I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 807: [A rotten fruit! 】

The next day.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Hao came to the unit, carrying a bag of hot buns and two hamburgers and three bottles of mineral water, and then entered the editing room, and did not come out all day until the 14th channel everyone I have already got off work, and some people even took the initiative to stay overtime and work more busy for a while. When they arrived at 8 o'clock, they did not see Zhang Wei coming out of the editing room.

Everyone knows that Zhang is busy cutting the film and he is not bothered.

The next day, everyone went to work by little, and the result was still not seen by Zhang.

The next day, when everyone went to work, they listened to a 14-channel staff member who was working night shifts. Zhang said that Zhang was not in the editing room. He went to the studio at four in the morning.

Then, one day I didn't see the figure.

Xiao Wang panicked. "Can Zhang lead the body not work?"

"It’s been three days." Haqiqi is also worried. "Zhang Dao has not returned home?"

Wu Yi wiped the road: "I heard that I have been living here. Don't say that I have gone home. I have never seen Zhang Dao in the past few days. I also saw the night shift of Xiao Han twice. Guide, or go out and buy a nightingale for Zhang Dao, this is not a thing to do so, this work intensity, don't happen again?"

Tong Fu was scared enough. "Let's call Zhang Zhang!"

Zhang Zuo cried and laughed: "When the "Good Voice" was in the beginning, Zhang Dao was doing this. How many days have not returned home, and I live with my children in the column group every day!

Huang Dandan was shocked: "Ah? Really fake?"

Haqiqi smiled bitterly. "Nature is true. You and the child are not in the "Good Voices" column group. You don't know the situation. Let's take the lead. It is the kind of master who does not want to live, as long as it is in the column group. There are things, I don’t have to ask, Zhang every time is definitely the last one to go off work. The first one came to work. We also persuaded and said before, but who does not know Zhang’s temper? We are there? So I don’t have to call Zhang to go. It’s useless to say it, but it also disturbs his voice recording.”

The original 14th channel people are a bit scared!

It’s not surprising that people who have done a good voice with Zhang Wei, but they are not very practical.

Until the 30th of November, the studio door finally opened during the day, Zhang Yan hair came out in a mess, his face was full of exhaustion, but his eyes were bright.

Haqiqi stood up and said, "Zhang Dao!"

Xiao Wang called: "You can come out!"

Zhang Zuo said: "Go and call Director Yan!"

Director Yan said that Zhang Yi let them inform themselves when they came out, so Tong Fu was busy running to the director's office. After a whole week, they finally saw people!

Tong Fu has not yet ran to the door of the director's office. Yan Tianfei, who heard the shouting here, has already opened the door and strode to the office area of ​​the "Tip Tips" column.

"Yan Zong." Zhang Xiao smiled.

Yan Tianfei sighed with relief. "You, you, this is a life!"

Zhang Wei didn't take it very seriously. "Nothing to do with Yan. When I first recorded the talk show, when I was preparing for "Good Voice," it was almost like this. I didn't go home for a few days. It didn't matter, mainly because of the scheduled broadcast time. It didn't take long, I was too late to catch it, so I had to hurry up and make the film, and I had to report it back later. I had to schedule the film in advance, or it would be too late."

Yan Tianfei asked, "How is it?"

"The film is ready, sit on the background music, you can report it." Zhang Yidao.


We have already done?

How many times have you done it yourself in a week? ?

Everyone was stunned. The people on the previous Channel 14 also looked at Zhang Wei with a look of gods. They used to hear the rumors of Zhang Wei’s death, but they didn’t see it. Underneath, it really is a shock to heaven, this is too desperate, you are a leader, everything is personally for what we do? But when I think about them, they still don’t say anything. Everyone knows that if they can help them in editing and recording, Zhang will never be polite to them, but no one in the entire column can help him. This kind of place to show the artistic level can only guide yourself!

The leaders are so hard, can they still fight hard?

Everyone is also a bit? The chicken blood is generally, all busy, some to get background music, some to do post-synthesis, and some to contact the review side in advance.

Zhang Wei was also supervised at the side, and the rest of the matter could not be separated from him. However, it was almost easy to get things done. It was relatively easy, and he opened the phone.

One boot, voicemail reminder and SMS with no calls!

Hu Fei: Turn it back to me.

Mom: When are you going home?

Tian Bin: What is the situation? Still shutting down?

Dong Shanshan: Old classmate, missing?

Zhang Wei also called the mother back.

"Mom, I will go home at night."

"Busy working?"

"Yes, I can finish it today."

"That's it, you have to call home again, and my dad and I have forgotten that there is still a son."

"Khan, don't you!"

Then I suddenly heard the chat software of the mobile phone ringing. It was an invitation to enter the group. I don’t know how many days ago the news was. Seeing that the inviter is Hu Fei, he agreed, and when he entered the chat group, he saw the original. They are all old faces, all of whom were former colleagues in the "Hundreds of Lectures" at the Beijing Cultural and Art Museum, and those who are now in the "I Love the Lyrics" column.

Xiao Lu: Ah, Teacher Zhang?

Dafei: Teacher Zhang is in the group?

Dong Shanshan: What are you doing this week? disappeared?

Hu Fei also came out and sent a bunch of greetings.

Zhang Xinxin said that he had to make a phone call, and he replied together: I was busy cutting the film in the past few days, didn't go home, didn't turn it on, and now I'm done, let's say it to everyone, haha, next week, five o'clock, eight o'clock, Remember to watch CCTV Channel 14, and also give a few ratings! "

Hou Ge screams: Must! ! !

Dong Shanshan: Oh, look back and let a few TVs in Taiwan open your channel.

Hu Fei asked: Xiao Zhang, I am asking you something, how can your documentary not be publicized? Was it not good to promote before? Co-authored for a day? What can I do with this? How important is the promotion, I don’t need to tell you about it? You must understand that the two-week propaganda, especially when it is nearing the air, is a top priority. It is also the best prime time. Even if you know that the documentary will not have any ratings, I don’t expect any results from the documentary. However, it can't be just like this. It took two or three months.

Zhang Wei did not elaborate: Hey, don't mention it.

Hu Fei sends a message: Is there something inside?

Soon, they were shocked to know the reason from the Internet!


On Weibo.

These days, people have been wondering, the media is also, the industry is also, all do not know what happened to Zhang Wei and his new documentary.

"Isn't you advertised?"

"The advertisement of the video website can't be seen? Now it seems that I can see a few public advertisements on the 14th channel TV. This is too cheap. The 14 channels are basically no one to watch, every time overall According to the ratings statistics, the CCTV record channel is still lower than the CCTV agricultural and military channel ratings. What kind of publicity effect can this have?"

"I don't know what the 14th channel thinks!"

"Is this too much to support Teacher Zhang?"

"Even if you know that there are not a few people watching the documentary, you can't help but publicize it!"

“I started to publicize it for a day, then I’m gone? I am sweating!”

“Is it that the high school people are daring? Does Teacher Zhang have no plans for publicity?”

"I don't know what this is!"

"There is still more than a week to start broadcasting. Is this really true? It is broadcast with the documentary of Zhang Wei, but now it is promoted to the "Dancing Dance" in the sky! If even the propaganda is gone, then it is " The dance ratings of the past are definitely more. In the end, when Mr. Zhang only took the rating of 0.02? It would be too ugly! It must be a bunch of people!"

There are also a few news.

"Does the tip of the tongue stop propaganda? 》

"What time does Zhang’s new documentary have changed? 》

Countless people are guessing!

Then, suddenly, an insider broke out a fierce material. The original 14th channel did not want to publicize. It turned out that their propaganda plan was already done well. As a result, because "у翩舞舞" lacked propaganda funds, CCTV actually went through CCTV. The leader overtook the CCTV Channel 14 to the "prominent tip" of the propaganda fund to "borrow" away, said to borrow, this is actually grabbing, and eating is extremely ugly!

Zhang Wei’s fans are angry!


"This grandson! Wang-eight-egg!"

"Smelly - silly - forced! I grass him - hey!"

"It is unbearable! CCTV is a deceitful person!"

"What happened to Teacher Zhang? You have three times behind the knife?"

"I said how the 14th channel did not publicize it! It turned out to be the case! It turned out that there was no penny! They were all robbed by "The Dance"!"

"Too sinister!"

"Today, start turning black to Chen Ye!"

"The general director Xu Yipeng is probably not a good thing!"

"CCTV is too eccentric?"

"Grass, what's this! What do you call this?"

"This is a little bit of ratings and I don't want to give Mr. Zhang and his documentary! This is to kill them! Everyone knows that Teacher Zhang can't compare with a large-scale variety show that you have a big card with a documentary. Even if you do, you have to lick the knife?"

"There is no promotion at all, what is still broadcast!"

"Mr. Zhang, don't broadcast, this group of people is too **** - egg!"

"Yes, don't do it! Don't wait for them!"

Several media workers have even stopped looking at it and have issued articles.

"The tip of the tongue has not yet been broadcast, it is the end of the road!" 》

"It's hard to be a woman without a meter. If the rating of the tongue is extremely poor, don't be embarrassed or disappointed. Everyone knows that Zhang Wei has actually tried his best!" 》

Does the TV station need a fair presence? 》

Of course, there are also some people who are black and sturdy or who have always supported "The Dance" and are schadenfreaked.

The sunspots smiled.

"Live it!"

"The myth of Zhang Huan should have been extinguished!"

"You just took his myth too. In fact, what is Zhang Wei? It is just an ordinary person. At most, it is better than others!"

"Ha ha ha, no publicity funds, in fact, it is still a good thing for Zhang Wei and the 14th channel. With reason, there is an excuse, even if the final ratings are lower, creating a low historical record, they also have reasons. Looking for it, this is to give them some face!"

"Zhang Wei's viewing legend, let's end it!"

"In the future, it is the stage of Teacher Chen Ye! Come on, "Let's Dance"! Beyond "Good Voice" is like playing!"

At five o'clock in the afternoon, because of too many doubts, CCTV's official Weibo also clarified a letter, the tone has been playing in the official, saying that there is no target for some channels or individuals, they have no reason to do these things. Finally, the word "big family" was used to describe their internal unity and friendship.

Who can be a netizen?

Friendship? Unity? Pull you 姥-姥- the light!

The fact that you speak these words makes you chilling and angry!

A group of fans of Zhang Wei were arguing for Zhang Wei, and they were screaming at them. Later, even a few insiders stood up and helped Zhang Hao say a few words.

Hu Fei of Beijing Satellite TV: "CCTV is now, perhaps not the CCTV of the year."

Associate Editor of an entertainment media: "Some people, the older you eat, the more ugly you are!"

Deputy Director of Hunan TV Station: "Hey, is the disillusionment of a myth of ratings, really worthy of happiness and pride? How do I feel so ugly?"

There are too many sounds in this incident. On the Internet, countless people are arguing endlessly!

There are a large number of people!

The opposite party is not to be outdone!

If it is not on the forum and Weibo, the two people are expected to fight early!

The result was at this moment. Zhang Huan, who had disappeared for a week, appeared. He used his long-lost meager poem to send a poem, which is the world’s famous poetry. Compared with The Dead Water, this one Poetry is basically not famous, and there are not many people who have heard it. However, Zhang Wei has quite favored this poem on the original earth. Even without searching for capsules, he can recite it backwards!

Netizens are coming!

"Zhang Yu is out!"

"Come onlookers!"

"It is another poem!"

"Zhang Wei wrote poetry, wait for me to see what I wrote!"

There is no need to say anything at all. One sentence, "Zhang Yu wrote poetry again", is enough to pull the eyes of countless people, because Zhang Yi's poems are too famous for each capital!

Hu Fei quickly opened Weibo!

Dong Shanshan immediately came on the scene!

Fang Weihong, the agent of Zhang Yuanqi, appeared!

Haqiqi Zhang Zuofufu and other people in the "Tip Tips" column group also surprised this point, rushed to open the microblogging in a hurry!

This is a modern poem, very short, but it makes people look chilly! !

Rotten Fruit

My meat was bitten by black bugs.

I slept on the cold moss

Simply let the rotten get worse

Just waiting to wear my nuclear armor

Broken my prison

My claustrophobic soul

Wearing a bean green vest

Laughing and fascinated to jump out!

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