I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 815: [A slap in the face of the world! 】


Tied first!

The second episode of "The Tip of the Tongue" is actually ranked first in the national TV program on Friday.

In this second, the time in the whole world seems to be still, and the time is ticking, everyone is shocked by the ratings table in front of us!

a long time.

Yao Jiancai’s meager explosion, “I am grass!”

Hu Fei’s meager voice: “I rely on it!”

CCTV advertising radio announcer Tian Bin, "Is this true?"

Fan Wenli's meager: "...(¥##%%)-%#@!!!"

Blast it online!

Netizens jumped out and everyone was shocked on the face!

"God! God!"

"This is going crazy!"

"This, is this the ratings of the documentary?"

"How is it possible! I rely! I rely! I rely!"

"I am going crazy! Is this too bad? Is this too crazy? Is the documentary's ratings and "Dancing Dance" side by side? The national audience rating is the first? False? You are a bit tricky. The technical content is not good? Don't look at the picture that PS is not realistic at first glance!"

"It seems not to be a fake..."

"Oh, it seems to be true!"

"The documentary... really worthy of the variety show!"

"This is a problem with my shoulders! This is a documentary that has crushed all the variety shows!"

"I have a dizzy!"

"What is Zhang Wei’s teacher doing? Is he really going to make a hole in the TV circle? It’s a documentary! Whose movie is not seen by his mother! You made it the first to watch? Really **** let you give Made the audience rating first!?"

"I can't describe it in normal language! Cow - forced! Cow - forced!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Zhang Wei is the idol of my life!"

"Mammick, suddenly the eyes are red! Teacher Zhang's efforts are not in vain! Teacher Zhang's hard work is worth it! Snow? Seal-kill? Documentary no one to see? Go - you-mother! CCTV set you guys Open your eyes! This is Zhang Wei who let your eyes go! Even if it is distributed to the documentary channel, Teacher Zhang can't hold you anymore! Teacher Zhang holds a documentary, and no one can beat him!"

"Zhang Wei is back!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! The teacher who is scared of that person, is back!"

"Too excited! Teacher Zhang, you are great!"

“Happy for Zhang Hao! Cheers for the tip of the tongue!”

"Zhang Wei, why are you so bullish? Forced! Why!"

If the 0. 32% rating of the first episode of "The Tip of the Tongue" makes them stunned, then the second episode of 1.27% of the ratings is awkward. One counts up and down the country, even if someone is very If you look at the tip of the tongue, even if someone expects the tip of the tongue to be particularly high, no one will believe that the tip of the tongue can win the national ratings on the same day as the dance. The throne of one!



Fourteen channels.

Everyone is crazy too!

"We took the first!" Wu Yi said: "It is the first in the country! The first in the country!"

Zhang Zuo can't vent his emotions, holding a hand and screaming, "Ah!"

Haqiqi cried, crying while laughing and rubbing the tears in his eyes: "Our efforts actually paid off!"

Xiao Wang is stupid: "Tell me this is not true!"

Huang Dandan hugged Xiao Wang excitedly. "It's true! Let's be the first!"

Xiao Wang also cried, and wowed out and cried!

Being suppressed, insulted, and smashed by CCTV, all the people in the original "Good Voice" column group sighed with anger. Until now, they finally vented, and many people could not control their emotions. Several male colleagues screamed, and several female colleagues shed tears!

They have been very tired!

These days, they are too difficult!

"Zhang Dao!" Haqiqi turned back and cried and hugged Zhang Huan, "Thank you!"

Zhang snorted and smiled a little. "Don't thank me, I should thank you, thank you for not leaving, from CCTV, follow me here, thank you for your trust. Without you, I am There are three heads and six arms that can't do these things, so I should say thank you to you. You are good. This achievement is the result of the joint efforts of all of you. The fruits of this work are shared by everyone!"

Not only the people of the original "Good Voice" team were excited, but the colleagues on Channel 14 were also excited!

"Zhang Dao, congratulations!"

"Our record channel is finally in its infancy!"

"Thank you for coming to Channel 14!"

"Mahjong! I will see who will not look down on our record channel in the future!"



Cry with joy!

The entire office area is full of joy!

Yan Tianfei’s secretary also wiped his eyes. I don’t know how, my eyes couldn’t stop getting wet, and said: “Zhang Dao, you don’t know, how many people in our 14th channel have been smashed in the past few years, how much they have endured. Stress, although knowing that you can't always be on our record channel, you will definitely leave later, but I want to say anyway, it's great to have you!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "It is my pleasure to be able to work with you on the 14th channel." After that, he turned to look at Yan Tianfei. "Yan Zong, I told you at the beginning, I will not let You are disappointed, now... I am fortunate not to be insulted."

Yan Tianfei violently patted his shoulder and patted hard. "Good! Good!"

Yesterday, when I wanted to temporarily change the time of the "Tip Tip" broadcast, Yan Tianfei asked Zhang Wei why, Zhang Wei said that he would give him the answer the next day. Yan Tianfei now finally knows that this ratings table is the answer given by Zhang Wei!


Deputy Director’s Office.

Deputy Director Zhou looked at the ratings table and stayed for a long time.


The "Dancing Dance" column group.

Xu Yipeng is silent!

Chen Ye is amazed!

The column group is so two minutes, even the silent!


CCTV set.

Jiang Yuanzhen is there for a long time!

Jiang Nai Xiong angrily broke the teacup on the ground!

The secretary was sincere and fearful. He quickly took the broom and cleaned up the ground. By the way, he also took the latest ratings table that he had just taken away and quietly took it away!


Many people in CCTV are angry, and many people are not in a good mood!

A documentary!

A documentary without propaganda!

A documentary without a star!

A niche that has no advertising and costs only 10 million people who will never be concerned about it can no longer be a documentary that can’t be even more popular!

Even with a "listening dance" a rating?

How can this be!

How could this be possible! ?

At this time, a poem on the Internet was turned over.

Rotten Fruit

My meat was bitten by black bugs.

I slept on the cold moss

Simply let the rotten get worse

Just waiting to wear my nuclear armor

Broken my prison

My claustrophobic soul

Wearing a bean green vest

Laughing and fascinated to jump out!

No one can imagine that the "Rotten Fruit" released by Zhang Wei was actually fulfilled! No one can imagine that Zhang Wei really jumped out wearing a mung bean vest with a smile, carrying a "China on the tip of the tongue", gave CCTV a set, gave "Teaching Dance", gave Taili, gave it all People gave the world a loud slap! !

On this day, the Internet is shouting the name of Zhang Wei!

On this day, "China on the tip of the tongue" shocked the country! !

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