I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 810: [Opening (middle)! 】

in the afternoon.

The final sprint propaganda of the "Dancing Dance" column also saw the effect. Huo Dongfang’s scandal, Fan Wenli’s marriage change, the fan program fainted at the scene, these hype or the gossip, appeared in various forms. In the major media newspapers and the Internet, there was a big wave of screens. It was a slam dunk, almost occupying 10% of the news circle of the day's entertainment circle, and even the limelight of a large film and television award ceremony on that day was covered. In the past, all the people will not do it even if they don’t want to pay attention to them. Their eyes are all on the dance!

On Weibo.

Netizens are also very excited.

" Ten thousand expectations!"

"Today I finally have to meet you!"

"Teach the dance" to force!"

"Don't advertise, hurry up! It's too appetizing!"

"Look and see! Fast!"

"Every night, I can't wait!"

"Haha, I like Huojia!"

"Great love Chen Ye teacher! I am his iron powder! Teacher Chen is handsome!"

Under such a wide range of developments, the topics of the people must be indispensable. Of course, not everyone has forgotten Zhang Wei, and a small number of people are paying attention to the broadcast of "The Tip of the Tongue"!

"That is also the day when Zhang Wei’s documentary is aired?"

"Tangle, which one to look at?"

"The tip of the tongue has not been publicized for a long time, I just forgot it."

"It's not that they don't advertise, it's CCTV's set of tricks!"

"The house leaks all night, and the "tip of the tongue" is even more unplaying. I still watch "The Dance"!"

"It's a pity that it's a documentary, hey, hey!"

"Yeah, it’s a pity for Teacher Zhang Wei. What is a documentary than the key program of "Lancing a Dance"? Didn’t you see that CCTV has given up the "Tip Tip"!"

"Grass, what is the comparison between "Dancing Dance" and the documentary? Is there any comparison? The cow - forced CCTV to have a variety show with Zhang Wei! See who his mother abused!"

"But there is no such thing!"

"Don't make a noise, everything will be seen tonight!"

The stage is set up.

The appetite is hanging.

The rest is going to be done, it seems that only the countdown is broadcast!


Five hours left before the broadcast.

Yan Tianfei called Zhang Hao to the office.

"Xiao Zhang, what else is it?" Yan Tianfei asked.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "It's not bad."

Yan Tianfei said: "Already ready?"

Zhang Yan said, "I just waited for the broadcast, there is nothing to prepare."

Yan Tianfei looked at his expression and smiled. "You are really relaxed."

"Yeah, I have done what I did, and the rest can only be handed over to the market to speak." Zhang Wei’s answer is exactly what he thinks now. He is really calm at this moment. After all, it is a big wind. The people who came over, as the experience increased, Zhang Wei was actually growing.


There are still three hours from the airing.

CCTV is a set of directors.

Xu Yipeng said: "General Jiang, let us add one more."

Jiang Naiqi smiled and said: "On the day of the day, CCTV has already given you three advertisements. Are you not enough? This is all about cost. We gave two on the day of "Good Voice"!"

Chen Ye also asked for a long time.

At the end, Jiang Nai Xiong said: "Wait for next week, wait for your ratings to come out, as long as the first broadcast of 1.5% ratings, give you one more next week!"


Chen Ye doesn't think much.

Even Jiang Nai Xiong now feels that this expectation is not excessive.

Back to the "Dancing Dance" column group, Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye began to urge the work of everyone. In fact, now the film source has been reported, and there is nothing really busy, but they still grasp the last time, also No matter what the employees are busy with, they can't be idle anyway. Everyone has to move. It seems that they can show their determination for the new show!

I came back with a female employee. "I just saw Zhang Hao."

She was originally talking to a colleague at the neighboring table, but she might not? I didn’t hold it, and Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye, who were not far away, heard it.

Chen Ye frowns, "What? He is making trouble again?"

Xu Yipeng also knows the character of Zhang Wei, and he is afraid that he will come out and make out what moths are coming out.

The female employee was busy waving: "No, no, I just saw Zhang Hao holding the bag and going home from work!"

"Get off work?"

"Come back home?"

"Is their show not broadcast at night?"

"Ah? How did he go home?"

Not only Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye were speechless on the spot, but other people in the column group were also dull.

Then Chen Ye laughed and shook his head, saying nothing.

This gave up?

Haven't aired yet, have you got off work?

Your first "Rotten Fruit" is a bluff!

Xu Yipeng immediately said: "What do other people do, busy with their own affairs, and their horizons are also bigger. So many of the competing variety shows that you are not paying attention to at the same time, what are you doing with a documentary?"

"Oh, yes!"

Everyone dare not mention it again.


There are still two hours left.

Zhang Wei has returned to his parents' home.

"Mom, hurry to get the bowl noodles, hungry." Zhang Yi kicked off his shoes as soon as he entered the house, kicked a West one, and **** squeezed Chen Chen to sit down on the sofa.

Chen Chen was very angry, and he grabbed the middle seat.

Zhang Hao did not let her, the big one and the small two people were bothering again.

Mom was surprised: "How come you are back?"

"Get off work, where can I not come back?" Zhang Yi wondered.

Dad said: "We thought you had to work overtime. Isn't your documentary premiere today?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It’s okay to watch the first broadcast with the family. It’s still quiet.”

After dinner, Zhang Hao grinds and takes a shower. After he comes out, he starts to send text messages and sends them to friends and relatives one by one.

To Yao Jiancai: Lao Yao, tune four channels, eight o'clock.

Yao Jiancai replied: Haha, ok, I am watching!

To Dong Shanshan: I have to broadcast at eight o'clock, turn on the TV, and give me some ratings.

Dong Shanshan: I opened it early, and they are with Hu Gehou.

To Wu Zeqing: Lao Wu, my program is on, just today.

Wu Zeqing: Ok.

To Fan Yingxi is the big knife brother: broadcast at eight o'clock! GOGOGO!

Fan Yingwei: Must see!

Give Zhang Yuanqi: Zhang Jie, watch Channel 14 for a while, don't forget!

Zhang Yuanqi: Well.

In fact, contact a few relatives and friends can add a few ratings points? The purpose of Zhang Yan is to inform everyone, save people from saying that when the new program is broadcast, they will not tell them or not.

Mom also broadcast the TV to Channel 14.

However, Zhang Wei said: "Mom, broadcast CCTV set."

Mom is surprised. "What about CCTV?"

Chen Chen also yelled at him. "Do you see "Let's Dance"?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Yeah, look at the opponent's program first."

Mom has broadcasted it.

"How is the tip of the tongue?" Zhang Wei knows best. Even if he records it with one hand and cut it with one hand, he knows it clearly. This is no longer necessary. He is now concerned about the "color" of "The Dance". Is it as good as propaganda? Is it like God Fan Lili’s authority? Of course, Zhang Wei also wants to see if there is any qualification to be the opponent of "The Tip of the Tongue"!



three minutes.

Two minutes.

One minute.

At eight o'clock, "Pull Dance" and "Tip Tip" jointly premiered!

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