

What is this called?

Some people say that he is a good man, but more people say that he is a cow - forced!

This is the place where your mom can come to all the posts of a show! He has been rounded up in all his posts! Who changed someone else? Even with this technology, there is no such energy!


Weibo is still arguing, and it is difficult for everyone to digest the heavy news of yesterday. The main reason is that no one understands what Zhang Wei is based on. What Zhang Wei is doing now, let the people and the whole industry They are all confused, and no one can understand.


"I really want to take a documentary and variety show PK?"

"To say the whole entertainment circle, there is nothing bigger than Zhang Wei's courage!"

"It doesn't make sense now, let's see the results!"

"But, is the result still to be used?"

"Yeah, it won't win!"

"The dance is so hot, others are too late to hide it. I haven’t seen a few satellite TV channels. The new key columns will be changed. Some have changed from Friday to Saturday, and some have been from Friday night. Eight-point airing was changed to 9:30, but Zhang Wei? Not only did he not hide, but he also hit the gun?"

"So he called Zhang Hao!"

"The wonderfulness of the entertainment circle, really worthy of the name!"

There is also news in the media.

"Zhang Yu once again declared war on CCTV! 》

Is it deliberate or coincidental? 》

"The tip of the tongue and the dancing dance broadcast time to crash! 》

"The first documentary filmed in HD equipment is about to come out!" 》

"Pull Dance Conference: Didn't put Zhang Wei and his documentary on the opponent's position! 》

"The broadcast time may be just a coincidence that makes people laugh and laugh."

"The quality of the documentary is not measured by the ratings. Compared with the previous documentary, there is no need to compare with a variety show, and it is no match!" 》

"The broadcast time may be just a promotional strategy of Zhang Wei! 》

"10 million high-priced documentary, is this the price?" 》

Some days ago, aside from other propaganda activities related to music, concerts, movies, etc., the most news and discussion on the TV program on the news page was "The Dance", which was almost overwhelming. It’s a rare variety show that hasn’t been aired yet. It’s more interesting than “Good Voice” before it’s broadcast, and there’s very little negative news. Any new program or old show in the country’s TV channel. Can't compare with it, but now, under the popularity of Zhang Huan and the mass propaganda of "The Tip of the tongue", the news page finally has a place of "Tip Tip". Although the exposure is far less than "The Dance", it can be compared. Other documentaries of the same type that do not hurt or love, the "tip of the tongue" has been very good.


CCTV Channel 14.

In a certain workplace, Zhang Wei is recording.

"China, the diverse changes in natural geography, allowing people living in different regions to enjoy a very different and rich staple food, from south to north, changing thousands of refined staple foods, not only provides a lot of calories needed by people, but also affects The Chinese people's feelings about the four seasons cycle bring people a rich, healthy and full of fun life."

“Chencun, an ancient village in Shanxi...”

“Housewives are best at making pasta, they call the grain made of powder, all...” </p

In the soundproof room, facing the film that has already been cut, Zhang Wei’s feelings are matched with words, and the eyes are meticulous. The tone is also calm and mature. When I hear it, I know that it is deliberately depressing the voice and lowering the tone. The thickest sound line matches the image.

Anyone who knows Zhang Wei knows that his previous style of hosting is not like this. In contrast, the language and voice style that Zhang Wei displays is more brisk, humorous, and that language-like speed, even in When recording the academic program of "Hundreds of Lectures", he did not show such a steady way of broadcasting. The reason is very simple. What kind of broadcasting style is used in the program? This is when Zhang Wei was studying at the Communication University. The most basic courses and techniques.

variety show? Be humorous!

Talent shows? Be bright!

talk show? I have to see the nail!

Naturally, the documentary also has a documentary style. The styles required by different documentaries are also different. Therefore, Zhang Wei used the sound and tone recordings of today, and kept the original narration of his world's original tongue. As a professional broadcast host, Zhang Wei also thinks that this style is the most suitable for the overall performance of the program. If you continue his humorous style, it is not impossible to record, but it is too popular. The focus of the film is not these!

Three episodes were recorded at one breath.

At the end, after the revision and revision, the three issues were almost fixed. After a glance at the time, I should have eaten. Zhang Wei went out of the soundproof room and returned to his office area.

Everyone was busy, no one went to the cafeteria in advance.

Haqi Qi immediately reported, "Zhang Dao, the propaganda work has been carried out according to plan, and the advertisement has also gone down."

"How is the effect?" Zhang Wei asked.

Haqiqi nodded. "Alright, our publicity on Weibo has already exceeded 10,000, and there are more than 2,000 forwards. It is still increasing."

Zhang Weidao: "What about video sites?"

Haqiqi said: "Advertising has been put down."

“Very good.” Zhang Wei said: “According to this propaganda intensity.”

"Understand, that is, our production expenses are not enough, there may be a gap in the advertising side." Haqiqi hesitated.

Director Yan gave them 10 million. When they came back, there was almost no more. The first day of propaganda was thrown out, and it was even more than the bottom. This kind of propaganda is not enough.

Zhang Yan said, "I have already said to Director Yan. The fees on the publicity channel will be allocated to us. It is enough to publicize until December. We are documentaries, and we don’t have to vote like a variety show. Advertising, if not necessary, can be based on the intensity of the advertising I set."

At this time, Yan Tianfei’s secretary suddenly walked into their office area with a ugly face.

"Zhang Dao!" Secretary said.

Zhang Yiyi, I feel something, "What happened?"

The secretary said with a black face: "Director Yan told me to tell you, advertising costs, soaked!"

"Soaked up?" Zhang Wei did not understand.

Other people in the "Tip Tips" column group also looked over.

"What happened?"


"Director Yan did not let us spend tens of millions to come back? So we have nothing left, if the propaganda is a bubble, then how can we publicize it? How to broadcast it?"

How important is publicity, who doesn't know?

So as soon as I heard this, everyone was in a hurry!

The secretary said: "Not the director of Yan does not give it. It is that our channel now has almost no money except for the basic funds for normal operation! Just now, Director Yan was called by the leader of Taiwan, and later did not pass the director of Yan. Agree, we took the money directly from our channel and went to the CCTV set. The name is that we first lend the money to CCTV, because the promotion cost of "The Dance" is not enough!"

Zhang Zuo took the table and stood up. "They are not enough to manage what we want?"

Xiao Wang called: "I am grass!"

Tong Fu is also very angry. "Is this not a bully?"

The secretary sullenly inhales his breath and said: "Two months ago, Taili and Mr. Yan said this matter. As a result, Director Yan did not agree to directly give you 85 percent of the funds on our channel. That's it? That 10 million, Director Yan didn't want to lend it to CCTV, but he thought that 10 million would be clean, and the Taiwanese wouldn't remember it. Who thought it was just being taken away, we can move now. It’s just over a million, and it’s all gone. The Taiwanese leader said that CCTV has given us a set of days, but we can also know that it’s impossible! In the previous year, the Taiwanese guarantees the money borrowed from our channel, and CCTV did not have a set. Still!"

Huang Dandan bluntly said, "The leaders of Taiwan are too... too embarrassing!"

Wu Yi is unstoppable: "This is not an eccentric eye!"

Everyone is cold!



Still the office.

Still the deputy director.

"Old Yan, what is your attitude?"

"Is it good to bully us in Taichung!?"

"It’s all brother channel. What happened to borrow money? It’s not that you are not paying back. I have a guarantee for you. What are you afraid of? Some of the copyrights of "The Dance" are sold out, and the follow-up funds are recovered. The CCTV set borrowed your money the year before, and I also want to come back to you, only over a million, you have to be a little big!"

"Their programs are going to be advertised, but we don't want it? "Tip Tips" has come out, and now we need money to publicize! Now, even 100,000 yuan is not for us?"

"Don't tell me this old yan, you gave 10 million to Zhang Wei's column group, don't think I don't know what you want, 10 million a documentary, are you crazy? You are crazy, are you crazy? Are you propaganda? Can you tell me about advertising on your own channel? As for advertising? Is there a need for a documentary? Ten million, dozens of documentaries are also doing Come out! Let all you waste here? What do you take to recover the cost? What do you need to make up for this tens of millions?"

"The money is on our channel, I have not had the right to dispose of it?"

"There is no such waste of you! What kind of money can the documentary make? You spend 10 million, even 100,000 can't get it back! The lost money is not in the Taiwanese? You are also an old comrade, how old Making this kind of mistake! "The Dance" is the key program of our Taiwanese key this year. It is related to the strategic intentions of Taiwan. It is not to be lost. They are not enough funds for propaganda. You will support it. You waste one. If you lose to the documentary, the Taiwanese will not be pursued for the time being!"

"Who is this mean?"

"It's what I mean, it's the meaning of Taichung!"

Yan Tianfei angered the crown!


CCTV set.

The "Dancing Dance" column group.

Jiang Yuan came and found Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye. "The money has been borrowed from you, but not much, there are more than one million. You can make do with it first."

Xu Yipeng said: "Enough, thank you Jiang."

Chen Ye sighed. "If it wasn't for the stage that was destroyed, it wouldn't be so much money."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "Nothing, accidents are always inevitable. The final result is good. We only look at the results. Taiwan only sees the results. This one million is borrowed from the 14th channel. I heard that the money that left their channel to the "Tip Tip" propaganda has been hollowed out. We and the support from you in Taili should see it. It is no effort, and you should not let the Taiwanese disappoint."

Xu Yipeng smiled and said: "You can rest assured, nothing!"

Chen Ye is also confident: "Our ratings are going beyond the "good voice."

"That's good!" Jiang Yuan listened and was very satisfied, looking forward to it.


For a time, the station was full of enthusiasm!

Everyone knows that CCTV has long had no money. They have never had any good programs. Even if there are a few programs that are still okay, they don’t make much money. They are all eating old, only this year. The exception is "Good Voice", but don't look at the "Good Voice". The original scenery is so infinite, the money that can be earned is really not too much, a billion-dollar title fee? All of them were taken to the show by Zhang Wei. The remaining second-level advertisements and video broadcast rights, etc., are their net income. As for overseas copyright? Other copyrights? That was all in the hands of Zhang Wei. The last time I went to court, the cause was copyright disputes. So CCTV really has no money. This is why they have to grab the "good voice" even if they want to turn their faces with Zhang Wei. s reason!

Now, the investment in "The Dance" is even bigger than the original "Good Voice", and the gap is even bigger when the stage accident is destroyed!

However, no one expected that at this time, Taili would actually help CCTV to reach out to CCTV Channel 14 to ask for money. It is true that the rating channel’s ratings are very poor, and it is the worst one in Taiwan. Channels, can be the same, the funds allocated to them by the Taiwanese are also the least, not to mention the fact that the "Tip Tip" has just been recorded and it is time to publicize the money. The result is so forcibly taken away by the Taiwanese. Was it given to CCTV?

People in Taichung have a bit of cold.

"Taiwan has become more and more strange in recent years!"

"Yeah, what is this called?"

"I don't like Zhang's temper, but is this too bully?"

"Yeah, Zhang Wei is a little mixed-egg, but what to say is to give CCTV a set of heroes. The contract has long been negotiated. As a result, CCTV has a set of remorse to grab Zhang Wei’s copyright, but now Give him a seal - kill, they are not very reasonable, can be sealed - killing is not enough, people have made a documentary, but also to the end of the people's propaganda funds to give away? This is really not given Let's stay alive? And also bring the CCTV Channel 14 a little bit? The 14th channel of the people who recruited someone, this thing is really not beautiful, but also done too! It makes people feel uncomfortable!"

"It must be CCTV's set of leaders over there!"

"Hey, whoever makes "The Dance" is not on fire!"

"Yeah, compared with an entertainment program that is obviously going to be a big fire, what is a documentary on Channel 14? You must rely on the side station, and everything has to give a green light to "The Dance"!"

"I heard that Director Yan and the deputy director took the table!"

"Director Yan is on that temper. Everyone knows that he is an old qualification. Even if he is not in Taiwan, he will not be able to see him. Now, let’s see what another person has done. There is still a temper than Yan in the 14th channel. The director is also a big master, can Zhang Yan swallow this breath? This program is about to start broadcasting. It hasn't been two weeks. Where did they get the money? How can I promote it without money?"

"Who knows."

"In fact, it is useless to promote it. Is it really hope that he can get a documentary to call for the rain? Even if he is a legend in the entertainment industry, he can't do it!"


Fourteen channels.

The people in the "Tip Tips" column group are all screaming!

The other people in the first and second office areas came after knowing the news. They followed them together and smashed the CCTV set and the 18th generation of the ancestors. Some courageous people even whispered. I gave you the leadership of the Taiwanese, and all of them were so angry!

This is not to give Yan Tianfei and Zhang Wei a knife!

This is already showing everyone's face on Channel 14!

Moreover, this is not the first time CCTV has done this kind of thing. They used to do it before, but there is no such thing as this one!

"Insane me!"

"How can this be!"

"The CCTV set is a person, we are not people?"

"Zhang Dao, what should I do?"

"Yes, just wait for you!"

"Zhang Dao, what do you say, let me do it! I am fed up!"

The crowd is excited!

Zhang Wei looked quite calm. He said nothing, but his face also brought a little smile, and I don’t know if everyone is wrong.

Everyone has a look.

its not right!

What happened to Zhang Dao?

If you follow Zhang’s previous temper, you must have a sleeve and CCTV fight! Why did you still laugh at this moment? Still so calm?

Haqi Qi said: "Zhang Gui?"

Zhang Zuo also said: "You, are you not angry?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said to everyone: "When I first entered the business, everyone did not think that I could be an announcer. The unit did not look at me. The leader suppressed me. In the end, I still took the silver microphone award of the year. Later, I entered the TV station. It is still the same. No one thinks that I am doing it. I am in trouble everywhere. I will give me a scorpion. But in the end, my program is still in the north and south of the river. Then I was sealed and killed. CCTV's set of seals - kill, that is the wide-electric seal - kill, I ranked first in the wide-electric blacklist, many people have come to the bottom of the stone, everyone is giving me resistance, they are I thought I was finished, but you saw it, I still mix well and mix better than them."

When everyone heard it, they all calmed down.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I have experienced things, I can't finish writing ten books. I have encountered difficulties and desperation. It is estimated that the dozens of people we are on are not even more. I have entered the game more than once. Son, was over-suppressed, killed, hijacked a plane, and even drove a passenger plane..."

Listening to Zhang Wei’s story that he has experienced, everyone has admired it. Zhang’s deeds can really be said to be legendary. No one can match him!

Yan Tianfei’s secretary also listened carefully.

After saying this, Zhang Haohe smiled. "I found out later that in fact, there is no hurry to go through, no matter what happens, as long as you dare to pass, now is the same!" He paused, he looked at everyone, " If you don’t have money, you won’t have any money. If you have enough money, let’s invest in it. If you don’t have money, you won’t vote.”

Xiao Wang hurriedly said: "But..."

"Nothing." Zhang Xiao smiled. "What if you don't promote it?"

Huang Dandan wiped the sweat: "There is no exposure without publicity. There is no audience without exposure!"

Zhang Hao shook his head. "I really don't believe it. We won't publicize it this time. Let's take a look at it this time. If you don't do propaganda, who can stop me??"

Haqi Qi is amazed, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Zuo also changed his face on the face: "Zhang Dao, are you?"

Yan Tianfei’s secretary was also very shocked!

I heard the meaning of Zhang Yu’s tone, and everyone’s heart was full of hops!

They really want to fight with CCTV! Moreover, it is in the absence of publicity! ?

This, how is this possible?

Under the mass promotion, it is hard to match the "sports dance", let alone no publicity? What do they do with each other? ?


ten minutes later.

Yan Tianfei returned to Channel 14 and returned to his own office. He immediately called the secretary in. "Tell them with Xiao Zhang, the money is gone!"

The secretary said: "I just said it to Zhang."

Yan Tianfei took the cup and sipped his mouth, and the breath was very unstable. It was obviously still in anger. "You tell Xiao Zhang, I will pay for it myself, and I will fill in their publicity fees!"

The secretary was busy: "Zhang Dao said... no need!"

Yan Tianfei stunned, "No need?"

"He is not ready to publicize!" The secretary repeated the words that Zhang Hao said in the office area. It was almost a word.

Yan Tianfei listened to it again. "Do Xiao Zhang really say that?"

The secretary smiled and didn't fall. "Yes, it's all Zhang's original words, but I can see that Zhang Dao is also worried!"

Yan Tianfei breathed a sigh of relief. He was still in the anger and suddenly smiled. He smiled without warning. He said, "Okay, I know!"

Did you know?

Hey, what do you know?

The secretary was confused, but he didn't bother to ask.

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