I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 809: [Start broadcasting (on)! 】

Add soundtrack.



For examination.

examination passed.

Row of films.


Ten days later.

Friday, December 10th.

CCTV Channel 14 in the morning was very lively. The staff of the "Tongue Tips" column came to the unit ahead of schedule almost at 7 o’clock. Yan Tianfei became angry, and Zhang became angry. The leadership's bias, their employees are also angry, no money, no large-scale publicity? Then they acted as the navy and used their meager power to propagate "Tip of the Tongue". Although the effect was not great, although the effect was very low, everyone still couldn't give up because it was the last day, and only the documentary was officially launched. Twelve hours!

"Small another wave!"

"I'm coming!"

"Director Zhang's fans are really awesome, he reposted a lot!"

"The documentary on Channel Fourteen has the highest ratings? Ask Mr. Yan to help add a few more commercials. There is not much time!"

"That movie has bad ratings!"

"The documentaries that are still on the air now have the highest ratings of 0.062%. We have already brushed more than a dozen waves of advertisements for "Tongue Tips" these days, and they have been seriously overdrawn, and it doesn’t make sense to do it again, because of the documentary. There are not many viewers, and it is saturated."

"Where is the newspaper?"

"A classmate of mine was in a newspaper. Yesterday she asked her to help us add one. Other newspapers and media during this period were mostly talking about "Dancing Lightly". We don’t pay for it, and it’s a documentary. People don’t want to do it for us. What news? The few newly released press releases are all aimed at the face of our director Zhang and the poem "Rotten Fruit" that day."

"I did everything I could!"

"Oh, let it be your fate!"

Haqiqi, Zhang Zuo and others have tried their best. This fundamental disadvantage cannot be reversed by these people alone. They have no money, no topic, no selling point, how to promote it?

"Where is Director Zhang?" Xiao Wang said suddenly.

Wu Yi looked back, "I don't know?"

Ha Qiqi was also surprised, "Yes, why didn't you see Director Zhang today?"

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the morning, which is the normal working hours of CCTV, that Zhang Ye came to the unit with a little bit of warmth. As soon as he entered the office area, he saw the busy column team staff. Zhang Ye was also taken aback. He stretched out his hand to say hello to everyone, "Hey, are you here? Why are you here so early?"

Tong Fu fainted, "Today is the day when "Tongue" starts!"

Huang Dandan was also speechless: "This is the last day!"

"I know." Zhang Ye said, "Didn't all the recordings have been finished? The film source was checked again yesterday, and it was sent up without any problems. Can it be done after the broadcast?"

Zhang Zuo was stunned, "Are you in a hurry?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "What's the use of being anxious? I've done everything I can, and wait for it to be broadcast."

Everyone could not laugh or cry and thought of an old saying-the emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is in hurry!

In fact, they don’t understand that when Zhang Ye is needed, Zhang Ye never loses his chain. He always rushes to the work position as soon as possible, so he won’t blink his eyes if he spins for a day and night. After doing things, Zhang Ye will not spend things in useless places. For example, now, they have no money to be on major video websites and CCTV's TV station with such high ratings as "Dancing Lightly". Advertise, then posting on Weibo and building momentum on the forum is of little significance to them, almost negligible. At this time, the best choice is to rest, work and rest. .

Moreover, Zhang Ye has confidence in "Tip of the Tongue". Compared with the initial publicity of the first season of "Tongue" on the earth, the only topic and promotion they have now is actually better than the original version of "Tongue." "Many times higher!

Has the original "Tongue" been promoted?

In fact, it was also promoted, but few people paid attention at that time!

Zhang Ye still vaguely remembered that the first time he watched "The Tip of the Tongue", it was after the end of the first season. He really knew the name, only heard it from his classmates, and then searched the Internet. Later, I was shocked to watch the whole day, and naturally did not contribute much to the ratings, because before that he did not know that there was such a documentary, and many other audiences should be similar. They only learned about this documentary later. It is also the reason that the national ratings of the first season and the second season of "Tongue" in his world are very different.

So he shouldn’t be insatiable in the current situation. In the current world, regardless of whether the people will watch it, at least many people know that there is a program called “Tongue Tips”, and they know that “Tongue Tips” will be the same as CCTV. The large-scale talent show "Dancing Flirting", which is destined to be popular all over the country, is premiered on a date and a time. Isn't that enough? Actually it is already possible!

"Everyone has worked hard these days." Zhang Ye looked at everyone gratefully, "I know everyone's hard work, and thank you everyone for trusting me so much. Let's get off work early today. You can go back later if you want. If you want to go back at noon, you can ask Xiao Wang to make a note. I will give you a leave, not a miner, ha ha."

Zhang Zuo wiped his sweat, "Director Zhang, what are we going back for!"

Wu Yi said: "Yes, it will be broadcast today! Many people are waiting to see our jokes!"

"Who is resting at this time?" Ha Qiqi smiled bitterly, "You have big hearts, our hearts are not so big, have you not seen it? Fans of "Dancing Lightly" these days, fans of Chen Ye How many waves have we'bombed'? We didn't pay attention to us at all, even if our people on CCTV are talking about us now, Lao Wu and I went upstairs today, and people from several other channels in the elevator watched us. The eyes of both are strange!"

A well-informed veteran employee said: "I heard that there was a meeting in the station yesterday, and the deputy director in charge of the CCTV set also made fun of our "Tongue" column team!"

Tong Fuhan said: "I'd better stay and work overtime, and go back later today."

"Count me." His girlfriend Huang Dandan said: "I don't worry about watching our documentary broadcast safely. Anyway, it will be about nine o'clock after the broadcast. I'll be waiting!"

"You must work overtime!"

"This is the last bone!"

Seeing everyone expressing their opinions, Zhang Ye was helpless. Knowing the attitude of CCTV and certain station leaders? It really angered everyone, and he was very angry!


Then work overtime.

Ringing, the phone rang.

Seeing that Fan Wenli was calling, Zhang Ye went back to his office and then answered the phone, "Sister Fan?"

"I just saw you outside, just arrived at the unit?" Fan Wenli said with a smile.

Zhang Ye said: "Yeah, just a while, what about you and CCTV?"

Fan Wenli said: "There was something wrong here today, so I just came over. Only now, Director Xu and Chen Ye were by their side, so they didn't bother to say hello to you." After a pause, she said: ""Dancing Lightly" I have recorded four episodes. The content is quite rich. I think it’s not bad. Compared with "Good Voice", it may not be as intense. The dance is definitely not as mainstream as the music, so it can be well known by the public, so CCTV has a set of internal Some people in Japan keep clamoring to surpass "Good Voice", I have to draw a question mark, but it is undeniable that this is a very good talent show, and the publicity scene is so big, the ratings really catch up with "Good Voice". Not impossible."

Zhang Ye knew that Lao Fan was telling him the news, "That's it."

Fan Wenli asked: "Where are you? How is it?"

Zhang Ye smiled, "The recording is over early, so I'll wait for it to be broadcast. I can't talk about anything. Let's talk about it after the broadcast."

"Do you think you can win the prize?" Fan Wenli said.

"Why do so many friends call me these days, asking if I have the confidence to win the highest domestic award in a documentary program?" Zhang Ye asked back.

Fan Wenli said: "Because I have confidence in you, although you are directing a documentary for the first time, it should be possible to win an award for your ability."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Why no one asks my opinion on ratings?"

"Viewing rate?" Fan Wenli said, "Because in our opinion, documentary has reached the highest road, that is, to win a domestic documentary award. Does the viewership rate have anything to do with documentary?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said nothing.


A set of CCTV.

The whole team of "Dancing Lightly" is busy preparing for the final part!

Xu Yipeng said loudly: "The countdown is ten hours!"

Chen Ye said, "All work hard and do the final propaganda work well! Today is the most critical day. We all work overtime. Wait for the evening Xu and I to invite everyone to eat supper!"

Xu Yipeng added: "Choose any place!"

Everyone cheered!


"Thank you leader!"

"I will do it right away!"

"Can you eat Western food? Hehe!"

Although the atmosphere is busy, it is also very relaxed and happy. Everyone in the column group can see an unprecedented expectation on their faces, um, and at the same time, there is incredible confidence!

Simultaneous ratings champion?

National variety show ratings champion?

They never thought that "Dancing Dancing" would not be able to get these, because in their opinion, these are already in their pockets, such a large investment, such a heavenly naming fee, and so many big names. Mentors, such a popular platform, and such a huge publicity, there is no reason why they can't get the top ratings! What they think now is whether the ratings can surpass "Good Voice" and whether they can make history!

Only two people in the column group are not at ease!

Those two people were two newcomers dug from CCTV's Channel Fourteen, and they were also Zhang Ye's younger brothers at Communication University!

The person with a square face whispered: "Aren't you too optimistic?"

Another person smiled bitterly: "Yes, I don't think it is that simple either."

The person with Fang Lian asked, "Why do you feel that way?"

"No reason." The human said: "Because he is Zhang Ye!"

Yes, from the perspective of naming Zhang Ye, the two words are really too common. People in the whole country call the name "Zhang Ye" not one hundred thousand or eighty thousand, but in the entertainment industry, this name is Not ordinary at all, it can be said to represent a legend, a legend that no one dares to ignore!

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