I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 820: [They have Zhang Wei, isn't that enough? 】

Monday morning. </>

The phone thrown at the bed was ringing.

Zhang Hao woke up and saw that Yan Tianfei had called.

"Yan total?"

"Xiao Zhang, have you got up?"

"Well, just woke up."

"Do you know Xu Wen?"

Xu Wen always?

When Zhang Yi was familiar with it, he remembered that Wu Zeqing had mentioned it to himself yesterday. It was the family of Tang Dazhang, but he was stupid at this time: "I don't know? Who?"

Yan Tianfei sighed. "It is an honorary vice president of the TV Program Association. It is also one of the main judges of this TV award. I also got the news here. The nomination of "Tip Tip" in the highest documentary award was not Passed by, Vice President Xu blocked, but did not know how to do it, the day the jury passed the nomination of "Tip Tip", and Xu Wen's main judge of this year was removed."

Zhang Yanyan, "Ah?"

"Do you know what is going on?" Yan Tianfei asked.

Zhang Wei continues to play silly. "You don't know, how do I know?"

Yan Tianfei said: "Also, I just don't know who helped us in it. I haven't inquired about it for a long time. I thought you knew it."

Zhang Yu coughed: "I don't know."

From the time of understanding this, Yan Tianfei has been very puzzled, who is helping them? Who is helping the tip of the tongue? I can’t figure out how to think about it. Lao Yan’s own personalities are clear. He is an old comrade in the TV industry. He has a high level of qualifications and a lot of people who know him. But there are not many familiar people, let alone in radio and television. The program association, he is not a few friends in CCTV. Think of Zhang Wei again? I don’t have to ask, this kid’s relationship is worse than himself. Where did he go to offend, the radio and television black-name-single first person, was killed by the local radio and television, and was killed by the General Administration. It is reasonable to say that It is even more impossible for someone to help him?

Who is it?

How is this thing so bizarre! ?

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Hao was also awake, turned over and brushed his teeth and washed his face. And Lao Wu’s business, he didn’t even tell his parents for the time being, of course, he wouldn’t talk to other people. When it’s not in time, this card can’t be easily opened. How boring it is?

"Dad, Mom, I am going to work."

"Eating breakfast."

"Don't eat, the unit eats."


Inside a house in Beijing.

This is Xu Wen’s home. At this time, several relatives and friends came to the house.

Tang Dazhang’s face is not good to look at: “Xu Ge, what happened?”

Tang Dazhang’s wife said: “Brother, why did they withdraw your judges?”

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Xu Wen always said: "This is a strange thing! I don't know who gave me the next!"

Tang Dazhang said with anger: "It's too much!"

Xu Wen did not have a little bit of anger, he was just cold and even scared.

Because he knows that he is a vice president of a television association. He is a person who is so qualified in the circle that he is so old. There is no news at all. He is not aware of any signs. Even afterwards, he has a black eye. After he made a deal with him, he can no doubt affirm that the person who dealt with him is definitely not something he can afford, because he doesn't even know who the person is!

Is that radio and television person?

Is that the most powerful person in the radio and television? ?

Xu Wen did not dare to think about it. He could only be silent, only silence.



With the momentum and provocation of the news media, everyone knows that CCTV and CCTV’s fourteen sets are going to fight for you. The "China on the tip of the tongue" and "The Dance" are divided. The atmosphere inside CCTV is also very strange. The staff of other channels are watching the development of the situation. The Taiwanese leadership seems to be silent as well. The two channels of the event are even more powerful, and they are all riveted!

CCTV set.

Everyone is fighting very well.

"This advertising space must be taken down!" Chen Ye gave a death order!

"Chen Gui, they said they have sold to "Tip Tips."" The man smiled.

Chen Ye hardly said: "I don't care what to do, I have to do it today!"

"That... then I force." The man smacked his head.

Xu Yipeng over there: "The first phase of the broadcast audience gave a lot of opinions, some can be ignored, but many are worth studying. Lao Chen, Lao He, let's open a study, the second film I have to re-edit it, take out the shortcomings, and learn the lessons. I need the second-stage ratings to go one step higher than the first one! Let everyone have nothing to say!"


"Good Xu guide."

In the past, they never used a documentary as an opponent. They didn’t put "The Tip of the Tongue" in their eyes, but now they have to face Zhang Wei’s anti-day skills. They also have to put Zhang Wei and his documentary in one. The position of the same competition, and the position of the biggest enemy, the arrogant and arrogant "Dancing Dance" column group is obviously terrible, they have the largest platform in the industry - CCTV Channel 1, they have the industry's first-line team and most Excellent directors, they even have huge production funds to support, there are three big stars of Huo Dongfang Fan Wenli Wen Lili, once they pay attention to their opponents, once they start to face the enemy, this power is undoubtedly huge!


They won't lose!

They also have no reason to lose!

Because they are a set of CCTV!

Because they are the first variety show in the industry!


CCTV Channel 14.

Everyone is also fighting high spirits!

"Is the advertising space that I talked about yesterday taken down?"

"Hadao, I had to sign a contract, but now there is no movement!"

"what happened?"

"I don't know... ah, I replied there, and I am talking about them."

"What? Can't fall in their hands and continue to talk! This advertising space is very important. We must ensure that this week is in the hands of our "tips"! No discussion!"

"Good! Guaranteed to win!"

"The CCTV set has no money for a long time. The advertising fee of "two hundred million" has been put into the production of the program. The advertising fee has just come down! All the money is in our own hands! I want to compete with us for advertising. Dreaming! We are now the entire CCTV... No, it is the richest group in the entire domestic TV station!"

At this moment, Zhang Zuoqiqiqi is also very confident. They are not the same as the cuddling of "The Dance". They don't have the most influential broadcast platform in the industry. They don't have the big names to join, even the production of this "tip". There are only 10 million in the district - one half of which is spent on the cost of living expenses such as food and clothing when shooting, and the actual production costs are less, but...

They have Zhang Hao!

Is this not enough? ?

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