I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 812: [Start broadcasting (end)! 】

More than eight o'clock.

Central? One set.

There are evening programs here. In addition to the "Dancing Lightly" column group, there are actually many CCTV column groups working overtime today. A few days ago, Zhang Ye caught the CCTV group on Weibo and stepped on them. The people who scolded Zhang Ye during the lawsuit were all scolded by Zhang Ye at that time, so that the relationship between CCTV’s many column groups and Zhang Ye became worse. Naturally, they would have more to Zhang Ye. Pay attention.

An interview column group.

"It's over recorded!"

"Everyone has worked hard, it's time to get off work."

"By the way, Zhang Ye's show was broadcast?"

"It should be broadcasting."

"Look, I want to see what he can do when he takes over the documentary for the first time!"

A set of variety shows on CCTV.

""Dancing Lightly" is wonderful!"

"Yes, it must be the first in ratings."

"How about Zhang Ye's documentary?"

"It's on the air, I didn't pay attention either."

"Old Xu is still capable. This time Zhang Ye won't be convinced. Well, let's broadcast on Channel 14. Take a look at the movie with the name of the tongue and see what the film is made by Zhang Ye. "


The advertising time of "Dancing Lightly" made many people who like Zhang Ye or dislike Zhang Ye broadcast it on CCTV 14 with the remote control. In contrast to the fierce and passionate dance and dance music of "Dancing Flirting", Channel Fourteen jumped out of the camera with a soft background soundtrack, soft as a stream of water, like clouds and mist, and Zhang Ye That thick and magnetic narration.

"After the matsutake was unearthed, Sangji immediately covered the fungus pit with the pine needles on the ground. Only in this way, the mycelium would not be destroyed. In order to continue the gift of nature, the villagers abide by the rules of the mountains and forests."

In the office.

A CCTV host laughed and shook his head, "After watching the intense scenes of "Dancing Lightly", who has watched such a boring documentary?"

A female employee nearby smiled and said, "Yes, it's too boring."

"We should get off work, go to bed, and go to bed." Another humane said.

Others follow the trend and say: "If it is new, that is, the visual impact of the high-definition lens is relatively large, the other? It is the routine of ordinary documentary."

"Isn't it just taking pictures of food? Who can't take pictures!" Many people were laughing.

But soon, all of them couldn't laugh anymore!

The process continues on TV.

Zhang Ye's voice matched a wonderful lens.

"Although the taste of matsutake is unique, it has not been popular on the table for more than 30 years."

"Among the traditional Chinese recipes, there is another superb delicacy from the mountains and forests."

"Cut the freshest winter bamboo shoots into pieces, add heavy oil, and add a variety of seasonings to become the most common home cooking in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Many people in China live on bamboo forests, and they are also masters in understanding bamboo shoots..."

Picture by picture in the forest slowly unfolded, one by one, the mouth-watering ingredients were exposed to their most natural and primitive forms under the lens of the HD camera.

The bamboo shoots make people feel appetite when they look at it!

Even the freshly unearthed fresh bamboo shoots on the screen caused many people to swallow and spit unconsciously. Even those who had just eaten their meals felt a fresh breath coming to their faces. Even through the TV, they seemed to They all smelled the damp and fragrant grass seeds in the mountains, and the high-definition camera undoubtedly magnified this feeling countless times, and even made people have an immersive illusion!

This is so beautiful!

This... so real!

The people in the CCTV column group who had just laughed at each other glanced at each other, and the people watching "Tongue" in the entire office area were stunned!

"The Tip of the Tongue" continues.

Many people have been silent, their eyes fixed on the TV.

"Qi Hu and Qi Chen are brothers. Every September, they come to Jiayu County in Hubei to dig a natural delicacy. This plant grows in the deep silt under the lake, Qi Hu The root and stem of the plant dug is called lotus root, which is a kind of high-yield vegetable in the lake-lotus root."

"As professional lotus diggers, each year Hu and Qi Chen go out alone for 7 months. During the lotus root picking season, they rush from their hometown of Anhui to places where there are lotus roots. Higher labor pay makes Qi Hu and Qi Chen willing to do this. Hard work. People who dig lotus roots like the cold weather. This is not because it’s good for digging lotus roots in cold weather, but because of cold weather, more people buy lotus root and eat lotus root soup, and the price of lotus root will rise."


Fresh lotus root.

Lotus root digger.

It was an ordinary scene, but it made people in the city feel a long-lost comfort, which is a kind of happiness and enjoyment that is hard to express in words!

This is Zhang Ye's documentary?

This is "China on the Bite of the Tongue"? ?

The CCTV host suddenly broke the silence and shook his head and laughed, "I underestimate Zhang Ye. The shots are still a bit of a level, but no matter how subtle they are, it is also a documentary. It is also destined to have no results."

Someone nodded, "Yes, fortunately it is a documentary, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" the colleague next to him asked.

The man smiled bitterly, "Otherwise, other programs in the same period may be really stressful."

An assistant director who had scolded Zhang Ye on the Internet said: "This surname is Zhang, who obviously took over a documentary for the first time. Why would he even shoot such a popular type of show?"

No one can answer him.

Because there is no answer.


Yan Tianfei's home.

Lao Yan is watching TV with his wife and family.

Just listen to Yan Tianfei's mouth constantly saying, "It's so good, so good. For a documentary of this level, it's definitely not a problem to get a documentary award!"

His wife agreed: "This film is so beautiful, so it turns out that the documentary can still be shot like this? I never watched the show on your channel before, but this "China on the Bite of the Tongue" seems to be the best in other documentaries. Yes, but it seems completely different, eh, Lao Yan, your voice is louder, you can't hear it!"

Yan Tianfei sighed slightly again, "What a pity, what a pity."

His wife asked: "What's wrong?"

Yan Tianfei said, "It's a pity that Zhang Ye has the ability to do it all. If he hadn't given him a documentary this time, he would really have a chance to compete with "Dancing Lightly", but our channel delayed him."

Although his wife also thought "The Tip of the Tongue" was wonderful, she also understood that no matter how wonderful it was, it was a niche documentary and could not be qualified to compete with variety shows, so she continued to watch the show without saying anything.


Zhang Ye's parents' house.

My mother watched TV in astonishment, "Son, is this the documentary you made?"

"Yeah." Zhang Ye smiled, "Is it okay?"

My mother was surprised and said: "It's very beautiful. To my appetite, it's a show I like to watch." After a pause, she said: "But it's not necessarily for others. I guess most of them can't accept it."

Zhang Ye asked, "Why can't you accept it?"

"Because of the niche." Mother took it for granted.

Zhang Ye asked again, "Why the minority?"

Mom said: "Because it's a documentary."

Zhang Ye surrendered: "...well."

Zhang Ye knew that the concept that no one would watch a documentary was so ingrained in the hearts of people in this world. Even if many people liked this documentary at a glance, they still didn’t think that others would be like him. Think that others will like it too.

Chenchen suddenly said, "Zhang Ye, I'm hungry."

Zhang Ye curled his lips, "Cook your own instant noodles."

Chenchen pointed to the TV, "I want to eat fried bamboo shoots."

My mother smiled and touched Chenchen's head fondly, "The restaurant is still open. Grandma will call you to order a meal. It just so happens that I am hungry too!"

Dad interrupted, "Order another honey lotus root."


CCTV Channel 14, everyone is still holding their ground.

However, like Zhang Ye before, the TV program played by Zhang Zuo and others in the office area turned out to be "Dancing Lightly", and they were also watching it.

Xiao Wang said with air: "Why is it so lively?"

Ha Qiqi looked at his mobile phone Weibo and sighed, "The audience reaction? It seems good."

"Such a big publicity, so many celebrity mentors, can it not be fun?" Zhang Zuo was also deep in his heart, "Do you really expect our documentaries to be comparable to them?"

Wu Yiqiang supported: "How many people understand dance art?"

Zhang Zuo shook his head, "At least there are more people who understand documentaries, right?"

The excitement and popularity of "Dancing Fluttering" dealt a heavy blow to the members of the column team, and dispelled their last bit of illusion. They also hoped that "Dancing Flirting" would be broken, and it would make a bad reputation. With an unprecedented 0.3% ratings, they may still have a chance to have a smaller gap with the ratings of "Dancing Dancing" with their documentary, but now, there is definitely no hope!

There is no accidental fire!

But what about them?

What about their "tip of the tongue"?

As I was talking, I suddenly heard Tong Fu exclaiming!

"Look at it!" The voice was a bit loud.

Ha Qiqi was startled, "Who, who stepped on your foot?"

Zhang Zuo looked over, "What's wrong? What to look at?"

Tong Fu said quickly: "Look at the comments! You guys go to Weibo!"

Everyone wondered why Tong Fu was so shocked, but after logging on to Weibo, everyone was a little dumbfounded. For a while, they didn't react!

Netizens leave too many comments!

I haven't seen the others yet, the words "tip of tongue" are displayed all over the screen!

"Too beautiful!"

"I'll go, can the documentary be made like this?"

"This is a high-definition camera? Cow!"

"This picture is exquisite like a big investment movie! Zhang Ye has made the documentary a god!"

"I'm hungry! I'm hungry!"

"This is the first time I saw this kind of documentary! If it weren't for "Dancing Dancing" in the commercial time, I wouldn't have broadcast it on Channel 14. As a result, I couldn't stop it!"

"Really awesome! Zhang Ye's reputation is really amazing!"

"I came under Zhang Ye's name. I didn't report any hope. I didn't expect "China on the Bite of the Tongue" to give me such a big surprise! This film is so innovative!"

"Ten thousand likes! Can't stop at a glance!"

Yao Jiancai suddenly posted on Weibo, "Recommend my new program of Brother Zhang, "China on the Bite of the Tongue", which is now on the air. Go and watch, so you can see the stomachache!"

Hu Fei of Beijing Satellite TV posted on Weibo: "Take it!!"

Dong Shanshan: "Highly recommend "Tongue"! The best documentary of this century!"

Fang Weihong, Zhang Yuanqi’s agent, said: "It's really a surprise! Teacher Zhang Ye's show is always so sincere and surprising!"

Grandma Zhang Xia reposted Weibo: "This is a real documentary, really interesting!"

A well-known documentary filmmaker in the industry said: "I didn’t expect that in today’s sluggish market environment, there are still people who can make documentaries to a new height. I recommend "China on the Bite of the Tongue". It is impossible to expect a documentary to have any very good results, let alone a variety show, but I think every documentary director should actually learn the filming techniques and storytelling logic of "Tongue". It was a great inspiration, of course, including me!"

A piece of praise!

Almost everyone who has watched "Tongue" is applauded!

Ha Qiqi was surprised on the spot!

Zhang Zuo was stunned!

The people in the "Tongue" column group all have extremely unexpected expressions, because they don't have high expectations for their documentaries, and they didn't expect it to be like this!


A set of CCTV.

"Dancing Lightly" column group.

Xu Yipeng looked at the large LCD TV screen hung on the wall of the column team, and looked at the fifth player who appeared on it. He smiled and nodded slightly from time to time. Then he listened to the meager comments from the staff in his ear. He was very satisfied with the increasing popularity of the show.

The show must be hot!

There is no doubt about this!

The question now is how much their first broadcast ratings can be!

At this time, one of the employees stammered and said, "Director Xu, Director Chen."

"What's the matter?" Chen Ye smiled all the time, and looked over after hearing this.

"Uh, I don't know whether to say it or not, but..." The employee still said, "The "Tip of the Tongue" on Channel Fourteen, the hot discussion has also come up."

Chen Ye didn't take it seriously, "Oh?"

Xu Yipeng smiled and said, "How do you comment?"

"Everything is good." The employee cautiously said: "The reputation is very good."

Chen Ye shook his head, "It's normal. Zhang Ye is a second-tier star and his fans are not small. It is not surprising that some diehard fans support him, and their niche documentary would have a good reputation. It’s not like a variety show that always scolds more than praise."

Xu Yipeng also glanced at the comments made by a group of people on "The Tip of the Tongue" on Weibo, and then said: "It seems that Zhang Ye didn't shoot the documentary, but it's a documentary anyway. Don't even think about the ratings. If it's the best, you can get a documentary award for a few days, um, but not necessarily. Zhang Ye's reputation is too bad. People in seven or eight industries have offended him all the time. There are really good awards. It must be awarded to him."

Up to now, they still haven't put "Tongue Point" in their eyes. From the beginning to the end, they didn't take "Tongue Point" as a competitor at all, because they all know that good works are not necessarily popular. Documentaries are always rushing to win awards. , It doesn’t even consider the question of getting a seat. It’s meaningless even if you want to think about it, because 90% of viewers don’t watch documentaries. Documentaries only focus on word-of-mouth and follow the artistic route. Their variety shows are applauded and Word of mouth seems meaningless. They pay more attention to popularity and audience ratings. Therefore, the two program types have different routes and are completely incomparable!

They will not compare word of mouth to documentaries!

Similarly, documentaries don’t even want to compare ratings with their variety shows!


The call came.

Hu Fei brought the same view.

"Hey, Brother Hu." Zhang Ye walked to the back room to pick up the phone.

Hu Fei laughed and said, "You're really good! I haven't shown up for more than two months. It turns out that I am going to make a big move. This film is absolutely impossible! I and Xiao Lu Dafei and Dong Shanshan are in the column. The group is watching your show here, everyone applauded you, and I am happy for you!"

Zhang Ye chuckled and said, "Thank you all."

Hu Fei said, "You really know how to make a documentary? Can you make it like this?"

Zhang Ye humbly said: "Blind shooting, blind shooting."

"Watching Weibo? The top three directors of the domestic documentary have praised "Tongue", and their evaluation of you is also quite high. I guess the highest award for this year's documentary is definitely yours, and you can't run away!" Hu Fei is true Happy for him, said: "But you don't think too much about the ratings, there is definitely no hope. You, just work with Channel Fourteen and win the top documentary award!"

Zhang Ye smiled slightly, and didn't want to argue.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye also turned to Weibo, read the comments of netizens, and after careful consideration, he felt that the current situation was a bit different from what he had imagined and exceeded his estimation. Up!

Is it too little popularity?

On the contrary, the popularity is too high!

According to Zhang Ye's previous budget, "Bite of the Tongue" must bear the burden of humiliation. After all, in his original version of "Bite of the Tongue", what is the first episode of the first season, how many ratings? It's only 0.012%! Not even a fraction of the worst variety show! Therefore, Zhang Ye operated this film with the momentum of early word-of-mouth accumulation and later eruption, but now the feedback from the public has surprised Zhang Ye. He knows that some of his measures have shown results!

For example, the controversy that premiered with "Dancing Lightly"!

For example, the influence of his own huge popularity on "Tongue"!

This is all change! This is the reason to gather popularity for "Tongue" in advance!

"The Tip of the Tongue" on this earth has taken a different path, so the operation and broadcast rhythm of the original version of "The Tip of the Tongue" cannot be applied!

Perhaps, there is no longer a need to accumulate thin hair?

Perhaps, now is the time to compete?

After thinking about it, Zhang Ye took out his mobile phone and called Yan Tianfei, "Hey, Director Yan, there is an urgent matter. I want to temporarily change the broadcast time of "Tongue"."

Yan Tianfei pondered, "How to change?"

"Tonight, I want to broadcast the two episodes of "The Tip of the Tongue" together until about ten o'clock in one breath!" Zhang Ye said, "It will be over with "Dancing Lightly"!"

According to the original broadcast plan, "The Tip of the Tongue" will end before nine o'clock, and the first episode of "Dancing Flirting" will be less than two hours after the advertising time, which means that after the end of the "Tongue", "Dancing Lightly" actually has half the air time.

Yan Tianfei said: "The time period has been set, and it is not impossible to change it now, but it will be more troublesome, and many departments must be contacted. Is this necessary?"

Zhang Ye resolutely said, "I think there is."

Yan Tianfei asked, "Why?"

Zhang Ye was silent for a few seconds and said, "Tomorrow I will give you the answer."


Why give the answer tomorrow?

Yan Tianfei was taken aback, and didn’t ask any more, “Okay, I’ll get in touch with you. There are still twenty minutes to finish the broadcast. It’s still too late. I will also let people type out the continuous broadcast reminders on the screen. Out, anyone who is watching "Tongue" will definitely see it."

"Sorry, Mr. Yan, I'm self-willed." Zhang Ye apologized.

Yan Tianfei said, "You are the head of the "Tongue" column group, the chief director, you have your own considerations and your own judgments. I believe you."

Zhang Ye said, "Thank you, I will contact you elsewhere, and I will return to my work unit now!"

They are the record channel, and they don’t involve any hostess, column group or other wrangling. The documentary that was scheduled to be broadcast at nine o'clock is the copyright they bought, and it was moved to the back and even not broadcasted at all. No one has an opinion, and the audience will not care, because no one is watching at all, so even if it is a temporary adjustment, there will be no wrangling.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye put on a coat non-stop, "Dad, Mom, I'm going to the unit, there is an emergency!" Then, he called Ha Qiqi and the others who were still working overtime at the unit!

"Old ha, please don't leave everyone! I'll be there soon!" Zhang Ye said.

Ha Qi said in a daze: "Ah? Didn't you get off work?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "You still have the foresight and didn't leave. I'll talk about it when I arrive!"



Someone heard the news soon!

Scrolling subtitles appeared on the screen of "Tongue", and Zhang Ye and Channel Fourteen's official Weibo also gave hints and instructions specially!

Netizens are unexpected and pleasantly surprised!

"Wow, two consecutive episodes?"

"Awesome! The conscience of the industry!"

"Hahaha, I'm worried I haven't seen it!"

"I just ordered the meal and it hasn't arrived yet. It happened to be watching and eating while watching the second episode!"

"Broadcast two episodes in a row? So, when combined, it will be the same as "Dancing Dancing". What is it for Teacher Zhang Ye? Why do I think this broadcast adjustment is unusual?"

"Is it for "Dancing Lightly"?"

"Khan, you guys think too much, let alone two episodes, ten episodes in a row, do you think a documentary can do a variety show? Or a large-scale talent show that costs 100 million yuan? In this scenario, the people of CCTV have to vomit blood and jump off the building! Why do you make the variety shows of all the TV stations across the country feel so embarrassing? It is unrealistic to think about it."

"Uh, that's right."

"Follow him, just broadcast some!"

"You see "The Tip of the Tongue" has a good reputation, and there are more and more people discussing it. In fact, there are not many people who really see it. I guess, that is, we people like to watch it."

"Well, no way, niche shows."

"Wow, why did the second episode broadcast without ads?"

"Are you not selling any ads for "Tongue"?"

"Who do you think will buy commercials for documentaries?"

"Yes, let's not talk about it, whether others like to watch it or not, anyway, I just like it. I'm going to watch the second episode, haha!"

"Go together!"

"look forward to!"


The second episode.

"The Story of Staple Food."

"The staple food usually provides most of the calories needed by humans."

"Chinese cooking skills are unique. From the most ordinary pot of rice, a steamed bun, to the ever-changing exquisite staple food, it is the result of Chinese people's hard work and experience. However, no matter how much alcohol and food they eat , The staple food, will always be the last protagonist on the Chinese table."

The music is melodious.

The heat of the food in the picture seems to float from the TV.


With the fermentation of word-of-mouth, more and more people broadcast TV to Channel 14. Some people who did not even watch the first episode heard about "Tipple" from the Internet or from friends and neighbors, and they all looked curiously. Come here, want to see what this documentary looks like!

As a result, it was out of control!

Many people can't change channels after just a few glances!

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