I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 819: [Zhang Wei and Lao Wu are caught in the present! 】

at night.

The news is still lively, and various reports are constantly coming out!

"The variety show defense battle started? 》

"Zhang Wei puts the variety show on the road! 》

"The wonderful next week, the dance and the tip of the tongue will definitely fight you to die!" 》

"What is the face of the documentary counterattack?" 》

As one of the parties, Zhang Wei has already drove to the vicinity of Taoranting. After calling the old Wu on the roadside, he entered the villa of Wu Zeqing's house.

The car has not stopped, the door will open.

Wu Zeqing walked out gently, "Come?"

"Come on, you just got off work?" Zhang Hao got off the bus.

The old Wu sighed. "I just came back for a while, I am reading the newspaper."

"What newspaper?" Zhang Wei asked while walking inside.

"It's not your "Tip Tip" news. I turned over a few pages and wrote about your CCTV Channel 14 documentary. But I don't blame the media reports so hard. Your documentary big sister also watched it. It's quite good, and the lens angle is good. The humanities story can be said to be a documentary textbook." Old Wu Dao.

Zhang Yule said: "Over the award, over the prize."

Wu Zeqing just got home and didn't change clothes. She also wore the one that she wore at work, high heels, black trousers, and a gray knit sweater. The bottom was a white shirt. It was very capable, but not strong. There has always been a softness.

Zhang Hao hasn't seen her for a long time. After entering the house, she couldn't help but look at her more. When she sat down, he carefully took out a tea box from the bag and handed it to her. "You try the tea first. This is the Dahongpao of Wuyishan that I told you before. Don't underestimate this tea. I promise you have never drunk, and since you love to drink oolong tea, you must be sure of this tea." I like it.” After that, I added a sentence, “Right, don’t give away, you will keep yourself drinking.”

Lao Wu smiled and said: "Okay, then I will taste it."

Do the water.


Soon, the tea in the house was full of fragrance.

Wu Zeqing sniffed slightly, but also a little surprised, dragging the tea cup and sipping a sip on her mouth, she could not help but smile: "It's good, really the first time I can drink it, can't I buy it outside?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Of course I can't buy it. I have no money to buy it. I tell you the old Wu. This tea is so many trees in the world. Now all the mother trees have been bought by me. So, this tea can only be obtained from me. Others just don’t think about it. You save a little bit of it. If you love to drink it, I will give it back when I finish drinking it.” He didn’t feel bad about giving him Wu. It will not work for others.

Wu Zeqing nodded and took another sip. "The more you drink, the more delicious it is."

"And this tea has the same taste for five or six times."

"Do you drink too?"

"I don't drink first."

Zhang Hao was not willing to drink, just looking at Lao Wu, watching Lao Wu slowly drinking tea is actually a visual enjoyment for him, Lao Wu is too beautiful, how to look tired, he Sometimes I even think that I can stare at Lao Wu for a whole day, and I can relish it.

Lao Wu asked, "I will eat it with me at night."

"If you have to, remember your few specialties." Zhang Yi was hungry as soon as he heard it.

Lao Wu went to the open kitchen over there to prepare the dishes. While washing the vegetables, the two of them talked. "It’s been the TV awards this year. The ratings of the "Tip Tips" next week are best to fight together. If this time is not juxtaposed, it will be of great help to win the national independence. If the audience rating is up to 1.5%, the highest award for the documentary is almost a nail."

Zhang Weidao: "How do you still see the ratings?"

Lao Wu Pinghe said: "Other people may not look at it, but your program has to be watched. There are too many people who are offended by you in the industry. If you don't really come up with someone else, you can't say anything, as long as you have a second person. The selection of the family certainly does not want to be awarded to you." I looked at him. "Otherwise, do you think that this temporary addition of the "Tip Tip" to the final nomination is how to get it? I asked my secretary to recommend you to the past, radio and television is the leader We can't help but recommend them here."

Zhang Yiyi said, "Is it yours? Oh, I will say it! I just added the most nominated nomination for this broadcast!"

Lao Wu smiled. "This nomination is what you deserve, but some people think that you are not pleasing to the eye. In the middle of it, I will help you paving the way, and you have to rely on yourself."

"Who is the vertical?"

"Xu Wen always."


"Vice President of the Television Association."

"I don't know him."

"His brother-in-law, you know, famous cross-talking artist Tang Dazhang."

"It's him!"

Zhang Yi understands that his grievances with Tang Dazhang are too big. I didn’t expect his wife’s brother to give them a scorpion when Zhang Wei didn’t know. “Old Wu, if you told me, we I don’t know at all, that Xu Wen is always a judge? Then if he gives us another sin, then this award..."

Wu Zeqing said: "No, this afternoon, I was disqualified from his judges."

Zhang Yiyi, "Withdrawn?"

"Well, withdraw." Old Wu calmly said.

Zhang Wei is dumbfounded. "Is this OK?"

Lao Wu said: "Why not? As one of the top judges, but lost the most basic principle of fairness and justice, since let me know, I naturally can not accommodate him."

This is my girlfriend!

Too much in place!

Zhang Wei was very moved after listening. He didn't expect that Wu would have done so much to himself because he didn't know anything. He helped so much, and the former knives and hidden weapons completely blocked the old Wu. "Hey, you are so busy, you have to worry about me, I am embarrassed, what, old Wu, I cook."

"Get it." Lao Wu waved.

Zhang Wei has already gone up. "No, I have to show it."

Lao Wu gently stopped him. "You can't cook, wait and eat."

"I won't be able to learn." Zhang Yi took a sleeve, "You teach me!"

Old Wu Hao, "I really want to learn?"

"Real learning!" Zhang Wei firmly said.

Old Wu Yitou, "Okay, huh, huh, then learn to cut vegetables?"

Then, Wu Zeqing walked behind Zhang Wei and looked forward. He grabbed the hand of Zhang Wei holding the kitchen knife from the back, and the other hand also held Zhang Wei’s left hand. "The left hand bends a little and uses the joints. Hold the blade and pay attention to the thumb and you won't cut it. Yes, that's it."

Teaching by hand, Lao Wu is holding Zhang Wei in the back.

Zhang Wei is also very enjoyable. He has never been too lazy to cook. He also feels fun and has a little bit of learning with Lao Wu, and he can take advantage of it from time to time.


After dinner.

The two drank a cup of hot tea.

"Small, go out and sway?" Lao Wu suggested.

Zhang Wei has no words, "Oh."

Lao Wu looked at the sky outside and said: "It is the air."

"Today's smog is big, and both of them wear masks."

"Not at all, nothing."

“As it is, air pollution is serious and it is easy to cause lung cancer and various respiratory diseases.”

“Is it so powerful?”

"You don't know, old Wu?"

"I heard that, but it doesn't seem to be so serious. If the hazard is so big, the news newspapers are frying up early. The news that the so-called haze is harmful is not raised in the past two years? Governance governance, After two years, it should gradually improve."

"Hey, wear a mask anyway."

Zhang Yu was speechless, and he realized that the people of this world have different perceptions of smog and PM2.5, which is completely different from his earth, and the concept of PM2.5 seems to have been newly proposed in the last two years. ? It seems that it is many years later than his world. Everyone has not had a particularly clear understanding of the dangers of smog. Even Lao Wu, the leader who works at the Guangdiankou, is not very clear, let alone other people.

This topic is relatively large. To explain it, it is estimated that three days and three nights will not be finished. Zhang Wei will not say more, just reminding Lao Wu that if PM2.5 is too high, you must remember to wear a mask.


Mom called the phone.

"Why don't you come back?"

"There is something."

"What's the matter? It's eight o'clock."

"Oh, when I’m done, I will go back, don’t say it, Mom, hang up.”

The two men strolled along the gate of Taoranting Park. Lao Wu took a mask, and Zhang Wei was fully armed. He also put on the hat behind the down jacket, and he was not afraid of others recognizing him.

Talk while walking.

Speak and laugh.

Zhang Wei and Wu Zeqing have a leisurely time alone, naturally every second is very cherished, so this walk is from Taoranting to Nanheng Street, from Nanheng Street to the market.

Zhang Yan’s side, “I’m coming to my house, let’s go back.”

Wu Zeqing smiled and held his arm. "Good."

The two turned around and prepared to go back.

But at this moment, not far from the side of the body, I don’t know when I strolled over to a person. Holding a big bag, I just bought something from the diagonally opposite shopping mall. Zhang Hao subconsciously glanced at the light, and the result was The foot slammed and the mouth snorted.


How come out of the big night?

Didn't I still go home with my phone?

The mother also saw the two people walking in front. Others couldn’t recognize Zhang Wei. Can she still recognize it? Moreover, even if you can't see your face, the clothes always know, Zhang Wei's shoes and the down jacket on his body, the mother bought him from the mall.

"Son?" The mother groaned.

Zhang Wei pretended not to hear, and took Lao Wu to go forward. He didn't want his parents to know about Wu Zeqing so early.

Wu Zeqing was also the next foot, and looked at Zhang Wei.

Mom is annoyed at the back, "Little!"

Zhang Wei couldn't hold it anymore, and suddenly turned back, then he looked surprised and said: "Hey, Mom? Why are you here?" From the tens of meters, he did not pass.

The mother stared at the woman next to her son and looked at it. "I came out to buy a sweater. Just calling is just asking you to go home early to help me with the staff of the staff. OK, you are busy with you, remember to go home early!" "When I finished, my mom didn't go up and ask?", I turned around and went home, but the last glance at the time of leaving, I once again smashed the old Wu around Zhang.

Zhang Wei was relieved.

Wu Zeqing’s hand has been taken from his arm and asked: “Is this your mother? Am I not going to say hello?”

"It's okay." Zhang Yanhan said: "When you look back, you really have to talk to them, go quickly."


Vegetable market.

at home.

The mother took the key to open the door and closed the door and entered the house.

Chen Chen played games in the house. Dad watched TV in the living room. When he looked up, he saw an annoyed face. "What happened? Which neighbor did you fight with? Didn't you buy a sweater?"

The mother snorted to the sofa and threw down the newly bought sweater. "Don't mention it. I saw a little squat with the mall door. I was still talking and laughing with a woman. The two still held hands. Called a relative, I called him at the back, and he pretended not to hear!"

Dad wonders: "Wrist hand?"

"That's not it!" Mom said: "It's awful!"

Dad is very happy to say: "Is it a good thing to talk about?" This is a good thing. He is also in his twenties. What happened to the object? Hey, wasn’t you eager to introduce your target to your son?"

Mom's airway: "It's a good thing to talk about the object, but why are you hiding from me? I think there must be something inside."

Dad is busy: "What is the woman's length? How tall is it? How old?"

The mother said: "I can't see my face with a mask. It's quite tall. Her high heels are not very high, but after wearing it, I am afraid that it is taller than Xiaoyan."

"It's a good one! This is good!" Dad was very satisfied. "My family is short, I always think about Xiaoyan looking for a tall one!"

My mom grinned. "It’s tall, and the age is big."

"How big?" Dad gave a glimpse.

Mom shook her head. "I don't know. Look at her dress and temperament. It must be bigger than Xiaoyan."

Dad doesn't care, "I am a big man, and a woman is a big man, as long as her son likes it." </p

"No, come back, I have to ask him, talk about love and don't tell us!" Mom yelled.

About forty minutes later.

As soon as the door opened, Zhang Hao went home.

When Dad saw him, he quietly made a look with his son, and his chin pointed to the sofa.

The old lady said: "What happened? Tell me!"

Zhang Yu is stupid, "What is going on?"

"What happened to the woman!" said the mother. "When did you talk? What did she do? What did the family do?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Hey, do you check your account?"

My mom blinked: "I have to ask clearly, if I don't bump into it today, you still haven't been prepared to tell us?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao, "No, this is not the time to be immature. I want to wait for you to talk to you later. I don't know what attitudes people have at home. If it doesn't work, isn't it a happy day?" Hey, how are you still angry? If you are not satisfied, I will blow back with her, I will find another one." It is true.

Wen Yan, the mother said instead: "You dare! Blow what, blow, don't make a fool, I haven't seen anyone with you, and I brought it back to let us see."

Dad said: "When the child feels that he can bring it back, you don't worry about it."

"I can't worry about my son's lifelong events!" Mom didn't like to listen.

After a few more words, they were all blocked by Zhang Wei.

At this time, the news channel on the TV suddenly broadcast a news. "Yesterday, Wu Zeqing, deputy director of the General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television attended the 16th annual meeting of the Chinese Editorial Society and delivered a speech..."

On the screen shot, there were countless participants, and Wu Zeqing appeared on the rostrum and was smiling and talking.

Mom stayed, "Hey?"

Dad said: "Hey, President Wu has been the deputy director of radio and television. Is this a big official?"

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "Isn't it already been a long time, I remember telling you."

"Don't talk, don't talk!" Mom interrupted.

Dad is speechless, "What are you doing?"

Mom muttered: "How come so familiar?"

Zhang Xiaomei jumped and coughed.

Dad smiled and said: "This is the leader of his son at Peking University. Sometimes he often goes to TV. How many times have you seen it? Can you not be familiar with it?"

“Is it?” Mom fascinated: “This figure is a bit familiar.”

Zhang Wei touched the sweat of his forehead.

Dad looked at his son and said: "Xiao Xiao, do you still have contact with President Wu?"

Zhang Yiqing Qing Zizi, "Yes."

Dad said: "There are many contacts, people are now such a big official, and they are the big leaders who control your entertainment circle. There is no harm in how to climb with others."

"What kind of friendship?" Mom shook his head: "The director Wu is the deputy director of the radio and television. Which TV station does not watch the faces of people? Can people talk to you? You think too much, Xiaoyan is After half a year with Peking University, what is the use of this relationship? It’s not necessary for the director Wu to recognize his son. How long has it been, and that Xiaoxuan was in trouble at Peking University, with thousands of students Together with the foreign guests, how much trouble has been made to Peking University, and they have turned over the sky. The family said that it is not allowed to sue Dr. Wu long ago, but also talk about friendship?"

Dad smiled bitterly, "also."

Zhang Hao listened and rolled his eyes. "What did I offend others?"

"Your troubled temper, I am not surprised if you offend anyone." The mother snorted and said: "I am looking forward to sinning a few people, doing a good job, and then giving me a sensible daughter-in-law. Come back, yes, I can't pass this and my dad can't do it."

Dad interrupted: "As long as Xiao Yan feels OK, I have no opinion."

Mom said: "That's got me too, I can't be satisfied."

Zhang Wei quietly glanced at the figure of Wu Zeqing on the TV. He said to the old couple: "Do not worry, hehe, you will definitely be satisfied when you arrive."

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