I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 814: [The world is quiet! 】

CCTV record channel.

A lot of colleagues have come around. The 14th channel old people in the first and second office areas have also come to Zhangye’s third office area to watch the newly released ratings, because the documentary ratings and variety shows are not A "band", so they first did not get their own ratings, but the same as netizens, the first thing that was seen online was the viewing of "The Dance".

Hazziqi was shocked, "1. 27%?"

"I really let them break 1%?" Zhang Zuo bitterly said: "And still not barely broke 1?"

Xiao Wang was very depressed and shouted: "Is that a good show so good?"

Wu Yi sighed. "There were cases of buying ratings in the first few years, but afterwards, they were all severely cleaned up. Now, the ratings can't be done."

Tong Fu said: "1.6% of the ratings are actually expected. Don't forget that they spent a hundred million investment, and maybe even more. They also invited Huo Dongfang and Fan Wenli to be big names. Stars, as well as "good voices" bring a set of CCTV's popularity and viewing habits, if not broken 1% is not realistic."

A few people looked at Zhang Wei and found that Zhang Wei had no extra expression.

Yan Tianfei doesn't care much about it. It doesn't seem to care very much about the super high ratings of "Let's Dance".

After other people recited a few words, they did not say anything. They also know that the ratings of "The Dance" are not related to them. Even if they are lower, they are better than nothing.

Outside, a staff member from another department stepped forward and held a form in his hand. "Director Yan, yesterday's national documentary ratings came out."

Yan Tianfei nodded, "Good!"

Everyone was shocked, and the heart mentioned the blind eyes.

Zhang Wei also looked at the past with a squint.

The man left the ratings form and left. As soon as he left, Haqiqi Zhang Zuo and others also surrounded the room, staring at the paper one by one.

In the first name in the first column, they saw their show!

December 10th.

National documentary ratings ranking:

First place: The first episode of "China on the tip of the tongue", the audience rating is 0.32%.

At the first sight of the people in the column group, they all looked at it!

"the first!"

"We are the first!"

"Sure enough, let's be!"

“0. 32%?”

"Is there any mistakes in my grass?"

"This, is this our ratings?"

"Is this sure that there is nothing wrong? Is it really 0. 32%?"

Yan Tianfei was also shocked, his face was a little stagnation, "Show me!" I took the form and looked at it. It really was 0. 32% of the ratings, far ahead of the first place, than The second one is also a documentary on their 14th channel to introduce copyright from abroad, several times higher!

Everyone took a breath, knowing that in recent years, the national documentary ratings rate is only 0.172%, the first episode of "Tip Tip" is almost twice as high as this data!

This is too exaggerated!

This is too scary!

Understand that they are just a documentary!

In this way, the ratings of the first episode of "The Tip of the Tongue" are almost the same as the ratings of the large-scale variety shows of ordinary times. It can really be compared with the variety show with a slightly lower score. What is this concept? ? This is simply unimaginable!

Xiao Wang exclaimed: "I rely on! It turns out that we can really watch the PK ratings of variety shows!"

Yan Tianfei also excitedly patted the table, "Xiao Zhang! Doing beautiful!"

Everyone is boiling!

"Too cow!"

"Let's go against the sky!"

"What about documentary and variety shows? Who would have thought about it before!"

"Ha ha ha ha! Zhang guides us to refresh the history of the documentary again!"

"Great! I didn't dare to think about the ratings before. Who wants our ratings to be so high? You look at the ratings, and it's very bad!"

Everyone is celebrating!

The only exception is Zhang Wei. Instead, he asked, "What is the ratings of the second episode?"

Because of the two episodes broadcast, there is only the first episode of the ratings, there is no statistics of the second episode, and there is no such display.

Yan Tianfei’s secretary said: “In general, if the broadcast is repeated, the statistics of the second episode should be slower. It should be out soon. Wait a second, it should be similar to the first episode.”



Everyone also saw the ratings of the first episode of "The Tip of the Tongue."

"Ah? So high?"

"I have gone, the documentary has such a high rating?"

"Zhang Wei is too fierce!"

"Paralysis, the ratings of a documentary, can basically be the same as the variety show? I am not dreaming?"

"Zhang Hao is invincible! By!"

"I said "The tip of the tongue" cow - forced it! Hahaha!"

"Create a record again!"

“There are so many people who look at the tip of the tongue?”

"Hey, why didn't you have the second episode?"

"Yes, the second episode? Didn't show?"

"Not yet?"

"How is it so slow? Hurry up!"

At the same time, the industry is also shaking.

The well-known documentary filmer who praised Zhang Wei on Weibo also posted a list of documentary ratings yesterday. He wrote on Weibo: "Congratulations to Zhang Wei, congratulations to the tip of the tongue!"

Jingcheng Satellite TV Hu Fei: "@舌尖 Column group, you are great!"

Singer Chen Guang: "Oh, buy it!"

Fan Wenli: "Congratulations to "Let's Dance" and congratulate "The Tip of the Tongue."

Yao Jiancai: "I thought I would like to read "The Tip of the Tongue", isn't it?"

There is a less well-known TV program director who smiled bitterly: "The documentary can make this rating? Zhang Dao, can you leave us alive and not?"

A well-known female host of Shenzhen TV: "Afraid! Is this a documentary that doesn't hurt or love?" He also sent a cute expression with a blink of an eye.

These comments and meager, can clearly reflect the mood of everyone!


It can even be said to be a miracle!

Domestic documentaries have never had such a scary rating!


CCTV set.

Jiang Nai Xiong made a phone call to Jiang Yuan. "How is the ratings of "Tip Tips" so high?"

Jiang Yuan didn’t even think about it. “I don’t know. I didn’t expect to see a lot of people on their show. They should all be Zhang’s **** fans.”

"0. 32% of the ratings, how many **** fans do he have? Tens of millions?" Jiang Nai Xiong obviously does not recognize this statement, "This Zhang Huan, really can toss!"

Jiang Yuandao: "I can't afford the wind and waves again. The popularity of a program still depends on the ratings. Even if he is overlord in the documentary field, he can still be ranked in the field of variety, so his ratings will never be ranked. Don't worry about what climate he is."

Jiang Nai Xiong shouted.


the other side.

The people in the "Dancing Dance" column group are also embarrassed.

Chen Ye brows together. "Is this rating reliable?"

"Should, shouldn't it be wrong?" An employee stuttered.

Another male employee wondered: "Is this rating possible? It is a documentary!"

Originally, no one has put Zhang Wei and "Tip Tip" in the eye, but the ratings of this first episode surprised them. It is too high. This obviously does not belong to the ratings that a documentary can achieve. Share it! Zhang Hao, what did he do?


"This is really awkward!"

"And they are broadcasting at the same time as we danced, and even then, can they win this high ratings?"

"Is it equal to the sharing of their ratings?"

"It should be like this in the first episode. I haven’t seen the second episode of ratings yet."

"Well, everyone in the first episode is busy with Zhang Wei's popularity. When I see the real move, I don't believe in the sustainability of a documentary!"

Xu Yipeng interrupted everyone's arguments and said with a smile: "Oh, a program with a rating of 0.32%. As for your surprise, this is the same? This is a little more than ours."

Everyone thinks too.

As a general director, Xu Yipeng was more than they thought, and he thought far. After seeing the ratings of "Tip Tips", he was initially shocked for a while, but soon he was in a state of turmoil. It’s a good thing, Xu Yipeng’s ratings of "The Dance" is still not content. Now it seems that this is part of the "tip". In his opinion, the rating of "Tip Tip" is definitely not always possible. Keeping, the cohesiveness of the documentary can basically be said to be zero. There are chasing variety shows, and there are TV dramas. Who do you see the documentary? This is caused by the discontinuity of many documentary plot stories, so when the "tips of the tongue" are too angry, the scattered audience will definitely return to their "dancing", and the ratings of their programs will definitely hit new heights!

Sitting back in his office, Xu Yipeng rolled his eyes.

Someone on the Internet is also in the black "tongue"!

"What are you blowing!"

“Isn't it 0. 32%? Most variety shows abuse it!”

"Don't say that the type is different. Don't say that the documentary and the variety show are incomparable. What's the use? There is no fairness in the world. Isn't the performance of the show still the audience rating?"

"Yes, the score of 0. 32% is so shocked? Not that, look at our family's "The Dance", what do people say?"

"well said!"

"There will be reasons for this tip of the tongue, which is actually an excuse!"

Seeing the comments of the fans of "The Dance", Xu Yipeng is in a good mood, and he is very reasonable. What excuses are all false. As a TV show, it is a variety show or a talk show or a documentary. Finally, On paper, isn’t it still the audience rating?

There was a sudden sound outside.



"The second episode of "Tip Tips" comes out!"

Xu Yipeng heard the words and walked out with a smile. "How much?"


Director of the first channel director.

Jiang Nai Xiong’s secretary knocked in the door.

The secretary’s face is a little white, "Jiang always!"

"What's wrong? Panic?" Jiang Nai Xiong looked at him.

The secretary wiped the sweat: "This is the rating of the second episode of "The Tip of the Tongue"!"

Jiang Yuan also just came in from the door. He wanted to report to Jiang Nai Xiong about the advertising arrangement. He was also curious and said: "How much difference can the second episode be with the first episode?"

The secretary wiped the sweat again. "Let's take a look."


Deputy Director’s Office.

Vice-President Zhou took a cup of tea and the phone on the desk rang.


"Zhou Taichang, "Tip Tips" ratings came out."

"Is it not ten minutes ago?"

"This time, it is the second episode!"



"finally come!"

"The second episode is coming!"

"It's too slow, wait a long time!"

"How many in the second episode?"

"I hope it will be the same as the first episode, don't drop the chain!"

"Impossible, many people are starting from the second episode, and they all know that it is late, so the second episode is not supposed to be lower than the first episode!"


"Oh, what?"

"Look at you!"


at the same time.

The former staff member also sent the ratings to Channel 14, although there are simultaneous updates on the Internet, but due to respect, the internal ratings table must also be handed over to Yan Tianfei or his secretary. This is the program.

It’s just that the expression of the staff member is completely different from that of the party. I don’t know if it’s the illusion of everyone. I always feel that the person’s face is a little bit horrified. When he comes in, his eyes fall on Zhang’s face. After carefully watching it for a long time, I swallowed the spit and handed over the ratings table. "The second episode of "Tip Tips" came out because the ratings have changed, so there are some rankings that have been re-ranked."

Hazi Qi snorted, "Re-ranking? We have lost the ranking in the documentary list?"

The man smiled bitterly: "No, the main change is in the ranking list of all TV programs that do not include news in the country yesterday!"

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Yan Tianfei is stunned!

Haqi Qi Zhang left also stunned!


"National TV program ratings ranking?"

"Isn't that the top 20 programs with the highest ratings? Can we get 0. 32% of the ratings? How can I get on that list?"

The staff said that my **** knows, but you are really on!

Yan Tianfei’s secretary hurriedly took over the ratings table and looked at it. The next moment, Yan Tianfei’s secretary’s head swayed and almost fainted!


"Don't fall, don't fall!"

"what happened?"

"Is it not eating early? Is the blood sugar low?"

The secretary trembled and handed the form to Yan Tianfei. He didn’t know how to say it. "Yan, always, look, look!"

Yan Tianfei took a suspicious look, and the result was almost fainting!

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

“Hey, what is the audience rating?”

Haqiqi Xiaowang, they were all anxious, and they couldn’t care much. They all squeezed into Yan Tianfei’s face and looked at the form. Then, everyone’s face was brushed to reveal a stunned look. The next time, They turned their heads and looked at Zhang Wei!

National TV program ratings rankings on December 10:

First place: The first episode of "The Dance", the audience rating is 1.27%.

First place: The second episode of "China on the tip of the tongue", the audience rating is 1.27%.

This moment...

The "Tip Tips" office area is quiet!

The "Dancing Dance" column is quiet!

CCTV is quiet!

Network static?!

The whole world is quiet! !

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