I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 811: [Opening (below)! 】

For CCTV and some insiders, today is an unusual evening. CCTV is concerned about whether "Dancing Dance" can continue to lead them to the trend of variety TV programs. Xu Yipeng Chen Ye and other column staff are looking forward to " dancing." The ratings of the TV industry, the industry insiders in the TV industry are also watching how much influence the "sports dance" will bring to this business. Of course, some people want to see Zhang Wei’s first documentary "China on the Tip of the Tongue" is one. What kind of film is the file.

But for the ordinary people, this is an ordinary night.

Someone came back from school, someone came home from work, they turned on the TV, someone might just be bored, and someone might just want to relax.

So the problem is coming.

Is it an ordinary day today?

Or an unusual day?

Or is it unusual to have an unusual day?

Or is it unusual to have an unusual day?

- Grass, ghosts only know! Change the next topic!


"it has started!"

"Haha is broadcasting!"

"It's coming!"

"Chen Ye is on the scene! Wow! Huo Jiaozhu is out!"

"Is Fan Wenli getting fat? Is it pregnant?"

"Khan, Lili teacher is still not on the mirror, but there is no way, who makes people a professional dancer, it is not a face to eat!"

In an atmosphere of fiery and anticipation, "The Dance" is premiered in CCTV!

On the TV screen, when Chen Yeyi appeared, it caused the applause and cheers of the audience. Everyone stood up and clapped his hands!

"The stage of "The Dance", this program is sponsored by the exclusive title of the pure mineral spring, thanks to the strong support of the gorgeous appliances and Lito laundry liquid..." Chen Ye stood in the center of the stage, after reading a large series of advertisements, laughing loudly Road: "Here, we will witness a feast of the Republic's dance field with three guest mentors. Here, we will witness a miracle about dance with tens of millions of audiences across the country!"

Applause thunder!

“First welcome, Huo Dongfang teacher!”

"Welcome, Teacher Fan Wenli!"

"Welcome, Teacher Shen Lili!"

Several instructors smiled and waved at the camera!

The tutors are all gorgeous, and these sets of clothes and stylings show the cost of the program. They are definitely not cheap. They should be ordered separately for the tutors.

The whole stage was also full of beauty, because the previous stage had an accident, and many places were damaged. So CCTV’s set-up of this stage has not been a bit of a "good voice" recording, almost a brand new The countertop is very shiny!

Next, Chen Ye began to introduce the game selection rules.

Chen Ye was born in a talk show. Although he has done a lot of variety shows, but the fame is still the type of interview, and later to the late Spring Festival Evening host, Chen Ye's host style is obviously different from Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei pays attention to humor and eloquence and personal talent. This kind of hosted style can never be copied, talk show humor and wit? What is the amount of knowledge in the Three Kingdoms? Good sound mouth speed? No one can imitate, personal style is extremely vivid, as long as he stands on the stage, then he is the only protagonist, he is a shining point independent of the program, this is the characteristics of Zhang Wei, in the field of hosting, he will always be The existence of maverick.

Chen Ye’s characteristics are affinity. He pays attention to the audience’s mood and the atmosphere of the scene. His ability to adapt and adapt is very strong. Whenever he can maximize the characteristics of the program, it is a kind of stability and everything is in control. The style of hosting, which is also the basis for laying him into the host of the Spring Festival Gala.

A few minutes later.

The topic begins!

"Below, please have the first player debut!"

The screen jumped and the player's VCR video appeared.

"My name is Qi Fang. I like dancing when I was young. When I was five years old..."

At this point, "The Dance" uses the storytelling technique of "Good Voice", because the success of "Good Voice" has been badly analyzed by the industry. Zhang Wei’s mode of production and storytelling methods are also early. The research has revealed that it is helpful to help the audience to increase the so-called "substance feeling" or "identity" when they know that such players have not appeared yet. It turns out that this is an indispensable part. It is Zhang Jian's cleverness. With the leadership of Zhang Wei's successful model, later generations naturally take pictures of tigers and tigers. It is impossible to put this kind of successful experience. However, "The Dance" did not completely copy the "Good Voice", or made a certain degree of adjustment according to the type of program.

The player is on stage.

The audience was screaming if there was nothing!

Many people on the Internet are also talking about crazy!


"So fat?"

"Is this woman getting 180 pounds?"

"Khan, can this dance?"

The music begins and the dance begins.

What everyone did not expect was that this player named Qi Fang was squirming when he came up, and he jumped into a samba!

Everyone is watching!

"I rely! I rely!"

"Jumping so well?"

"God, this picture is too exciting!"

"This player can!"

In the shot, Huo Dongfang and Fan Wenli also looked at each other with amazement. They all looked at Qi Fang with a kind of appreciative eye. It seems that they have already lost the income of this player, and Shen Lili, who specializes in dance art, also Looking at the female player in a hurry, at the end, Shen Lili even stood up from the guest seat, smiled and couldn't help jumping with the female player!

The audience is boiling!

The atmosphere was lively!

As a talent show, it doesn't matter how important the first player is. The role is almost decisive. If the first person catches the audience's attention, then this program can be said to have succeeded more than half. Undoubtedly, "The Dance" has done it!


Parent's home.

Mom looked at the TV: "This show is not bad!"

Dad looked at his son. "Do you think this show can be a fire?"

Zhang Hao shook his head. "I said it is not good, but it should not be too bad. Xu Yipeng Chen Ye is also very smart. I have learned the essence of my program." In fact, Zhang Wei is It was quite unexpected. I really didn't think that Xu Yipeng Chen Ye could drum up any good programs, but obviously, the look and feel of this show made Zhang Wei more unexpected, much better than he thought!

Mom said: "Even if the results are worse, it is certainly much higher than the documentary ratings."

"Mom, don't say that." Zhang Yan rolled his eyes. "This is not necessarily true."

Mom said: "How is it not necessarily? Do you really want a documentary than a variety show?"

Zhang Haohe smiled, "Why can't you compare? Who said that the ratings of the documentary film must be worse than the variety show? You see that this "dancing" is very lively, and the ratings may be very good, but there are still drawbacks. The dance show is inherently flawed. Because of the art of dance, there are not many people who know it. There are not many people who like it. There are not many people who like it. If you have a specific audience, you have to ask a question mark. Even if this program can be fired, the degree of popularity is so hot. There is also a ceiling. It is very difficult to go up to the upper limit."

On this earth, there are not many dance programs. Such a large-scale draft "Dancing Dance" is even a single one. However, in the world of Zhang Wei, the dance show has actually been quite a lot. Falling down, Zhang Wei is coming over step by step. Naturally, it is clearer than the people in this world. He even has a pain point in the dance draft program. So after writing the plan for the dance draft according to the requirements of CCTV, Zhang Wei just wrote a few strokes and didn't want to do it himself!

Mom doesn't agree with me, "The audience for the documentary is smaller."

"You will definitely recognize this, but I really don't think so." Zhang Xiao smiled: "Normal people must think that some popular show variety shows can't be smaller than the documentary even if the audience is small, but this is not necessarily true. My documentary is about food, down to three-year-olds, up to 90-year-olds, who doesn't eat? How many people don't love food? My documentary audience doesn't look big, but it's actually unlimited for all ages. Aside from the boundaries of the documentary and the art world itself, my documentary is really bigger than the dance audience!"

Mom snorted: "How can I not believe so?"

Chen Chen also issued a "hehe".

Zhang Wei was speechless and didn't talk to her mom.


On Weibo.

The whistle of several simultaneous discussions in "The Dance" is very high!

"looks good!"

"I like the second player! It's so beautiful!"

"Yeah, that woman's face is quite high! It will definitely be fire!"

"It's still the first fat man to jump well! The picture is too big, and the fat man can jump into this way. It's just too inspirational! I decided, I will start dancing tomorrow!"

"I have to learn too!"

“Like Chen’s hosting style, it’s really stable!”

"I am not disappointed by the fact that I am coming to the Huojiao!"

"Huo Jiaozhu and Fan Wenli danced that paragraph, I really laughed at me! Hahaha!"

"The ratings are definitely not bad! If you want me to see, the first period will definitely be 1%?"

Of course, not everyone feels good.

"I think it's normal."

"There is no good voice, it looks better than the imagination."

"Well, the dance still doesn't understand, it doesn't mean anything."

"Dance programs are definitely not as good as the singers, but it is enough. What about the 1% ratings for the first broadcast? How many TV shows can now have 1% of the national ratings? This year is also the "good voice" one? If you rush into the future, the next few issues will be pulled up. Now it seems that "the dance" is not bad, and there are many people watching."

"I heard that the finals of "The Dance" was to be broadcast live. At the time, CCTV did not give the right to live broadcast of the "Good Voice" finals. Zhang Wei said that he had applied for many times and did not approve it. Now this right gives "Let's Dance", if you really want to broadcast the finals, isn't it possible that the highest ratings in that issue will exceed the "good voices"?"

"Who told you that there is 1% for the first broadcast? I see it is 0. 5%."

"Impossible, more than 1% is proper! 1.5% also has a play!"

"It’s **** unfair, CCTV has a set of attitudes towards "swinging dance" and "good voice". Are the final live broadcast rights given?"

"Cough, the friend upstairs, in fact, this thing can not blame the CCTV set, do you not know Zhang's notoriety? When did you meet the live broadcast teacher Zhang did not come up with something? Wei Dad memorial service Things, Shanghai Radio and Television press conference, every time, it is an earth-shattering squad, other people can broadcast live, let Zhang Wei teacher live broadcast? Who can not sneak a sigh, if you, you dare to approve Zhang live broadcast rights So, it’s really that Zhang’s reputation is too bad! Others are afraid of him!”

"Right, how is Zhang Wei’s show?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it yet."

"You can see the documentary? Khan, you are really good."

"The "Dancing Dance" broadcast advertisement, I went to take a look at Zhang Wei's documentary, what is it called?"

"called "China on the tip of the tongue."

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